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522291 No.522291 [Reply] [Original]

Worst sentences you can recall.

The man was tall, tall like a 6 foot tall tree.

>> No.522293
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>> No.522294

It actually went: "The man was as tall as a 6 foot tall tree", which is actually an awesome sentence.

>> No.522297


What is that from?

>> No.522302



>> No.522306

I'm pretty sure that was an entry into a bad imagery competition,

Just sayin.

>> No.522345

No John, you are the demons... And then John was a zombie.

>> No.522372

The man was a man, no greater than any man, but a man nonetheless.

>> No.522382

"What the fuck are you mother fuckers doing?!"

>> No.522393

"I'm Doctor Kashmire," said Doctor Kashmire.

>> No.522394

>"Suck my dick Harry," said Dumbledore


>> No.522399

Dehrryiek sighed to himself. The giant window stood in front of him, it inspired so much awe from his massive window, today had been a bad day...and it was about to get worse.

>> No.522401


It's "Dr. Kashmir" you shithead.

>> No.522402

> every sentence in twilight
> e.g. He was both dazzling and dazzled

>> No.522405
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>> No.522407
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thanks man

>> No.522441

It went something like "ShadowSlayer ate a sandwich in the kitchen and then went north". It was bad writing altogether, but at that part I just went giggling at the idea of somebody navigating with cardinal directions through his own house.

>> No.522447

one I used for an argument on how horrible the writing was: "..., the icicles melting his hair."

>> No.522465

sorry, i have forgotten the first part. I would check up on it, but I burned the book along with my opponent's after I had won the debate. She probably shouldn't have used 'true love' as a defense.

>> No.522469


My friend gave me the whole series of Twilight for my birthday. I don't know what to do.

>> No.522481

Read it and form your own beliefs.

But they better be negative or you're kicked off of /lit/.

>> No.522495

If you want to have an honest opinion, whether good or bad, go ahead and at least read the first in the series.
If you don't care at all, donate it to a library or to a Goodwill. Theres better places for a book to be then sitting unwanted on a shelf.

>> No.522497

“Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?”

>> No.522498

i don't understand the hatred for twilight. They are simply trashy romance books. Girl porn. I don't here anybody mocking the writing of Playboy magazine.

>> No.522500


I read the first one, but I read it the whole time whilst already thinking about how much it sucked. I can't even remember what happened in it and if there actually were any decent sentences because I read it throw a lens of suckiness.

>> No.522506


>> No.522514

>My opinion>your opinion
from someone who also hates Twilight:
Fuck you.

>> No.522519

Its the fanbase we hate.
when its proclaimed as the greatest book series ever, we become a little skeptical.

>> No.522534

reread holding an open mind.
A child raised racist tends to drive through Georgia pretty quickly and with fixed judgement.

>> No.522543

Sorry, I think I forgot a comma.

>> No.522563


Yea I feel I should. It's probably not any worse or any better than the majority of teen fic on the shelves in the bookstores/libraries, but my dislike of it comes from its overwhelming popularity, which I find inexplicable and makes me gag.

>> No.522962

I would like to say this. I opened this thread, saw that line with a roomie. Afterwards, we watch a random movie he had downloaded and it had that EXACT line in the movie.

You just predicted the fucking future my friend.

>> No.523008

How is someone RAISED racist? What they aren't told to hate themselves for being White?

>> No.523017

>How is someone RAISED racist?
by racist parents telling them that other races are inferior?

>> No.523024


Jesus Christ, they discover that on their own.

>> No.523026

And another thing is that while for the sake of another vigor is lacking, for the sake of the taste of egg in one's mouth there's all-out effort, and that's how love is lavished.

This guy won a fucking Nobel prize.

>> No.523027

not all the time.
if your parents are racist, chances are you will be too.
haven't you seen American History X?

>> No.523029


No. Oh my god... you think movies are real life?

>> No.523034

No, but it's a good example of something that does happen in real life.

>> No.523036


Fuck your shit, Playboy is a quality publication. The articles and short stories are as good or better than any other non-pornography magazine.

>> No.523039


How would you know, since you don't live in real life. My guess is the movie, like all movies, is what the average viewer *wants* to be an example of real life. When really it's just the fantasies of an individual.

>> No.523043

I know people who share the same prejudices as their parents, and it's clear that the parents have passed on these prejudices.
It's not like racism is something that just spontaneously appears.

>> No.523046


You mean someone can't have spontaneous experiences with individuals of groups that represent a race, experiences that make them dislike them dislike that group? Rape for example, ridicule, bullying? Come on.

>> No.523056

yeah, sure, that too.
but it's not the only way

>> No.523065

Well people who've been raised properly don't take the actions of individuals as a representation of the whole.

Now, I suppose someone could have just inherited ignorance rather than outright racism (or just been a stupid fucking kid in spite of their parents' best efforts), but broadly, stupidity and irrationality breed more stupidity and irrationality.

>> No.524755

the famous man looked at the red cup

>> No.524781

"Would he shudder at the touch of her fingers around his length or would he groan with deep out of control pleasure? And what would his reaction be if her mouth were to close over him, drawing him a response that would spill his life force out of his body in an explosion of pleasure?"

>> No.524845

"To say the Israelis were caught off guard, Cameron Williams had written, was like saying the Great Wall of China was long."

This is in reference to an overwhelming nuclear attack.

>> No.524852

"Riddle me this," riddled Ripley.

>> No.525854

"More happy love! More happy, happy love!"

>> No.525864

Those have pictures.

>> No.525870

"This is the skin of a killer."

No one will ever beat that.

>> No.525886

She tried hard to keep herself a stranger to her poor old father's slight income by the use of the finest production of steel, whose blunt edge eyed the reely covering with marked greed, and offered its sharp dart to faultless fabrics of flaxen fineness.

>> No.525902
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>> No.525910

In a flurry of flame and fur, fangs and wicker, thus ended the world's first and only hot air baboon ride.

>> No.525922

Goddamn, beat me to it then, why don't you.

>> No.525946

this is hilariously good rather than humourously bad.