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/lit/ - Literature

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5213413 No.5213413 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a recent purchases thread? Both on- and offline is okay.

Btw, anyone used their 5% off coupon on bookdepository? Tomorrow is the last day.

>> No.5213508

How come you are buying English works in € ?

>> No.5213520

Are you a poet?

>> No.5213521


>> No.5213527

Then why do you read poetry?

>> No.5213533
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If you want to be a good writer, you read poetry. Prose may be words in their best order, but poetry is the best words in their best order.

>> No.5213536

>Paying €10 for Today I Wrote Nothing

These threads must be started by shills for publishing companies. No way people are actually this stupid.

>> No.5213577

Used my 5% on Dune and Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill.

>> No.5213580

What's wrong with Today I Wrote Nothing?

>> No.5213624

you're an idiot. enjoy writing horrible purple 'poetic prose'

>> No.5213626
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I have ton of books on my wish list that I want, but I feel like 5% is just so little....

I have no problem buying things at full price, but 5% is fucking nothing of a discount.

Which of the following books should I add before I make my purchase?:

Saul Bellow - The Victim
Pynchon - Vineland (The only book of his that I don't have)
Jerzy Kosinski - The Painted Bird
Walt Whitman - Leaves of Grass

>> No.5213670

wtf is wrong with you, bellend spastic get off this board

>> No.5213679

Sperglord detected.

>> No.5213691


Leaves of Grass, the original (1855) edition.

>> No.5213697

Can you link to it on bookdepository so I don't fuck it up?

>> No.5213700


I'm the OP. I read everything--essays, novels, poetry etc.. I just happen to buy a lot of poetry this time.

>> No.5213705
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Is there anything wrong with this version?


>> No.5213707



>> No.5213711

But that's paperback and the cover looks like shit.

Is there a large difference in content between that one and this? >>5213705

>> No.5213718


nothing wrong, just a more expensive luxury edition I guess

>> No.5213733

Mah nig

>> No.5213738

Ok thanks.

>> No.5213770


Have you done research on the translations? Is the penguin one good?

>> No.5214041

Checked out the new Foyles store yesterday and couldn't help buying a couple books. The Ring of Saturn by W. G. Sebald and Waiting for the Barbarians by J. M. Coetzee. Cost £18; I felt like I'd been mugged. At least they're great books though.

>> No.5214058
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Get on my level. Only $3.
Easy peasy.

>> No.5214073

I did the same when I was in Paris at Shakespeare and Company. In the end I bought Flaubert and a shitty cloth bag.

>> No.5214083

>muh commodities. look at me!!

>> No.5214086

>Mark Twain
>Isaac Asimov

kek those are two of the biggest celebrated hacks in literature

>> No.5214108


>> No.5214386
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Literally purchased this two minutes ago.

>> No.5214454
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Where do you live? Why is it so much more expensive?

>> No.5214513


>> No.5214533

Poor you, I hope that you are really into these authors already, because boy, you'll hate reading if this is your starter kit.

Except possibly East of Eden

>> No.5214546

>paying 90 EUROS for books that can be thrifted for 1 DOLLAR a piece

>> No.5214550

I've already read a lot of Pynchon, as well as two from Albert Camus (The Fall & The Stranger).

I haven't read anything by Steinbeck (I might have read Mice & Men, I think.) or David Foster Wallace or Lowry.

>> No.5214555

Not in Denmark, asshole.

You can't find those books anywhere cheaper in Denmark, used or new. And it's ninety pounds, not euros you blind clapistani.

>> No.5214560

eurofags h8in

>> No.5214568

This is literally what I'm thinking going through this thread

Truly the New World is the most cultured when you can buy books cheaper than a burger

>> No.5214569

>being proud of being illiterate

In all seriousness though, I can't get books any cheaper than that.

>> No.5214575

There are no thrift stores with english-language books anywhere in Europe other than maybe the UK.

I'm not gonna read fucking Steinbeck translated into Danish.

>> No.5214583

Alright, then you're good.

>> No.5214587

That is ridiculous

Is English just not the language of choice?

>> No.5214599

They say free shipping but it's obviously factored into the price

You don't ship worldwide for free

>> No.5214607

No. Most people read translated or Danish literature.

You have to go to specialty bookstores to even FIND English books.

>> No.5214610

I'm looking to pick up HP Lovecraft the Complete Fiction and The Hobbit. But holy shit, it's hard to find a place that sells Lovecraft for a reasonable price and doesn't fuck you over with shipping.

