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5225975 No.5225975[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Looking for anti communist/anti socialist/pro libertarian book recommendations

>> No.5225979


>> No.5225984
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But where?

>> No.5225986

That's great.

>> No.5225987

anti-communists, anti-socialists, pro-libertarians don't read though.

>> No.5225991


Yes we do.

>> No.5225992

fricking hell

>> No.5225996
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>> No.5225997


Nah, I think hell is reserves for communist/socialists/tyrants.

>> No.5226001

Jesus was a communist.

>> No.5226003

So is /lit/ just full of people who cry when someone has a different view than them or is somebody actually going to recommend some good books?

>> No.5226006

No, Jesus was a white christian American who could bench 660.

>> No.5226007

The problem is there aren't any good books on that subject.

>> No.5226008


So? I'm not even religious.

>> No.5226010

If you did then you wouldn't have to ask us for books because you would have already read them.

>> No.5226012

Said books would have to exist to be recommended.

>> No.5226013


Alright. How about just pro libertarian books?

>> No.5226017

everyone with those views decides to keep them unquestioned instead of reading or writing books

>> No.5226018

Surely you've heard of Rand...?

>> No.5226021

you could try anarchy, state and utopia by nozick

but honestly rawls just tears that shit apart

>> No.5226023


No. There are more than just a few. I've already read a bunch by Friedman and a couple by Ron Paul.

>> No.5226024

Read Ron Paul's books, you posted him for gosh sake.

I don't know if they're any good though, most likely they're shit.

>> No.5226027

On Liberty by John Stuart Mill

It's more of an essay than a book though.

>> No.5226029


Of course. I've read a bunch by Rand/Friedman/Paul but those are the ones that everyone knows. I'm looking for others.

>> No.5226035



>> No.5226052

>John Stuart Mill

>The Distribution of wealth... is a matter of human institution solely. The things once there, mankind, individually or collectively, can do with them as they like. They can place them at the disposal of whomsoever they please, and on whatever terms. Further, in the social state, in every state except total solitude, any disposal whatever of them can only take place by the consent of society, or rather of those who dispose of its active force [i.e. government]. Even what a person has produced by his individual toil, unaided by any one, he cannot keep, unless by the permission of society. Not only can society take it from him, but individuals could and would take it from him, if society only remained passive; if it did not either interfere en masse, or employ and pay people [i.e. police] for the purpose of preventing him from being disturbed in the possession. The distribution of wealth, therefore, depends on the laws and customs of society. The rules by which it is determined are what the opinions and feelings of the ruling portion of the community make them, and are very different in different ages and countries; and might still be more different, if mankind so chose.

>> No.5226074

Thanks for ruining my subversive attempt to expose him to new ideas.

>> No.5226080


I used to be a communist. I'm not interested in leftist ideologies anymore. If there is one thing I've learned it's that the vast majority of you are batshit insane.

>> No.5226088

Who says I'm a communist? I'm apolitical.

>> No.5226091


I never said you were a communist. But in general, I'm not interested in any leftist political ideas.

>> No.5226104

What swayed you from communism towards reactionarism?

>> No.5226105

>the vast majority of you
>implying I'm a communist

You also just now implied you're disingenuous.
Go eat a dick, nigger.

>> No.5226121

Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew: Updated and Expanded Edition by Ellen Notbohm and Veronica Zysk
The Reason I Jump: The Inner Voice of a Thirteen-Year-Old Boy with Autism by Naoki Higashida
The Autistic Brain: Helping Different Kinds of Minds Succeed by Temple Grandin and Richard Panek
No More Meltdowns: Positive Strategies for Managing and Preventing Out-Of-Control Behavior by Jed Baker
Capitalism and Freedom: Fortieth Anniversary Edition by Milton Friedman
101 Games and Activities for Children With Autism, Asperger’s and Sensory Processing Disorders by Tara Delaney
The Myth of Autism: How a Misunderstood Epidemic Is Destroying Our Children, Expanded and Revised Edition by Michael J. Goldberg

>> No.5226132

Anarchy, State, Utopia by Robert Nozick

Hey, look, it's even online: http://www.colorado.edu/philosophy/provisionalia/nozick.pdf

You could also just go peruse the archives on mises.org, but I can't in good conscience actually recommend such a thing.

