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/lit/ - Literature

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5221916 No.5221916[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>finally count up my bookshelf
>out of all my books I have read less than half
guys help, I didn't know I was so useless

>> No.5221917

Clearly the answer was to post a thread on 4chan.

>> No.5221920

It's fine, man. The more books you read, the more unread books you have.

>> No.5221921
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>mfw I watch Destino

>> No.5221922

oh thank god, where do I go from here? will I be ok?

>> No.5221923

What's wrong with having books you haven't read yet? You're not going to die anytime soon. I like having a bunch of books I haven't read yet on hand so I can start them at my leisure.

>> No.5221935

But more than half of a bookshelf though.
Incidentally this is also the reason why I have trouble deciding on what to read next.

>> No.5222341

>You're not going to die anytime soon
I'm sitting in a hospital bed with an unread book and a laptop, and here I am on 4chan.
I might be okay but it doesn't look favourable.

I'm going to read this book.

>> No.5222441

Is it better have a patrician bookshelf unread or a pleb bookshelf thoroughly enjoyed?

>> No.5222464

A great book that you haven't read, is a great book to read.
A shitty book that you have read, is wasted time.

>> No.5222471

Just masturbate and fall asleep instead. It's all meaningless, but knowledge means less than action

>> No.5222485

Then I have wasted a lot of time but have many things to look forward to.

>> No.5222495

>It's all meaningless, but knowledge means less than action
You should be a philosopher m8

>> No.5222498
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That's wonderful, anon! I wish you well on your journey through literature.

>> No.5222506

A lot of people on this board seem to be aiming for the illusion that one day you will not have a book you want to read.
This will never happen, there will always be thousands of books that you will want to read.

Relax, find comfort in the fact you are yet to read many great books.

>> No.5222514

>you will never read every book

>> No.5222517

more than half my bookshelf dude. you'd be disappointed in yourself too.

>> No.5222522

>you will never kiss a real girl
What hurts more?

>> No.5222534

If I had to read every book I would would be wading through a never ending sea of shit. No loss there unless it's stipulated I'll never read every book I want to read. Never kissing a girl is something that pains me everyday but it is the only future I can look too ;_;

>> No.5222536

When it comes to both literature and kissing girls I still lament the one I haven't yet experienced over remembering fondly the ones I have.

>> No.5222538

how can you have not kissed a girl

>> No.5222546

I'm making the effort to read every book I want to read.

In all seriousness, I'm just an awkward weirdo whose social life dropped dangerously close to zero once high school ended.

At least I get wizard powers, r-right?

>> No.5222560

by not being a normalfag

>> No.5222562

I have a worse problem, in the middle of reading one book I get a huge urge to read something else I find out about.
My bookshelf is littered with half-read books ;_;

>> No.5222564

Most of our problems are problems of habit. I continue to go immediately to my laptop after waking up out of habit and spend hours on the internet instead of reading. All it will take is a few weeks of self discipline to get into a new habit, and yet I always save that for tomorrow.

I mean, what would I do if I didn't go straight to the internet every morning? How would I cope with the silence and boredom?

>> No.5222567

>mfw autistic faggots who have been here for three years think the whole site is /r9k/

>> No.5222573

Make breakfast and read while things are cooking dude. That's what I do and I get a lot of reading done every morning.

>> No.5222575

yeah, you're right. My conscious mind constantly fails to acknowledge that forums and social media are completely arbitrary. Coming to this site is like taking repeated trips to the refrigerator, opening it, and realizing you're not hungry in the same way you did 10 minutes ago and 10 minutes before that.

>> No.5222578

>you will never hug a girl

>> No.5222589

Life is meaningless bro, more so without true emotions the longer you hang around the more you'll get to see that. Art is a distraction from the meaninglessness of life, by expressing emotion we can take our minds off of our own impending death. Don't fall into the trap of consuming only other people's expressed emotions; expression is always imperfect. Get out there and experience true emotion. You need to properly experience emotion before you can truly appreciate others' expressions of emotions. Go out tonight get drunk somewhere, get punched or kiss a pretty girl, or something, anything. Books can make a person feel things, but until you have experienced those emotions that authors transcribe you can't really understand their depth. Reading every book you want to read will only amount to experiencing second-hand life. Millions of people die without ever feeling a thing, don't let yourself become one of them

>> No.5222593

same fag

>> No.5222595

Fapping in bed is nice. Then go to a local diner and get breakfast, and leave your laptop.

