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File: 36 KB, 328x505, gravitys-rainbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5232022 No.5232022 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for, /lit/? This book has been praised a lot.

Did you enjoy it?

Also when I picked this up today at Barnes and Noble, I saw a "Staff Recommendation." This recommendation was a children's book titled The Faggiest Vampire. What the fuck.

Anyway, back to Pynchon.

>> No.5232026

that cover is so faggot it is besrerk

>> No.5232043

It's serious literature that isn't pretentious so that's nice.

>> No.5232048

It's a great book. It's not immediately apparent but it's about da 'luminati, which I really like. The Faggiest Vampire is not really a children's book, it's bizarro literature by some hack.

>> No.5232054

Is about a fucking hippie that uses a bandana.

>> No.5232063

Get off this board faggot.

>> No.5232113

GR is the most difficult thing I've ever read (halfway through). After a few weeks of exclusively reading GR, I read a prolix contemporary philosophy essay and some chapters from a real analysis book, and was shocked by how relatively clear and straight-forward those were in comparison to GR. And Delillo? He reads like Dr. Seuss. In fact, GR is so difficult for me that I have not read any of it in several weeks now, but will likely resume it shortly.

>> No.5232136

Gravity's Rainbow took my about 7 weeks and I read three other novels during it. I've seen people on here say they read hundreds of pages in a week and didn't like the book. I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it either like that.

>> No.5232204

i liked it overall, some sections more than others
i felt like it was packed so full of meaning that using a readers companion would have helped significantly

>> No.5232209

same with me i read it over probably 7-8 weeks as well, i just remember it was like half the damn summer, but i loved it, amazing book. if you're just rushing through it to say you read it just crack the spine, skim wikipedia and say you read it. if you actually want to read it for yourself take your time.

>> No.5232312

That should be a project for a reread, not the first time around.

I remember being shocked by how much in that book is actually true when finding out about it much later. I didn't know much about IG Farben and british tactical response to V2 attacks when I first read it, but GR is based on a lot of stuff that actually went down. A lot of it obviously didn't happen, but still.

I also like how more people died constructing and deploying V2 rockets in Germany than were killed by them in London. That fits so well with Pynchon's use of entropy in fiction.

>> No.5232329

>tfw when it took you 8 or 9 months to read GR

i enjoyed it and all but dear god i should have started with some easier other pinecone first

>> No.5233094
File: 1.21 MB, 1216x3156, pynchon guide proto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5233651

Where's Wally is perfect for Lot 49 though

>> No.5234039

The Harper Perennial in the top is a really good version, so I can't understand why you would rather have the Where's Waldo one.

>> No.5234069

The book is very deliberately meandering and hard to follow in it's presentation.

The themes of the book are mostly concentrated in the structural aspects of the writing, rather than in the dialogue or exposition where you would typically expect them to be. So unless you're willing to keep analyzing it from a sort of meta-perspective, you'll often feel like you're reading a bunch of pointless shit.

It's a fascinating book if you are patient, just don't expect it to be a very fun read.

>> No.5235746
File: 333 KB, 1584x761, lepineconeface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often see this posted but I don't get it.

Could someone elaborate?

>> No.5235779

Fuck all your covers, I bought this one off ebay.

>> No.5235784
File: 55 KB, 566x859, picador75[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, forgot my image

>> No.5235904

I like how of all the scenes and sections of the novel, they chose that one.

>> No.5235985

Instead of presenting one "revelation" about our common life, it creates a multilayered conspiracy that might or might not be.

>> No.5236063

OP here. I got the Penguin copy that says it has mistakes. It was the only copy at B&N.


>> No.5236122

Pace yourself. If you read 100 pages a day dedicate only 30 to GR. Try reading something easier alongside with it. As with other complex novels, expect to read it two or three times to fully understand and appreciate it

>> No.5236133


Will you fucking stop with shit? It sucks, it's experimental drivel written on LSD, Pynchon himself doesn't know what he meant. It's just random drivel.

Move the fuck on, read real books.

>> No.5236136

I also found an original cover off amazon.

>> No.5236251

Take your ignorance somewhere else you illiterate faggot.

>> No.5236269


Strip poker with Paul McCartney

>> No.5236645

how pretentious/10 would be a W.A.S.T.E. muted posthorn tattoo?