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/lit/ - Literature

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5202606 No.5202606[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Whatever came up. I could do a little of almost anything—run boats, paint houses, fly airplanes. I never needed much money because living was cheap in New Orleans then, and all I wanted was a place to sleep, a little food, tobacco, and whiskey. There were many things I could do for two or three days and earn enough money to live on for the rest of the month. By temperament I'm a vagabond and a tramp. I don't want money badly enough to work for it. In my opinion it's a shame that there is so much work in the world. One of the saddest things is that the only thing a man can do for eight hours a day, day after day, is work. You can't eat eight hours a day nor drink for eight hours a day nor make love for eight hours—all you can do for eight hours is work. Which is the reason why man makes himself and everybody else so miserable and unhappy." -- William Faulkner

What happened to good capitalism? Why is the economy like it is now? Is it over-population?

>> No.5202612

Why are you posting this on a literature board, this has nothing to do with literature.

>> No.5202620

Actually it fucking does. And why don't you go play hall monitor somewhere else faggot.

>> No.5202634

Status: TOLD

>> No.5202637


>> No.5202643

William Faulkner wrote literature. So did Karl Marx. So does Milton Friedman. Can you and the fucking milk monitor go read a book or kill yourselves or something? Fuck off.

>> No.5202645

Globalism happened.

>> No.5202653

Reported. Go on /biz/. This is a literature board. Just because you posted a quote from an author doesn't mean this isn't an economics thread.

>> No.5202657

i don't know what you're talking about. if you limit your spending to the four things he mentions, it's entirely possible to live now like he did then (even without being a writer).

>> No.5202667

... Are you guys really this fucking pathetic? Even if /lit/ moved fast enough for off-topic threads to be a problem, you would still be dickless faggots for actually reporting people. Thanks for fucking up my thread and instead of contributing to whatever interests you.

What's that, Chinese slave-labor and shit?

>> No.5202673

Uh.... I don't think you can work anywhere for any amount of time without filling out a 10 page application and 10 pages of tax information and having like 3 interviews. Not to mention competing with a million other people for whatever menial fucking job it is. And 2 or 3 days aren't going to last you a month.

>> No.5202678

To be fair, if a shit thread is posted on a slow board, it's there for a couple days.
That said I found the quote interesting.

>> No.5202679

They've been a problem for months. Literature is barely spoken of here. Philosophy, theology, politics, history, feminism, economics all get seemingly daily threads. And they never discuss the actual literature surrounding the topics, only the topics themselves.


>> No.5202696

Who gives a fuck? Don't post in it. Learn to use the fucking catalogue. This isn't off topic and it's not a "shit thread". You're shitting up my thread.

Quit being a fucking prima donna crybaby about a fucking message board and go make a quality post about the aesthetic beauty of Shakespeare.

>> No.5202699

what bureaucratic shithole do you live in? most of my jobs have been through referrals without any applications or interviews. i have a regular job now that's only 10 hours a week that more than gets me by, but in the past i've done a few days of freelance work and have that cover my bills for the month.

you sound like a neet without any basis in reality.

>> No.5202707

Uhh.. The United States? How could you possibly pay rent by working 10 hours a week.

>> No.5202714

having an overpaid courier job in the medical industry. living in the midwest.

>> No.5202717

Hook me up, bosshog. What are the qualifications needed? I mean you would have to be getting paid like $30 an hour, right?

>> No.5202728

>he thinks you can't survive on odd jobs and trade work

learn a trade and you'll be able to buy food and tobacco, faggot.

>> No.5202734

no qualifications, just gotta know the right people. which is what i've been saying is the case all along. if you literally have no connections, temp agencies and services on craigslist can help.

>> No.5202741

>i have a regular job now that's only 10 hours a week that more than gets me by

define "gets me by"? i'm assuming you have roommates, your parents help out with your cell phone and car insurance and gas, etc.

>> No.5202745

Like what? You mean you can just show up somewhere and say "I'm here to weld a few things, but I only work about 12-16 hours a week, so you can just pay me in cash at the end of the day, thanks." Where exactly does this happen?

>> No.5202747

And you make how much an hour for what kind of work?

>> No.5202751

>Where exactly does this happen?

everywhere. except you don't just show up, you're hired for specific jobs. that's the nature of trade. you're not obligated to make anymore appointments than you want. of course some jobs will take longer than 16 hours in a week.

>> No.5202783

the only living expenses i don't cover are car insurance and phone bill. and i have roommates.

but if i covered all that and got my own place, i'd still have half of my paycheck to put away in savings. that said, this is easily the cushiest job i've had.

already mentioned, courier job that's about 30 an hour

most entry level work starts as gofer shit, from offices to construction sites

>> No.5202787

I'm not either of them, but you sound like a whiny little bitch. Don't get buttblasted because you posted an off-topic thread.

>> No.5202818

>I'm not either of them
Sure you're not, faggot. The only whiny bitches are you and the ten faggots WHINING about off-topic threads. Anyway, we've moved on. We're now on topic. Try and make an on topic post in this thread or go fuck yourself.

Seriously, don't call me a whiny bitch for going on a tirade against people who were being whiny bitches in the first place.

>> No.5202839

>What happened to good capitalism?
Faulkner wouldn't have had his fortunate life if he'd been anything other than White Anglo.

>> No.5202846

>ITT: faggots

>> No.5202889

>What happened to good capitalism? Why is the economy like it is now? Is it over-population?

State power. Isn't it obvious?

