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/lit/ - Literature

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5216124 No.5216124 [Reply] [Original]

The books under iron pill, are they worth reading? Good logic and sound arguments?

>> No.5216133

Definitely not

>> No.5216138

What happened to Indigo Pill?

>> No.5216140

Lets just put it this way, if a book appears in one of these red pill images, its not worth reading.

>> No.5216174

I'm pretty sure none of these books are worth reading.

>> No.5216189


hes in another image

>> No.5216338

Devi and Evola are good. I've heard good things about De Benoist and the whole Grece scene.

>> No.5216349

Only milk pill is worth reading.

Some of Evola's stuff but take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.5216350

requesting said image please

>> No.5216355

Milk pill is seriously worth reading.

>> No.5216362

Illuminatus was fucking hilarious

>> No.5216368

whats trap pill?

>> No.5216371

A grain of salt? His entire philosophy based on mythology and pseudoscience. Evola is interesting, but anyone who takes him seriously is delusional.

>> No.5216380

Read 'em all

>> No.5216546

Ride the Tiger was incompetent and juvenile. I can only assume the rest of the books on that list are as well.
If you were really interested in atavism, you wouldn't be on the computer polluting your brain with meme comics.

>> No.5216675

can smell your vagina bro

>> No.5216680

What does one read when one has transcended "pill" dogmas

>> No.5216682


habermas, rawls

>> No.5216704

What's the name of the symbol on red pill guy's jacket with the no symbol through the triangle

I tried to reverse google search an image I made of it in paint and I couldn't get it; I've seen it a bunch before

>> No.5216719

The Eye of Providence

>> No.5216732

>taking any le pill image seriously
Realllllllllly trying to cement yourself as a fedoralord, huh?

>> No.5216742

Yes, anon, people literally define themselves as "pills" and only read the books listed under that "pill". It's not tongue-in-cheek or anything.

>> No.5216764

how optimistic you are that you believe teenagers babysat by Cambodian animation don't live and breath the maymays that has the irony fly over their heads

>> No.5216767

what's irony pill material?

>> No.5216780

There are people who very sincerely believe the whole red pill thing. See /pol/ and certain subreddits for examples.

>> No.5216783

>he hasn't read milk pill

I'd post the laughing whores, but you probably see them enough in real life with your chicken legs.

>> No.5216794

They use it as a joke term. All it means is that you have a more enlightened perspective on something. The self-aware joke of it is in implying that knowing women are whores (or whatever) is some kind of Matrix-tier world-changing awakening.

There are people who read right wing /lit/ and use the slang of /pol/ when they're on /pol/ to say they're "red pilled about x". There are literally no people who proudly consider themselves a "red pill" without further qualification.

I don't know why you types come here if you aren't even going to bother fitting in. You don't have to LIKE a community to fit in with it and understand its mannerisms.

>> No.5216797

>there are literally nobody who believes these things, everything is alright, just fit in anon!

Look, I ain't no redpiller, but you sound exactly like what a conspiracy retard would fight against.

>> No.5216805

You gave them WAY too much credit.

>> No.5216808

Bro, I consider myself a National Socialist and I know a lot of /pol/ people. From the more-enthusiasm-than-brains 16 year old who just wants to be part of something that legitimates violence to the people who think they're traditionalist because they can't get laid to Marxists and anarcho-syndicalists who actually read books.

No one does what you think they do. I'm not saying anything other than that you have the faggy lingo down wrong. It's still faggy, you're just interpreting it incorrectly. They DO believe those things, sure, but that's not what "red pill" means. No one is that shallow. Every single one of them either has a real philosophical/political stance with a real fancy name and everything, or at least thinks they do. Even the 16 year old.

>> No.5216835


The WASP Question is actually surprisingly interesting in places, but overlong for what it addresses. Faye is not that interesting. Evola is fascinating but crazy. Devi is just cracked–out insane.

>> No.5216846

Where's the pill for Sports Literature?

>> No.5216853


>> No.5216854

Definitely blue.

>> No.5216864

But I'm an agnostic nihilist.

>> No.5216868

Good for you. Sports lit is still a mindless distraction.

>> No.5216874

Is there supposed to be some kind of jab at Hedges in that image? He's actually a sane contemporary political writer.

>> No.5216877
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>> No.5216880


Isn't everything a distraction?

>> No.5216883

>They use it as a joke term. All it means is that you have a more enlightened perspective on something. The self-aware joke
It is a joke to like the first few people that posted it as a reference to the Matrix movies

That doesn't guarantee the next few hundred fuccbois crying about girlfriends and self help won't take it as face value to "fit in"

>You don't have to LIKE a community to fit in with it
Yes perfect proving my point before I even type out a response

>> No.5216885


>> No.5216887

Finnegan's Wake

>> No.5216891

stay pleb

>> No.5216893

Yes, but it is in fact a mindless distraction. You're reading about games. Games that children play. Or the people who play those games. Would you read a celebrity biography?

