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5200794 No.5200794[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

list of books that every pro black person should read.

>> No.5200805

so far i only have..

- The Vulture by Gil Scott Heron

>> No.5200810
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>pro black

>> No.5200812

that book about racism by that french black dude

>> No.5200813

>list of books that every pro black person should read.

The Ego And Its Own


Can you imagine how the black power movement would have turned out if MLK Jr. or Malcom X had read an individualist author instead of defaulting to collectivism? /pol/ wouldn't even exist if they had.

>> No.5200825

>don't have power
>don't try to get power
>complain that you don't have power
good plan, black people (i am anti-black)
/pol/ was right
it's happening

>> No.5200830
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>> No.5200901

Frantz Fanon was not French

>> No.5200911

could you care to explain why your anti-black?

>> No.5200922

Isn't black power an attempt to get power by various means? A few of them are very radical in their methods

>> No.5200929

cuz de be trippin yo

>> No.5201028

No, although he received his formal education in France.

>> No.5201317

aka im a racist bigot who hides in a dark room and blames all my problems on other cultures

>> No.5201327

The Turner Diaries

>> No.5201419

This fo sho. Probably more than anything else if you want damn good reading.

Additionally, To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

General writers to check out are Sojourner Truth, W.E.B. Du Bois, MLK, Jr., Malcolm X

>> No.5201438

Manchild in the Promised Land by Claude Brown
Life and Loves of Mr. Jiveass Nigger by Cecil Brown

>> No.5201478

The nose knows.

>> No.5201574
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>blames all my problems on other cultures
That biblical quote about the plank in your own eye.

>> No.5201624

CLR James' Black Jacobins

>> No.5201627
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I'm thinking of gettin' this one someday, too.

>> No.5201631

First they would have to learn to read, right?

>> No.5201643

list of books that every pro white person should read.

>> No.5201645

Start building some school, anon.

>> No.5201651

Life and Times of Frederick Douglass

>> No.5201664

Blues people by Leroi Jones

>> No.5201749

mein kampf

>> No.5202070
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Skin Deep: How Race and Complexion Matter in the "Color-Blind" Era.

Milk in my Coffee. This is a book my wife bought me as a way of telling me that she was actually Black.

>> No.5202118

The Souls of Black Folk

W.E.B. Du Bois

>> No.5202125


My littl' Coon: A study of transgressive racism in the American south.

>> No.5202129


No, all /pol/lacks would have becomes slaves of the black master race.

>> No.5202168

Seriously, if blacks want to be succesful, they should read classical white history, and learn from their progress.

>> No.5202174
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>> No.5202238

Uncle Tom's Chicken

>> No.5202265

I think it's trying to communicate.

>> No.5202282

racism is illegal outside of /b/ and /pol/, anon.

>> No.5202297

Because whites society hasn't achieved far greater things than any black civilization ever? I want you to answer this one objectively.

If you are supposed to become good at a sport, do you learn from the winner or the losers?

>> No.5202300

>still trying to communicate

>> No.5202347

'Nights With Uncle Remus'

>> No.5202382

Anything by George Lincoln Rockwell.

>> No.5202390


I'm anti-black because they are a waste of resources in western countries, they are over-burdening welfare and are criminally prone.

>> No.5202396

Read Martin Luther King's speech transcripts again and again and again.

>be content

>> No.5202398

>white power
>black power


>> No.5202576

angela davis <3

some favs:
guns germs and steel
toussaint louverture biography
underground railroad (william still)

>> No.5202582

>I'm an ignorant fool

>> No.5202588


Thanks, you just made me 10% more racist.

>> No.5202592

When people say they're proud of being black (or any other relevant minority) they aren't saying they're literally really into their melanin pigmentation, they're saying they're proud of who they are in spite of all the systems in place to ensure the opposite. White people have no analogue for that in race related issues

>> No.5202593

Okay, I can understand why you would think that white power is bad.

Motivate why black power is good, why would it lead down other paths than White power?

>> No.5202599

I'm guessing you're black? Apparently you can speak for all black people.

>> No.5202605

I am yeah, and that is where the black pride movement comes from

>> No.5202613

We're all equal but some are more equal.

There are no races but whites are a race that is inferior and evil.

You will get yours. Do you think this wealth bubble subsidized by the evil demons will last forever? There is only white flight (=poverty for the leech people) and eventual large scale conflict over being forced to pay for your failing people who can never do anything right no matter where on the fucking planet they are located.

>> No.5202616

Maybe worth actually exploring and reading about the issues before you make posts like this under the assumption you're offering some kind of genuinely insightful observation

>> No.5202625

>relevant minority

That's actually a very racist thing to say. Do you mind updating me one oppression hierarchy standing for the day. My special brand of identity might have dropped a few points and I might need to complain about on tumblr.

