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5224866 No.5224866[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books you started, but never finished.

And never will.

>> No.5224881
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honestly i just couldn't get into it. i felt like all i was doing was memorising dates and shit

>> No.5224887
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It was so absolutely disgustingly terrible. I feel ashamed.

>> No.5224900
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Pure dribble

>> No.5224909
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>tour de force

>> No.5224925


i was the same way, it was such a chore until i just packed it in.

>> No.5224938

Where's your trip, ebolakid?

>> No.5224940

[insert joke about your mother's sexual habits and my relation to them here]

>> No.5224954
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How about you just watch the tv show.

>> No.5224977

i might do, i hear it's pretty good

i swear, i was so sure i was going to love the book.

>> No.5225064
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Odd. While at a book store I read a short story of his set in Nero's time. It read as breezy and amusing as the BBC production.

>> No.5225240
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I was young and stupid, but not stupid enough to finish it. But I still read The Da Vinci Code and whichever one it was with the hooker who ices her nipples and shoots a fat guy or something.

>> No.5225247
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The only book I regret buying.

>> No.5225256
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>> No.5225270
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I bought this a long time ago because me and my grade-school friends were obsessed with the 1998 Rainbow Six game. Pretty ashamed. I know it's just mindless military-boner genre fiction, but I feel like I've still got to finish it one day.

>that was 16, almost 17 years ago

>> No.5225292
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This bullshit. I feel ashamed... 3,25 in godreads lel.

>> No.5225293

Yeah! I read part of Debt of Honor. Got a hold of it free, and I loved the films, but woh, bone dry... You don't have to finish it, anon.

>> No.5226015

I really hate using the term "reddit-tier" and all that shit, but for this book, I think its pretty fair.

>Everyone I know calls this shit
>"can't be THAT bad"
>mfw everyone was right

Okay, now if I were to call anyone genre fiction cancer, it would absolutely be Tom Clancy, with Clive Cussler in a close second

>> No.5226056
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I read 4 pages and then threw it in the trash.

>> No.5226082

How come?

>> No.5226094


From the sound of it, it would've faired just as well if you read it.

>> No.5226096
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Finished the part about Vronsky's horse race and figured, "welp, I know how this will end". Also Konstantin was a fucking bitchass nigger faggot, and if I had to listen to his autistic musings for one more second my eyes would bleed.

>> No.5226097


This is waiting on my bookshelf, what made it so terrible?

>> No.5226108
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It just took forever to go anywhere. I got a quarter of the way through it and I couldn't stand it anymore.

>> No.5226112
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>> No.5226124


probably the Magus by John Fowles. I've tried reading that book three times after one of my therapists recommended it. I even made it most of the way through but gave up. I just couldn't handle all the intrigue. "Is it all made up, is it true? What's real and what's illusion? Teehee I'll never tell, maybe you'd be better off reading the one about the basement rapist, you'd probably relate to that one more."

>> No.5226143

I started reading this.

Why tho?

>> No.5226151


>this book helped me stop believing sci-fi bullshit

>> No.5226195
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>I really hate using the term "reddit-tier" and all that shit, but for this book, I think its pretty fair.

Concurred on all points, anon. I enjoyed Hitchhiker's guide for the novelty, but shortly into Restaurant I started loathing the characters, world, and humor. I watched the terrible movie after reading the first book, and I think it might have had an influence.

Pic related is another book i've given up on. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Burroughs, and consider him a hero, but this book slowly devolves into endless gay sex ramblings and fractured thoughts.

Burroughs is a bro but sometimes I wish he'd try for some structure. I know that sort of defeats the purpose but ehh...

>> No.5226257
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Gonna get called a pleb for this but I don't give a fuck.

I've tried reading it 3 times, can't do it. I absolutely hate local color and this book is nothing but that. The notes at the end of the book are almost as long as the main text...flipping to the back 4-5 times per page is unbelievably frustrating.

>> No.5226276

>hating Konstantin
>pleb detected

>> No.5226310


>I absolutely hate local color and this book is nothing but that.

'Dubliners' is nothing but that. But if you seriously think that 'Portrait' is nothing but that then you're quite honestly a subpar reader.

>> No.5226478

Same here. Also "The Circle" by D. Eggers, I believe his name was. Went into the trash halfway.

>> No.5226493

which is funny because that's a more accurate summary of count belisarius rather than claudius

>> No.5226507
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The trash you say?

>> No.5226551
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Can't read this shit

>> No.5226611
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>> No.5226625
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>20 pages in

>> No.5226659

Tom Bombadil.

