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5207124 No.5207124[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post 5 favorite:


Others recommend books based on this

>> No.5207137

Why writers and musicians but not directors?

>> No.5207149

given, this is /lit/
more accessible

You should feel free to include your favorite directors if you care but favorite directors are less common than favorite musicians.

>> No.5207154



lotr 1
lotr 2
lotr 3
dark knight
matchstick men


>> No.5207195

directors arent really as established as musicians or writers

>> No.5207212

Arthur Rimbaud
J.D. Salinger
Franz Kafka
William Blake
James Joyce

Breathless (À bout de souffle)
Mulholland Dr.
The Third Man
Lawrence of Arabia

Nick Drake
The Doors
The Velvet Underground
Joy Division
Miles Davis

>> No.5207291

>flappy flippy tree block scribblers
Robert Michels
Yamamoto Tsunetomo
Saint Benedict of Nursia
Walter Moers
Herman Melville

>dreamy screeny motion action plays
Wristcutters: A Love Story
Let The Right One In
Slumdog Millionaire
Donnie Darko
District 9

>lads making a grand ruckus
Juan Diego Florez
Marylin Manson
Hank Williams
Earth, Wind & Fire
Die Antwoord

captcha: escuscus called

Well fuck him, I aint answering because he's probably calling to tell me my taste is pleb shit or something.

>> No.5207320

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

>> No.5207340

in common conversation people talk more about their favorite films than directors

>> No.5207342


>> No.5207358

I don't know what sort of conversations you have, but apparently not with people who watch movies.

I don't know anyone who doesn't know who Hitchcock is, for example.

>> No.5207363

hitchcock is a household name man

very few directors are household names

i doubt if most people knew who directed their favorite films

>> No.5207397

>projecting your ignorance onto others
I'm going to name fifteen directors that are household names just to show what an ignorant twat you are.

Alfred Hitchcock
Orson Welles
Stanley Kubrick
Akira Kurosawa
Charlie Chaplin
Sergio Leone
Stephen Spielberg
Walter Disney
Martin Scorsese
Quentin Tarintino
Woody Allen
Francis Ford Coppolla
Clint Eastwood
James Cameron
Christopher Nolan

Note that these aren't my top fifteen directors, but fifteen directors that pretty much everyone who watches movies has heard of and can name at least one movie by.

You're an idiot.

>> No.5207413

name 15 more

>> No.5207417

Why? So you can keep saying "name fifteen more" until I name every director who's ever lived? I've already proven my point.

>> No.5207419

ive proven my point that you cant name another 15

>> No.5207422

Your only point is that you're an ignorant twat. I've already destroyed you. I have nothing left to prove.

>> No.5207425

you havent destroyed me at all

if you cant name another 15 household names it proves there are very few directors most people are familiar with
thus naming favorite films is more appropriate in common conversation

>> No.5207428


>> Walter Disney

>> No.5207429

Only only agree to name another fifteen if you agree to admit you're a total twat and ignoramous.

>> No.5207430


Meryvyn Peak
Franz Kafka
Natsume Soseki
Vítězslav Nezval

Valerie and her Week of Wonders
Bicycle Thieves
Perfect Blue

Thelonius Monk
John Coltrane
Charles Mingus
Art Blakey

>> No.5207443


they have to be household names that the common person would know, and would be appropriate for a favorite film/director list

no adam sandlers

>> No.5207452

Ingmar Bergman
George Lucas
Roman Polanski
Buster Keaton
Ridley Scott
Joel Coen and Ethan Coen
David Cronenberg
David Lynch
Hayo Miyazaki
Wes Anderson
Paul Thomas Anderson
George A. Romero
Sam Raimi
John Carpenter
Terry Gilliam

>> No.5207458

ill give you lucas, coen, and pta and wed anderson

thats it

>> No.5207460

It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of them, as we've already established that you're an idiot. They're popular and well known.

You're the ultimate twat. Fuck off. You lose.

>> No.5207462
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dunno, probably George Orwell
I liked Forrest Gump, Fight Club, The Matrix,

Radiohead is love.
Radiohead is life.

>> No.5207464

>hasn't heard of miyazaki
>on a chinese cartoon image board

>> No.5207470




I don't like film but I enjoyed Las Vegas Parano and Fight Club. Call me pleb if you want.


