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/lit/ - Literature

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5233503 No.5233503 [Reply] [Original]

What's the absolute worst literary gift you have received?

I got a Danish translated Atlas Shrugged (Og Verden Skælvede) for my 20th birthday. My parents even had access to a wishlist of mine consisting of over 100 books. They wanted to "surprise" me, they said.

Two years later and I haven't even opened it. It's a double-whammy of crap.


>> No.5233516
File: 14 KB, 223x331, I_am_ozzy_book_cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once received Ozzy Osbournes latest cash-grab because they knew that I "liked books".

It was translated into Swedish. It's not like I was going to read it anyway.

>> No.5233532

I can't be ungrateful to gifts. I'd feel like I'm betraying someone if in my mind I thought about gifts I didn't really enjoy or ranked them.

>> No.5233535


waste of paper

>> No.5233538


lying to yourself is worse

>> No.5233546

You don't say. It's also a waste of space on my shelves. I don't know what to do with it.

>> No.5233554

Hahahaha it's even the version that's sponsored by the right wing faggots at Saxo Bank.

Fellow Denmark fag here. Seriost, smid lortet ud.

>> No.5233556


That's actually a really good biography.

>> No.5233561

It is? Well, I'm not reading it in Swedish. Maybe I'll pick it up in English.

>> No.5233563

Min soster arbejder i Saxo Bank. Det var hendes idé at give mig bogen.

>> No.5233572

lol det har min soster også gjort i et par måneder. No joke. Hun er IT-et-eller-andet-ansvarlig for et eller andet.

Har din soster læst bogen? Min har ikke, men tror "lidt på det", som hun sagde...

>> No.5233586

Jeg skifter sgu lige til engelsk så alle kan være med.

My sister has never read it (even though she believes 100% in the teachings of Ayn Rand). She has only studied the ideologies of it in school. She only reads Young Adult and genre fiction of the lowest sort. She was a massive Twilight and Harry Potter fangirl. She is currently reading some fantasy book about warrior cats or something.

She wants to be a hedge fund manager.

>> No.5233595

Nothing, the ones who do give me gifts are my close friends because I only keep a small circle and they pretty well know what we all like in books, clothes and other things.

My best christmas gift was from last year: 2666 by RB.

>> No.5233608

That's pretty cool.

>> No.5233628

OK, fint nok.

That sounds pretty much like my sister with the exception of the YA and genre fiction - I don't think she reads at all.

At least she doesn't pretend to know or adhere to an ideology she hasn't read anything about though. She hasn't read Ayn Rand, she just believes in personal initiative, self reliance, just about any buzz word your average right wing voter could throw at you, she's all for it.

>> No.5233654

I am a right wing voter. I am for personal initiative and self reliance. Things that you oppose are not buzzwords. Can't you rely on yourself? Must everything be done for you by others? Altruism is good to a certain degree, but we have gone too far in Denmark and we are running out of other people's money.

Danmark er på grænsen til at være en socialistisk stat. Og det er noget lort.

>> No.5233661

I'm fine with right wing voters, I just expect them to argue for their position same way I expect left wing voters to. When left wing voters preach equally vacuous buzz words like the common good, sharing and caring, etc., I am equally suspicious of that. I have nothing against anyone voting to the right of the middle as long as they know why they do it. I was simply pointing out that my sister doesn't always know.

>> No.5233667

Alright, but from your previous posts, it seemed you were heavily anti-right.

>> No.5233675
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I appreciated the thought, though.

>> No.5233685

Maybe so. I'm just anti extreme right, as I'm anti extreme left. Ayn Rand and the people who believe in it would be extreme and retarded right in my opinion.

I agree with you that the altruistic aspects of Danish society have gotten out of hand. We are, however, very, very far from a socialist state, both historically and ideologically. I usually vote to the left of the middle myself. (Hvad der basalt set efterlader mig uden noget reelt valg, eftersom en moderat venstrefloj er stort set ikke-eksisterende som det ser ud nu. Der findes kun én stor hojrefloj og så en rabiat venstrefloj.)