>> No.5226135


>The vast majority of leftists are batshit insane
>Implying communism is the only leftist ideology


Numerous things. It's an unrealistic, utopian, ideology that is incompatible with our species due to human nature. There has never been a real communist society. The USSR wasn't even communist. However, despite this, I see too many leftists glorifying the USSR which was a tyrannical shithole where you could be imprisoned for 10 years or worse if you were overheard criticizing "comrade Stalin", and other moronic authoritarian pieces of trash. Further more, my grandparents came from the USSR so I know all about it. In general, I see a lot of leftists hate the rich. Apparently if someone has more money than you they are big, bad, bourgeois scum? Nah, that's bullshit. I can't be associated with people who think that they should be entitled to other people's hard earned wealth.

>> No.5226142

>Why even Robert Nozick, the philosophical father of libertarianism, gave up on the movement he inspired.

inb4 >slate

>> No.5226153



>> No.5226156

The key word is "you", moron. Not "leftist". Regardless you were lumping me in with "them" whoever they were.

As I said before, go eat a dick, you backpedaling little shit. At least other reactionary dipshits have the conviction to stand by what they say.

>> No.5226159


I think you are misunderstanding this passage. Mill was a classical liberal, which translates (sort of) to modern American libertarianism (though many people who actually hold similar beliefs would balk at that label, considering the character of the political figures that have laid claim to it).

Here's the key:

>The distribution of wealth, therefore, depends on the laws and customs of society. The rules by which it is determined are what the opinions and feelings of the ruling portion of the community make them, and are very different in different ages and countries; and might still be more different, if mankind so chose.

The whole passage is descriptive, not prescriptive, but there is a hint here that, if society were inclined towards more liberal organization, they could very move in that direction, without any violation of justice. Mill's task is to show why this would be a net good, which he proceeds to do.

>> No.5226172 [DELETED] 


You're tears lead me to believe you're a leftist. Go get pepper sprayed at Occupy Wall Street, cunt.

>> No.5226177


Your tears lead me to believe you're a leftist. Go get pepper sprayed at Occupy Wall Street, cunt.

>> No.5226179


I've read the article before, it's very misleading. Nozick made a comment towards the end of his life to the effect that participation in civic government might be a critical ingredient of fulfilling life for a good many people, and that he failed to take this into account in his earlier writing. This is still perfectly consistent with a libertarian position.

>> No.5226182

>Numerous things. It's an unrealistic, utopian, ideology that is incompatible with our species due to human nature.
How is communism any more utopian or in contridiction with "human nature" than libertarianism?

>There has never been a real communist society. The USSR wasn't even communist.
There has also never been a libertian society. The USSR never even claimed to have acceived communism.

>Apparently if someone has more money than you they are big, bad, bourgeois scum? Nah, that's bullshit. I can't be associated with people who think that they should be entitled to other people's hard earned wealth.
The rich didn't accumalte their vast ammount of wealth via mirth or labor, libertarianism is simply a justification for extracting the value produced by others for oneself.

>> No.5226185

You're mistaken, friend. I'm not sad or mad, just disappointed you're such a mental midget you can't even defend your own inane verbal spewing.

>> No.5226204

this nigga even wrote 5 lines thinking he would devastate everyone and could only spit predictable cliche crap

>> No.5226214

American Libertarians are anti-democratic out of necessity to maintain any form of libertarian society. If society peacefully decides to go socialist and begins to confiscate the private means of production, this would need to be prevented somehow realistically via force by the state.

>> No.5226215

>It's an unrealistic, utopian, ideology that is incompatible with our species due to human nature

Spouting bullshit like this makes it hard to believe you were ever a communist in the first place. Marx refutes all of this within the first chapter of Capital. Did you even bother to read it?

>> No.5226231


A libertarian society is more plausible and can be achieved. For instance the closest thing to a libertarian country we have today is Switzerland.

>Everyone has a gun
>Everyone is totally free
>No restriction of banking or gold
>National sovereignty is defended and important

As a matter of fact, the Founding Fathers were libertarian. The USA before the Federal Reserve act of 1913 was fairly libertarian.