>> No.5202931

Yeah. I'm not sure I buy into the whole "corporate greed" being responsible as much as government red-tape and over-taxing. Care to expound on why this is obvious?


>> No.5202956

Ok. I wasn't talking about his fortune, I was talking about the ability of a White Anglo, which I am also, to work three or four days and then live comfortably for the rest of the month in a hotel in New Orleans drinking whiskey and writing novels.

>> No.5203062

Keep crying faggot. Just because your thread is shit and nobody likes it, doesn't mean you should plop on your ass and moan in the middle of the board. What are you a high school student on break? Probably the weird kid who thinks hes smarter than all of his peers? Christ.

>> No.5203105

> What happened to good capitalism?
Standards of living raised, raising the amount of needs and thus income.
> Why is the economy like it is now?
Like what?
> Is it over-population?

>> No.5203113

> Where exactly does this happen?
Construction, gardening, harbours.

>> No.5203117

Move to another country, OP. Try the third world out for a change, seriously.

>> No.5203120

This is like the 12th time you've derailed my thread "moaning" about off-topic posts. I assume it's been all you because there just can't be that many faggots on /lit/. Please go find someone else who's breaking the rules and narc on them and get yourself another gold star, you dick riding faggot.

>> No.5203128

Faulkner was from a wealthy southern family with old money and a champion of the southern lost cause, of course he could do whatever the fuck he wanted, because he didn't have to.

>> No.5203140

Why do you need to live in a hotel? You can sleep in New Orleans parks/outdoors perfectly fine for most of the year while storing your writing equipment somewhere safe during the nights.

>> No.5203141

Uh, no.

Faulkner shlepped at shit jobs at the University of Mississippi until he was in his 30s.

>> No.5203201

I don't know anything about his family's wealth and Faulkner may have had some romantic ideas about the South, but I don't think he was a "lost cause confederate". I'm pretty sure he was at least somewhat critical of racism.

>> No.5203210

He was indeed critical of racism. This is overwhelmingly obvious if you read Light in August.

>> No.5203222


>> No.5203230


>> No.5203331
File: 49 KB, 342x400, 1355930410354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women entered the workforce, driving the average wage way down. Before that, man could take care of his entire family just with what he earned at work. So if you lived alone and had a good job, you were golden.

>> No.5203503

> Women entered the workforce, driving the average wage way down. Before that, man could take care of his entire family just with what he earned at work.
Aren't 30% of American women still housewives?

>> No.5203522

Shh... you'll ruin his scapegoat.

>> No.5203523

90% are whores.

>> No.5203543

70% are not

I am not using scapegoat. Just stating fact. The reason they entered workforce was simply because of technology making it easy to do housework. Before that it took all day. But with all the free time women had to do something else.

Its simply how it was. Not blaming anything. That picture was posted just for fun.

>> No.5203552

A shit load of things happened. But working eight hours is damn near universal. Suck it up.

>> No.5203575

Women entered the workforce because men weren't earning as much money in terms of purchasing power.

>> No.5203577

Lets hear the shitload of things. And don't tell me to suck it up. I'm asking because I'm about to strike it rich and I don't want any guilt over how shitty everyone else's life is to ruin my fun.

>> No.5203633

I'm saying to suck it up about working eight hours a day. I can't think of any country, past or present, that has worked less hours and consistently earned enough money to not feel the need to work more. Could you get a "good job" and work less while still making a good amount of money? Yes. Is it likely? No.

As for thing that happened that made most people's purchasing power drop:

Protective regulations and subsidies on many food products keep prices the same, or higher than they were before.

Globalization made the value of blue collar jobs go down very rapidly.

Deregulation of speculative markets (Wallstreet), banking, etc, resulted in a lot of investment that didn't do much of anything but roll the dice on making rich people richer. Consecutive ball outs and allowing nearly unlimited campaign finance didn't do much to help this.

Clinton started to push the "American dream" where everyone should own a house, deregulating the housing system and stimulating banks to give our riskier loans in return for government subsidies and the like. This led to a bubble, which we saw pop.

Less investment in higher education resulted in higher and higher tuition, meaning more college students starting their career in serious debt.

Standardization of the high school diploma (along with globalization, but this is still worth mentioning) resulted in a high school degree being more or less worthless all the way around, meaning college is now many people's only option for class mobility, and thus, debt.

Rapid leaps in automation resulted in a lot more blue collar workers losing out on a job. Think self-checkout lanes and Amazon selling a bunch of shit while using robots to automate their warehouses. Again, this isn't bad, but in the short run with all the other things going on is definitely hurtful to a large portion of the workforce.

Lets not forget Geo-political events that have pressured our government to spend more money on the military instead of investing it in higher education and so on.

Lets not forget Boomers retiring very soon which will result in a massive increase in social spending to cover their expenses. Programs like Medicare are expected to increase in costs rapidly over the next decade.

This is by no means comprehensive or very specific, but its roughly what I think to be the larger issues.

>> No.5203639


People like you are why the world is shit. Go be a protestant somewhere else.

>> No.5203652

That's a lot of implications from only two sentences.

>> No.5203663

The boomers need to go fuck themselves.
>We took it all but spent it
>Golv moar pls

>> No.5203667


Speaking of two, all you mention are countries 'past' and 'present.' Instead of considering a future, you rationalise the current work week by looking to what it was and is instead of what it could be.

>> No.5204513
File: 133 KB, 618x886, Forain_Rimbaud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i know shlepped from listening to lenny bruce

>> No.5205786

This coulda been a good thread. Too bad half the posts are from the Boy Scout Gay Brigade getting their merit badges in faggotry.