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5213830 No.5213830 [Reply] [Original]

has a book ever made you cum?

>> No.5213834


>> No.5213838
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>> No.5213839

Yes, actually. The 4th Twilight book, when Edward fucks vampire-Bella for like 12 uninterrupted hours. I came without touching myself, but I was only 13 at the time. I can't imagine what sort of stimuli it would take for me to do that now, with a worn and weary penis.

>> No.5213843

I can hardly believe that. The sexual portions of Lolita are so intellectualized and abstracted that even though they qualify as quote 'erotic' it would be a struggle to actually derive the kind of raw carnal satisfaction required for masturbation. Compound this with the fact that the actual relationship between Humbert and Lolita isn't sexy at all.

>> No.5213847

>The 4th Twilight book, when Edward fucks vampire-Bella for like 12 uninterrupted hours.

wait, is that for real?

>> No.5213849

Ya, tha D gets boring doesn't it. I miss the days I'd come home for the cinema having cum in my pants from kissing a girl. These days I'm wanking into bushes in frustration because the bitch wouldn't fuck me.

>> No.5213853

He was makeing a "I'm a pedo XD" joke

>> No.5213854

i jerked off to brave new world in high school

>> No.5213855

Murakami's descriptions of sex get me harder than any actual erotica.

>> No.5213863

Are you reading him in the original Japanese? In English Murakami's prose is just clunky, sex scenes inclusive.

>> No.5213864

You guys realise Nabokov uses his artsy word play to make pedos out of everyone, right? Dolores Haze is a tease to get you riled up for a bit of the ol' pedophilia, not just some random harlot.

>> No.5213867

Pretty much the entire point of Lolita was that you'd wank to it. It was pedo-apologetic.

>> No.5213868

>Dolores Haze is a tease

>actually believing the avowedly unreliable narrator


>> No.5213870

Pft. Charlotte Haze, I mean.

>> No.5213883

"hurr unreliable narrator, i am so clever to have conceived that the character mite be lying ot me"
Get a life dude, there's so fucking much more to that book than that nothingness.

>> No.5213891

He's not lying, he's deluding himself. As rapists tend to. As you are doing right now.

>> No.5213900

Wow, that's an even stupider bit that the "hur he mite be lying" bit.

>> No.5213908

>The sexual portions of Lolita are so intellectualized and abstracted that even though they qualify as quote 'erotic' it would be a struggle to actually derive the kind of raw carnal satisfaction required for masturbation

I don't think that's necessarily true.

I didn't get off to Lolita but I did to Ada. I don't remember if the erotic passages were the same though.

>> No.5213913

>implying self delusion wasn't a essential theme of Lolita.

>> No.5213915

Please explain what a reading of Lolita lacks when you approach it from the view that descriptions of Lolita's sexuality are quite obviously colored by the guilty, delusional, and overall sort of pathetic perceptions of a self-absorbed narcissist. Be specific and detailed.

>> No.5213920


>ideology intensifies


>> No.5213922

The issue with that is, aside from the unreliable narrator making his actions out to be justifiable, the unreliable narrator makes her seem marginally appealing even though a cursory read through the lines shows her to be absolutely irritating and disgusting the way children actually are. Pedos fap to some idealized child the way he made her out to be, actual children (like the actual Dolores), are stupid and gross.

>> No.5213925

He can't, he prefers memes to real arguments.

>> No.5213939

>uhh he was dreaming she was being a little slut!!!
I'm sorry, kiddies. As succulent an interpretation as that is...yeah, I'm gonna pass. Of course self-delusion plays its part in the narrative, but on a much more profound level than you dullards are capable of realising -- namely, the solipsism of the book.

>> No.5213943

>yeah, I'm gonna pass

Thank you for conceding you have no coherent argument.

>> No.5213946

No argument against "hurr he be dreamong all the booK!!"? Sure.

>> No.5213952


>> No.5213956

is it gay to get a boner from the words of a male author?

>> No.5213958

If you have some kind of real point to make, then make it already or fuck off. You won't fool anyone that you're more intelligent by misquoting people and adding 'hurr' to everything.