>The rich didn't accumalte their vast ammount of wealth via mirth or labor, libertarianism is simply a justification for extracting the value produced by others for oneself.

That's what you think, but you're wrong. My father accumulated his wealth via hard work. Many wealthy people are intelligent and talented and worked hard to get to where they were. You think they just woke up one day and were millionaires? No, it takes hard work, planning and entrepreneurial skills. Also there is nothing wrong with paying people a fair wage to work for you. They didn't start the business, they didn't put in the hard work to get said company/business to where it's at.


There is a cup labeled "leftist tears" on the table. Come back when it's full.

>> No.5226239


>Spouting bullshit like this

Except it's not bullshit at all. Every communist I know thinks it's the most perfect, realistic ideology that will fix every problem in the world. There is a reason why every time communism has tried to be implemented, it degenerated into authoritarian socialism/state capitalism.

>> No.5226256

No, because I'm just a teenager looking for something to grasp onto. I gravitated towards libertarianism because it's simple answers for to complex questions. This makes me feel like I have it all figured out, which gives my fragile self-esteem a much needed boost.

>> No.5226266

I guess you haven't bothered to read it, then. Did you become a communist to fit in with your hip friends at the university? No wonder you gave up on it; after all, reading and thinking is hard work.

>> No.5226270


If you agree with Mill, yes, there is nothing stopping a society from becoming socialist.

American Libertarians, like Nozick, do not accept the same premises as Mill, and justify their liberalism on a basis of natural right. For Nozick, this is the inalienable right to the ownership of one's body and the product thereof.

There is nothing intrinsically "anti-democratic" about American Libertarianism, though there of necessity limitations on what is possible through government intervention. The rights of the individual are not to be violated for some grand conception of distributive justice.

>> No.5226271

>Everyone has a gun
Firearms are heavily restricted and controlled via the state
>The Swiss Weapons Act requires an acquisition license for handguns and a carrying license for the carrying of any permitted firearm for defensive purposes. Exceptions exist for hunters. Automatic weapons are banned.

>Everyone is totally free
No they are not.
>No restriction of banking or gold
>National sovereignty is defended and important
By the state

>As a matter of fact, the Founding Fathers were libertarian. The USA before the Federal Reserve act of 1913 was fairly libertarian.
This is a complete lie. The American Founding Fathers were classical liberals but far from any modern notion of a libertarian. The USA also had a powerful central state apparatus and heavy involvement in the affairs of the market before the creation of the Fed.

>> No.5226272
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Hey guys can you rexommend some pro-existantialist/metaphysical/nihilist anti-postmodern/absurdist/thatcherist?
Thanks guys!

>> No.5226277


I'm not a teenager but I gravitate towards libertarianism because I don't believe in oppression, stealing, executing people who are more financially successful than I am or slavery. It's sad that you let your socioeconomic status gravitate you towards an insane ideology that would lead any country to degenerate into an authoritarian shithole.

>> No.5226288

On the Heights of Despair by Emil Cioran

>> No.5226292

Spoken like a true teenager. So full of idealism. Maybe one day you'll move past political ideology all together and become a cynic.

>> No.5226297

>It's sad that you let your socioeconomic status gravitate you towards an insane ideology that would lead any country to degenerate into an authoritarian shithole.

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a communist

You're a real cute kid, you know that?

>> No.5226306


Pretty much every household in Switzerland has a rifle.

>In some 2001 statistics, it is noted that there are about 420,000 assault rifles (fully automatic, or "selective fire") stored at private homes, mostly SIG SG 550 models. Additionally, there are some 320,000 semi-auto rifles and military pistols exempted from military service in private possession, all selective-fire weapons having been converted to semi-automatic operation only. In addition, there are several hundred thousand other semi-automatic small arms classified as carbines. The total number of firearms in private homes is estimated minimally at 1.2 million to 3 million.[7]

>This is a complete lie. The American Founding Fathers were classical liberals but far from any modern notion of a libertarian. The USA also had a powerful central state apparatus and heavy involvement in the affairs of the market before the creation of the Fed.


If Ron Paul, arguably the most libertarian person around today, says the Founding Fathers were Libertarians, I have a hard time disagreeing.

