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5212264 No.5212264 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5212976
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>> No.5212995

Interesting, the first Pynchon I read was Gravity's rainbow and I enjoyed it thoroughly.

>> No.5213020

Disagree, Where's Wally is a great cover

>> No.5213023

you should start with inherent vice then move on to 49 and v

>> No.5213039

I'm going to start following this guide today.

>> No.5213048
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Yeah, I bought that edition too.

It's amazing they still sell it. Are they unaware of how flawed it is?

What's even more interesting is all the people who read this version and completely miss this stuff...Curious, isn't it?

>> No.5213134

In all honesty, the first time though I only noticed a couple things that seemed really off. It wasn't until I gave the book to my little sister and ended up buying the vintage that I pieced together that they were printing errors and not edgy pomo- nonsense. It probably didn't help that it was my first Pinecone also.

>> No.5213147

Is the blue cover gravitys rainbow fine?

>> No.5213186

The blueprint? It probably is. I've been hearing conflicting info which is why I didn't include it in the guide.

>> No.5213238

Good luck. Some people hate The Crying of Lot 49 while loving V. And the other way around.

So don't get discouraged. The Crying of Lot 49 is written to be a mess on purpose. V. doesn't really start making sense until after chapter 3-4. But they both are great books and Pynchon is a fantastic writer.

>> No.5213335

>Tommy, I just don't know how we can publish this. It doesn't make any sense!
>Hurr durr it's not suppos'a make sense.
>What do you mean?
>Muh technology, muh paranoid, muh poo poo dick.
>I see! This is brilliant! Here's a MacArthur Genius Grant, $1000k starting.

>> No.5213345
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>> No.5213411

I have this edition. Is there a list of flaws out there? I can maybe read it with them in mind and switch for an ebook when I'm approaching one.

>> No.5213579

As far is I know, nobody here has compiled an extensive list. You'd probably be better off googling it.

>> No.5214402

I have the Deluxe (2008) one, and it doesn't seem that bad. I haven't noticed anything that seems super off, other than the one missing sentence. That's the ONLY error people ever cite for it, so I'm assuming that it's the largest one. I don't think there's a single other significant one. I'm fine with reading it. It's a good edition.

>> No.5214417

>missing text
>good edition

pick one

>> No.5214436

>missing a single sentence

It's one error, and it isn't even in every deluxe edition copy. Just some.

If someone would like to cite other obvious errors in this, feel free, and I'll check my copy to confirm against a "proper" copy.

>> No.5214457


One flaw which I learned about on here is on page 139-140

>Your task, in these dreams, is often to
>*next page*

And there's a missing part of the sentence there.

>> No.5214467 [DELETED] 
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Hi /lit/,

Which publication is, arguably, the best book edition publisher?

e.g.: Penguin Classics
Dover Thrift Editions
Norton Critical Editions
etc etc etc

>> No.5214477

Honestly everyone should buy the vintage anniversary cover because its sexy as fuck.

>> No.5214480

I don't know why you deleted, but I find that Vintage and Penguin are generally the best.

But I do some research with every book I purchase to make sure I don't make a mistake.

>> No.5214484

Norton a GOAT

>> No.5214486

Ah I meant to make a new post, for every type of books.

>> No.5214491

Is the one with the orange cover okay?

>> No.5214494

I understood that.

Norton is always good.

Vintage and Penguin are generally good, but a quick check before purchase is always a good idea.

>> No.5214495

If I'm 80 pages into the Deluxe edition, should I hold off and start again with a new, better one?

>> No.5214498

With the swirling sun?

Yeah, that one's fine.

>> No.5214500

some have the errors and some don't. check

>> No.5214501

Thank you.


>> No.5214506

Mine has the missing line from 139, the "Pens", but I don't know what else to look for. Im just worried there's a multitude of others. Although Id feel people would have made a list if there were a lot by now. I just dont want to order another copy and have to wait a week to keep reading.,

>> No.5214507

Check it for known errors. If it has them, I would get a Vintage Anniversary, but you decide for yourself.

>> No.5214510

There are many others I've been told, but nobody has been cool enough to put together an extensive list yet.

>> No.5214520
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>tfw no everyman GR

>> No.5214521

Everyone says this but nobody can cite a single other error...

>> No.5214526

>dat face

oh god my sides

>> No.5214601

Urgh. I might just put this on hold for a while, get a new copy and read something else while waiting. Pnychon is difficult enough without errors. IT's hard to tell whats an error and whats not

>> No.5214623

Just the idea of having a flawed book is enough to bother me into getting a good version.

It sits in my mind, irking me while I'm reading it or even if it's just on the shelf. I can't have it. I can't even give it away. I have to destroy it.

>> No.5214626

Exactly. I should have got a new version before I started reading, because I knew about the errors beforehand.

