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5234136 No.5234136[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books on buddhism would you recommend?

>> No.5234140

My sister has been reading the "Art of Happiness". Seems pretty interesting, being an interview with the Dalai Lama, but maybe not the best place to start if you are completely oblivious to what Buddhism really is.

>> No.5234144

Buddhism rejects books and reading. Accoring to buddha you should stay illiterate and never learn how to read, because books are evil material possessions and intellectualism strengthens the evil illusion of the self. A good buddhist burns books, stops other people from reading and praises laziness. In buddhist belief only being a NEET will lead to enlightenment. Ironically this belief was invented by a man who never had to worry about poverty because he was born a spoiled rich kid.

>> No.5234159

Siddharta Gautama by Hermann Hesse

>> No.5234779

Zen in the Art of Archery.

>> No.5234795
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this one if you're American

great take on the whole Buddhist thingie

it's very good

>> No.5234859

A good example, but it's critical of Buddhism as well.

>> No.5234878

probably my favourite interpretation of Buddhism

I hope you are the same guy that says this in every thread on Buddhism

>> No.5234889

Introduction to Buddhism by Rupert Gethin
What the Buddha Taught by Walpola Rahula
In the Buddha's Words by Bhikkhu Bodhi
The Essence of the Heart Sutra by the Dali Lama
The Zen Teachings of Bodhidharma
Shinran's Gospel of Pure Grace

>> No.5234897

That's a moronic interpretation of Buddhism that stems from a total lack of understanding of it.

It would be like saying Christianity is about worshiping a Jewish zombie demigod while drinking wine and eating crackers.