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/lit/ - Literature

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5209978 No.5209978[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Rev up those fryers

>> No.5209981
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>> No.5209986
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>> No.5209996

>memes affecting your expectations
how depressing

>> No.5210002

This entire board is a meme. Literature is a meme. What's your point?

>> No.5210014


You're a meme

>> No.5210021

>consistently the worst thread

>> No.5210037

>ghost busters

>> No.5210046
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Bonus points for any R.E.M. fan who gets the reference

>> No.5210053

Funny, I could totally reverse the expectations and reality on these.

>> No.5210072

Alright fuck it, this meme just nudged the trajectory of my life a little due to me now picking up Ender's Game.

>> No.5210094

Eh, I'm overblowing it just because I enjoyed it so much. I will say that it's a pretty fast read and worth the time.

>> No.5210102

someone has the J. Auel porno one?

>> No.5210129
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Is that the one about cavemen or something?

>> No.5210168


bonus: R.E.M. sucks

>> No.5210172

Name me an alternative rock band with better choruses, protip you can't

>> No.5210179


>> No.5210182

>alternative * band
Literally the worst.

>> No.5210183

Its very good, much better than it deserves to be really.

>> No.5210186


Were you the butthurt guy in yesterday's thread?

>> No.5210188

>rejecting dozens of great bands because they have the word "alternative" in the name

>> No.5210189

That's not surprising since your expectations are at least partially based on opinions other people voiced before you read it.

>> No.5210194
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>> No.5210200
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>> No.5210205

Hmm, I thought this book was about Mark Twain's firm belief that everybody but him was an idiot. It's a somewhat true belief, however.

>> No.5210210
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>> No.5210212

I've been anxious to read this since I found loads of Pudd'nhead Wilson axioms in Twain's other book: Following the Equator. would you still recommend it?

>> No.5210215
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>> No.5210222

>focusing on a thing only mentioned perhaps twice the entire novella
dat autism

>> No.5210228

I read it upon my father's insistence (he's hit or miss, he once recommended Moby Dick when I was still too twenties to know better). My image pretty much sums it up: was expecting morality beatings, got some pretty cool intrigues/mystery/crime/drama with that Twain stamp of old-timey political incorrectness

>> No.5210237
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>> No.5210251

Well, you're retarded.

>> No.5210268

What an incredibly nuanced and well-reasoned proposition, my good chap.

>> No.5210271
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>> No.5210283
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Some OC for you. Finished this yesterday.

>> No.5210314
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>> No.5210319

How did you like it? I read it in like a day, but it was not particularly good. Really rather transparent what would happen next, shallow characters. I liked What Is The What much more.

>> No.5210321
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>> No.5210332


It's a decent paint job, but you seem to imply that making the image took you at least a couple of days. Maybe it's time to give up on the whole "computer" thing.

>> No.5210343

I actually had to travel back in time to snap the photos. So time taken is not really relevant.

>> No.5210356

I gave up when the main character ( I forget the name) is getting rebuked for nikking something, and someone blurts out "would you have acted differently if you were being watched?" or something along those lines.

It had potential, but the delivery was so ham-sifted and the message so fucking simple and delivered in such a bland way I just felt nothing but contempt after putting it down.

>> No.5210367
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>> No.5210382

Well funny you forgot his name because he loses his name before page 300 or so and until almost the end is referred to only in direct dialogue as “my dear fellow”. At the end he acquires a new name.

Anyway, I thought there was really no obvious message. Big parts were really just people talking stupid shit but somehow it all mended together by the theme that stuff is being stolen by others and branded off as their own.

But yeah, it took me some time to chew through it. Much more accessible and gentle than Pynchon, though.

>> No.5210386
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Skin Man story was pretty boring but the fable was good

>> No.5210395

Haha this reply made no sense. I was referring to >>5210283

>> No.5210398

>The Ataris
>Iron & wine
>Imagine dragons
Yea, such a great dozens.

>> No.5210400

I was wondering if we had read the same book

>> No.5210402

Guided By Voices, Pixies, Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr, The Smiths etc

You are a proper schmuck

>> No.5210553
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>> No.5210556

We don't know that. They're just using memes to express their expectations.

>> No.5210575
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>> No.5210578

Blur rules, fuck you. But as for a non-ironic list,
>Sonic Youth
>The Smiths
>Smashing Pumpkins
>(early) Weezer
And that's just to name 'pure' alternative rock.
GBV is indie rock, >implying for Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr wasn't really a 'chorus' band. I will give you Pixies and The Smiths but they're both highly overrated. Surfer Rosa>>>>>>Doolittle>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the rest

>> No.5210583
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>> No.5210631

Meh. I think a categorical treatment of algebra would be much more abstract.

What exactly did you feel? I dreamt once of the Chinese Remainder theorem, seeing it visualized as a moving structure in space...

>> No.5210667

category theory is abstraction for abstraction's sake. only useful for obscure functional programming stuff and some advanced geometry/topology. Introductory abstract algebra has the best ratio of wowza to difficulty.

Chinese Remainder Theorem is pleb as fuck, it's all about the Isomorphism Theorem

>> No.5210795

I thought this was gonna be a joke about 4chan. Moderately dissapoint

>> No.5210810

They're basically tripfagging on /pol/, 4chan is probably a more accurate joke than a blog.

>> No.5210847

What's the appeal of abstract algebra? For me the course was boring as fuck. Just tedious symbolic manipulation all the time and most of the stuff has no geometric interpretation whatsoever.

>> No.5210866


>category theory is abstraction for abstraction's sake.

you say that like its a bad thing

>> No.5211308

im intrigued
are either of these books worth reading

>> No.5211333
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>> No.5211336

Iluminatus! is fantastic. It's a bit like Foucault's Pendulum on acid.

Cosmic Trigger is shit.

>> No.5211339
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>> No.5211356
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>> No.5211364
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>> No.5211374

top left and bottom right in what I got. I don't get it

>> No.5211386

Those two characters share the Count's burning desire for revenge.

>> No.5211388
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surprised that someone actually finished Hemingway.

>> No.5211400


>> No.5212041

People who describe anything as "X on acid/steroids/crack" are not the kind of people whose opinions are worth listening to.

>> No.5212046


>> No.5212085
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>> No.5212087
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>> No.5212131
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>> No.5212157
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>> No.5213071

Is that seriously the cover for A hero of our time?

>> No.5213099

worst cover ever.

>> No.5213188
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>> No.5213195

What is Mishima's best work?

>> No.5213207
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>> No.5213218

>a major motion picture event in 2013

why editors put those shits on covers, terrific

>> No.5213254
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>> No.5213262

I lol'd

Depends. Confessions of a Mask is his most personal work and you learn a lot about his personal struggles. The Sailor on the other hand is his most accessible.

Personally I'd say The Temple of The Golden Pavilion is his best work.

>> No.5213319

Nice cover.

>> No.5213565
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