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5218317 No.5218317 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books regarding over-coming misanthropy?

Help me be less disgusted every time I go outside.

>> No.5218324

you need some more self-hate.
you really think you're better than everyone?
you're a piece of shit.
kill self.

>> No.5218328

most misanthropists hate themselves...

>> No.5218333

No, I am definitely better than almost everyone. Your post has exacerbated my misanthropy.

>> No.5218377


In what way? I have a friend who thinks like that, and as a result acts really aggressively because he "knows" he's better than everyone. When asked to define "better," he couldn't answer.

So please do.

>> No.5218396

You're dumber than average.

>> No.5218400
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this thread is going places

>> No.5218446

I found the übermensch

>> No.5218452

i can't wait for that moment when you realize you're a worthless loser and decide to kill yourself.

>> No.5218465

If everyone behaved like you, would the world be a better place?

>> No.5218466
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I'm a misunderstood genius

>> No.5218468

Get out there and meet more people. When you sit in and your only experience of other people is news reports of huge groups of people doing dumb shit or people posting on places like here, of course you're going to have a negative impression.

I won't deny that people can be shitty, but nine times out of ten a person can be great fun.

>> No.5218471

a fair warning: interacting with normies will make you hate everyone even more.

>> No.5218477

Suicide For Dummies
The Complete Idiot's Guide To Suicide

>> No.5218481

the idea of normies is what i'm on about, i've been in the same place. even the normiest normie is going to like a band you like, or have an opinion you agree with, or something you can get along on.

>> No.5218492


>all this delicious projection

Never change, /lit/

>> No.5218494

Define 'better'

>> No.5218498

>Get out there and meet more people.

Done that, was horrified beyond belief at what I encountered.

>> No.5218504

> use statistics and common sense
> projecting

>> No.5218506

In all honesty probably a full 95% of /lit/ is above average in intelligence. Smart people underestimate how dumb average people are.

>> No.5218507

>statistics and common sense

Even if they weren't humorously fallible, you did not use them.

>> No.5218508

I like how you didn't realize the übermensch one was a insult.

>> No.5218511

How can I measure my intelligence? I've been told by people that I and others consider extremely intelligent that I am also extremely intelligent. However, does that mean anything? I don't believe it does. So how, then, am I to know?

Why can I tell so easily if someone is 'stupid' if I don't even have a solid definition for the term?

>> No.5218513

If you understood the concept you'd know how pointless a response would be. An übermensch would never make this thread.

>> No.5218515

Nice try mate look up the illusory effect: One of the main effects of illusory superiority in IQ is the Downing effect. This describes the tendency of people with a below average IQ to overestimate their IQ, and of people with an above average IQ to underestimate their IQ. The propensity to predictably misjudge one's own IQ was first noted by C. L. Downing who conducted the first cross-cultural studies on perceived 'intelligence'. His studies also evidenced that the ability to accurately estimate others' IQ was proportional to one's own IQ. This means that the lower the IQ of an individual, the less capable they are of appreciating and accurately appraising others' IQ. Therefore individuals with a lower IQ are more likely to rate themselves as having a higher IQ than those around them. Conversely, people with a higher IQ, while better at appraising others' IQ overall, are still likely to rate people of similar IQ as themselves as having higher IQs.

>> No.5218516

Really? In my experience it's the other way around. I think that in almost every dumbass pleb there's a brilliant mind suffocating under the influence reality television, pornography, pop music, and video games. It's like how some obese people lose a ton of weight and are actually pretty attractive under all that fat.

>> No.5218520

Holy shit your thick, that is exactly my point

>> No.5218525

he's baiting you faggot.

whole thread is bait.

/lit/ is so fucking dumb

>> No.5218528

>yfw all the pompous, arrogant geniuses throughout history

fuck the fuck off with your pants-on-head retarded 'science'

>> No.5218533

No, not bait. Also, notice that /lit/ is yet to recommend a book.

>/lit/ is so fucking dumb

Agreed. Yet another collection of people I am better than.

>> No.5218535

>Fifty-five percent of Americans think that they are smarter than the average American
>percentage of people who are smarter than almost everyone? Less than 10
What conclusions can we draw from that ?

>> No.5218539

How would one separate illusory and genuine intelligence?

Good luck not sounding like a fucking retard answering that. I eagerly await free entertainment.