>> No.5213959

Le funny May mays = 2 arguments XD XD XD

>> No.5213960

Oh, you missed all that stuff about the devil then? Or Humbert's intuitive genius? Or that woman interrupting Humbert and Charlotte down at the lake? Or his happening upon a reference to pedophilia almost like magic in prison? Etc. The whole book was a wash of solipsism dumbass.

>> No.5213963

No, no, stick to that solid interpretation of "hurr he was dreamong". Esoterically realised, most certainly!

>> No.5213974

>implying solipsism somehow has anything to do with the argument at hand

>> No.5213977

It's very important to give the retards something to play with too in trying to write a book that will last.

>> No.5213979

>Oh, you missed all that stuff about the devil then? Or Humbert's intuitive genius? Or that woman interrupting Humbert and Charlotte down at the lake? Or his happening upon a reference to pedophilia almost like magic in prison?

None of that has anything whatsoever to do with solipsism. In fact a great deal of it flies directly in the face of the idea that Humbert lives in some solipsistic world of his own creation. It's quite true that Humbert himself is a bit of a solopsist -- that is the logical extreme of narcissism -- but the world intrudes on that at every turn. The interrupted murder, Quilty, Lolita's rebelliousness. In fact the climax of the book is Humbert's realization that yes, Lolita is an actual human being, separate from Humbert and Humbert's idealization of her, and she never loved him.

If anything Lolita is a tract against the poison of solipsism. That includes Humbert's distorted interpretations of Lolita's sexuality in the novel's first portions.

>> No.5213983

>implying you're not retarded

>> No.5213986

Who said he was dreaming?
Also congratulations you have successfully changed my view without ever presenting a argument.

>> No.5213989

And therein lies the self-delusion -- that Humbert is not living in a solipsistic world, and yet finds so much to suggest he is.

>> No.5213996

Make a argument or retreat back into your own ego

>> No.5213998


You sound like kind of a dumb guy, you know that? Like, the sort of dumb guy who tries really hard to sound smart, but fails at it because he can't help betraying the shallowness and lack of nuance in his thoughts.

>> No.5214005

>our point exactly, all that comes from his self deception

>> No.5214008

Oh really? lol

>> No.5214009

Le funny May mays = 3 arguments XD XD XD XD

>> No.5214015

Congrats, you've got to be the stupidest person posting on /lit/ right now.

It's a pity, because there might have been an interesting discussion to have on these grounds. But you so clearly have not thought, are not even capable of thinking, about these issues in any way. I wonder if you've even read the book at all. If you did, then you wasted your time.

Maybe you should focus on learning a trade, or something. Literature is a bit above you.

>> No.5214018

The lack of an argument here is astounding.

>> No.5214030

"Ah, but you see," anon said with a sly wink, "the trick of the book is that none of it actually happened at all! that it's all self-delusion!"
Hmm, lol.

>> No.5214034

How did I know this would devolve into shitflinging over Lolita the instant I saw the OP.

>> No.5214035

I'm self-assured, mate, and rather enjoying this collective cry you guys are having at me. Ask nicely perhaps, and I may further expound on some of the intricacies of the book.

>> No.5214047


In English and I think it's the clunkiness that gets me. Other writers sound like they're trying to be sexy, which doesn't fit with the rest of the prose, whereas Murakami's sex descriptions don't stand out.

>> No.5214048

>implying that's what anybody said and not something you pulled out of your ass because you don't have a argument,

>> No.5214051

>implying ur intelligent
Come on, you know you aren't. I, on the other hand, am.

>> No.5214055

Protip: crying "unrealiable narrator!" about Lolita, is retarded.

>> No.5214059
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>> No.5214061

Oh I am laffin

>> No.5214066

Wow really! I bet your iq is higher than one billion!

>> No.5214068

I didn't cum, but the part in chapter 13 where he humps her through his robes (or he imagines it, whatever) gave me a boner and I think about it sometimes.

It's so delicious, because it is right on that line. He's sexually using her, but her innocence is being retained, and it is shameful, but it is a completely hidden shame. I think it is the perfect point of pedophilia.
Afterward, the sex part of the story goes downhill and gets replaced with comedy.