>> No.5233687

One of the Dune books by Brian Herbert. I haven't even read the original.

>> No.5233692

Jeg stemmer liberal alliance. Men det er snart ligemeget da jeg forhåbentlig flytter til Schweiz om et par måneder.

Det eneste jeg kommer til at savne er Mikkeller...

>> No.5233694

top kekking shit

That's not too bad.

>> No.5233711

Sidst stemte jeg Radikale, partiet begge floje elsker at hade... Jeg aner ikke hvad jeg stemmer næste gang, vores politiske landskab er fucked imo.

Flytter du permanent? Jeg skal til Tyskland om et par måneder for at studere, bliver nice at komme væk.

>> No.5233716

just anything by unknown autors that have a nice title. I'll never read this, there are thousands of already certified good books out there!

>> No.5233720

Jeg håber at det er permenent. Hvis alt går vel, så behover jeg aldrig at skulle arbejde i Danmark igen.

>> No.5233725

Nice. Tillykke. Mikkeller er da et meget godt sted, men måske lidt trist det er det eneste du kommer til at savne. Kan næsten gætte mig til du så også er på Vesterbro

>> No.5233730

Nej, jeg bor på ude på landet mellem Ringsted og Koge. Og det er ikke baren jeg kommer til at saven, men ollet.

Måske kan jeg bestille fra deres webshop til levering i Schweiz....

>> No.5233751
File: 35 KB, 308x500, borges-ficciones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

De må da have fantastisk ol i Schweiz også, og hvis ikke så har de vel masser af det gode tyske.

Men al held til dig både fremover og i Schweiz. Jeg skal se og hoppe af /lit/ i dag og rent faktisk se at få læst noget... Læser pic related færdig og derefter Catch-22, som jeg aldrig har fået læst.

Sorry to mods for so much Danish.

>> No.5233766

Tak for samtalen. Catch-22 burde have været 300 sider kortere. Den er god, men den er overlang.

Der findes ikke noget godt tysk eller schweizisk oel desværre.

Sorry mods.

>> No.5234619

My grandparents bought me the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy for my 20th birthday.

That's well over 1500 pages of horseshit.

That would be my pick for the worst gift I've ever received.

>> No.5234637

I wonder why so much translators keep the original title of Ficciones. It's not like that word is untranslatable from Spanish.

Spanish speaker here

>> No.5234697

I guess the worst literary gift I've received would be the only

In high school I received a "book award" from Columbia University. It was the Columbia History of Western Philosophy. While I've always wanted to finish it I just read the pre-ionian philosophers and get bored. I guess philosophy just doesn't interest me...

The book looks fuckin' rad though

>> No.5234732

I got Perks of Being a Wallflower yesterday. I'll probably read it when college starts back up and I just want to read something mindless.

>> No.5235575
File: 36 KB, 292x475, stephen-king-on-writing[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stephen King On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

I could barely contain my laughter.

>Stephen King

>> No.5235636

>tfw I just read this and it was pretty alright

>> No.5235645

Well maybe I should dig down and pull it out of the trash and give it a go then.

>> No.5235661

>Has not read the book
>Still calls it crap

Welcome to /lit/

>> No.5235665

Stephen King is one of the most dedicated writers out there, his books are really good if you want to learn how to write.

>> No.5235666

I don't state anywhere that I haven't already read the original version.

It's crap.

>> No.5235693

If you want to learn how to right inane bullshit maybe.

>> No.5235697


Maybe you should read about writing.

>> No.5235705

>If you want to learn how to right inane bullshit maybe.


>> No.5235709

>Welcome to /lit/

Oh come now, you don't expect him to look at the book objectively do you? Why do that when he can have someone else make up his mind for him.