Led Zeppelin
The Doors
Rory Gallagher

>> No.5207473


>> No.5207522


Gaston Leroux
Jonathan Swift
Arthur Miller

Gone With the Wind
Schindler's List
Lawrence of Arabia
Zulu and Zulu Dawn

Miles Davis
Benny Goodman
Glenn Miller

>> No.5207534

>Die Antwoord

Too good.

>> No.5207542

its not abut me not hearing of them, which i have

its about household names you stupid cunts

>> No.5207543

>its about household names you stupid cunts
Like you'd know either way. You aren't fit to judge.

>> No.5207554

literally every single one of those directors is super famous

>> No.5207557
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The Brothers Karamazov
Crime & Punishment
Mason & Dixon
The Plague
The Master and Margarita

The Big Lebowski
2001: A Space Odyssey
No Country For Old Men
Blade Runner
Pan's Labyrinth

Pink Floyd
Mark Knopfler
Carbon Based Lifeforms
J.J Cale

>> No.5207560

are they?

>> No.5207563

vanilla as fuck

>> No.5207570

>you should try to be different
Sorry, I don't tailor my tastes based on what other people might think, so I don't exactly care about impressing you.

>> No.5207574

it just reeks of someone who follows the hivemind
there is no personality to it

your films are all reddit and imdb favorites
your books are all lit favorite
your music is mu core

>> No.5207580

Sorry, I don't think not trying to be an edgy contrarian means I "follow the hivemind" either.

>your films are all reddit and imdb favorites
I suppose maybe because they are recognised as good movies idk.

>your books are all lit favorite
Maybe because they're recognised as good books idk.

>your music is mu core
Beyond Radiohead, not really; not to mention the fact that I don't go to /mu/.

>> No.5207604

>Mulholand Drive
>A Man Escaped


>Flaming Lips
>Godspeed You! Black Emperor
>The Beach Boys

>> No.5207611

why the fuck do you even respond to him?

who gives a shit about him? he's no one.

>> No.5207632


Elephant Man
Barry Lyndon
Clockwork Orange
Mulholand Drive

Pink Floyd (The Wall)

>> No.5207633


People like that are pretty annoying. But you're right.

>> No.5207641

Nietzsche(hey, he wrote)
Phillip K Dick
Eoin Colfer(I don‘t think he‘s particularly amazing, but he holds a special place in my heart)
Lost in Translation
Mulholland Drive
City of God
City Lights
My Bloody Valentine
Led Zeppelin
Frank Zappa
Arcade Fire
Death Grips

I'm actually planning a trip to the bookstore soon so I can guarantee the read

>> No.5207647

>Eoin Colfer
seriously kill yourself

>> No.5207656



A Silver Mt. Zion
Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Akira Yamaoka
Aphex Twin

>> No.5207659

good directors and writers

shit music taste bar swans

>> No.5207694

Fuck off

>> No.5207700

Let me reiterate. Eoin colfer holds signifigance to me only because of my own experiences surrounding his books, rather than the genuine merit of them.

If you can honestly say you have no such authors whom you hold dear in that manner, then I‘d advise you to do the opposite of suicide, that is, go out and live your life, seeing as how you haven‘t lived at all.

>> No.5207704

You could at least include your favourites in your post you know

>> No.5207728

YAY i'm not in the list :3

>> No.5207741

I'm trying to get into Swans, but all I can listen to is Soundtrack for the Blind. What else should I be listening too? That record is awesome, btw.

>> No.5207851


>> No.5207875

>The Brothers Karamazov

I have never heard of that author.

>> No.5207879


400 blows
Come and See

The Velvet Underground
The Residents
Soft Machine
Charles Mingus

>> No.5207892
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a woman under the influence
winter light

talking heads
joanna newsom
kanye west
aphex twin

love your general taste, you should definitely try and explore some more movies if you find the time
come and see <3

>> No.5207899

their last 2 are fairly accessible and rewarding

>> No.5207903


Interesting to choose Racine and Corneille whose works for the stage are lacking in violence or elaborate costumes/stage setups and choose films like Clockwork Orange and Mulholland and music like Handel and Wagner who are very over the top.



> Films

2001: A Space Odyssey
American Psycho
Eyes Wide Shut
A Clockwork Orange

> Music

The Smiths
The Stone Roses
J.S. Bach
Nine Inch Nails

>> No.5207910


hehe xD

>> No.5207919

>American Psycho
Man I didn't like that movie at all. The book was pretty confused and reductive to start off with but at least it was at least shooting for some kind of message, the film just struck me as aimless violence fantasies

>> No.5207976

>Lacking in violence
I'm confused. If you are referring to the "règle de bienséance", you didn't understood its goal.