Other than that, I fap to a lot of fanfiction.

>> No.5214078

I feel sorry for you anon, having to play ridiculous as a strong suit like that.

Well, no I don't, actually, lol.

>> No.5214085

I know there's no hope of you ever conceding any ground in this thread, and that you'll continue firing off snippy faux-ironic insults in an attempt to deflect how utterly you have failed to present a counter-argument. But it is my sincere hope that you remember the gang rape you have suffered here, in this thread, the next time you get to thinking that you have something of value to contribute to a discussion about literature.

>> No.5214093

>implying that argument is any less valid then putting hurt durr in front of what you said

>> No.5214097


Err, I uh, didn't mean to quote you. That post was for >>5214035

>> No.5214099

You're embarrassing yourself. I know you feel it. Just stop responding.

>> No.5214103


Being a furry basically resigns me to literotica and roleplaying to truly satisfy my urges.

I fapped to Anonymous Rex after reading it, but to an imagined longer version of the sex scene towards the end of the book.

Does that count?

>> No.5214107
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One of the Alien novels (Earth Hive) had a pretty PG sex scene in it that I discovered while reading on a road trip with the family.

>tfw thats where my love for written erotica began

>> No.5214110

>Anonymous Rex

Oh man, I read that book when I was 15. Good times. Not a furry, but the human-dino sex thing at the end intrigued me. I chalk it up to the fact that at 15, even certain trees would give me a boner.

>> No.5214119

Mate, a counter argument to "Humbert is deluding himself about Lolita"? -- Do give it a rest. I mean whatever about lying to the jury, but completely creating the others around him? You might as well be proposing that Humbert spends the whole book dreaming.

>> No.5214122

>gang rape
lmfao. Holyshit I am laffin

>> No.5214129
File: 23 KB, 500x301, Soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left Anonymous Rex on the top of a pile of books in my room along with a friend of mine because I had to leave for a minute to do something I don't remember. When I got back, the book was slightly askew on top of the pile.

The book with the phrase "The best interspecies sex ever" written on the back in bold yellow letters.

>> No.5214134

Because a pedophile deluding himself is just unheard of
inb4 hur dur

>> No.5214138

The lying to the jury bit, however, does have considerable merit. And there's much trickery in the way of that interpretation, too (which then folds into reality, as if the appeals work, they work, no two ways about it). But to paint it as Humbert deluding himself is just pathetic, to be quite honest.

>> No.5214142

>inb4 hur dur

>> No.5214144


The prequel isn't bad, and the sequel was alright up until the point where I took a break from it. I'd recommend them above most genre fiction, but that's probably because it caters to certain sordid interests of mine.

Honestly it's the best piece of scalie literature until that supposedly good fantasy novel where the knight fucks a dragon comes out next year. Still hoping that wasn't just an elaborate troll thread.

Ideally I'd have someone like Cormac McCarthy write some scalie equivalent to Lolita to really put us on the map of weird fringe deviants. Probably won't happen though.

>> No.5214151

>as if the appeals work, they work, no two ways about i
as I said, it's pedo-apologetic. It's a marvelously tricky book, for sure, but not in the way of Humbert deluding himself (besides his recounting his deluding himself or knowledge of how one might delude themselves).

>> No.5214158


Yeah your friend thinks you want to fuck dinosaurs now.

Use this information wisely for comedic purposes.

>> No.5214176
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Actually, we've since lost contact with each other and I hear his life is in shambles.

I guess I won....something.

>> No.5214255
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dayam anon u really r livin the literary life.

>> No.5214295

Literally had to have a wank into a bush one night walking home. Could've been CCTV too, I dunno. Things were just easier back in the day.

>> No.5214360

Delta of Venus.

>> No.5214452

I fapped to the Neuromancer coffin hotel sex scene when I was 15 or something

>> No.5214502


He couldn't handle the fact that his friend wanted to fuck dinosaurs and his life spiraled out of control.

>> No.5214606
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I'll go with your theory.

>> No.5214650


That's a married couple alright, female looks bored as hell.

>> No.5214678
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I like you, friend.

>> No.5214698

I almost had a hands-free orgasm reading the "Sirens" chapter of Ulysses.