>> No.5216895

someone didn't even have a chance to swallow the irony pill :^)

>> No.5216905

Wow sounds like you belong in the blue pill category, ignoramus.

>> No.5216909

That's exactly the sort of defensiveness I'd expect from someone who feeds their mind blue pill material.

>> No.5216915

As much as I hate tripfags, there are worst things to be distracted by than sports and related literature.
mad you were always picked last for kickball?

>> No.5216919

Sure, and there are worse things than eating feces. That doesn't mean that they're good for you.

We didn't play kickball at my school. We played burnball.

>> No.5216956

Well, keep thinking the comics about Iron Pill and Green Pill fighting demons from hell are taken seriously, I guess.

>> No.5216976

Guillaume Faye is worth reading. So is Evola but be careful not to drink ALL his kool-aid.

Savitri Devi is just fucking crazy.

>> No.5216982

>Good for you
Ulysses: Now with 12 essential vitamins and nutrients

>> No.5216989

The Hobbit

>> No.5216993

Are you actually suggesting that reading literature isn't to the benefit of your mind?

>> No.5216999

I think he's just making a joke, man
lighten up

>> No.5217029

Are you actually suggesting that it is?

Fiction is babby-tier. It's entertainment. Unless you're reading difficult philosophy or educational material (science, history, etc.) you are getting no more out of reading than Joe Schmo is getting out of watching the ball game.

>> No.5218583
File: 232 KB, 1024x576, pentti-linkola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pentti Linkola is a pretty respected author/activist here in Finland. I think he is worth reading even if his views are fucking extreme.

>> No.5218864

People that can't grasp a bit of irony don't stay long on 4chan, or don't go further than /b/.

Even on /pol/, a huge majority of people know "the jews" is a meme that tends to be often true and aren't actually christian.

The pills are obviously a joke, iron pill is fun because he's partially a role model but ridicule at the same time, auto derision at its finest.

>> No.5218877

>roman statues firing lasers

i love that comic

>> No.5218909
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>> No.5218915


Tips beret.

>> No.5218933


Pentti should buy a comb and mirror some day.

>> No.5218959
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>he has to read books on how to get buff

>> No.5218969

Ignore Benoist and Donovan, they are like legit football hooligans and anti-christianity. Evola atleast is good and lived the literary life.

>> No.5218989


>football hooligan

Benoist is a bit dry, and he is pagan, but his critiques are absolutely top notch.

Donovan is more of a redpill author, and a homosexual at that, but still worth reading.

>> No.5219001

Neo-nazis are strictly acting the pagan way, while during actual fascism and national socialist everyone was christian or tried to be one, that's when those regimes worked and atleast had austhetics.

>> No.5219007


The New Right isn't `neo-nazi`. But I agree.

>> No.5219039
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I prefer to stay white pilled.

>> No.5219053
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>not being saved-pill

>> No.5219073


I hope whoever made this is fucking dead.

>> No.5219080
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>> No.5219079

Tolkien and Eliot were.

>> No.5219083


Dante too.

>> No.5219091

Nah. You can't fit him politically.

>> No.5219297

Any more infographs? Very interested in these archetypes

>> No.5220112

Your schtick isn't even funny, take the trip off.

>> No.5220116
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>putting "valis" among nonfiction

>> No.5220120


>> No.5220143

The market wasn't as diverse back then. We have a pill for that now too.

>> No.5220155
File: 80 KB, 1871x507, origin of the pill meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder.
>are they worth reading?
Reading is never bad m8.

>> No.5220157

I'm pretty sure you're right!

>> No.5220161
File: 18 KB, 244x198, 1301387058205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it's fiction
>implying the empire has ever ended
>mfw I've been walking the greenpill path all these years and didn't even knew
>mfw I can feel my pineal gland activating
Daily reminder you'll never see the spectacle curtains falling and reality unfolding itself around you

>> No.5220170

In a modern context, he would definitely be right winged. Politics is like 10% of the Divine Comedy, because he shits on political enemies in the Inferno.

>> No.5220183


Sure because improving your reading and speaking skills, getting to know how people think and behave and how other people solve problems isn't useful at all if your into law, politics, economics, management, security or publics relations.

>> No.5220213


nigga tolkien was a christian anarchist

>> No.5220271

how does one become the brown pill

I want a cool walking stick that I don't need because I can float.

>> No.5220279

I think you mean Tolstoy

>> No.5222433
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I'm just gonna post the comics for those who haven't seen them.

>> No.5222438
File: 1.02 MB, 694x7736, iron pill 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5222443
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>> No.5222446
File: 1.83 MB, 685x9952, iron pill 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5222451
File: 2.06 MB, 695x9999, iron pill 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5222452

read last messiah by zappfe

read cioran (skip heights of despair until you read his other books)

brown pill defined by the picture is simply nihilism sans hedonism

>> No.5222454
File: 2.26 MB, 694x9996, iron pill 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5222468

For some reason I simultaneously love and hate the meta pill shit that goes on on /x/

>> No.5222541

>Overcoming paranoid and suspicious thoughts

lol'ing for offtopic emphasis