It's a pretty short book, but I only got up to beer part. I don't know why, I felt like killing someone while reading this.

>> No.5226669


>> No.5226720
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>> No.5226920

Wise anon. Choke becomes incredibly shitty towards the end. It feels as though Palahniuk ran out of mileage with his premise and goes off on a long scatalogical riff about the second coming of Christ. It's shit (pun intended).

I second this. I'd never gotten into this show until dating an ex-gf who watched it. We both enjoyed the show (for a time), so I got her the book (GoT). She couldn't read it though. She didn't care for the writing. I didn't want to have wasted my money, so I tried to read it instead. I concurred with her assessment. Martin is trash.

>> No.5226925

Really? This Book is Hilarious. I'm willing to bet you never got to the best part, the restaurant. There's a bovinish creature that is bread to want to be eaten and before he offs himself he says to a horrified Arthur teasingly "I'll be very humane" and winks.

>> No.5226937

I second these

I have these so I'm worried

>> No.5227010
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I picked up the hitchhikers guide books (the first three in one volume) at random when I was a kid and I had finished all the star wars books in the library.
As a kid of probably 12 in the mid 90's I thought it was pretty great, I distinctly remember finishing it in one day, reading it in restaurants and the shopping mall. At the time I thought it was amazing. I still credit it with getting me to try stuff outside my comfort zone.

Now, twenty years later it's image has been ruined with a shit movie, reddit overselling it, and an unneeded sequel that I couldn't stomach.
It's really kind of sad.
Restaurant IS the worst of the original five books though and the Dirk Gently books are better than all of them.

>> No.5227035

I read some of this for a cheap thrill until i was surprised by just how incredibly boring it became and then put it down for life

>> No.5227061

Don't get worried just because I didn't like Anna Karenina. There are droves of people on this site who think Tolstoy is the bee's knees and that I'm an "pleb" for not appreciating him. Read it and judge for yourself.

>> No.5227208


I first read Hitchhiler's in middle school, and man I remember laughing at that book like no other. The series really got me into reading by showing me that words could actually be funny and relevant to what I considered "my life."

At this point, I remember the series fondly although I completely understand the "reddit" connotations.

>> No.5227457
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>I enjoyed House of Leaves a few years back, let's see what Danielewski has to offer now!

>oh this looks interesting. Different to say the least

enter Finnegan's Wake 2.0 with a shit storyline and the unbearable need to physically flip the book around every eight pages or so.

it was an okay idea I just wish he didn't fucking butcher it with the >2deep4u #streamofconsciousness

>> No.5227468
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>> No.5227867
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>> No.5228048

when I was reading house of leaves it felt like I could pick the exact moments danielewski took a break for a toke.

>> No.5228074

Hahaha, I completely forgot about that part. It's a shame the book is promptly associated with reddit of late, it's a well crafted book that showed me as kid the importance of wit and language.

>> No.5228410
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>> No.5228529

Who gives a shit what some autistic faggot spams about reddit? People talk about fucking Harry Potter and Game of Thrones here.

>> No.5228542

>the book is promptly associated with reddit of late
Wut. Most people don't have the slightest idea what reddit is. Hell, I come here reasonably regularly and even I don't know anything about reddit beyond 'it's a website that 4chan people don't like'.

>> No.5228563
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>> No.5228565
File: 107 KB, 400x656, ringworld_new[1].jpg___SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=129961308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting pleb shit

>> No.5228574
File: 179 KB, 1404x2337, the-colour-of-magic-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried 5 times to read this one and each time I got so bored I started daydreaming instead of reading.

>> No.5228589

IIRC the Discworld get good with 3 and especially 4- the first two books are noticeably worse. It may just be that they're not for you, though.

>> No.5228598

heh I actually loved this book

>> No.5228624

dead souls

>> No.5228696

Lord of the Flies. I just already knew where it was heading and what the main theme of the book was so I couldn't be bothered to finish it

>> No.5228752

Did you at least get to "Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Bash him in!"?

>> No.5228811

Now I felt this way about AK but I couldn't stop reading War and Peace. I gotta say, I enjoyed reading that more than playing most games I've played.

>> No.5228828
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Started it three years ago. I'll finish it one day.

Or I won't. It really doesn't make a difference/

>> No.5229742
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nikolai pls

>> No.5229774
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damn, It was boring...

>> No.5229795

It's an easy pick. Bet plenty of people here did this. But yeah, probably one of the few books where I tried to stay as open minded as I could and still could find practically nothing of value in a sea of some of the most hamfisted and self righteous proselytizing. Maybe someday I'll read The Fountainhead which is shorter and (I've heard) better, but never again that turd.