>> No.5214679

Could just be your copy? I read that edition along with the "official" guide and there was nothing out of place. There are differences between the first and second editions but nothing that doesn't make sense (in its own way). The companion covers almost any obscure ambiguity that the book creates, you might want to check it out (it's edited by steve weisenburger and in its second edition)

>> No.5214688

like one sentence dude

maybe (you dont get it)

>> No.5214752


>> No.5214756

>deluxe edition

what the fuck is a deluxe edition of a book? commentary in the footnotes? unused drafts included?

>> No.5214759

fancy cover drawn by comic book man and annoying paper

>> No.5214764

>annoying paper

You mean godly paper

>> No.5214765


>> No.5214768


>> No.5214769


>> No.5215226


You can hear him pronounce his name on The Sopranos. Most people say it Pinch-un, but it's Pinch-On.

>> No.5215236
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I meant The Simpsons. The Sopranos is a much better show, and I was just watching it.

I wish he was on The Sopranos. Maybe he walks by the camera in a New York scene.


>> No.5215265
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Wait, fuck, is this not a real pic of him?

>> No.5215284

No, it's a digital aging of his high school photograph.

>> No.5215292


He got surgery to fix his teeth.

>> No.5215295

From what I've heard, he hasn't.

>> No.5215308

That's an artist's conception of what he would look like artificially aged. It's based on existing pictures.

>> No.5215388
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I've heard from a reliable source, Wikipedia, that he had extensive plastic surgery.

>> No.5215400

>>5215388 was for >>5215295

>> No.5215407

Is there any problems with the first edition of GR? That's what I have

>> No.5215414

No. The first edition with the swirling sun has no known problems.

>> No.5215427

I remember reading stories of people who have seen him at concerts and in his building. The one thing the stories had in common has his rabbit-like look and his protruding teeth.

>> No.5215486

I think to all those bookshelf threads with this version in there

>> No.5215491

Who gives a shit if people read a version with one mistake?

>> No.5215521

where would you place slow learner?

>> No.5215534

If you've literally read everything else he's done, then do slow learner.

It's not really that important to be honest. It's just a collection of his early work. Read it when you like after you have a solid grasp on his style and character.

>> No.5215540

tour de force

>> No.5215664 [DELETED] 

>Gravity's Rainbow
*tips fedora*

>> No.5215683
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>> No.5215915

>Where's Wally
more like "where the hell are the goddamn sentences?"

>> No.5217529

I don't think they have missing text as far as I know. Only the print itself has a tendency to be blurry.

>> No.5217545

Annoying edge, godly pagefeel

>> No.5217639

Those covers are also by Vintage, along with the one with the large orange star. When I ordered my copy it was supposed to be the one with the little cartoons according to amazon and I go the star instead. They are all fine just like the gay pride rockets.

>> No.5217653

/mu/ification of /lit/, folks

also I picked up a copy of gravity's rainbow first trade paperback with the pink cover, is it full of errors?

>> No.5217659

viking compass

>> No.5217664

I bought V. with that cartoon cover on the bottom. there's absolutely nothing wrong with the print, this list is stupid

the cover's not the best, but who fucking cares about the cover? pretty sure you're just assmad because everyone thinks you're reading a where's waldo instead of a "serious intellectual book for serious intellectuals"

>> No.5217675

god i hate /mu/

>> No.5217790

>some books are fine

It's like you are illiterate or something.

>> No.5220338

I can read, I just doubt the reliability of the chart

>> No.5220357

Are Bleeding Edge paperbacks in store yet?

>> No.5220386

>a-am i patrish yet mommy?

>> No.5220477
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LOTR apparently suffers from the same issue.

Found this for a dollar at the goodwill, hope I didn't fuck up.

>> No.5221358

> Frank Miller laughing all the way to the bank

>> No.5221368

dey on amazon

>> No.5221794

I'm starting to think that this edition doesn't actually have any major errors other than the "pens" line.

>> No.5221944
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>missing entire sentences

Da fuq. I thought there was just a few typos...

>> No.5221955
File: 38 KB, 200x298, oblomov_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a deluxe edition, but this is the worst edition of any novel I've ever gotten. The translation is terrible and it's RIDDEN with typos.

>> No.5221960

there's only a part of one sentence missing
people claim there's more but they never give any other examples

>> No.5222022
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>Buy an old Pynchon paperback off of ebay
>during checkout they ask if I would like to donate to the V Foundation
son of a bitch

>> No.5222544

No, actually, dey isn't. Not in Canada, anyways.

>> No.5222554

on amazon us it says "This title will be released on August 26, 2014."

about the PB

>> No.5222559

Alright, so same as over here.

I was wondering if the paperbacks were available in stores yet, though. I've been meaning to read the book but I don't want to drop the cash on a hardcover.