I didn't understood your point about Clockwork Orange and Mulholland and Handel/Wagner.

>> No.5208420

>Pink Floyd ([Worst Major Release])

>> No.5208437

>Pleb garbage ([Pleb shit])

>> No.5208491

Thomas Pynchon
William Vollman
Don Delillo
Adam Tooze
Denis Johnson

Werckmeister Harmonies
Mulholland Drive
The Conversation

Frank Zappa

>> No.5208499

> Writers

Walt Whitman
Jim Morrison
Wilhelm & Jacob Grimm
Arthur Rimbaud
Allen Ginsberg

> Films

Le Mystère Picasso
The Hobbit (1977 version)
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
The Dark Knight
The Monuments Men

> Musicians/bands

The Jimi Hendrix Experience
The Doors
Bob Dylan
Ravi Shankar
Tame Impala

>> No.5208538

some of their 68-72 live performances are alright

>> No.5208882

Truman Capote
John Williams
John Updike

I don't watch a lot of movies, but the last one I really, realy enjoyed was Once Upon A Time in the West (I also enjoy other Leone films)

Sonic Youth
My Bloody Valentine
Dead Kennedys
Arcade Fire

>> No.5208889


>> No.5208892

ITT: no recommendations, just nonsensical vanity

>> No.5208975


Italo Calvino
Kurt Vonnegut
Walt Whitman
Jamaica Kincaid
J. D. Salinger?

The Masl
Fight Club
v for Vendetta (yea yea, I know how this list sounds, but enh. Don't care.)
Donnie Dario
Fuckit, The Birdcage.


Tomas Kalnocky/ Streetlight Manifesto
Bomb the Music Industry/ the Arrogant Sons of Bitches
Big D and the Kids Table
White Arms of Athena

What you got for me? I'm actually really curious now.

>> No.5208995


The mask*

Donnie Darko*

Fuck typing today

>> No.5209003


>> No.5209015

Rainer Maria Rilke
Emily Dickinson
Arthur Rimbaud
Franz Kafka
J.D. Salinger

La Jetèe
The Rules of the Game
Fanny and Alexander
The Third Man
Goodbye, Children

Billie Holiday
Nick Drake
The Doors
The Velvet Underground

>> No.5209074


Hunter S. Thompson
Ernest Hemingway
Kurt Vonnegut
Fredrich Nietsche
Pablo Neruda


Pulp Fiction
City of God
Boyz in the Hood


J Dilla
James Murphy
Miles Davis
Noah Lennox

>> No.5209160

>Pablo Neruda
The Collected Works of Stalin

>> No.5209187

T.S. Eliot

Last Year in Marienbad
Once Upon a Time in the West
The Passion of Joan of Arc
Mulholland Dr.

John Coltrane
Neil Young
J Dilla
Angels of Light

>> No.5209433

happy to see some of the music tastes here, from the stuff you guys come out with sometimes I'd've thought you listen exclusively to classical.fm-core

>> No.5209463

I really need recs guys, please and thanks.

Cormac mccarthy
Larry mcmurtry
Raymond carver

A streetcar named desire
The assassination of Jesse James by the coward robert does
Anything by john Huston
Black swan

Warren zevon
Ryan bingham
Junior kimbrough
Janes addiction
Thelonius monk

>> No.5209476

Any of you on last.fm?

>> No.5209515

Gabriel García Márquez
(A personal favorite is Anthony Burgess because of his book “Nothing Like the Sun”)


The Godfather
The Exorcist
The English Patient
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Frank Sinatra
Chico Buarque

>> No.5209524

what's your favourite beatles album?

>> No.5209541

It's got to be: The Best Of The Beatles

>> No.5209553

>picking a best of album

Get fucked.

>> No.5209556
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>All these classics

>> No.5209558


I like Rubber Soul and Revolver a lot.

>> No.5209560

This is isn't funny because they actually have two "best of" albums (red and blue) that are very well respected and perfectly acceptable favorites. You just fucking failed at being ironic.

>> No.5209565

Those are not acceptable favourites and they have countless compilations

>> No.5209579
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I hope I am being joshed

>> No.5209585

Sorry but you're wrong. Some greatest hits albums, especially from acts before the mid 70s, are well planned and perfectly acceptable. See: al green, buddy holly, etc.

