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5227412 No.5227412[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything like an English Nietzsche?

I know how Nietzsche felt about the English, but I am wondering if there is a comparable contemporary or near contemporary of him who wrote his works in English originally.

Picture related due to tits.

>> No.5227462
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>> No.5227479


There isn't?

>> No.5227481
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>> No.5227484


>> No.5227809


Well, that's pretty definitive. I guess I'll go read manga or something. Good night /lit/.

>> No.5227829

Nietzsche is too eclectic and singular to say anyone is like him. Certain things might have strong similarities, like Stirner in Germany or even Carlyle in Britain, but he's pretty unique as a total guy.

>> No.5227897

T.E. Hulme or HL Mencken would be the closest.

>> No.5227916
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Is there anything like a German Darwin?

I know how Darwin felt about the Germans, but I am wondering if there is a comparable contemporary or near contemporary of him who wrote his works in German originally.

Picture related due to astigmatic monkeys.

>> No.5227925

Richard Dawkins

He also promotes the idea of "god is dead".

>> No.5227929

Shut the fuck up you fat dyke

>> No.5227930

HG Bronn (Darwin's German translator) and Ernst Haeckel (whose Art Forms in Nature is a marvellous book).

>> No.5227937


Kunstformen is pretty

>> No.5227942
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Is there anything like a German Shakespeare?

I know how Shakespeare felt about the Germans, but I am wondering if there is a comparable contemporary or near contemporary of him who wrote his works in German originally.

Picture related due to tits.

>> No.5227948


>> No.5227956


>> No.5227971

So, we're looking for English writers with the following attributes:

- nihilist
- militant atheist
- died a virgin

Shouldn't be too hard to find one.

>> No.5227977 [SPOILER] 
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Bertrand Russell

>> No.5227981

Nietzsche wasn't an atheist. He was a Spinozist, his god was power itself. The God that was dead was the Christian god, who was replaced by the ass of humanism, public service, and all the other bullshit of Bismark's Germany.

>> No.5227984

>you will never have a snarky, intelligent lesbian gf
>she will never lay on the bed reading a book as you thrust in and out of her
>she will never ask in a bored tone if you're finished yet
>she will never close her eyes and pretend your cock is a beautiful woman's fingers

>> No.5227985

> isn't a nihilist
> atheism is a tiny part of his ideology
Confirmed for not actually reading Nietzsche

>> No.5227993


but bertie russel slayed pootang like it was boolean algebra.

>> No.5227997

Thank mercy above for that

>> No.5228003


Well, a big problem is that Nietzsche has only recently (last couple decades) been of interest to Anglo-American folks. I know someone will feel like their shit's pushed in when I say this and there are definitely a lot of dissimilarities but the closest I could think of would be someone like Nozick.

>> No.5228025

That's a cartoon drawing of tits, OP.

>> No.5228026

Nietzsche was the prototypical fedora tipper. He proclaimed god's death and he INVENTED nihilism. He also was anti-science, as evidenced by the fact that he called science "gay".

>> No.5228029

I guess that's the closest he'll ever come to experiencing the real thing.

>> No.5228031

Robinson Jeffers was an American poet whose cosmology was heavily inspired by Nietzsche.

>> No.5228040

All of us are separated from The Real.

>> No.5228043
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>surface lvl analysis

>> No.5228052

I don't even know where to begin with this
1. God is dead read as (authority is dead)
2. nihilism as defined by the dictionary "extreme skepticism maintaining that nothing in the world has a real existence." That's not Nietzsche m8
3. He said to be weary of science, not disregard it

>> No.5228058

Nihilism and atheism have been around since before ancient Greece. The instant an idea--whether it was a god or a value or a king--was proposed by one cave man, another cave man in the crowd shouted, "fuck you, that's wrong!"
Nietzsche just proposed his own diagnosis and response to the particular atheism and nihilism of his time. He was an alarmist, but most philosophers are. Perspective is a rare virtue.

>> No.5228069

Actually, nvm.

>he called science "gay".

Excellent bait. You actually had me with that one.

>> No.5228093


carlyle is very similar in terms of style, bombastic prose, a talent for expressing complexities and essences in an artful passage, the sort of feeling like youre along for a ride.

>> No.5228104

Here is a video for plebs like you who don't know how to interpret philosophy about Nietzsche and science http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y68mGbvZZZg