>> No.5214842


Don Quixote.

Chapter 33 (?) about the two best friends, one of which marries this beautiful woman than tries to scheme a way of testing her fidelity which unknowingly to him ends up making him a blind cuckold to his best friend who takes her.

>> No.5214850

samefag harder

>> No.5215581

>has a book ever made you cum?
The Black Jewels Trilogy
Let the right one in
Warded Man /Demon Cycle(when her father took her)

>> No.5215647

>I was only 13 at the time
Isn't Twilight like 3 years old?

>> No.5215679

I was going into greater detail about something I'd already said, bro. That right-side-of-the-mob mentality you got going there is hugely pathetic, though, good job. Spineless.

>> No.5215705

Well done, you bastard. Thread gone.

>> No.5215706

I used to jerk it to Clive Barker novels. For a gay man that writes horror he can set up some AMAZING sex scenes.

>> No.5215707
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>Norwegian Wood

You all know the part.

>> No.5215708

hetero or homo sex scenes?

>> No.5215711

The threeway in Against the Day.

The internet was down and I had no porn. I am sorry.

>> No.5215721

The Fermata by Nicholson Baker.
Les Exploits d'un jeune Don Juan by Guillaume Apollinaire.

>> No.5215860

>Norwegian Wood
>Not being a porno about Norwegian Lumberjacks
fuck this life

>> No.5215866

>The Fermata by Nicholson Baker.

My close kin relation of African heritage.

>> No.5215877

Sometimes a person finds his valuable insights unfairly suppressed by groupthink and herd mentality. But sometimes he's just a fucking dink who needs to be told how obnoxious he is.

For you, I can safely say it's usually the latter.

>> No.5215882

when i was like 12 i read 'the last picture show' by larry mcmurtry for some reason and for maybe 6 months to a year after i'd go back and re-read the 'dirty parts' while jackin' it.

ah, youth.

>> No.5215922
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Some kid from my middle school reread Anne Frank's unabridged diaries just for the masturbatory scenes. and he proudly jerked to them

>> No.5216027

And yet my interpretation of Lolita is the correct one. When it comes down to it -- yeah, I'm happy with being just right.

>> No.5216030

Come on, you enormous faggots. Early Lolita is probably the most erotic thing I've experienced, the abstraction and the subtlety are exactly where it's at. The pathetic despair and the shameful guilt, all that. I had to stop reading it to masturbate furiously several times, never in my life have I been that aroused.

>> No.5216044

I jacked off twice last night to Molly's chapter in Ulysses...

>> No.5216061

And he says "groupthink" and "herd mentality" as if to be lord over what I'm talking about, and all the while he hasn't a fucking clue.

Oh sorry, couldn't resist the dig ;D

>> No.5216066

I skipped through Zola's Earth just to schlick to the rape scenes. Pretty meh. Got a couple O's.

>> No.5216080

The Bible. I'm not kidding. The closest thing I had to erotica when I was 12 were the sex stories in the Old Testament.

>> No.5216088

I really hope that's true. Passages for me to jack off to so as to anoint myself?

>> No.5216091

There is nothing to be ashamed about, Anon.

Unless you jacked it to Gravity's Rainbow. Then you do.

>> No.5216105


Hetero, mostly.

>> No.5216237

from what I can see there's only one, and it isn't all that sexy, plus they like straight up murder the bitch at the end, not cool

>> No.5216250

Masturbate to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

>> No.5216357

i jacked off to some of the sex scenes in the Illuminatus! trilogy. including the one with the giant apple.

>> No.5216374

You went to school with Jeff Mangum dude

>> No.5216384

I forget. There is one section were it talks about a guy fucking his dead brother's wife and spilling his semen upon the floor.
Lot's daughters seducing and having incestuous sex with him
King David with Bathsheba
Some of the stuff in Song of Solomon is pretty sexy.

>> No.5217116

>books I have masturbated to
Philosophie dans le boudoir
Eugenie de Franval
stuff from The Olympia Reader
Delta of Venus
that volume of Anais Nin's diary in which she fucked her dad
Memoirs of a Beatnik
>a highly recommend this one
Lolita (when I was like 16)
that part of Emily Gould's memoir when she goes down on the underage boy
Ars amatoria
The White Hotel
Lost Girls

>> No.5217147

I jerked to Agia.