>> No.5209594

We're talking about the Beatles though, everything they released after Rubber Soul (yellow submarine doesn't count) is more valuable and consistent than any average-length compilaion could be

>> No.5209610

That's a matter of opinion, and it doesn't change the fact that the red and blue albums are pretty damn respectable. "Greatest hits" albums didn't get the stigma they have now until the 90s when CDs became readily available and soundscan encouraged labels and retailers to crank out bullshit compilations for cheap.

>> No.5209613

Yukio Mishima
Anatole France
Mikhail Bulgakov
Osamu Dazai
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Mishima: A Life in four chapters
Aguirre, the Wrath of God
End of Evangelion
Battleship Potemkin

Brand New
Dmitri Shostakovich
Blind Guardian

>> No.5209622
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>(whale noise)
>(whale noise)
>(whale noise)

inb4: >(whale noise)

>> No.5209634

Under The Volcano
The Trial
The Divine Comedy
Darkness At Noon
Nicomachean Ethics

Lost In Translation
In The Mood For Love
Spirited Away
Pierret Le Fou
The Room

Astral Weeks - Van Morrison
Endless Summer - Fennesz
The Pop Group - Y
Nation of Ulysses - Plays Pretty For Baby
Shed - Shedding The Past

Policy of Three

>> No.5209638

Have you tried dolphin?

>> No.5209639

Now come on. Labels have been shilling out rubbish since their very foundation

If an album is constructed as a start-to-finish listen you're getting a bastardization of it if you listen to it out of that context

>> No.5209663

But you're assuming that albums have always been carefully constructed start to finish. This isn't the case, in fact the album as an art form didn't really gain traction til the mid 60s which is when the red and blue albums were conceived. Before that it was more about singles with LPs usually more for fans. This is why even after that point a lot of classic songs were put into albums (Hey Jude). You can like whatever you like, but these two albums are considered legitimate classics in the beatles catalogue.


>> No.5209674

*a lot of classic songs weren't

>> No.5209679

Some compilations can be considered classics, likes Miles Davis volume 1&2 for blue note.

>> No.5209685

>Lost in Translation
I actually watched that while in Tokyo once, tears were shed.

>> No.5209754


Andrei rublev
The double life of Veronique
Sansho the bailiff
The assassination of Jesse James
Red Desert

Sigur ros
The Mars Volta
The tragically hip

>> No.5209806

How intensely does the film romanticize Tokyo? I've always desired to visit it.

>> No.5209826

To some extent. It makes it seem like an alien fantasy dreamscape. In reality, that's only the tip of the iceberg. In general, Japan has made the profitable choice to market itself as a quirky fun weird cool place to visit, and it is. But the reality is much different if you live there.

>> No.5209951

What? No, I'm talking about the Beatles. And I said "If" anyway come on. Their post-Rubber-Soul albums were blatantly constructed in a certain way and those Red and Blue albums are only considered classics by people who aren't invested in the Beatles. Which is fine, but I'd be deeply surprised if that was the case and they also were your favourite band of all time

>> No.5209952
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>> No.5209965


>The Seventh Seal
>Pierrot le Fou
>Dr. Strangelove

>Modest Mouse
>And So I Watch You From Afar
>Erland and the Carnival
>Titus Andronicus

>> No.5209966

the red album collects pre-rubber-soul tracks that weren't organized as proper albums but those tracks also happen to be their weaker material.

>> No.5209968

>The double life of Veronique

>> No.5210008

I'm not saying that they would be any Beatlehead's favorite, that's unlikely for various reasons, all I'm saying is that they are legitimate Beatles releases and it's not unreasonable for them to be cherished and appreciated. Greatest hits releases are stigmatized these days because they usually aren't produced with any sense of artistry or imput from the musicians, but this hasn't always been the case. The red and blue albums were carefully compiled by McCartney and especially Lennon, who put much thought into the songs selected, their order, their versions, and their mastering.

>> No.5210355

Le Camp des saints - Raspail
Extension du domaine de la lutte - Houllebecq
Voyage au bout de la nuit - Céline
Le Prince - Machiavel
L’Iliade - Homère

Apocalypse Now
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Once Upon a Time in the West
La cité des enfants perdus

I don't have any particular favourites when it comes to music.

>> No.5210443


Winter Light
Taxi Driver
Floating Weeds
Play Time

The Beatles
Nick Drake
Bob Dylan
Syd Barrett
Joanna Newsom

>> No.5210460

. Y.Mishima
. C.Bukowski
. R.Desforges
. F.Sagan
. Can't decide for the 5th one

. The decline of the American empire
. Gattaca
. The hours
. Laurence anyways
. Scene de la vie conjugale

>Musician / Bands
. Godspeed you black emperor
. Fleet foxes
. The knife
. Boards of canada
. Au revoir Simone

>> No.5210493

scenes from a marriage is my favourite but why did you write it in french? it's swedish no?