>> No.5229796

Same, I still have it because I use it as a brick but indeed... it's as bad as people said it was. I thought I could get at least one or two things out of it but nope, just lame.

First time I read it I did it without notes and shit, I got quite a lot actually and checking annotations on the second read wasn't a chore precisely because I enjoyed the first time.

Funny, I actually can't get enough of this guy.

I loved it as a kid. Now it feels a bit childish with all the extraterrestrial species and shit, but maybe nostalgia goggles keep it good for me.

>> No.5229810

Haven't read The Circle, the concept sounded lame, but I've enjoyed some of Eggers' other stuff like A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius and Zeitoun. What was The Circle's problem?

>> No.5229814

Of the handful of Clancy books I read in my teens, and the few I've read more recently, Rainbow Six is the easiest to get into.

The plot is simplistic and lends itself well to the video-game story structure.

If you couldn't finish it 1) I wonder how far you got and 2) don't recommend you read any Clancy or Ludlum.

>> No.5229825

What was wrong with the movie? I don't remember it very well, but I remember liking it. If it's just that it didn't adhere to the books loose plot, that doesn't even make sense since it was originally a drastically different radio play and has been adapted like 10 times to Perry much every imaginable medium, with plot differences each time.

>> No.5229840

I rofl every time I read the shit they splatter on the front of covers these days

>> No.5229846


i'm not happy about it though, i wanted to fell in love with the books but..

>> No.5229850

I literally just finished this, took me about a month noncontinuously, and I'm not even that persistent a reader (or at least not since the Internet whittled my attention span to a raw nub). At no point in the book was I really apathetic to what was going on, even when it was something that didn't seem to have much relevance to anything in the plot. Maybe you just have to be in a specific kind of accepting, non-needy, obsessively analytical mindset.

>> No.5229855

WHY? I was planning to read that book and have it at home at the moment.

>> No.5229862

...local color?

>> No.5229865

Uggh. I was required to read this in high school it was honestly some of the worst drivel I've ever read.

>> No.5229870

Have you read Blood Meridian? What did you think of it?

>> No.5229871
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Tried to finish this 3 times just wasn't happening

>> No.5229887

>Martin is trash.
Gets considerably better quite quickly. Unless your tastes are quite specific I think it's safe to say you missed out.
Try some of the others in the series.

>> No.5229893

it's not his best, but hardly drivel
this right here

>> No.5229956

I kinda liked that model of gravity and day/night system, it was just so cool.

>> No.5229968

The Fountainhead was a bit tiring to read, but it had its enjoyableness and was motivational in a way. Of course the people in it were strange as ever, which never felt comfortable in my head.

>> No.5230012
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I got about half-way through before I realised my life would be better if I didn't finish the book.

>> No.5230073

The restaurant at the end of universe is just awesome if you like universe and tripping. I liked read it.

>> No.5230086
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pretentious monotonous garbage

>> No.5230119

Yeah I felt the same. I really only enjoyed the labyrinth sequences and only parts of the intermediaries. I thought he had potential but after this I probably won't be buying any of his newer books

>> No.5230120

I have to reread the series sometime, I read it once in 5th grade and a lot of it probably went over my head. All I can remember now is the Earth getting beat the fuck out to make way for a space highway, jumping at the ground and missing, and some cunt named Zaphod.

>> No.5230133
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happens everytime i try to like King

>> No.5230141

I didn't even get past the first chapter. It was just inane and unfunny.

>> No.5230191

> I was required to read this in high school and it was bad
I wouldn't exactly put too much stock in that kind of statement regarding any book.

>> No.5230199

When did it become acceptable to criticize things as pretentious?

>> No.5230224

Since always. The thing is that book isn't pretentious. The person calling it that is. 9 times out of 10 the person calling a book "pretentious" is in fact themselves pretentious in assuming that their uneducated dismissal of something amounts to a worthwhile criticism.

>> No.5230262
File: 17 KB, 606x539, 1398528532839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I read Atlas Shrugged in two days
>mfw it was the best book I've ever read, and still is
>mfw plebs will never know the understanding it brings

>> No.5230264

did you stop at the gangbang?

>> No.5230275
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>> No.5230302

You're just a phony.

>> No.5230311

Can you elaborate? I've been thinking about reading it.

>> No.5230615
File: 1.69 MB, 1224x1584, zencover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking horseshit and drooling narcissism.

>> No.5230619

See >>5230615.