>> No.5217184

>that pic

good video

>> No.5217207

I just jacked it to the middle of this thread where one guy suggested that Humbert was self-deluded and that Lolita wasn't about solipsism but more a slap to the face of solipsism and narcissism that quickly devolved into a bitch fight

>> No.5217236

Delta of Venus
Lost Girls

>> No.5217479

I came into this thread to post Lolita, but it was the very first post and the rest of the thread was spent shit-flinging about the book.

Good show, everyone.

>> No.5217492

george bataille Story of the Eye

>> No.5218631

Not her, and you are right, you can't fap to the book itsself, but let's say the book inspires you to put yourself in Humbert's position and your cousin to Lo's.

>> No.5218647
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I deliberately avoid erotic satisfaction of any kind as I am a firm virgin who refrains from masturbation, just like the hero of my youth, Thoreau: only upon freedom from such confines as sexual pleasure will you know true inner peace, Original Poster. I suggest a life of celibacy, and I hope that you will not continue to damage your mind with such abuses of literature and the body.

>> No.5218649

I masturbated to SputNik Sweetheart when the Asian MILF was talking about getting fucked by some fat (French was it?) slob.

About the only thing that book was good for besides firewood.

>> No.5218659

That's fucking stupid, though. Do you fantasize about bugging your cousin for sex until she relents and allows you to joylessly rut inside of her? Humbert's dynamic with Lolita was fucking pathetic in every way, there's nothing at all erotic about it. Of course, I suppose I can't expect a real pedophile to recognize that.

>> No.5218661

i've jerked off to every murakami book i've read tbh

his books are basically pornography, which would explain the complete lack of artistic merit

>> No.5218699

I wasn't talking about the whole book, just the erotic moments of it. Where Lolita gives him -or Humbert takes- a -kinda- footjob, for example.

>> No.5218738

ok i get pretty aroused whenever i read the first chapter of theodore sturgeon's godbody. and the part where godbody & britt have sex without moving.

>> No.5218805
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Could it be?

>> No.5218837

>fucking pathetic in every way, there's nothing at all erotic about it
Quit repeating this as a fact, no one cares about your taste and opinions. I bet you also walk around claiming that people can't enjoy BDSM because it might be painful, nothing erotic about that.

>> No.5218840

You ever get bored when fucking a girl?

It's turning into a problem for me

>> No.5218887

if you start sleeping with girls who actually like you it tends to be less boring.

>> No.5218900

Nope even then, I'm talking 2 months in and I'm thinking 90% of the time "Man I could be reading or watching a movie or something this is going on forever"

Low test life I guess

>> No.5218942

That is indeed very edgy, good sir.

>> No.5218952

well sex isn't for everyone, anon. i don't really find sex "fun" so much as a platform to demonstrate my skills. kind of like playing a 2D fighter against someone who is genuinely trying and you beat them by buttonmashing.

>> No.5219146

>Quit repeating this as a fact, no one cares about your taste and opinions

So your personal taste is pathetically begging an underage girl for sex all the time until she gets sick of your whining and lets you molest her again.

In what world is that remotely erotic or titillating?

You're so fucking stupid that you think just because Nabokov used a sweeping vocabulary to describe it, it must be sexy, or at least its appeal must be an issue of subjective taste. But if you look at the actual story underlying the prose, it's just sad. Humbert's relationship with Lolita is sad and disgusting. Even to a person with a sexual inclination toward children. It is the exact opposite of the ideal "pedophilic fantasy" (and that's the entire point).

>> No.5219181

You've fallen into a rut. Experiment more.

>> No.5219207

This guy is a NEET who cradles his balls, grinning with glee, at the thought of his pseudo-intellect.

>> No.5219222

sometimes when i read books and its really good my cock starts to tingle

>> No.5219243

me too, man. me too.

let's be cock tingle buddies

>> No.5219264
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>if it's not happy and magical you can't find it hot
>because, er, because I fucking say so, that's why
>you can't fap to it because it's actually sad, you fucking retard
>I am going to fucking repeat this endlessly, fuck
Are you okay? Think about rape. It's horrible, yet it's an extremely common sexual fantasy.