>> No.5210526


A Serious Man
In the Loop
True Lies
Dr. Strangelove

The Hold Steady
The Clash
The Magnetic Fields
LCD Soundsystem
Tom Waits

>> No.5210531

it is ! I wrote it in french cause I couldn't remember its title in swedish.

>> No.5210555

oh right lol no worries

my fav bergman btw. best dialogue anyway

>> No.5210567


Well I kind of like it even thou I prefere to read it.
But Bergman is a really god director.

>> No.5210593

>I kind of like it
>Literally in my top 5 films of all times

>> No.5210624


My top X film of all time is changing as time goes.
Bergman was in my top 5 this year cause I swallowed his work. What happen next is uncertain.

>> No.5210652

what are some of your other fav bergmans

>> No.5210697

Alan Moore
Art Spiegelman

John Carpenter
Ridley Scott
Akira Kurosawa
Alfred Hitchcock
Stanley Kubrick

Earth Wind and Fire
Bob Dylan
Miles Davis
John Coltrane

>> No.5210840

this is some good shit

>> No.5210853

Maybe it's because we share the same space being on 4chan or maybe it's just coincidence but I share 12/15 of these.

>> No.5210962

not a single person with good taste itt, congrats /lit/

>> No.5210970


>> No.5210975

if i tell you i'll get doxed :^)

>> No.5211011

>Paddy Chayefsky
>George I. Gurdjieff
>Tito Colliander

>Naked Lunch
>Texas Chainsaw Massacre
>Enter the Void

>Nihilist Spasm Band
>Hum of the Druid
>Led zeppelin
>Godspeed You! Black Emperor

>> No.5211020

/lit/'s favorite pastime - crafting lists to show off how unique and interesting their tastes are

these threads are a guaranteed success

>> No.5211034

those people are not /lit/ though
all crossposters

>> No.5211050

Marquis de Sade
George Bataille
William S. Burroughs
Ken Kesey
Jane Austin
How to Train Your Dragon
How to Train Your Dragon 2
Rise of the Guardians
Throbbing Gristle
Kate Bush

>> No.5211056

>George Bataille
I'm sure you don't understand him at all.

>> No.5211086

Stop implicating your superior comprehension abilities, cunt-lips. Someone weaker than you should rape you.

>> No.5211091


>> No.5211097
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Nobody likes you. Your existence is redundant. Kill yourself, faggot. This is you.

>> No.5211116
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r8 me

Herman Melville
Philip K. Dick
Ernest Hemmingway
Alfred Bester
David Foster Wallace

Blade Runner
Dr. Strangelove

Woody Allen
David Lean
Orson Welles

The Mountain Goats
Nine Inch Nails
Bob Dylan
The Pogues

>Monuments Men


>> No.5211128
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Yi Yi
Boogie Nights
The Mirror
Werckmeister Harmonies
End of Evangelion

Kubrick I guess

Animal Collective
Modest Mouse
Thinking Fellers

>> No.5211130

college freshman

>> No.5211131


writers - 8/10
films - 6/10
music - 2/10

Not surprising on /lit/ I guess

>> No.5211133

I'm a college junior thank you very much.

>> No.5211154

>music - 2/10


>> No.5211155

Herman Hesse
Osamu Dazai
Walt Whitman

End of Evangelion
Dr. Strangelove

Kashiwa Daisuke
Miles Davis
God Speed You Black Emperor
Talking Heads
The Clash

Most of the above I list for a specific album/book/movie. If we are talking about favorite in relation to entire life's work, it would take me a lot longer.

>> No.5211176
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George Eliot
Henry James

Jean Dielmann
The Terrorizers
A Day in the Country
Pour la Suite du Monde
My Darling Clementine

Sibylle Baier
Boards of Canada

>> No.5211184

Mario Mendoza
Antoine Saint Exupery
Fernando Vallejo
Robert Kiyosaki

Twelve Monkeys
Inglourious Basterds
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

Cuarteto de Nos
Julieta Venegas

>> No.5211213

I recognise none of your writers, all of your films (none of which I like) and 3 of your music artists (all of which are intensely average)

>> No.5211216

intended for

>> No.5211251

Gabo - Gabriel Garcia Marquez (The only colombian with a Nobel Prize)
Vallejo and Mendoza are a little bit recognized but, both are colombians.
Antoine Saint Exupery - The Little Prince.
Robert Kiyosaki- Rich dad, Poor dad.

>> No.5211261


I really love your film section. Great taste.

Some films you might like:
>'Nostalgia for the Light', Patricio Guzmán
>'Dream of Light', Víctor Erice
>'Edvard Munch', Peter Watkins
>'Mother and Son', Alexander Sokurov

>> No.5211275

12 Monkeys is awesome.

>> No.5211323
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The Long Goodbye
Boogie Nights
Werckmeister Harmonies
Sexy Beast
The Profound Desire of the Gods

Les Rallizes Denudes
Johnny Greenwood
Thomas Kohner
Massive Attack
Talking Heads

>> No.5211382

I really like your music taste. What's your favorite residents album? Duck Stab is the only album I've heard in its entirety and I've only heard a few songs from other albums.

I'm not sure about my skill in reconnecting things but I'm responding to you anyways and most people here aren't giving recs so I guess I'll try.

Pink Floyd (before Dark Side)
King Crimson
Royal Trux
Amon Duul II
Captain Beefheart

>> No.5211396

Recommending not reconnecting

>> No.5211418


Taxi Driver
2001: A Space Odyssey
There Will Be Blood

The Velvet Underground
John Coltrane
Nick Drake

Sorry for no recs, I have just gotten into literature in the past year or so and am not well read.

>> No.5211420

>Amon Duul II

more like amon dull.

>> No.5211425

hey thanks! here are some facts:

I have edvard munch and nostalgia for the light downloaded and was planning to watch edvard munch this weekend so evidently you're very good at recs

I saw spirit of the beehive (erice's more famous film from what i understand) about a year ago and totally fell in love with the themes, general atmos, characters, but felt it wasnt the masterpiece it could have been and kept thinking "hm, i should be a lot more moved by this by all accounts"but I really dont remember why. thinking back it might have something to do with my being sick at the time. will definitely seek out dream of light

mother and son is an old friend's favourite film. I dont know why I never watched it but we're not in contact any more sadly. In short what i'm saying is thanks very much I plan to watch them all

Which is your list?

>> No.5211429

You've giving the average person too much credit with Kurosawa.
I generally agree otherwise though

>> No.5211439

William Faulkner
Fydor Dostoyevsky
Anton Chekhov
Ernest Hemingway
James Joyce

Jean Renior
Akria Kurosawa
Stanley Kubrick
Alfred Hitchcock
Jean-Luc Godard

Sun Ra
Igor Stravinsky
Charles Mingus
Pyotr Tchaikovsky
Flying Lotus

>> No.5211442


>> No.5211445

Average person that would say the words "Yeah i'm quite into film" would absolutely no doubt know kurosawa

>> No.5211450

By the way do you mind if I ask why you recommended those specifically? If it was anything beyond just general ideas of taste that is. I found Edvard Munch a while ago because I read that bergman was really into it after browsing watkins' filmog (he directed a nuclear war drama-doc my uncle has on vhs)

>> No.5211455

I've personally heard of every one of those except Sergio Leone. I feel like Orson Welles might be a bit of a stretch too if we're talking about the average person but I could be wrong. Regardless I agree with he guy who said it makes more sense to talk about favorite movies rather than directors because people generally don't talk about directors. Books would make more sense than writers too ordinarily but were on a literature board so I think its fair to use writers.

>> No.5211460

So why not songs instead of musicians.

>> No.5211462

Leone is alright, he's the biggest Western director, basically the reason we talk about "Spaghetti-Westerns". You've likely seen The Good The Bad And The Ugly

>> No.5211471

>I feel like Orson Welles might be a bit of a stretch too if we're talking about the average person but I could be wrong
Pretty much everyone in the english-speaking world knows or knows of Citizen Kane

>> No.5211474

I'd say John Ford is the biggest director of Westerns.

>> No.5211477

I feel like we just did this. Anyway.

William Styron
Thomas Wolfe
Virginia Woolf
Chuck Klosterman
William Gaddis

Ursula Meier
Paul Thomas Anderson
Derek Cianfrance
Amy Heckerling
William Wyler

Taylor Swift
Killer Mike
Danny Brown
Meek Mill
Sara Bareilles

>> No.5211486 [DELETED] 
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>By the way do you mind if I ask why you recommended those specifically? If it was anything beyond just general ideas of taste that is.

Honestly I was just scanning through some of my favourites, lol. You're right in thinking that it was just a general idea of taste. And I don't have in this thread, sorry. I just like recommending things. If you're looking for a few more film recs I'd suggest:

>'The Eye Above the Well', Johan van der Keuken
>'Dyn Amo', Stephen Dwoskin
>'Yearning', Mikio Naruse
>'Forest of Bliss', Robert Gardner
>'The Parallel Street', Ferdinand Khittl
>'Sewer', Sherad Anthony Sanchez

'Edvard Much' is such a great film. You'll dig it. Trust me.

>> No.5211487

Well, I don't agree

>> No.5211493
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>By the way do you mind if I ask why you recommended those specifically? If it was anything beyond just general ideas of taste that is.

Honestly I was just scanning through some of my favourites, lol. You're right in thinking that it was just a general idea of taste. And I don't have a list in this thread, sorry. I just like recommending things. If you're looking for a few more film recs I'd suggest:

>'The Eye Above the Well', Johan van der Keuken
>'Dyn Amo', Stephen Dwoskin
>'Yearning', Mikio Naruse
>'Forest of Bliss', Robert Gardner
>'The Parallel Street', Ferdinand Khittl
>'Sewer', Sherad Anthony Sanchez

'Edvard Much' is such a great film. You'll dig it. Trust me.

>> No.5211498

You're free to disagree, but let me put it this way: the reason John Wayne is synonymous with Westerns is because of John Ford movies.

>> No.5211504

Well I don't know anything about any of those other than having seen Naruse's Sound Of The Mountain (very recently actually) based purely on the fact Setsuko Hara was in it (lovely film and a lovely performance) so I'll add all these to my watchlist. Thanks again!

>> No.5211515

You, too, are free to disagree but I could say exactly the same with substition of Clint Eastwood for John Wayne and Leone for Ford

>> No.5211576
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Kobo Abe

I don't watch enough films to have patrician film taste,
A Clockwork Orange
Full Metal Jacket
Blade Runner
Ghost in the Shell

Same thing as films,
bôa (not the Corean)
Origa (seeing the trend?)
Electric Light Orchestra
Neutral Milk Hotel

>> No.5211578

Those are all great films.

>> No.5211596

Because it's actually pretty common for people to refer to their favorite musicians/bands, even if they don't consider themselves "music freaks" or whatever. From my own experiences the same does not apply to film directors.

>> No.5211605


>> No.5211616

I'd rather have film recommendation at the moment, but I'll take whatever I'm given.

A hesitant Nabokov (I've only read Lolita but it was perfect)
Dumas (in content not in style)
It's hard for me to place a fifth. I'll just say Douglas Adams. Maybe Voltaire? meh...
Or Shakespeare. Once again, in content but not in style.

PT Anderson favorite hands down.
Jeff Nichols
Coen Brothers
Jaco Van Dormael
Once again it's hard to place the fifth. Kubrick? Derek Cianfrance? If He keeps making films like Bronson maybe Nicolas Winding Refn.

>> No.5211622


>> No.5211627

If experience is anything to go by no one will give me any rec's anyway, but I noticed that its supposed to be films, not directors, so:
-Mr Nobody
-The Road
-The Deer Hunter
-There Will Be Blood

>> No.5211644

Haven't followed the conversation but a director can obviously have a profound effect on what the movie ends up like.

However unlike an author or a band, a director is not the sole contributor to the finished product. It's James Joyce's Finnegans Wake, Neutral Milk Hotel's ITAOTS, and Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange. Joyce is the sole contributor to his novel, NMH was the only party involved in making their album, but Kubrick had to put his faith in actors, writers, etc. A whole cast and crew that depending on their own talent can make or break a film. A great director can be brought down by a bad actor, a great actor brought down by a bad script. Sometimes a bad director is brought up by a great actor, see American Psycho.

There is nothing wrong with having favorite directors, it's just they unlike a book or a song to some extent, a film isn't a direct window to the person who created it.

Still, I don't think Writers or Bands is good either. It should be Books, Films, Albums. I love Joyce, Ulysses is easily a favourite novel. But Finnegans Wake is still trash.

