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5211195 No.5211195[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with it? The moment you realize your life will never be anything but ordinary?

It just hits so hard.

>> No.5211203

I've come to terms with it, and am still coming to terms with it, as my golden years slowly pass me by.

I'm trying to capitalise, at least. So that's what I tell my future four year old when he asks me why daddy isn't famous. Daddy fucking tried.

>> No.5211207

How do you deal knowing you're a loser plebeian who places actually worth on things such as social status and achievement?

One should live their life as they decree, not as others do.

>> No.5211211

you're like a cute little talking bird

>> No.5211214

there is no fatality, it all depends on you

>> No.5211217

I know it's way easier to spew some puerile bullshit my way than actually offer a retort to my post so I don't blame you.

>> No.5211219

cultivate pure detachment like buddha

>> No.5211221

Take solace in the fact that whatever extraordinary achievement you believe you should/could've made, after about a week of feeling good about it, you'll go back to feeling like shit and wishing you were dead. Your baseline of being a person will stay like that with or without the nobel prize in literature/w/e you want

>> No.5211227
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>> No.5211243

It is interesting to think: when (historically) did this become a cause for despair? I experience the dreaded thought that I am Preterite all the time... There are Elect people like Pynchon and Riemann who seem to embody Myth, and then there's me, wanking with a back hunched over an 11.5 inch laptop screen. I wonder if people in hunter-gatherer societies ever experienced things like this. Such societies were no doubt not egalitarian leftist paradises, but it's hard to see how any one person could be "mythical" or extraordinary. I'm sure I'd envy the prehistoric Chad Thundercock, but would it be cause for despair?

>> No.5211252

the most middle class white kid thread of all time

>> No.5211259

"i'm never going to be a genius....Ahhh, the depression!!" [begins loading gun]

>> No.5211268

If you losers have a problem with leading an ordinary life why haven't you done anything about it?

Answer: Because you're all lazy and boring and leading a life marked by complacency and pessimism secretly gets you off.

>> No.5211277

>tfw TruNEET

I'm special already.

>> No.5211282

I've never considered myself ordinary. As a child, I would sometimes even fake a limp just to mark myself out - a very slight one, mind you, nothing comical. I enjoy distinction and have always pursued it. Currently, I'm a snob, but I'm open to suffering and victimhood. If I suffered an eye injury, I would be almost grateful, and would pretend I acquired it under unusual circumstances that I refuse to talk about, as opposed to walking into a thornbush, which would be the most likely way for it to happen. My indifferent desire for differentiation is itself the desired difference.

>> No.5211284


Nah, like the cynics would be even better.

>> No.5211286

My younger brother, who is 10, said that to me the other day. I know how you feel. I guess maybe realistic expectations will allow you to truly figure out what you are passionate about.

>> No.5211289

>11.5 inch laptop screen.
>11.5 inch

>> No.5211297

>I'm sure I'd envy the prehistoric Chad Thundercock, but would it be cause for despair?

>that uuga uuga when no anachronistic qt women breeding cave

>> No.5211298

I have a very special life (screwed upbringing, extremely dysfunctional family, crazy friends now, etc,) but am completely ordinary myself with the blandest personality in history, what does that make me?

>> No.5211313


>> No.5211317


An ordinary person with a bland personality.

>> No.5211329


I don't give a shit.

The worse feel is realising that you'll never fuck women in their prime (16 - 21). Fuck everything. I'm 22. How much longer do I have to get them?

>> No.5211330

>The moment you realize your life will never be anything but ordinary?

that's your choice. stop being so boring. wage war on being bored (and not by entertaining yourself with television and porn etc.)

you have to leap blindly and see what happens sometimes. despite any careful planning and decisions you might make, you'll never be able to control the outcome, so why not at least make things more interesting, seek out situations that are new and more stimulating? you'll be challenged regardless of whether you stay safe and familiar or take risks. (I'm not, btw, recommending self-desctructive behavior, but that you maybe take on new challenges, move to a new place)

one thing I'm very thankful for with my family is they were always the 'move to a new place and see what happens' kinds of people, and they always insisted that those kinds of leaps are worthwhile. my dad actually met my mom living in Germany (both of them Americans), so I wouldn't even exist if it weren't for both of them being willing to leave the familiar behind.

>> No.5211341

>you'll be challenged regardless of whether you stay safe and familiar or take risks.

or what I mean here is that things will be difficult regardless, so pick the interesting route.

>> No.5211352

Are you serious?

That's probably the worst age to fuck them in, 22+ women will at least know their way around your cock.
If you weren't mentally ruined from looking at porn 8 hours a day you'd prefer an actual lay over a visually perfect, dead fish.

>> No.5211366

I've dealt with virgins, man. Overrated. They don't know dick from sausage, and there's an exhausting amount of reassuring cunnilingus involved.

>> No.5211371


I've already fucked 10 escorts that ranged from 6 - 9 out of 10. But none of them were as young as me. Through cumulative experience, all women are dumb filthy unlovable whores by the age of 25 (either professional or hobbyist) so women aged 16-21 are the way to go. I only had the epiphany in the previous sentence yesterday, when I cancelled an appointment with my 11th escort after seeing a qt girl my age (seeing as in looking at her from a distance, not actually coming in contact with her - I've only fucked escorts).

I really doubt that all young women are shit at sex.

>> No.5211379


I don't mean virgins. I guess I'd like to do it once just to see what it's like but I don't see the appeal in it.

>> No.5211734

Why do you think they are not dumb filthy whores before 21?

>> No.5211755

I agree with your sentiment but I don't think you correctly interpreted what the OP was trying to express.

>> No.5211806

Hahaha, you're so right but everyone's going to hate you for saying it.

>> No.5212999


>> No.5213006
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Lrn 2 stoicism.

>> No.5214026
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Life is pretty much a universal experience. Hugging a loved one feels the same whether you're a prince or a pauper. A Pepsi tastes like Pepsi whether it's drunk by Donald Trump or one of his boot-licking toadies.

And we all end up in the same place.

So relax. Enjoy your life!

>> No.5214072
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Noone is born special, is something you have to earn. Some people make the effort, and others just cry in front of their computers. Which one are you?

>> No.5214082
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>In ~100 years, you and everyone that knows you will be dead and you will effectively erased from history except for a few forgotten artifacts

>> No.5214094

I might write a story with that as ending..
>daddy, how come you aren't famous?
>Daddy fucking tried.

>> No.5214096

What a lame attitude

>> No.5214106

A couple of years ago this would have made me stop and think, now I just don't care. There's something to be said about not giving a fuck about stuff like this.

>> No.5214111


>> No.5214118

You don't even know what "golden years" are you fucking idiot.

>> No.5214264

I'm trying to make myself as sad as possible so that I will hopefully one day snap and kill myself.

>> No.5214313

You're just mad because you can't pull a girl on your own without money being present.

>> No.5214322

my youth and solipsism comfort me

>> No.5214371

>mfw I fucked several women from the ages of 16-20 when I was 18. it must suck to be beta, anon

>> No.5214390

>mfw i fucked men aged 18-25 when i was fifteen
i'm a guy

>> No.5214399

This reads like Kierkegaard to me.

>> No.5214540

>mfw i instantly recognizes this symbol

Muh nigga ... wait were you that other gnostic i talked a few weeks ago?

>> No.5215614

Alcohol is pretty OK. But I'm thniking about something stronger now.