The pretty words aren't what makes it erotic. They're extremely charming but I hope you do remember that there's also an enormous market for crudely drawn lolicon doujinshi. Chinese cartoon porn about little girls getting raped and blackmailed, or little girls toying with smelly and obese faceless self-insert characters. That's sad as well. Why do you think it sells?

Actually, it sounds like you suffer from a Madonna-whore complex, unable to comprehend why someone would appreciate both the story and the eroticism. You can't possibly think that people can't like Dolores and Humbert as characters because their relationship isn't ideal.

>> No.5219270

Dude, the film came out in 2007.

>> No.5219281
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>> No.5219310


>Think about rape. It's horrible, yet it's an extremely common sexual fantasy.

The fantasy sexualizes it in a particular way. Whereas Lolita is in no way like a sexual fantasy, the sex lacks all appeals of eroticism in all possible aspects. Lolita doesn't consent, so it lacks the taboo thrill of a forbidden-love fantasy -- and yet the rape isn't done in a 'sexy rape' fashion either. It's just Lolita kind of shrugging and lying there while Humbert humps her and then proceeds to whine about how she doesn't love him. It is portrayed as -- and is seen by anyone who reads it with an objective mind, instead of TRYING to be titillated, TRYING to see Nabokov sympathizing with pedophiles -- as completely gross.

Literally the only thing erotic about Lolita is the prose, which again, is the point. This beautiful, achingly erotic prose describes something so base and pathetic and totally unsexy. That tension was Nabokov's entire object in composing the work.

>The pretty words aren't what makes it erotic.

Exactly my fucking point, dude.

>> No.5219330

I deliberately avoid bodily discharge of any kind as I am a firm ascatologist who refrains from peeing and pooping, just like the hero of my youth, Thoreau: only upon freedom from such confines as digestion will you know true inner peace, Original Poster. I suggest a life of holding whatever you drink and eat inside you forever, and I hope that you will not continue to damage your mind with such abuses of literature and the body.

>> No.5219363

I'm not trying to defend pedophiles here, but speaking as a sadomscochist, actually abusive, sad and disgusting situations excite me.

Rape fantasies where the act is romanticized and the woman ends up enjoying it are for fucking housewifes. It doesn't even count as a rape fetish. People who have actual sadistic or masochistic fetishes, like me, enjoy realistic abusive situations. Situations where there's real pain, real guilt, real disgust. All of that factors into the excitement.

That being said, if you masturbate to Lolita you're fucking scum.

>> No.5219387

>Rape fantasies where the act is romanticized and the woman ends up enjoying it are for fucking housewifes. It doesn't even count as a rape fetish. People who have actual sadistic or masochistic fetishes, like me, enjoy realistic abusive situations. Situations where there's real pain, real guilt, real disgust. All of that factors into the excitement.

I understand that. What I'm saying is there isn't any of that in Lolita, either. Not really. Lolita suffers from the abuse, but sullenly, quietly. She rebels against her tormentor, and her tormentor -- instead of "punishing," her, "training" her, is browbeat by her rebelliousness. He is reduced to begging and pleading her for permission to molest her. When I said it's sad, I didn't mean sad like a girl chained in your basement is sad. I meant sad the way a guy whining about the friendzone is sad.

Lolita is a wonderful picture of what real abuse looks like, and a godawful sexual fantasy. If you find it sexy you have sincerely missed the fucking point.

>> No.5219418


Oh, let me add to my response, you have shit taste. Raping a girl so hard that her mind breaks and she becomes your masochistic whore is basically the hottest shit ever.

>> No.5219423

It may seem weird to you, but even that can be exciting.

As a masochist I frequently fantasise about being mistreated and scorned by my most loved ones. I even take a morbid pleasure in being seen as pathetic or ''creepy''.

Lolita isn't meant to be sexy, but it's certainly possible that people find it sexy. However, most people on /lit/ who say they've masturbated to the book are probably just trying to be edgy, and have never even read it.

