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/lit/ - Literature

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5216622 No.5216622[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So how do you organize your notes, /lit/? When they're for a single story you can just shit on the nearest piece of paper and you're alright, but I bet you keep general notes as well.

I have a box full of random notes, a desktop and a laptop with more of the same, and finally a nice leather journal just for sketches and interesting words and names.

I intend to turn all my junk into a neatly organized hierarchy on a thumb drive, but I haven't figured out the structure yet. Some ideas are simple premises, others are almost complete short stories, and most are somewhere in between. And then there's orphan scenes, characters, sci-fi inventions, fragments of dialogue, pictures and sound clips.

Maybe mindmaps are the way to go.

>> No.5216627

well first I fuck your mother then I smoke some crack

>> No.5216631

Pocket sized moleskin for ideas that may pop into my head at any given moment. Writer Pro for general notes.

I never really found note keeping all that difficult.

>> No.5216636

my notes go into notebooks that i toss once they're filled up. it allows for me to forget i thought a thought once and for that thought to evolve in different ways.

>> No.5216639

Note taking is just another form of hoarding.
Admit it OP, your notes are never going to benefit you or anyone else.

>> No.5216668


>> No.5216712

With my memory they'd be taken out back and shot rather than evolved.

They do come in handy. I always try to cram in my favorite ideas and put a hook of some sort on every page.

>Writer Pro
Still trying to figure out the concept.

Had Scrivener until the trial ran out but it wasn't doing me much better than simple text files in a folder.