>By the state

I never said it was a libertarian society, did I?

>> No.5226317


I'd never become a cynic. Are you one of those people who think everything that happens on Earth is meaningless because

>le universe is so big, our planet is just a little dot. Nothing matters xD


>Everyone who disagrees with me is a communist

I never said that. You're putting words in my mouth.

>> No.5226319
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Don't know about pro libertarian, but some good anti-communist/anti-socialist works are

Raymon Aron - The Opium of the Intellectuals
Leszek Kolakowski - Main Currents of Marxism
Czesław Miłosz - The Captive Mind
Arthur Koestler - Darkness at Noon
Alexander Zinoviev - Yawning Heights
Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn - The Menace of the Herd
Jean-François Revel - Last Exit to Utopia
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago
Igor Shafarevich - The Socialist Phenomenom

>> No.5226323

>If Ron Paul, arguably the most libertarian person around today, says the Founding Fathers were Libertarians, I have a hard time disagreeing.

>I blindly follow the propaganda of my political messiah

If you were a communist, Lenin would have called you a useful idiot.

>> No.5226326

Oppression would be rampant under any libertarian regime.
Theft is a pure product of the capitalist mindset. It exists most under capitalist society.
>executing people who are more financially successful than I am
No one has ever called for this. Working-classizing the bourgeoisie would work better. Executing counterrevolutionaries could be justifiable under certain circumstances however.
Slavery is the backbone of laissez-faire economics. The American south being the greatest historic example.

>> No.5226333

>I never said that. You're putting words in my mouth.

Ok, so what did you mean when you said, and I quote: "It's sad that you let your socioeconomic status gravitate you towards an insane ideology that would lead any country to degenerate into an authoritarian shithole"

What "insane ideology" were you assuming I gravitated towards? Please do explain. I'd hate to put more words in your mouth.

>> No.5226336
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>If Ron Paul, arguably the most libertarian person around today, says the Founding Fathers were Libertarians, I have a hard time disagreeing.
Ron Paul is a fringe nutjob who has no formal knowledge of history. His subjective opinion is worthless.

>> No.5226339

I'm not a libertarian but read an introductory economics textbook. Most of their arguments come from there. If it gets more complex than that it's probably not libertarianism anymore.

Also Hayek's Road to Serfdom is readable.

>> No.5226344





Oh, the guy that killed a bunch of people he didn't like because they disagreed with his politics. Him calling me an idiot would be a compliment. Lenin and Stalin were butchers. If anyone here blindly follows propaganda, it's you. Too many leftists buy into the Soviet propaganda about the USSR being great and quality of life being good.

>> No.5226345

>The rights of the individual are not to be violated for some grand conception of distributive justice.
Except that's exactly what Nozick is doing with his principles of holding. He is taking away the right to democratic participation in the establishment of wealth redistribution for the sake of the establishment of an inalienable right to "the ownership of one's body and the product thereof."

Mill is claiming that the natural right is for democratic participation in wealth distribution (on the basis of wealth as a collective enterprise of freely-acting individuals within a social system) whereas Nozick claims the natural right is for absolute freedom of trade (on the basis of of wealth as an individualistic enterprise of freely-acting individuals within a series of private contractual agreements). Both of these are axiomatic in nature, but Mill's is more democratic.

>> No.5226349

>Are you one of those people who think everything that happens on Earth is meaningless

Nah, I just realize that every political ideology is flawed and the people who adhere to them are usually passionate but naive and clueless.

I adhere to non-political ideologies though.

>> No.5226351

oh and Dismantling Utopia (I forget the author) is an entertaining read that deals with a lot of the terrible stuff in the USSR

>> No.5226353

Half of those guys are jewish(!), OP. Are you really gonna let those bastards continue to control your mind, even as a right-winger?

Most of the other guys are catholic. Are those sanitized enough for you?

>> No.5226368

>I'm not a libertarian but read an introductory economics textbook. Most of their arguments come from there. If it gets more complex than that it's probably not libertarianism anymore.