>> No.5219427

You're still missing the point of this conversation yourself.

>real abuse
>godawful sexual fantasy
But realistic abuse is exactly is what some people like. Even if it isn't your thing you can't deny the existence of people who do find it arousing.

>> No.5219434

I honestly don't see how giving pleasure to anyone can ever be ''hot''. There's nothing more boring than having your partner enjoy your sex.

>> No.5219455

I can hardly judge, but unless your fantasy entails being as pathetic, brow-beaten, and enslaved to your own urges as Humbert is, it is a very dull reader indeed who doesn't recognize how unappealing Lolita's sexual elements are once the prose is stripped away.

>> No.5219457
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I accidentally discovered masturbation reading this, idly toying with my genitals.

>> No.5219464

I feel bad for you. What a brutalizing and lonely existence it must be where you can only be happy if no one else is also. I wonder what the world did to you to make you this way.

>> No.5219479

It's a measure of personal skill, first of all. Anyone can bash two cymbals together until the audience's ears bleed, but it takes a master to move the audience to tears with your playing. The same is true of sex and all things sensual.

To be loved, admired, and appreciated for your work -- that impulse is only human. A person who desires only to be despised, hated, and feared has a screw loose.

>> No.5219492

Man, I had a blast with the first 4 halo books.

>> No.5219513
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I was expecting an ass-blasted e/lit/ist to reply. Nice to see some people read for fun here. First Strike was personally my favorite, but I agree, the first 4 were the best. After Ghosts of Onyx I feel like they lost a lot of soul. I feel the same way about what 343 is doing to the video game series. Too "Michael Bay" for my tastes..

>> No.5219515

More like First Stroke.

>> No.5219521

I owned a copy of Fall of Reach in 6th grade, right when the first Halo had gotten so big. It got stolen from me in class when I was 2/3 of the way through it. Still fucking mad.

>> No.5219522

ayy lmao

spoiler Seriously, that's a good one. endspoiler

>> No.5219526


Have $4, Anon?

It's a good book. Definitely a close second to First Stroke, for me.

polite sage for double posting.

>> No.5219538

It's too late. I don't care about Halo anymore. I'm just mad on principle.

>> No.5219546

Yeah, I haven't picked up the books in a long long time...when I was little, my Blue Version got stolen out of my backpack because I had the highest level Blastoise in my class, so I can empathize somewhat.

>> No.5219606



>> No.5219614

Ada was hot as fuck

>> No.5219618

I used to jack it to the sex scenes in thriller novels pretty regularly...pretty much anything by Eric Van Lustbader, and Trevanian's Shibumi had three or four scenes I kept coming back to. Hard to imagine doing that now that there's an internet, though. My jaded penis has higher demands these days.

>> No.5219639
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Until your post, I had completly forgotten about these books and how much fun I had reading them. I wonder how much I'd enjoy them today
>Blue Version got stolen out of my backpack because I had the highest level Blastoise in my class, so I can empathize somewhat.

That would've left me emtionally scarred.

Charizard is still the best, tho

>> No.5219662

I'm pretty sure Lolita is aware of what he was doing at the time

>> No.5219664

I had caught or traded for all 150 original Pokémon on the blue version for game boy when I was little. I was the only kid in my neighborhood with a complete Pokedex, until one day, one of my little brother's friends took my game without asking and tried to use an exploit or something to get Mew. He ended up deleting my game. I've been an atheist ever since.

>> No.5219680

Sometimes I love /lit/.

>> No.5219683

tiffany thompson 'sex with a supermodel'

>> No.5219690

I think it's time you and your gf started experimenting with strap-ons, anon.

>> No.5219731

no but i do have cum on my bible. some girl saw i had a bible and insisted on having sex on top of it. then i pulled out and cum dripped on it. so yeah

>> No.5219809

i hope you burn

>> No.5219816

> not impregnating a satanist whore on top of a bible

>> No.5219840

That is so degenerate, but I am so hard.

>> No.5219850

probably American Psycho

>> No.5219851
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/lit/, name some books that deal with sex obsession/addiction.

>> No.5219859

Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre