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/lit/ - Literature

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5202205 No.5202205 [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, here's my predicament. I was at the pool with my book and well...it got soaked. It's soaked pretty bad and I'm afraid to even touch the fucker as it seems like it'd fall apart if I tried to read the cock-sucker and the goddamned bind seems to be tearing. So I'm wondering if there were any solutions to fix my situation without having to install gentoo or going and buying another copy.

>> No.5202207

Submerge it in rice. It works for mobiles.

your book is probably ruined

>> No.5202383

If it was Gravity's Rainbow, fate intervened. Accept this gift.

>> No.5202393
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Wrap it in newspaper, or submerge it in rice.

Either way, you are probably fucked.

If you need a new copy, get the Vintage Anniversary Edition. It has none of the errors that are in all of the other versions.

>> No.5202488

>I was at the pool with my book

>> No.5202531

Because he never worked hard enough to develop a rig that would be pure eye candy to the babes at the pool, and has this notion that he can pick up if he pretends to read a big book with some kind of abstract title

>> No.5202712

Might be on vacation. Often at resorts the best place for lounging and relaxing outside is the pool.

>> No.5202761

Whenever I go on vacation to the beach I stay inside with the nice AC and a glass of pineapple juice.

>> No.5204430

Really? I have a well-worn Penguin Classics copy (the Pollack-y cover) and it has more than a few typos.

>> No.5204517

Yeah. The Vintage Anniversary edition with the gay-pride rainbow rockets is the only modern version without errors.

>> No.5204538

You are a fucking idiot. Is this the new bookburning? You think it's funny to destroy books? Fucking retard.


>> No.5204557

>implying sage does anything

>Contrary to popular belief, a sage is not a downvote, and should not be used as one. "sage-bombing" or announcing that you've saged a thread may result in a ban.

>> No.5205105

But he didn't even actually sage

>> No.5205136
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There are three vintage covers.

>> No.5205151

prove it

>> No.5205154


It stops a thread from being bumped. Of course that doesn't matter on a slow board like /lit/ but how else will people know you don't like a thread?

>> No.5205541

We really need to make a guide about witch printings are fucked up.

>> No.5207355

That one doesn't work.

>> No.5207359

It's pretty easy. Just get the Vintage Anniversary Edition with the multi-colored V2 Rockets.

Then you are in the clear. It doesn't have to be more complicated.

>> No.5207362

Just like your alcoholic father.

>> No.5207367

Close. My father is sober. It is me who is an embarrassing drunk.

Still doesn't mean I'm wrong.

>> No.5208752
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yeah but it wold help adding what lines are missing with page numbers,

something the can be dumped in GR and Pynchon threads quickly, So less threads are derailed.

we could make it part of a how to Pynchon guide.

>> No.5208787

I'm on it. It won't be great, but it will be a good jumping off point for further improvement.

>> No.5208814

Put it in the microwave for a minute or two. I'm serious.

>> No.5208819

>reading pynchon at the pool

Full blown autism. That's not how you meet girls.

>> No.5208827
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And if you need me to check the Penguin "Twentieth-century classics" Edition

< this cover just ask.

>> No.5208839


I'll post the prototype in a short while.

>> No.5208986
File: 1.21 MB, 1216x3156, prototype pinecone guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


prototype incoming.

Berate me all you like. My paint skills are terribad.

>> No.5209180

nice job

>> No.5209188

You warm the cockles of my heart.

>> No.5209218

Yes, it does. I was one of the first people to even recommend the Vintage additions a little over a month ago in this thread: >>/lit/image/UwTgcFU1zN22PITV9Pdi8w

These are all the same book by the same publisher including the cover with all of the little cartoons on it. The two penguin copies are fucked, it's not that every pressing except for one specific one is fucked.

>> No.5209275

And this is why physical books are exceptionally superior to e-readers.

>> No.5209662

Does anyone have a full list of the errors in the Penguin Edition? The only error that I ever see get brought up is the "pens" line.

>> No.5209686

There's at least a typo in a formula and the book easily smudges. Wouldn't recommend that edition.

>> No.5209720
File: 154 KB, 1024x768, gr-formula-typo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re interested

>> No.5209757

Mine doesn't smudge.

What are the errors? The exclamation marks?

>> No.5209765


How the hell do you smudge a Vintage book? I have dozens and none of them smudge at all.

>> No.5209899
File: 138 KB, 1024x768, gr-smudge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the exclamation marks denote the faculty. But the exponent should be the same as the faculty, i.e. m^n/n!, and it has m^2/3!

Don't know if that's the correct term, but if you only have slightly sweaty fingers and touch the print, this happens. pic related.

>> No.5209921

Yeah I know what you mean and I can see you have a problem with that.

I have extremely sweaty hands but that has not happened to any of my Vintage books.

Still, after having seen most of the other versions in person, I think the Vintage Anniversary is the best one out there right now.

>> No.5209935

>going to a different place outside
>better stay inside and do the same thing as I always do

>> No.5209970

Same thing happened to my copy of The Corrections. I ditched it and never got around to buying another copy.