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5231643 No.5231643[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm pretty irreligious, but does this book offer anything novel? I am aware hitchens is based, but I can't be arsed to read something that is a redundant rehash /echo chamber of my views

>> No.5231652

>does this book offer anything novel?
>I am aware hitchens is based
You were misinformed.
>I can't be arsed to read something that is a redundant rehash /echo chamber of my views
Then read the Bible or something for fuck's sake.

>> No.5231662

Tips menorah

>> No.5231683

No. I would advise reading actual philosophy books. Hitchens and Dawkins, along with Krauss, have few intelligent points and really attack what they have defined as "religion".

>inb4 guessing I am religious

>> No.5231701

>already irreligious
>doesn't want to read echo chamber of own views
>asking about an obvious echo chamber of own views
>gets told it is what it is
>acts like a dumb little shit in response

If you don't care for religion and want your views challenged, read some religious texts. If you want someone to pat you on the back and make you feel good about what you already believe, read this.

I'd be advising the opposite if you were some sort of religious person (that is, stop reading religious texts and pick up some polemic piece about how terrible religion is).

>> No.5231702

What would be their strawman

>> No.5231771

I felt the same. But I read through it bit by bit and it was an enjoyable and informative bit. Like a long magazine article. Keep it by the toilet maybe. On your phone, like mine, for bus rides or something.

>> No.5231773

The only militant atheist who's views aren't going to echo yours is nietzschet

>> No.5231780

sort of missing the point but whatever...

>> No.5231814

Hitchens is always fun to read.

>> No.5231827


>> No.5231835
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New Atheism is fucking cancer, stay as far away as possible.
Plus, Hitchens was a neo-con fuck who wanted to invade Iraq probably because muh scary muslims or some shit

>> No.5231838

You have to appreciate his biting wit and ability to be sauced from dusk till dawn but as any man he had his shortcomings

plus he liked Lenny Bruce

>> No.5231845


Nah, it's not that good. Hitchens' books are pretty hit-and-miss and he tends to repeat anecdotes. Letters To A Young Contrarian is a noted stinker, for example.

>> No.5231850

confirmed for never having read anything by him. also, you're incredibly retarded.

>> No.5231854

confirmed to be Hitchen's angry pleb ghost

>> No.5231892

> autocorrect

>> No.5231897

no, the first chapter he freely admits he has a personal bone to pick with religion and the book is more about himself and his own irrational attachment.

>> No.5231907

lol u mad bro? ):D

>> No.5231911

nigga u probably mad as fuck because I'm not foaming at the mouth when I hear about religious people being dumb, unlike fans of Shitchens

>> No.5231924

>Christian rattle chains in the next room, in hopes we'll believe in ghosts again.

>> No.5231926

No it doesn't. It basically offers the same critique most people have noticed: extremists suck. This applies to all groups, religious or otherwise. Then it just roundaboutly concludes that religion ruins the world. It's as if I wrote a book saying how science poisons everything and talk about the nazi experiments or the scientists that connected vaccines to autism.

>> No.5231962

keep talking, some day you'll say something intelligent.

>> No.5231970
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>some day you'll say something intelligent?
You mean, unlike Hitchens?

>> No.5232058
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>Christopher Hitchens

*tips fedora*

How about you try a book that's actually worth reading. Being British is not really a requirement. It's relatable to any westerner.


>> No.5232069

>hurr read shit hitchens instead

Jeremy Clarkson for the middlebrow set.

>> No.5232096

This post is an absurdity and a moral outrage.

>> No.5232101


>preferring dead hitch to based hitch

grow up

your teenager is showing

>> No.5232112
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>Chris Shitchens thought the war in Iraq and Afghanistan was a good thing

top lel



>> No.5232117

>I'm pretty irreligious, but does this book offer anything novel?

>I am aware hitchens is based,

You're thinking of Peter.

>but I can't be arsed to read something that is a redundant rehash /echo chamber of my views

Then grow the fuck up.

>> No.5232124


No, it's another breathtaking example of political correctness stretched to insanity and the moral paralysis engendered by its no longer being the 1950s. One could scarcely concoct it as fiction.

>not preferring the witty raconteur to the humourless, mealy-mouthed reactionary-for-hire.

>> No.5232132
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>> No.5232146


>He's funny so he's better


>> No.5232176


Not seeing the problem. I approach journalists and polemicists for their entertainment value. Are you honestly paying serious attention to a Daily Telegraph columnist? That's like, your moral centre, is it?


>> No.5232195
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>All of my opinions and philosophies are formed entirely in my solitary mind


He writes for the Mail on Sunday by the way, or were you being sarcastic?

>> No.5232196
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>> No.5232212

>All of my opinions and philosophies are formed entirely in my solitary mind

Em... no. Just not from tabloid columnists.

>He writes for the Mail on Sunday by the way

Oh, well that, of course, makes all the difference in the world.

>> No.5232213

Then read some Mencken at least.

>> No.5232226


I quite liked Minority Report.

>> No.5232250


Please enlighten me as to where you get your esoteric knowledge of the world from.

>> No.5232258

No, this book is worse than the god delusion in that respect. Hitchens has a nice writing style so even though it is devoid of content it makes for an easy and pleasant read. His athiest reader is probably a better place to start if you want actual content

>> No.5232268

>please name some people i can pretend to have read/heard of, that I may say dismissive things about them

How 'bout no? You read, and by your own account treat seriously, the musings of Peter Hitchens Esq. The odds against your having something interesting to say are stratospheric. I find you fascinating, which is different from 'worth conversing with'.

>> No.5232278

You're just butthurt that you'll never be able to rek anybody as hard as Based Peter.

>> No.5232296


Truly you have stared into the depths of my soul.

>> No.5232303


nice post

I like it


>I approach journalists and polemicists for their entertainment value
>I approach journalists and polemicists for their entertainment value
>I approach journalists and polemicists for their entertainment value

>> No.5232318


Are you another person who forms opinions based on newspaper editorials?