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[SPOILER] No.5234963[SPOILER]  [DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I just finished reading this book am I the only one who thinks that sterilizing some of the world's population is a super legit idea to solve over population?

>> No.5234968

Yes, let's start with the people who read or buy Dan Brown books.

>> No.5234972
File: 22 KB, 228x263, daisy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying sterilization will stop muslim women from shitting out half a dozen future martyrs

goop mem

>> No.5234978

The idea of sterilizing people lost a lot of traction in the aftermath of WWII, since the big-bad-baddies of the skirmish were gung-ho about it.

Some have even theorized that the Nazis sterilizing the retarded, blind, depressed, and alcoholic was stepping stone for them to get to the mass extermination of people.

What makes you so sure your parents wouldn't have been sterilized, by the way?

>> No.5234980

>solve overpopulation

You make it sound like this is a genuine issue and not something that will go away quickly as the world completes industrialisation and education levels rise.

>> No.5234993

I just finished listening to the book on tape. I really liked it and found it very engrossing. My one complaint is that all of the escapes that Langdon and Sienna kind of miraculously found their way out of too many extraordinary situation, but I liked all of the history and real life that got tied into it. I think Dan Brown is a very talented writer.

>> No.5234996

First we need to get rid of Catholics trying to get rid of contraception. That should be the first step.

>> No.5235010

Hardly any Catholics even take that shit seriously any more.

>> No.5235016

>I think Dan Brown is a very talented writer.

Please be trolling.

>> No.5235018


They do where it's still relevant, which is Africa and South America.

>> No.5235023


>completes industrialization
>implying this won't make overpopulation even worse than it is now

Agriculture has a limit. The planet has a maximum capacity. We can't support this many people. That's why there is a huge developing world that will never actually develop.

If we don't start curtailing our numbers, nature, that is to say famine, illness and war, will do it for us.

>> No.5235026

>South America.

lol no

>> No.5235076

I hope this does happen. I don't want to live the rest of my life feeling like I could have had a lot to look forward to if I lived a lot longer. I want to feel like we were all fucked anyways and I made it out just in time in the golden age of humanity before it's downfall.

>> No.5235082

>implying you could write a book like Inferno.

Tell me a better story, I really want to read it. I don't get around to reading very many books and if you tell me one that sounds interesting I will be happy to check it out.

>> No.5235093

Industrialisation won't make it worse. Look at how birth rates in Asia have fallen (even outside of China with its population control policies). India is the only major Asian country bucking the trend and even then its the agricultural villages that are the problem not the industrialised cities.

Human population will peak and stabilise well before we become incapable of feeding everyone.

>> No.5235116

South American fertility rates are barely above replacement level and falling.

In Africa the issue is too widespread to attribute to Catholicism.

>> No.5235161

>Some have even theorized that the Nazis sterilizing the retarded, blind, depressed, and alcoholic was stepping stone for them to get to the mass extermination of people.
what do you mean theorised? this is fact

>> No.5235397

It's only a problem that exists in especially shitty third world countries like India and a lot of African countries.

It's also a problem that will solve itself as the countries grow and fester with disease, famine, war, and crime.

>> No.5235418



>> No.5235426

Why do people worry so much about overpopulation? Genuine overpopulation would take care of itself.

>> No.5235449


Thus spake Malthus. But it would be less painful for the masses (and oursleves) if we actually took care of it in advance.

>> No.5235466

It's a good excuse to act like an authoritarian.

>> No.5235487 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 470x706, 1407097056203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is overpopulation isn't a problem. Humanity wouldn't die if we just let it happen.

But if we didn't take steps to prevent it, it would be extremely painful

>> No.5235491


Yes, pretty much. Although there *is* a small chance that humanity would also go extinct.

>> No.5235507

Immigrants can come into the west all they want, we just have to sterilize them

>> No.5235518

We'll have to start with people who browse 4chan. They don't contribute anything to humanity; they just take up resources.

>> No.5235569

I fully agree.

Eugenics is the way to go

>> No.5235722

God, you guys are fucking stupid.

>> No.5235765

am I the only one who thinks that sterilizing some of the world's population is a super legit idea to solve over population?

It really bothers me when people say things like this. It sounds so pretentious to me. I mean say whatever you want but I think that all humans have a right to life. If anybody has the right to take that away, it's the parents, and they should only be allowed to decide that if the child will have no quality of life.

>> No.5236222
File: 14 KB, 214x233, hp sadcraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the RIGHT number of people? i mean if u think the world is overpopulated then we must have found the correct number, and crossed it right? People who say the world is overpopulated are so fucking stupid it hurts me. every year since the beginning of the human race there has been more people on this planet than the year before. Nobody actually knows what the carrying capacity of Earth is because that number has never been reached before. and DON'T say "hurr durr theres starvin childrns in afrika!" because that has nothing to do with overpopulation. Starvation is going on in Africa because of lack of a stable government, they actually have an abundance of resources. Also, people have been starving to death since the beginning of humanity. that doesn't mean its because of overpopulation.
>im drunk but everything i said made sense in my head

>> No.5236249

b-but I have a job and I produce art in my spare time

>> No.5236315

>what is the RIGHT number of people?

>> No.5236475

i read "The Word", in prison. and i still didn't finish that garbage.

>> No.5237335

Go back to reddit.

>> No.5237358

Why are people so obsessed with keeping the Earth as it is?

The Earth has been covered in volcanoes and water and dinosaurs and super-continents over billions of years, yet we act like this relative blip in the lifespan of the planet is the 'correct' one.

Squirrels and roses and the Himilayas and human civilization are nothing. Everything will be destroyed in time. Our reality will be lucky to exist as a fossil or a water sample in a rock billions of years from now.

If we breed, we breed. If we dig, we dig. If we pollute, we pollute. What is it that we are trying to protect? A planet in a universe that can and will destroy everything you understand a million times over on a whim.

>> No.5237368


>> No.5237373


Gays are already doing that.


Is the statistic about 99% of Catholic women using birth control accurate?

>> No.5238352

>Tell me a better story, I really want to read it.
Kneejerk you-make-it-better answer. Hilarious.

>> No.5239055

>not just creating a gay bomb