>> No.5230627

He's trolling. 75% of /lit/ hates Ayn Rand and the other 25% are simpletons with no taste for artistic prose.

>> No.5230631

me too, it's like i'm getting a little rand-curious, i mean everyone says the characters are flimsy but plebs say that about gravity's rainbow too and everyone says the ideas are a mixture of evil and stupid but plebs says that about nietzsche too so it's like ... damn i might be missing out on something great

>> No.5230638
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I've read some boring shit and finished it, but this seemed like it was going nowhere and going there so slowly that I couldn't do it anymore.

>> No.5230644

I would consider it essential if you want to get into any sort of philosophy or economics, even if you dislike the sort of blunt approach Rand has. It was from both Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead I came to realize that the individual is the source of all value and it is our wants and our preferences that give us meaning in our lives. In this we see the true beauty and value in freedom: If I wish to pursue my desires unhindered by others, I must reciprocate that principle onto them. If I want the freedom to do as I wish with my life, I must give others that freedom as well.

In realizing this I came to achieve a great personal freedom, which is the most important, far more important than freedom from government. I realized that I do not need to judge myself by the opinions of others, nor should others by mine. The jealousy I used to feel for people who had more than me seemed to bleed away, not in the sense that I still wanted the things that they had, but that I no longed felt any sort of animosity towards them for having it.

>> No.5230661

The difference here is that plebs are the ones who are defending Rand.

>> No.5230670

listen to the radio series

>> No.5230726

Sounds good. But still, don't you think that she ignores the way individual itself is actually depended on cultural structure of thought and life? I'd say you have to go one step further and become active and creative, become insane from the perspective of society to really be free of any power over you.

>> No.5230808

The individual operates in society out of a pragmatic need, not a moral one. It is far more beneficial for us to work and cooperate together to achieve things - that is the power of the division of labor. Galt didn't just bugger off into the woods and tinker with his machines, he worked to establish a society in which the values of freedom were respected.

Society only has power, moral power at that, to the degree which we impart to it. If I feel the moral duty to pay my taxes and respect the laws of my country then I'm probably going to do so. But if I were to recognize that the people in power are just charlatans in suits who do nothing but interfere, steal and exploit, at best I am going to adhere to the rules imposed on me out of utility, not out of duty. Even though I strive for freedom, I am far more free outside of prison than inside of prison.

Of course when I talk about freedom from society, I do not mean a rejection of it. We want to live in a world of cooperation and camaraderie and solidarity and whatever else you would like to call it, but the only way we'll ever achieve that is by coming to realize that society begins and ends at the individual, and by adhering to rules based in abstract concepts that have no grounding in reality (family, government, religion, country, race, etc.) will only lead people to error, unhappiness, confusion, anger, hate and a whole smorgasbord of bad things.

>> No.5230827
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I felt like I was missing out on a lot of the dry humor they were using because I didn't live in Japan during the Meiji Restoration. I kind of want to finish it, but it's kind of a bore as it stands.

>> No.5230876

I think what they were alluding to was some kind of structuralist anti-humanism, not the pragmatic value of cooperation.

>> No.5230880

Bret Easton Ellis stuff.

Too vapid.

>> No.5230884

Atlas Shrugged
Infinite Jest

>> No.5230887

spoiler tags asshole

>> No.5231053

I loved it but there were some parts that were a real slog. The extended description of ETA's underground tunnel system near the beginning and the two 'ebonics' sections are probably chief amongst the quitting points for people trying to get through the novel. The story of JOI's inspiration for annular fusion is also interminable. And most of the stuff with Joelle van Dyne (including the lengthy description of the school's brain-shaped radio station...)

>> No.5231312
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speaks for itself

>> No.5231905

Ayn Rand is like Nietzsche but for trust fund kids instead of glorious Ubermensch, plus she's ridiculously misogynistic (The main character in Atlas Shrugged rapes a lady I think but it's not treated like it was a bad thing, plus in Anthem the only female character exists to suck Prometheus' dick) and formed a cult around her basic-as-fuck 'philosophy'.

Or, to phrase it a better way,

"St. Petersburg in revolt gave us Vladimir Nabokov, Isaiah Berlin and Ayn Rand. The first was a novelist, the second a philosopher. The third was neither but thought she was both."

>> No.5231938

Pleeeeeb, I read that in 10th grade

>> No.5231956
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>mfw I read this in 6th grade because I wanted to be 'mature'
Shit was wack, plus it's unnecessarily long and kind of a rip off of Lovecraft, with pedophilia/child abuse/2sp00kyness taking up more than anyone wanted.

>> No.5231975

My library