Does anyone have any recommendations? I'm from Australia, but international shipping doesn't bother me so long as it's cheap or free.

>> No.5214619

Are you kidding me? 90% of all people in my country read translated genre fiction or YA.

It's extremely rare I see anyone reading fiction in English. The only places I can find English books are in hipster little special independent places, and books there cost insane amounts of money because hipster capitalists. Bookdepository and Amazon are my only choices.

>> No.5214624

Want my English copy of Mice and Men? Straight from America?

>> No.5214635

No, I'm going on vacation to California within a few months, and I'll be picking up a suitcase full of books while I'm there.
And I already read Mice and Men. I just forgot it. I saw the film and I couldn't remember if I had read it too. Just found it on my shelf, so I must have read it many years ago.

>> No.5214648

Go to a Goodwill in Cali or any other thift store. Don't waste your time with retailers, unless you're in Los Angeles. There's a decent spot in North Hollywood (forget the name) and there is The Last Book Store in downtown, which is awesome.

>> No.5214659

I'll be staying in Poway, outside of San Diego. Any recs?

>> No.5214662


>> No.5214692

Yeah, that's where I looked initially. And where I usually get most of my books. The free postage is nice. But the actual cost of the book is about $10 more than Barnes and Noble.

In the end, they work up to be about the same price. If I can't find any better solutions, I think I might just hold off on buying them and wait until I want to grab a whole stack of books to take advantage of the free postage.

>> No.5214696

Does this site not have used books ? Why would you pay 10x+ more for the same book at a 'discount',

>> No.5214706

Can't speak for Poway, but for San Diego check out Bluestocking Books and Adams Ave. books. Also, look for community thrift stores.

>> No.5214705

Nobody wants to sell used books. Its impossible to make a good profit from it. And the logistics of getting the books and photographing and descriptions is a nightmare.

>> No.5214709

The Iliad on Cahuenga and Chandler?

>> No.5214723
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Got these about a month ago.

>> No.5214735

Chowringhee for my gf, not that I have anything against it.

>> No.5214737

>Nobody wants to sell used books.

Tell that to Amazon and Abebooks and probably a bunch of other places. They just use the default professional images and descriptions.

>> No.5214739

how incredibly fedoric

>> No.5214746

you paid $20 for atlas shrugged lmao

>> No.5214747

Holy shit that is expensive.. Why did you buy such expensive editions?

>> No.5214751

*tipping intensifies*

>> No.5214757

Whats your opinion on Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering? I'm a programmer and I'm trying to work on a physics engine.

>> No.5214761
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I haven't read since High School (6-7 years ago, last book I read was Less than Zero)

This a good place to start?

>> No.5214762

1000+ pages.... I don't know, its not that bad.

Most of them are the only available editions. The math text book is 80 so that's most of it. I admit that the foundation series could have been cheaper and maybe Island but I really like the cover.

>> No.5214772

>1000+ pages.... I don't know, its not that bad.
why are you valuing books by how many pages they have?

>> No.5214774

Finally got a copy of The Eye Of The World, local bookstore had every single book in the series besides that one and I snagged it yesterday for $2.13

>> No.5214777

Really good, I don't know if its the best option for a physics engine though. It embarks a lot of topics that you might not use

>> No.5214788
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thriftbooks.com is pretty good

>> No.5214801

are you teaching a class on 4chan.org/lit/?

>> No.5214809

All of these meme/lit/ books. Disgusting.

>> No.5214819
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>> No.5214841

wait people actually buy books anywhere aside from charity shops and abebooks

>> No.5214865
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All in Portuguese, but you can guess the titles.

>> No.5214872

Al Qaeda by Albert Camus?

>> No.5214874

Doutor Fausto
Abaixo as Verdades Sagradas
A Queda
Se um Viakjante numa Noite de inverno

>> No.5214878

Dooter Fatso
Harold Bloom
Al Qaeda
See, um, the Adjacent number Note of Inverse
Fuck Hoes

>> No.5214882

Ovid - The Love Poems (Oxford World Classics edition)
Simon Armitidge - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The Mabinogian (Welsh Celtic poems)
William Blake Illuminated Books

The literature I've been exploring over the last 6 months or so has just been getting odder

>> No.5214889
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>> No.5214923


Doctor Faustus - Thomas Mann
Journey to the End of the Night - Celine
Ruin the Sacred Truths - Harold Bloom
The Fall - Camus
If on a winter nights a traveler - Calvino
Fictions - Borges

>> No.5215210


Do you have the /lit/ starter guide? It's actually pretty solid.

