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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 146 KB, 419x600, wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
522690 No.522690 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished this.

What are you reading /lit/?

>> No.522698

Was it a gift for your 13th birthday?

>> No.522703

Finishing Blood Meridian and gonna start The Great Gatsby, for school.

>> No.522706

Drizzt Do'Urden series. Currently reading Passage to Dawn.

>> No.522715

This girl bought me the boxed series. Do I look 13? Time to hit up the local middle schools :D

>> No.522717

i liked that series. lately i've been wanting to re-read it, but I had to give the first two away

>> No.522722

You look like the generic asian hipster who should be a bit beyond that now.

>> No.522726


Middle school girls are into goofy-looking nerds now?

The promised day has come!

>> No.522733

The Difference Engine

>> No.522735


>> No.522740


>> No.522748
File: 211 KB, 854x482, NeutralMinecraftHotel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not a hipster so you probably don't get it.

>> No.522770
File: 84 KB, 500x500, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.522777

I've seen a few people post that same picture before, what is it? Some random meme I don't know about?

>> No.522791

album cover to In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, by Neutral Milk Hotel, a crazy indie band.
The music is actually pretty good, but it's used for trolling a lot on /mu/
It's the Ayn Rand of /mu/.

>> No.522792


>> No.522795

See the first review for explanation.

>> No.522798

The Trial.

>> No.522800

Hipsters love NMH, I refuse to believe anyone that likes Ayn Rand isn't a conservative troll.

>> No.522854

Pullman is very good for a teenage writer. Very, very good.

I think it's unfair to say it's for prepubescent teenagers, though. I'd say it pitches for 15-18 year olds.

But e/lit/ists who grew up near Harvard probably disagree.

I'm reading Steppenwolf alongside All Tomorrow's Parties by William Gibson and Crossroads of Twilight by Robert Jordan.

Steppenwolf is awesome. Hard to get through on occasion though, since the language is old and a little stuffy.

ATP isn't bad, it does feel pretty light though. Kind of like Heroes, only in literature form and without real superpowers (so far, anyway).

CoT, meanwhile, is boring the shit out of me.

>> No.522865

ATP is a let down, but I assume you've read the rest of the trilogy. Gibson's weakest IMO, although his latest is shaping up to be bad despite how great Pattern Recognition is.

>> No.523109

Hipsters didn't like NMH in 1998. That whole "I love you, Jesus Christ" business freaked them right the fuck out.

>> No.523124

>That whole "I love you, Jesus Christ" business freaked them right the fuck out.
I love the album, but damn it, that still makes me feel awkward if I let someone else listen to it.

>> No.523136

I haven't read the rest, but I suppose I like the story enough to finish this one...

I just hope it isn't ALL about bums going to sleep so they can mind-warp.

>> No.523138

I cried for about an hour after finishing that OP. Also haters gonna hate on a series aimed towards teens, some great lit falls under that.