Any introductory economics textbook will spew neoclassical dogma and not backup libertarian utopianism. Libertarian economics are Heterodox

>> No.5226376

I wasn't agreeing with Lenin's politics. I'm saying you're an idiot who blindly follows propaganda of political figures you like. Switch Ron Paul with Lenin and Libertarianism with Soviet Socialism and you're exactly what you're erroneously accusing me of.

Also, you should read up on what a "useful idiot" is.

>> No.5226394


>Oppression would be rampant under any libertarian regime.

Kek. No it wouldn't. Oppression was most rampant under the pseudo communist-socialist regimes.


>Millions of people killed
>Millions of people literally enslaved and forced into hard labour
>Millions of people dead due to famine.

You are delusional, buddy.

>Theft is a pure product of the capitalist mindset. It exists most under capitalist society.

Nope. Wanting to forcefully redistribute the wealth and freeze people's assets is theft. Explain to me how someone who got rich by selling for example, cellular phones is a thief.

>No one has ever called for this.

Oh yes they have. It's rampant among leftist political forums. Extremist leftists call for execution of the rich all the time.

>Slavery is the backbone of laissez-faire economics. The American south being the greatest historic example.

So forcing someone to work in the sulfur mines in the USSR, that wasn't slavery at all huh?

>> No.5226416


I don't agree with everything Ron Paul says. I don't idolize him, but I do respect him.


What's your political stance?

FYI, I am part Jewish. There is no Jewish conspiracy. If there is someone left me out of it and I want my share of the gold.


Thanks anon

>> No.5226419

Just for clarification, you do realize that there are more political positions than just libertarianism and communism, right? So someone you're talking to could potentially oppose both? What would you say to a person like that?

>> No.5226433


Of course.

>> No.5226442


>Trying to doge the facts

>> No.5226445

>I don't agree with everything Ron Paul says. I don't idolize him, but I do respect him.

So why would you assume that the Founding Fathers were libertarians or even a politically coherent group? Particularly since libertarianism as a political philosophy didn't exist at the time.

>> No.5226449

Also, to understand revolutionary mind in general.

James H. Billington - Fire in the Minds of Men
Norman Cohn - The Pursuit of the Millenium
Eric Voegelin - The New Science of Politics
John N. Gray - Black Mass
Eric Hoffer - The True Believer
José Ortega y Gasset - The Revolt of the Masses

>> No.5226456


They came to the USA to escape tyranny and start a society based on freedom/libertarian values.

That is legitimately the general basis of what being a libertarian is. Being against tyranny and enabling others to have rights and freedom. I can't make myself any more clearer than that.

>> No.5226480

>They came to the USA to escape tyranny and start a society based on freedom/libertarian values.

They were born in colonial America, and broke away from the Motherland to gain power. And Britian was hardly tyrannical.

Are you for real, or is this "I was only pretending to be retarded" tier trolling?

>> No.5226481


>> No.5226495


No it's written in the history books. The libertarians were British people who came from the UK and Ireland where the leaders were fascists to start the USA. They basically invented freedom.

>> No.5226501
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>> No.5226509
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great libertarian story, although the economic construct isn't practical

>> No.5226553

>They basically invented freedom.
Ok now you went too far and I know you're pretending. You had me going for a while though, so I tip my fedora to you.

>> No.5226557


>Cue the electro swing

>> No.5226616

Nabokov was all about that individualism, and would probably be considered a libertarian now.

>> No.5226636

>You are either a leftist, or have autism and are in need of someone subversively giving you shitty book recommendations

Keep thinking you aren't a slightly better read version of /pol/.

>> No.5226646

>Ron Paul is a fringe nutjob who has no formal knowledge of history. His subjective opinion is worthless.

Ron Paul is unquestionably better read than 90% of /lit/. I seriously doubt you have read anything authored by him, or even watched him in an unbiased setting.

>> No.5226651


You have autism

>> No.5226678

>an unbiased setting
There are no unbiased settings, genius.

You mean a setting where the bias was directed towards him? Yeah, I've seen a lot of his sycophant followers' video mashups of him.

>> No.5226750

>that trip
>that post
oh boy

>> No.5226769

The most shocking part?

That's actually Feminister.

>> No.5226773


But Feminister is a man. It was proven.

