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/lit/ - Literature

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5222846 No.5222846[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whatcha reading, /lit/?

>> No.5222860
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>> No.5222866
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farewell to arms.

>> No.5222868

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

pleb I know. Thought it was time to get away from /lit/core and start having some fun with sci-fi

>> No.5222882

how is it pleb when the book was recommended in starter kit.

>> No.5222887
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Dracula. For a book that's so old it's surprisingly easy to read. Johnny Got His Gun is next, it sounds nightmare fuel so I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.5222897
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Not really enjoying it. It's written in that affected, pathos-ridden style that people who imitate romantic prose fall in to. Without the actual beauty of romantic prose.

>> No.5222910

You'll find that a fair amount of /lit/ levels accusations of "pleb" at anything in the starter kit. This is silly as it conflates "plebtier" with "entry level". Shit like ASoIaF is pleb. 1984, however "entry level" it is, isn't.

>> No.5222933


Yeah, no. 1984 is shit.

>> No.5222945

But if you put ASoIaF and 1984 in the same category, you're doing it all wrong.

>> No.5222969
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That's not pleb, that's sci-fi canon.

Currently reading pic related. Feels on every page that I don't know what to do with.

>> No.5222974
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Reading this for the third time

>> No.5222990
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The Egyptian is a great book, OP.

Funnily enough, I am currently reading this.

>> No.5223018

Do you think most of its descriptions are accurate? Sometimes I have the feeling that the author describes things that wasn't really around back then in order to draw attention to the never changing nature of the human society. ("Stocks" in clay tablets for example.)

>> No.5223020

Harry Potter and Methods of Rationality

I REALLY like the idea of the fanfic, but it's just awful how the story continuously becomes more of a trip to Harry's mind instead of a trip to reveal the secrets of magic. + the language is just "Oh look at these nice words i found in dictionary, look at 'em"

>> No.5223051
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A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn. Currently on chapter 16

>> No.5223062

Most. Waltari did an incredible amount of research before and during writing it.

>> No.5223089
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Almost finished this...Pretty god damn good

>> No.5223307

No Longer Human

>Although Waltari employed some poetic license in combining the biographies of Sinuhe and Akhenaten, he was otherwise much concerned about the historical accuracy of his detailed description of ancient Egyptian life and carried out considerable research into the subject. The result has been praised not only by readers but also by Egyptologists.

OP, its my favourite book and I talked about it on /lit/ few times. How did you learned about it?

>> No.5223316

I ordered Meditations,Enchirdion and Epictetus' discourses. Is this good for a first time pleb wanting to learn about stoicism and apply it to his daily life?

>> No.5223323
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forgot pic

>> No.5223362

Yeah, but reading your post, it struck me that the word "ordered" sounds like the most unstoic word ever.

>> No.5223390
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>mfw BOOK TWO Muad'dib

>> No.5223394

Oblomov. Basically a book about me.

>> No.5223416
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I don't really know where I got the idea to buy it. But I'm really liking it so far. Them feels in Crete...

>> No.5223421

That pic is hot, would fap to

>> No.5223425
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There are gonna be even heavier feels, be prepared.

Also liked how Waltari incorporated some mythology into reality in Crete. That was neat.

>> No.5223439

Yeah, it's like a totally legit interpretation of where the myth originated.

>> No.5223444
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I'm about to read pic related

Am I in for a wild ride?

>> No.5223448
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I'd suggest reading them in the order of Meditations>Discourses. Enchiridion is like cliff notes version of Discourses and good for revisiting the ideas in for concise form. Even though Epictetus influenced Aurelius heavily I suggest that order, but if you've read a lot of philosophy and enjoy a more "technical/logical" approach, starting with him makes sense too. I just feel that Meditations is generally a better book when it comes to the more human, self-improvement side of Stoicism.

Also to the topic itself, pic related. Enjoying it way more than I thought I would, was expecting it to be more uneven in quality.

>> No.5223467


It's okay. Don't expect much and you won't be disappointed.

>> No.5223474

is his second book better?

>> No.5223484


Bear in mind that he himself did not have a second book. His students pieced together pieces of his writings and published them. Some were literally taken from his wastebasket. So clearly, some people care enough about his thoughts to dig through his trash to find them. Others get the impression that this was taken from somebody's trash.

>> No.5223486

it's about us all

>> No.5223489

fair enough, I'll have to read it and find out

>> No.5223597
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>> No.5224360

Tintin and some other franco-belgian comics.

Novels a shit.

>> No.5224378

It's a peek into the mind of a 20th century autist.

>> No.5224391
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>> No.5225898
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Ive never connected with a character as much as i have with this man

>> No.5225907
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>> No.5228662
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Some stories are good but holly fuck others, sleepy's

>> No.5228676

That's junior high for you. It'll pass.

>> No.5228713
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even better than the trial so far

>> No.5228825
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>> No.5228846
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I think it's because I have an ss fetish.

>> No.5228852

JGHG is a great book, However it is not nightmare fuel

>> No.5230179

I only started reading a lot at the beginning of my spring semester.

>> No.5230212
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>> No.5230246
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He really destroys Heidegger. Like, if I were Heidegger and I read this, I would seppeku pronto.

The section "Copula" in particular. DAMN. Eviscerated. . . Guts drying in the sun, eaten by Lammergiers. Haven't seen any thinker so destroyed since Marx decimated Ricardo in Grundrisse.

>> No.5230263

Meditations. so far just vague Be Good crap

>> No.5230277
File: 125 KB, 327x500, Inherent_vice_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow it's really like i'm reading Big Lebowski

>> No.5230319

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter.

Taking me 5 days instead of 2 because I'm lazy.

Very good book, though.
Prose is good without being amazing, but the characters are fantastic.
Carson McCullers had far more insight into the nature of people at age 23 or so than I do at 32.