>> No.5218540

True misanthropists hate themselves

>> No.5218542

America should be nuked?

>> No.5218544

yfw all the pompous people throughout history who weren't geniuses make pompous geniuses a statistical improbability

>> No.5218556

I.q tests
Being extraordinarily good at something something to the point where you make contributions to a field
Scientists and the like valuing your opinion
Knowing that the statistical likely hood of you being a genius is phenomenally low

>> No.5218559

improbability doesn't exist. either is or isn't, nothing else.

>> No.5218560

>be a genius
>'hey guys, I'm a genius'
>no you're not, because most of us are stupid
>'I see"

>> No.5218566

>I.q tests


>extraordinarily good


>make contributions


>Scientists and the like valuing your opinion


>Knowing that the statistical likely hood of you being a genius is phenomenally low

see >>5218559

>> No.5218568

Math doesn't exists, it's still a useful tool

>> No.5218579
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>> No.5218585

What evidence do you have your a genius?

>> No.5218592

>science has validity

>> No.5218594

Someone wants to be me.

>> No.5218609

Ok this is definitely bait.
But before I abandon the thread I figure I should mention I'm a member of Mensa. What have you done?

>> No.5218617

What evidence would you require?

>> No.5218623

7/10, pretty solid bait. will get some nibbles i'd wager

>> No.5218656

None, if someone on the internet claims there a genius out of the blue I don't listen to them the chance I'm wrong is statistically insignificant

>> No.5218698

You write like a retard so your opinion is irrelevant.

>> No.5218706

>50 posts
>no books

/lit/ should be deleted

>> No.5218899

>not writing immaculately on a image board from mobile

>your a retard

>> No.5218907

top kek

>> No.5218962


>If you want a safe compass to guide you through life, and to banish all doubt as to the right way of looking at it, you cannot do better than accustom yourself to regard this world as a penitentiary, a sort of a penal colony, or [Greek: ergastaerion] as the earliest philosopher called it.7 Amongst the Christian Fathers, Origen, with praiseworthy courage, took this view,8 which is further justified by certain objective theories of life. I refer, not to my own philosophy alone, but to the wisdom of all ages, as expressed in Brahmanism and Buddhism, and in the sayings of Greek philosophers like Empedocles and Pythagoras; as also by Cicero, in his remark that the wise men of old used to teach that we come into this world to pay the penalty of crime committed in another state of existence — a doctrine which formed part of the initiation into the mysteries.9 And Vanini — whom his contemporaries burned, finding that an easier task than to confute him — puts the same thing in a very forcible way. Man, he says, is so full of every kind of misery that, were it not repugnant to the Christian religion, I should venture to affirm that if evil spirits exist at all, they have posed into human form and are now atoning for their crimes.10 And true Christianity — using the word in its right sense — also regards our existence as the consequence of sin and error.

>If you accustom yourself to this view of life you will regulate your expectations accordingly, and cease to look upon all its disagreeable incidents, great and small, its sufferings, its worries, its misery, as anything unusual or irregular; nay, you will find that everything is as it should be, in a world where each of us pays the penalty of existence in his own peculiar way. Amongst the evils of a penal colony is the society of those who form it; and if the reader is worthy of better company, he will need no words from me to remind him of what he has to put up with at present. If he has a soul above the common, or if he is a man of genius, he will occasionally feel like some noble prisoner of state, condemned to work in the galleys with common criminals; and he will follow his example and try to isolate himself.
In general, however, it should be said that this view of life will enable us to contemplate the so-called imperfections of the great majority of men, their moral and intellectual deficiencies and the resulting base type of countenance, without any surprise, to say nothing of indignation; for we shall never cease to reflect where we are, and that the men about us are beings conceived and born in sin, and living to atone for it. That is what Christianity means in speaking of the sinful nature of man.

>> No.5218967

>Pardon’s the word to all! 11 Whatever folly men commit, be their shortcomings or their vices what they may, let us exercise forbearance; remembering that when these faults appear in others, it is our follies and vices that we behold. They are the shortcomings of humanity, to which we belong; whose faults, one and all, we share; yes, even those very faults at which we now wax so indignant, merely because they have not yet appeared in ourselves. They are faults that do not lie on the surface. But they exist down there in the depths of our nature; and should anything call them forth, they will come and show themselves, just as we now see them in others. One man, it is true, may have faults that are absent in his fellow; and it is undeniable that the sum total of bad qualities is in some cases very large; for the difference of individuality between man and man passes all measure.