>> No.5226782


you're bad at b8

>> No.5226786

How is that incommensurable with what I said?

>> No.5226836


Mill does not argue that democratic participation is a natural right. He follows Bentham's skepticism of natural rights. His argument for democracy is on different grounds altogether, and as I said before, the passage cited is not an argument for wealth redustribution, but an explication of what is valid under democratic control. This of itself is neither an endorsement or criticism of democracy. Again, it's just a description, and Mill will argue for limitations on what wealth distribution legislation is desirable in a vein similar to the libertarian, though again on different grounds.

>> No.5226853

how was it proven?

>> No.5226857


'witness' by whittaker chanbers
'chronicles of wasted time' by malcolm muggeridge
'the fatal conceit' by hayek
'antifragile' by taleb

>> No.5226864


"She" was caught samefagging on /adv/ pretending to be a man.

>> No.5226899

It wasn't. She doesn't appear to be coming back though, so anon may be right. He's just crowing about it being "proven"

>> No.5226912


I know I'm right. I'm the one that started the original thread. "She" was going full damage control. It's obviously a man.

>> No.5226929

pretty much all pro-libertarian books are garbage. sorry buddy.

>> No.5226940

How does that prove anything?
Thats unfortunate. Feminister annoyed me a lot but I had some good discussions with her. You could at least count on her/him to provide interesting topics to discuss.

>> No.5226963



>> No.5227055

Regardless of the sex of the actual person behind it, the persona of Feminister was female. Nothing wrong with referring to her as such.

>> No.5227173
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>> No.5227184


>> No.5227604

Left wing libertarian here to gum up the works

>> No.5227738

But libertarianism can be communist. Or are you talking about John Birch bullshit? Go read some Kropotkin.

>> No.5227743

>I judge people by traits I've never actually experienced

There is no place for you. Maybe you should just go outside for a change. It'll help with things.

>> No.5227779

"The Law" by Frederic Bastiat

>> No.5227786

Jesus was the last Christian

>> No.5227863

and shot guns

>> No.5227865

The first and the last. Alpha and Omega. Beginning and the End.

>> No.5227869

OP is obviously looking for anti-statist writings. He's American, give him a break.

>> No.5227883

Well you're not half rationalising after the fact, OP. Good job, nice objective investigation. We need more people like you in the world.

>> No.5227887

But anti-statist writing can be pro communist. Marx himself imagined the state withering away as communism was ushered into reality.

>> No.5227889

But that's a secret!

>> No.5227903

No secrets between friends, Cio-Cio San.

>> No.5227920

That was the point

By the way, "the state will wither away once it has usurped every inch of property and beaten bourgeois ideology out of society" doesn't qualify as anti-statist.

>> No.5228082

They are anti-statist in regards to particular aspects of course. For example THEY SEE NO FUTURE FOR THE STATE EVENTUALLY, and they take into account that human nature is primarly socially constructed and needs to be changed before a new system (or no system frankly) is implemented. If you merely took away the state, then people would either not know how to function with certain power relations, economic, cultural, and social inequality. The state came out of private property and economic surplus; that is not entirely intertwined with the nature of "the state" in itself. Capitalist states work for capitalist aims. Systems leave paths of least resistance, and when the norm and structural functioning is capital, then there ya go

>> No.5228561

Virtue of Selfishness - Ayn Rand

>> No.5229013
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>> No.5229045


>> No.5229201

For libertarian books, try What is Anarchism by Alexander Berkman, The Conquest of Bread by Peter Kropotkin, and God and the State by Mikhail Bakunin

>> No.5229242

Jesus was not a communist, further more no at that time period could be because the material conditions for such an ideology simply were not present.

>> No.5229259

Do you really think someone who asked for anti communist and anti socialist literature would even consider reading something on anarchism?

>> No.5229285

What communist or socialist works did you read OP?

>> No.5229296


>> No.5229346
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>> No.5229533
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Those are actually fascists.

If you really had to post fascists you could also have posted something half-decent like Proudhon.

I suggest this book.

>> No.5232266

>Comparing proudhon to those figures

How do you define fascist?

>> No.5232281

Render unto Caesar what is Caesars ~ Dirty statist and freedom hater

>> No.5232321