>> No.5215583


Kek, almost.

>> No.5215642
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what's the 5% off coupon? Is it automatic?

>> No.5215672

Only if you have a user and at least one prior purchase. You get a code via email.

>> No.5215686

I think I took myself off of their promotional list or something :(

>> No.5215695

That's what you get. Or don't get, I guess.

>> No.5215731

>implying Brazilians know how to read.

>> No.5216238
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>> No.5216479

>Philosophy in the Boudoir

I heard that that particular translation is rather bad

>> No.5216497

How is DeSade? I've been wanting to get into him.

>> No.5216547

That copy of Gravity's Rainbow has muh printing errs.

>> No.5216552

>Wanting to get into DeSade
He's been wanting to get into you.

>> No.5216561
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[spoiler[I wish[/spoiler]

>> No.5216579

Perhaps I could take his place?

>> No.5216589

that depends. who are your top 3 favorite authors?

>> No.5216594

with some Emerson, Woolfe, and Whitman for good measure.

>> No.5216669

I already posted in the old thread and don't feel like spamming my books again, but I just finished a term paper and while i was returning muh books I picked up some leisure reading.

>The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi
>The Ebony Tower - John Fowles

>> No.5216676

please be in chicago

>> No.5216692
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Plz dont bully.

>> No.5216730

>sigh of haruhi suzumiya
>actually published by Little, Brown & Company

I'm impressed and interested

>> No.5216827

>not finding "The Poetical Works of Lord Byron"

shit, man I have found atleast four for free

>> No.5217462
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>> No.5217467

Then why the fuck are you reading Sylvia Plath?

>> No.5217473
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>In The Blink of an Eye

>> No.5217475

>A Universe From Nothing
I don't give a fuck if you're a fedora head, don't but this fucking pseudo-science book it totally brushes off the difference between ex nihlo and a quantum vacuum. While a quantum vacuum is pretty fucking close to nothing, there's still a space within the universe -- A SOMETHING -- for which things to appear. This book can fuck right off. It's not 'nothing' if there's still shit going on.

>> No.5217481

Plath was an extremely clever poet. I suspect people here who hate on her haven't read her, but judge her solely by her reputation as a suicidally depressed woman.

>> No.5217486

She was a narcissistic cunt who stopped developing emotionally around the age of 12. For fuck's sake, she wrote a poem comparing mean ol' Daddy to the Nazis. Her writing is spoiled teenage girl's diary-tier.

>> No.5217487

>Girl with Curious Hair

The title story is fucking horrible, the one about the Account Rep is breddy gud.

>> No.5217494

>confirmed for never reading Plath and looking up one poem to reference to create the illusion of having done so

The funny part is, that poem is playing conceptually and verbally with the very thing you're accusing her of. She was very self aware. Hence the cleverness.

>> No.5217495

Nice opinions. However, that is not poetry criticism.

>> No.5217500

Plath just didn't understand what PMS was.
read her shit
and then think "she's on her period"
and it literally all makes sense
>omg i dont like them
>i hate short guys
>im drunk
>i like gifts
>this guy is okay for being short
>omg i guess suicide
>omg you said something and didn't do something
>i wanna do report on finnegans wake
>first sentence
>write a book
>boo hoo
>oh look, the bleeding stopped
>back to school

and thats The Bell Jar folks
the exact diary of every 15 year old girl who is tired of her period and hates daddy because he got the wrong ice cream or because he checked in on her at the wrong time that night when bobby didn't text back

>> No.5217507

Last time I checked, The Bell Jar wasn't poetry.

>> No.5217516

It's the exact same shit as her poetry
PMSing adolescent emotional level of a 14 year old spoiled brat

>> No.5217527

But we've already established you've never read a single one of her poems.

The wordplay alone makes it worth reading. I suppose formal poetry analysis is probably a little beyond your capability though.

>> No.5217784

very funny m8.
high 5

>> No.5217883

Yeah, I want to buy it some day, whats wrong with it?

>> No.5218110
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Well, most of her poem are melancholic, but never edgy ranting about her life. I particularly like Frog Autumn by her.

>> No.5218131

>The Republic
>The Cossacks

R8 and B8

Yes, I'm new to philosophy.

>> No.5218346

Well, Aurelius and Plato are good writers so you'll enjoy them regardless whether you get their ideas entirely or not.

Which translations did you get though?

>> No.5218356

Bought The Godfather last Monday while waiting at the airport, not expecting much.

>> No.5218467

I bought World as will on Amazon and The book on Descartes in this second hand book shop. I got it for £1