>In fact, the conviction that the world and man is something that had better not have been, is of a kind to fill us with indulgence towards one another. Nay, from this point of view, we might well consider the proper form of address to be, not Monsieur, Sir, mein Herr, but my fellow-sufferer, Socî malorum, compagnon de miseres! This may perhaps sound strange, but it is in keeping with the facts; it puts others in a right light; and it reminds us of that which is after all the most necessary thing in life — the tolerance, patience, regard, and love of neighbor, of which everyone stands in need, and which, therefore, every man owes to his fellow.

>> No.5219074
File: 80 KB, 540x668, gy_4a11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't. You let it intensify as you delve further into the darkness of human behavior and consciousness. At some point you will reach understanding of the miserable human condition and feel pity and compassion towards fellow humans instead of hate.
Then you become a priest or a lay equivalent in an NGO and you tend to your brothers.

>> No.5219081


>> No.5219465

Sounds abhorrent and foolish.

>> No.5219502

Because you are not yet mature enough to see its merit.

>> No.5219517

nobody gives a shit bitch, life from nothing isn't a miserable condition

>> No.5219524


>> No.5219542

you're too immature to understand my merit, you're a whiny child

>> No.5219550

Life is only miserable when my glass runs dry.

>> No.5219678

You probably just have strong ideals you built while in seclusion/in your own world which you dont see on other people. Im the same so i know that feel (if this is your feel), truth is just dont expect people to be as invested into themselves as you.

>> No.5219725

Im telling you man, (>>5219678) its what happens when you sit at home jelqing your ego 12 hours a day and getting used to your moral code. Then,once you go out, you notice people just dont care that much about that sorta shit. I mean this is just my experience but whatevs nigg.

>> No.5219795

>not feeling compassion for the misdirected frantic happiness chasing masses

They don't know any better, anon.

>> No.5219806

Invest in a full sized mirror, OP.

>> No.5219812

dude i think you just put into words the reason i can't seem to find common ground with people

honestly thank you, maybe this will let me improve myself

>> No.5219892

this is the official diagnosis of people who read too much i think. well put.

>> No.5219945

Misanthropy is normal, most people would be horrified by most other people. We live in little bubbles of people similar to us that give us the impression that what we hold to be true is universally good. Mass media has made a kind of superficial agreement among most of the masses, but underneath this thin layer people generally still don't get along. However if you live with people different from you for extended periods there is the possibility that each of you will grow to be more like the other, and you will accept each other. This won't lessen your general misanthropy for other people though, just for this one type of person.

>> No.5219947


There is analytic intelligence (solving math problems, reading books, etc.) that are adaptive for "novel" purposes, on an evolutionary scale. This is what is meant by being "intelligent".

On the other hand, there is a deeper intelligence, I would call it "reproductive intellect" because for evolutionarily normal activities like socialization and getting laid, people of normal "intelligence" do perfectly fine or better at this evolutionarily familiar task...humans, on average, are perfectly adapted to sex and socialization because it is not a novel task. So this intellect is probably what you are detecting among plebs...they are good at evolutionarily familiar tasks like making friends and getting mates, whereas as a person of high "IQ", you are better at evolutionarily novel tasks like reading and writing that didn't exist millennia ago and are relatively new requiring more adaptation, which does not necessarily imply you will be better at the more familiar tasks of socialization and sexual reproduction...in fact there is likely a strong tradeoff...e.g. resources in the body used to promote strong cerebral brain development instead of muscular development (jock vs nerd, basically, on a developmental level).

>> No.5220039

i'm stuck in the disappointment stage but i feel compassion on the horizon

>> No.5220065

you should go on youtube and listen to the guys that say that the earth literally is a prison/farm ruled by reptilian aliens from alternate dimensions.

>> No.5220070

Wow, /lit/ managed to do something productive for once. Now there's a rare sight.

>> No.5220088

I have an idea you might be interested in OP.

Try doing nothing for a whole week. Literally just sit yourself up against a wall and do nothing, bar breath. Don't even think. Go to the toilet when you need to and eat once a day, fall asleep when you feel like it, but aside from that do nothing. I'm going to try this myself starting tomorrow. I think I might gain a perspective on things.