>> No.5235715

>defending something for the sake of defending something

>> No.5235717

>My parents even had access to a wishlist of mine consisting of over 100 books. They wanted to "surprise" me, they said.
i fucking hate this shit. i literally have a giant list of things that i am interested in. even if you want to surprise me, at least extrapolate something similar from it

my sister got me a random harry potter a few years back when i just wasn't into it at all and was burning through dostoyevsky and all that

>> No.5235719

I was in advanced English in the last year of high scool and the teacher gave us all a copy of Divergent and The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer.

I threw them out both not long after starting them.

>> No.5235727

Stephanie Meyer just might be the worst mainstream writer of our time.

Everything she does is just rubbish.

>> No.5235728

Freudian slip. I was just mentally overwhelmed with how right I was.

>> No.5235731

What about Dan Brown? He's passing as an intellectual with his "art books" and all.

>> No.5235733

At least he has mild skill in using suspense techniques.

Stephanie Meyer has nothing of merit.

>> No.5235736

maybe you're just 2pleb4them faggot

>> No.5235739

I have never read that Dan Brown Books were called art books. They´re just mainstream entertainment, and they are also generally perceived as that.

>> No.5235887
File: 571 KB, 2000x2000, oliverbowden-assassinscreed5bks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these, honestly can't remember which one. To be fair my mum didn't know it was based on a video game.

>> No.5235891
File: 67 KB, 379x576, fever crumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this from my mom for last Christmas.
I'm 27 mom. I didn't invite you over to my place to meet my fiance, have dinner, and spend Christmas together so I can be gifted a voided library copy of some YA shit.

>> No.5235920

It totally didn't. You're insecure in yourself and your beliefs if you're so fast to attack.

>> No.5235931


The Fever Crumb stuff isn't as good as the Mortal Engines quartet, but it's not bad. Then again, that makes for a shit Christmas gift.

>> No.5236170

>christmas is about the presents

you got what you deserved

>> No.5236243

SO fucking edgy

>> No.5236258

I feel the same. On Christmas or any small get-togethers, if someone gets me a gift, I act delighted no matter what. To give is such an intimate act of the heart that I'd feel horrible criticising it.

>> No.5236265

I don't think you know what edgy means.

>> No.5236286

it means you have a dumb opinion

>> No.5236304

I had a coworker who once refereed to Dan Brown as his "favorite artist" in a conversation.

>> No.5236317


Somebody gave me the first Harry Potter book. 100 or so pages later it was in the garbage. Another person gave me a Bill Oreilly book. I just sort of didn't do anything at all with it. Don't know what happened to it.

>> No.5236325

>One of the Dune books by Brian Herbert. I haven't even read the original.

Do not judge the father by the excretions of his son. There is no comparison.

>> No.5236346

I got How to Be Richer, Smarter, and Better-Looking than your parents by some interchangeable white frat boy from my grandparents. It was a thoughtful gift, but the book was easily the stupidest thing I've ever read. He regurgitates Dave Ramsey and writes obvious truisms like save your money and keep a budget, while utilizing the incredibly retarded investing advice of "park it in a mutual fund and don't look at it for 30 years", which is fine for the braying masses of the financially illiterate but not good for anyone who wants respectable return rates or control of their own money.

I still thank my grandparents for the gift though. I'm never ungrateful for gifts.

>> No.5236387

it's really bad

>> No.5236397

Agreed. My advice after having read The Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Fuck-up is never trust something published by MTV books.

>> No.5236408

Assassin's Creed is a good videogame series, too bad the novelizations are shit.

>> No.5236415

>Assassin's Creed is a good videogame series
yeah I like it when you're surrounded by enemies who make no attempt to attack you until you attack them

>> No.5236417
File: 106 KB, 243x365, 1352015590[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my friends knew I like comics/graphic novels, so he got me this book for my birthday


I hardly ever read Marvel and I can honestly say I've never opened it

still tho, it's the thought that counts, right

>> No.5236436

>it sucks cause its not infinite jest

>> No.5236452

No, it sucks because it's a silly anti-drug propaganda story that doubles as a vehicle for shilling 80s alt rock.

>> No.5236485
File: 14 KB, 223x335, article-1292418046158-0c7e7be3000005dc-515826_223x335[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a truly fascinating insight into the mind of the man who says "you're fired" every now and again

>> No.5236508

If I got anything at all from Perks of Being a Wallflower

It's how sexy its paper felt

I really really wish I knew what it was so I can have it for my book

>> No.5236529

>anti-drug propaganda

not in the slightest

>> No.5236576

>80s alt rock

Did we even have that in the 80s?

>> No.5236591

Haha I don't much about Sweden but you sound exactly like one the girls in Fucking Amal. Condescending.

>> No.5236594

>dur if I smoke pot and do acid I go into a fugue state and hallucinate forever don't do drugs kids!

Seriously, that's the message it's trying to sell. Everything else is just window dressing.

>> No.5236597

I don't know what you want to call it, but if he mentioned the Smiths any more than he did, Morrissey and Marr would owe him a check.

>> No.5236627

my aunt gave me that steve jobs biography for christmas, assuming, i suppose, that because i'm on the computer a lot i give a shit about him, his legacy, or any of his little gadgets, none of which i own.

i also got a copy of the canterbury tales, which i asked for, but it turned out it was entirely in old english, rather than the side-by-side translation that i'd hoped. that was my own fault, though. and perhaps one day i'll be able to get through it.

>> No.5236634

You havent read anything by John Ajvide Lindqvist have you?

Every god damn book has morrissey/the smiths references. In his book Harbour two characters ONLY speak in Morrissey lyrics. The dude is incredibly obsessed. with that northern cunt.

>> No.5236655
File: 22 KB, 633x758, 1406155642300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a huge wrapped book last Christmas from my parents and I tore it open excited about what it might be -- 1001 Books you Must Read Before You Die. Oh. Thanks Mom and Dad..

Before returning home from my parents I went to the local book store to pick up some stuff from the boxing day sale. Soon as you step foot in the door '1001 Books you Must Read Before You Die' is sitting on the "Gifts" shelf beside the chocolates and teddy bears. Sounds like they went to the bookstore and didn't feel like looking beyond the front door.

>> No.5236697

I always get books I can't even read. When I was 16, my uncle gave me a comment on C. Baudelaire in Italian (he didn't open it, it was just written "Charles Baudelaire" on the cover so I guess he assumed it was in our tongue) and last Christmas, as I spent few years studying Japanese, my parents got me a book in fucking Chinese. I even had to fake reading it loudly.

>> No.5236704
File: 76 KB, 345x383, 1377630632833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and last Christmas, as I spent few years studying Japanese, my parents got me a book in fucking Chinese. I even had to fake reading it loudly.

holy fuck /lit/ is funny this afternoon
I can't stop laughing

>> No.5236708

> I spent few years studying Japanese, my parents got me a book in fucking Chinese. I even had to fake reading it loudly.

Jesus, that's brilliant.

>> No.5236721
File: 43 KB, 500x552, 1391141455165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I even had to fake reading it loudly.

>> No.5236726

He's posting on 4chan dude, do you really think he has the ability to confront anything?

>> No.5236736


They were smiling and looking at me with stares in their eyes. They were fucking proud, I just could not tell them. Sometimes it's better to pretend and forget.

>> No.5236752

Sometimes I don't want to confront issues with my parents because if I correct them on something I'd feel like I'm undermining them for some reason.

Like a couple days ago my mother kept insisting (coincidentally on a similar topic) that sushi was a chinese cuisine.

>> No.5236773

>Read it out loud for us anon!
>Uhh .. alright .. ahem ... In all one's lifetime it is oneself that one spends the most time being with or dealing with-
>No, not in English, your aunt wants to hear the funny gookspeak we've been telling her about
> ... ...alright ... uhh ... domo arigato toshiro mifune

>> No.5236782

I know that feel. They also frequently mimic Japanese by saying "Ching Chong" or think Vietnamese is written with Chinese-like characters. I just... I just don't correct them anymore.