>> No.5211666

Maybe not totally pure artistic control in the sense a composer has but in the cases in which someone will list a director a/o/t a film all the people involved are quite consciously working towards and in accordance with the director's artistic vision. No other director could have made Tokyo Story or Cries and Whispers

>> No.5211699

But Neutral Milk Hotel too were restricted of complete artistic purity surely? Does such a thing even exist? nmh were still working entirely within the confines of the english language, of rock conventions, of western compositional theory, of tonality, the knowledge we have of planet earth and the universe, the limitations of the human mind and the human experience, not to mention all the overt lo-fi and historical influences. I'd say A Clockwork Orange is Kubrick's as much as itaots is theirs

>> No.5211709

No to mention all the sound engineers who work on albums.

>> No.5211722

lots of records are self-produced&self-mastered tbf, and definitely outside of record labels

>> No.5211725

You could say the same about independent low budget films.

>> No.5211732

Very true. Although I would say the weight most heavily rests on the director. Which makes sense, given that although there are others contributing, he is in charge of making sure everything is up to his or her standards.
The major exception here would be having a writer than the director isn't exclusively fond of partnering with. Then there's just so much control out of the director's hands. Other than the Coen Brothers (who often share roles anyway) and the team behind Ruby Sparks and Little Miss Sunshine, I haven't seen any such duo yielding consistently good results.

That being said, I feel like a director can be a direct window, if judged accordingly. Just like you would only judge the drummer of a band by the drums, the only things I take into account when thinking about a favorite director is the things about the movie that what the director can have control over. The way the scene is filmed, mostly. Also a painful performance making it past a director could easily, and often is, a bad sign for the director. A good director may be held back by a bad actor but a good director should be able to find a way to make it work. Even if he can't get the actors to listen, that's part of his job too.

>> No.5211742

Charlie Kaufman and Spike Jonze

>> No.5211807

Didn't they only team up one and a half times?
Still, good duo and they both have proved themselves as writers and directors (actually I haven't seen any Kaufman movies with him the director's chair so I can't speak for that)

>> No.5211876

How can it be one and a half times? They teamed up twice.

Also, when each took on the other's role for their own solo projects, the results were still awesome. Jonze wrote Her and Kaufman directed Synecdoche. Both are wonderful movies.

>> No.5211930


Charles Manson
Belle & Sebastian

>> No.5212051

Thomas Mann
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Milan Kundera
Hermann Broch
Fyodor Dostoevski

Chungking Express
Blue Velvet
3 Iron
Sunset Boulevard

Joanna Newsom
Sufjan Stevens
Popol Vuh

>> No.5212058

>Charles Manson


>> No.5212102



>> No.5212166

Philip K. Dick
Tyler Volk
Tess Slesinger
W.B. Yeats + wife
Mary Shelley

The Doors
Donnie Darko
Enter the Void
A Scanner Darkly
The Ninth Gate

Charli XCX
Trent Reznor
Chelsea Wolfe
Tears for Fears

>> No.5212195

Dennis Lehane for the guilty pleasure
Lemony Snicket for the nostalgia

Children of Men
My Neighbor Totoro
Mulholland Dr.
The New World
The Prestige

Pink Floyd

>> No.5212226

Leo Strauss
Michel Foucault
Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels

Jarinko Chie
Bad Boy Bubby
Six-String Samurai
True Romance

Van Morrison
Joni Mitchell
Paul Simon (& Garfunkel)
Third Eye Blind

>> No.5212390

>The tragically hip
instant demigod status

>> No.5212404
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>My neighbor totoro
My nigga

>> No.5212408

Upon checking your list of authors and music, you seem like a bro, based anon, gonna check those movies, never seen them.

>> No.5212413

You too seem like a based bro, though I do know those directors. Ever seen any of Kobayashi's works? If not, check Seppuku.

>> No.5212666

I counted it as a half because he shared the writing. I don't have to be convinced of either of their talent, particularly Spike.

>> No.5212715

Why is this good?

>> No.5212718
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The Dark Knight
Fight Club
Being John Malkovich
Mindless Self Indulgence
The White Stripes
The Beastie Boys
Say Anything

>> No.5212722

Novelists need editors too bro.

Thomas Wolfe's novels were basically strauctured by Maxwell Perkins, and the only reason Raymond Carver is described as a minimalist is becaue Gordon Lish made him one

>> No.5212730

Have you seen it?

It's arguably the greatest animated film ever.

>> No.5212738

No I guess I'll check it out.

Is it better than Grave of the Fireflies?

>> No.5212781

E.L Doctorow

The Seventh Seal
Flowers of War
There are several others i like, but they don't stick out

Harry Chapin
Cars and Trains