>> No.5220146
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You're going to make it.

>> No.5220214


>> No.5220243

>Smart people underestimate how dumb average people are.
This is so true. So very, depressingly true.

>> No.5220264

This may be true for some of the population, but there is, without a doubt, a higher ratio of truly dumb people.

>> No.5221989

>misdirected frantic happiness chasing masses

You're dressing them up to be much more than they are. We're talking people committing horrendous crimes on a daily basis and feeling nothing about it, not delusional wage slaves. Where do you live?

>> No.5222017

>70+ replies
>one book recommendation and it's Schopenhauer

This is why I come here less and less.

My recommendations:
A Life Full of Holes- about an Arab orphan whose life is far more terrible than you could imagine who still remains optomistic sees the good in people.

East of Eden- about how people have a choice to be good or evil, or to be misanthropes. An awesome read all around.

Maybe Train Dreams too, just cus it's a charming book and I like recommending it.

>> No.5222031

Thank you

>> No.5222048

>OP derails his own thread right off the bat

Try The Bible.

>> No.5222068

How so? The first post told me to commit suicide and I responded accordingly. It was /lit/ who inferred my misanthropy stems from perceived superior intelligence (actually says a lot about the board) and not from experiencing the horrors of humanity first-hand.

>> No.5222073

misogyny is better. it's accurately applied hate. only man can be cool, find the rare few.

in 2014 it is preposterous to involve yourself with a female instead of satiating your sexual lust through creative masturbation

actually spending time with one... this no wise philosopher ever did

>> No.5222078

>creative masturbation
Like this? www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fad5-EBPXLA

>> No.5222089

paused at 0.01 looks too gross to watch but what i mean is, all your desires can be fulfilled alone, no need to get involved with an actual female, it's just not worth the trouble

you should just treat the sex drive like an enjoyable but archaic primitive instinctual distraction in the way of the higher life, so take care of the need alone and then focus on higher things.

when you are tethered to a female emotionally you never rise back up to the higher things, until you break up and realize misogyny again

>> No.5222095

>The first post told me to commit suicide and I responded accordingly.
The correct response is to cut from the bottom of your wrist to the top of your bicep. Barring that don't respond at all and stay on topic or keep being a masterbaiter.

>> No.5222101


>> No.5222112


>> No.5222154

>can't even hyperlink properly


>> No.5222227

>link works fine
>off-topic shitposting



>> No.5222296

>being this butt-blasted


>> No.5222953

Bump for more book recs.
Please stop masturbating at each other.

>> No.5223290

The majority of people commit horrendous crimes on a daily basis like psychopaths?

>> No.5224038

There's just nothing headier than being a 19-25 year old boy

>> No.5224053


why do you want to overcome misanthropy? i'll venture it has nothing to do with your unhappiness. perspective is needed

>> No.5224089

Both sexes are fucking awful, two sides of the same fucking coin

Better to hate everyone

>> No.5224108
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>every 'misanthropic' faggot on /lit/mu/tv/ that thinks they're superior because of their taste

>> No.5224114

Tolstoy could help you. Try Anna Karenina. Also

>go out
>ignore your bias that tell you you're smarter than everyone
>remember it's easy to look dumb to someone else's eye
>remember not everyone has to be like you to be smart

After the usual sperging delay, you'll probably get along fine. Just make sure to pick places where people are more likely to share your interests (libraries I suppose).

>> No.5224171

I've done this (except with a bit of computer and reading thrown into it). It's interesting, but what you get out of it really depends on your mental state.

>> No.5224260


Why are you assuming that misanthropy has as its source an assumption of superior intelligence?

You know what they say about assumptions. I wonder what it means to make an assumption about an assumption. . .

I lapse regularly into misanthropy not because I think I'm superior in terms of intelligence but because I can't stand that humans are so unable to transcend the aggression written into our bio-essence. Everywhere I look I see a senseless struggle for superiority or positional advantage. My perspective is not perhaps generalizable. Then what is it in me that draws this behavior out of people, when I just want to work in co-operation with people towards common goals? I want intellectual stimulation and a socially productive role. What do I get? Cockblockers and decoys errrywhere.

>inb4 everything you might say