>> No.5236802

Admittedly they do all just say Ching Chong, so I can understand that misconception.

>> No.5236825

chinese weaboo bro that is fuckin funny don't even feel ashamed that's a story right there

I now know that if anyone asked me to do something like that Id just read out the lyrics for Cruel Angel's Thesis

>> No.5236837

It always makes me feel awful to disappoint people when they're like that, but having to lie is so exhausting and uncomfortable I don't think it's worth it.

>> No.5236842

I dont I correct them right away
I just try not to be mean about it

To me it's way more awkward if people say something wrong and everyone is like oh yeah sure because everyone wants to be nice

It's like no let's rip this bandaid off right here and now and get over it

>> No.5236873

It lasts like eight minutes, I won't get PTSD from it.

>> No.5236881

Might be a cash grab anon but he's had a pretty interesting life.

>> No.5236896

Du har satme ikke meget selvtillid.

>> No.5236906

I don't know if it's laziness or just that it feels too submissive, but I just can't do it. I mean if someone gives me a gift that I have no interest in, I'll feign excitement; I don't want to hurt their feelings and I always do appreciate the thought. But I'm not going to jump through fucking hoops to keep people satisfied.

>> No.5237138

What don't you edgelords like about King anyawy?

>> No.5237180

Pretty sure the message is was selling was, sexual assault is bad.

>> No.5237601
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>> No.5237687

The first part of the borrible trilogy. Never finished it. RIP dear aunt that at least tried.

Get rekt!

>> No.5238951

His writing is not very compelling.

>> No.5239638
File: 63 KB, 360x452, le_disgusted_hobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A collection of Tom Clancy books, five or six in total. Went straight to the charity shop with them.

>> No.5239685

>right wing
Please do not lump the good right with those faggots.

>> No.5239742

My father loves Tom Clancy and often tells me about the awesome things that happen in the books.

I always try to smile and nod and not call him a pleb for liking drivel.

>> No.5239896


Atlas Shrugged a fucking good book you illiterates.

>> No.5239908

>this guy

>> No.5239959

my girlfriend when i was like 10 bought me a book. i already had it and told her this, so she said she would get me another one. i already had that one too. the third time i just took it even though i had it already. i couldnt do it again to her.

yes, this is worse than all the random shite my family have bought me over the years. awful fantasy books, historical action things, christ, so many bad books.

>> No.5240008

i disagree. sometimes you just know that someone bought you something because they want you to thank them instead of wanting to give them something.

my gf will always buy every discount book that is large and hardcover because it looks expensive but i know it never cost more than 5 bucks max. then she'll all happy give me "complete history of classical spanish guitars" or something because she once heard me mention i considered buying a guitar when i was 14

sometimes people are dicks by buying you stupid gifts and you know it

>> No.5241124

the Eragon books

>> No.5241188

>Do not judge the father by the excretions of his son.
fuck why am I laughing so hard at this?

>> No.5241213

Surprisingly many get these book for christmas

>> No.5241220

That looks good, I'd read it.

>> No.5241479

I love that movie.

>> No.5241488

that's so fucking awkward, holy shit

>> No.5241519

My aunt bought me a biography of Bob Dylan.

I hate Bob Dylan.

>> No.5241531

I hate you.

>> No.5241585

that doesn't look just super uninteresting or anything.

>> No.5241595

>I hate good things

you're going to fit in nicely here at /lit/

>> No.5241608

When my parents divorced and my dad left he left two huge Tom Clancy books that my mom was gonna get rid of.
I kept them because I was six and sad.
I've never read them but they make me nostalgic whenever I look at them so I keep them and they've reminded me to call my dad quite a few times.

I don't know why I just typed that but I did so I'm posting ti.

>> No.5241614
File: 50 KB, 245x282, 1394924572812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you suck so much

>> No.5241626

The whole book boils down to
>here's a bunch of interesting stuff that happened to me in my life
>you should try to have interesting shit happen to you too
>and remember the associated feelings
>also, write a hell of a lot
>also, read a hell of a lot
Just like every single other "How to Write" book which isn't a style guide.