>> No.5222601

>Life is meaningless bro,

"Oh, Sebastian. My sweet Sebastian. It seem you have your pantaloons askew over the most basic of ideas again. Here, my poor child, let me help untangle the problem for you.

You see, Sebastian, "meaning" is not a fundamental aspect of anything you are attempting to describe; it is not a Platonic form, it is not an Aristotelian essence, it is not inherent in the reality you wish to describe. "Meaning" is a mere linguistic device that our species has created to crowbar atop a semantic description of reality. It's a similar concept to the "morality" problem you were nobly wrestling with last week.

Your perception of reality is drastically altered by the Korzybskian 'map' you use to describe it. I know how much you adore bananas, Sebastian, so imagine you're eating one. If you take the banana and realize that "delicious" and "disgusting" are two tags vocalized by the eater rather than, "delicious", as it appears to you, being a part of the banana, then your conundrum becomes easier. "Meaning" in this sense is another linguistic tag that you are trying so desperately to apply to the notion of "Sebastian's 'life' ", and the fact that it doesn't fit, it can never fit, is a source of frustration to you.

I'm not saying you can't use the tag. It is sometimes useful WITHIN a particular framework. The same as "wrong" or "delicious". Just be aware that it can never be external to that semantic framework, and it is a man-made linguistic tag that can never be an inherent part of what you are describing. The idea of life having meaning and life having no meaning are equally incoherent. Don't fall into Aristotelian reality traps.

Here, Sebastian, have a banana. "

>> No.5222608

Why do you think it's a problem that you read shit on the internet instead of out of a book?

>> No.5222628

>sometimes useful within a framework
Kind of like the framework of the point I was attempting to make?

>> No.5222636

>Don't fall into Aristotelian reality traps.
This phrase is gold. I'm going to steal it.

>> No.5222668

Talking down to someone and telling them what you "know" they are supposed to "adore" completely demolishes your existentialist pretensions. By insisting that someone must create subjective valuation, you are attempting to impose an objective demand on them.

If I prefer to observe and experience the true, blind idiocy of the Universe, then I am free to do that. If I don't want the fucking banana, I'm not fucking taking it.

>> No.5222697

i wish i was in your position
i'd change places with you if i could, buddy

>> No.5222702

>Responding to the pasta
>Creating semantic framework in an attempt counter the pasta and end up reinforcing the pasta
>Falling into an Aristotelian reality trap.

>> No.5222716
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Aristotelian reality traps are no joke

>> No.5222723

>>Don't fall into Aristotelian reality traps.
>This phrase is gold. I'm going to steal it.

Not sure if this is where Sebastian got it from, but it's from Robert Anton Wilson who stole is from Alfred Korzybski. RAW used it one of his lectures. He asked the audience to visualize the road outside, or something; then got random people to describe what they had visualized to show that they had all created different mental images. Then he asked them at random how long they had been doing the visualizing for. Some said two mins, some said one, three, four. When asked how much time had actually elapsed, he joking responded, "Now that's very clever, but you are not snaring me in your Aristotelian reality trap."

And Alfred Korzybski basically wrote an entire book on Aristotelian reality traps.

>> No.5222734

>Aristotelian reality traps.
Are ART's basically the same as Spooks.

>> No.5222738

>you are free, but you have to be free in exactly the way I want you to do be free

Nah, I pass.

>> No.5222742


Start - with - the -Greeks.

>> No.5222760

I don't know, find Femimanster.

>> No.5222787

>you are free, but you have to be free in exactly the way I want you to do be free
That wasn't the point at all. You just re-paraphrased your initial flawed objection.

He was saying "the mental image you posses of reality differs in varying ways from everyone else, and the semantic abstractions you have been predominately conditioned with, and use to describe your mental image, are just 'man-made' maps to explain the territory and not the territory itself. This is why we can't have nice forms"

Your contention is essentially: "Fuck prescriptivism. I can have platonic forms and objectivity if I want, I don't have to listen to you."

Well, enjoy your Aristotelian reality trap.

>> No.5223844

>Are ART's basically the same as Spooks.

Very similar, but an Aristotelian Reality Trap would focus on anything with the word "is" or other verbs which present sentences as a truth statements; "This is a chair", "this is a cat," "I have a car," "There is beer in the fridge."...

>> No.5225673

I don't get it