>> No.5241640

It's about how Marvel and DC in the forties conspired to form a censorship committee called the CCA to kill EC Comics and set the art form fifty years behind in America, and about how they raped the fuck out of their creators.

>> No.5241646

ur a fukkin twat

>> No.5241659

Some guy handed me a intro to the bible book today. I said thanks, dropped it on the ground and walked off.

>> No.5241672


double doubles and I sympathize

>> No.5241679

Whenever old guys had out their little bibles I always take a couple to make them feel better. They get a lot of abuse and I think a smile and a bit of acceptance goes a long way.

>> No.5241682

All these edgy pretentious teenagers that criticize every famous author only because they want to be different are really bringing down /lit/'s value.

>> No.5242002

Bob Dylan is the most overrated singer songwriter of all time.

I'd literally put John Frusciante ahead of him, at least he has a good singing voice.

>> No.5242025

bob dylan changed pop music single handedly

without him you wouldnt have any of the music you listen to today

>> No.5242038

That's a lie all the music I listen to exists because of The Grateful Dead. You faggot.

>> No.5242054

*drops fedora*

>> No.5242067

amen brother
this le 4dick culture is a cancer

>> No.5243002

They had no idea what it was about. They just knew it was a bestseller.

I'm not even a grill.

>> No.5244550
File: 60 KB, 550x772, Nicole-Scherzinger4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image boils down to
>a beautiful woman is wearing latex gloves, a latex corset and fishnets

>> No.5244566

>not reading atlas shrugged

what a commie basterd

>> No.5244591

That book's great, give it a chance. It's about the company and creators, not the characters.

>> No.5244612
File: 66 KB, 800x600, webcam-toy-photo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone want to read this shit?

>> No.5244656

It's in fucking Danish.

>> No.5244658
File: 143 KB, 1024x683, 1406429905427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what a commie basterd

Welcome to /lit/

>> No.5244669

I assume the OP is Danish?

>> No.5244681

Yes I am. I don't read literature translated from English. I am fluent in English and my mother language isn't a very beautiful or articulate one.

>> No.5244700
File: 16 KB, 296x333, 1356912407933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confusing right-wing with conservative values
>not for faggots

>> No.5244703

What's so wrong with translations?

As a non-English speaker I read most books in my native language and most of them was as good experience as when I read it in English, I only read English books when the translated version isn't available.

>> No.5244712

I can't even....

All of the authors original prose and language structure gets downgraded. I couldn't imagine reading Blood Meridian or Mason & Dixon translated into Danish. Which language are you reading in?

I will always read an authors work in the original language if possible.

>> No.5244719

Is that guy for real? He looks like he should be in a comedy about an obnoxious commie teenager.

>> No.5244796

Indonesian, and I get as much experience from books as when I read the English version. Well, I'm cheap too and the Indonesian version of most books that available are much cheaper.

>> No.5244812

You would read Faulkner and McCarthy in Indonesian?

>> No.5244842

thats what you get for playing fps video games

>> No.5244850

Getting a pen with my name on it
It wasn't even spelled correctly

I still have it as future reference for things not to get me

>> No.5246853

i wish i got a book as a gift
all i get are watches and wallets
watch battery lasts like ten years so i wont need another one for ten years why do you keep buying them mom?

>> No.5246878
File: 202 KB, 600x600, 063e81cf2a64e388ad0897626511a1d6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody give gift to you

>> No.5246909
File: 22 KB, 400x418, sad-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5246915

My dad got me Francis Fukuyama's Origins of Political Order or something last Christmas.

I do not give a fuck about that hack.

>> No.5246940

Weird, I got it for last Christmas as well. It's pretty good, he's definitely grown since End of History

>> No.5247450

if you have any interest in recent political philosophy I guess it's worth a read, just to give you the context of academics in the field. I agree he's a hack though