>> No.5202626

>guns germs steel
Stop posting at any time

>> No.5202627

>Explore and discover why you're evil and held to a higher standard.

Fuck that. Full racism and race war. I have paid taxes to help you animals out for a quarter of a century and all I got was this worldstarhiphop site where the animals jump around and screech as they attack anything in sight. You are among the most proliferate and all you can show in terms of human achievement is a single man who can read out pop science scripts on TV. Fuck you.

>> No.5202629

>There are no races but whites are a race that is inferior and evil.

Cognitive dissonance much?

>> No.5202631
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this is pretty funny

>> No.5202632

Great post dude, very enlightening

>> No.5202636
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>> No.5202638

It's been properly debunked by professional anthropologists, Jared Diamond has been sued by New Guinea Natives for making up their "way of life" to fit his theories.

He is a genuine fraud.

>> No.5202649

Zara Neale Hurston
Toni Morrison
Langston Hughes
Countee Cullen
James Baldwin

>> No.5202650
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You can't eat from our hand forever, and asians sure as fuck won't take your shit. Eventually you're going to have to leave the craddle and make your own way in your stone age societies again. And hey, the invention of the wheel is a freebie- if you can manage to pass it on to your descendants this time.

>> No.5202654

Angela Davis is fucking great.

>> No.5202664

If you're interested in the the phenomenon of Passing, you should check out Nella Larsen, and Zoe Wicomb's playing in the light for the reverse perspective

>> No.5202680

The Neo Racial movments is laughable. They can basically be summed up to: "We don't have privilege of you being able to work hard. Give us hand outs and special grants".

>> No.5202691

Please check your privilege

>> No.5202695


It's impossible to have any kind of discussion about race.

Progress isn't linear and can't be measured in terms of "who's more advanced than whom". History isn't a Sid Meier game. Get your Hegelian bullshit outta here.

You're not even using that word properly!

>> No.5202702

What will become of black people once hip hop dies out? It's already become stale and uninteresting. It will be interesting to watch them enter inescapable mediocrity once their value as fetishized objects plummets. You think five years from now respectable white people will still be saying "doe" and tolerating savagery ironically? Everything has an expiration date. When power moves on, what will become of those who are left behind?

>> No.5202705

I guess if nobody is more advanced than anyone else then we should just down tools. We made it! Every development was just ornaments and flavour.

Who would be so silly as to claim that Australian Aboriginals as a civilisation were any less advanced than any society since?

>> No.5202710

I did, and my dad was the first in his family to ever go to academia. Before that we were war immigrants and dirt poor slavic kholops. Currently my home country is entrenched in some form of civial war (Ukraine) and before that it has been purged by Nazis and Communists, and soon perhaps the Russian Army or the Neo Nazis.

My family has endured all of this, and managed to create a life of wealth because we worked hard, we strived to succeed and appreciated knowledge as the engine to success.

So seriously, get fucked. Cry more next time the cop "harasses" when they stop your car. Your problem is that you make everything about race. No one else cares. Yet blacks in America got their freedom before many European countries, and had a better life then many Europeans. But yeah, I checked my privilege. And indeed it is my privilege to live the life I'm living, I'm fucking worth it.

inb4 u mad

>> No.5202715

That has nothing to do with race

>> No.5202721

Saying "More advanced" is like saying "more evolved" civilization is an adaptation to the environment. Some work better in some environments than others, and some go in different directions.

This is not to say that some cultural adaptations aren't more useful and versatile and work in a lot more environments, but even those have to be adapted. Remember how many arctic explorers starved and froze and died of vitamin deficiencies in places where the aboriginals thrived.

You do get competitive exclusion of cultures sometimes where the technological level is sufficiently adaptable and complex, and where the aboriginals are prevented by cultural or other reasons from accessing it.

Non of this is racial, of course. The adaptation of the plains Indians to horses and guns for instance, or of the Irish to central american food crops and of every culture to writing attests to this.

You can call this competitive exclusion if you like, but it's memetic and not genetic. The individual isn't the issue, nor is the race.

>> No.5202730

>blacks in America got their freedom before many European countries
France and Great Britian both abolished slavery before the US did.

>> No.5202746

the new jim crow is a good book

>> No.5202797

There is a large debt to be paid by bantu blacks to the rest of humanity. These savage mudhut dwellers who oppressed large parts of Africa and enslave and eat pygmies (to this day) for juju magics were freely given the resources and comfort to breed uncontrollably. Straight from the stone age to the space age and their precious Nike shoes.

The left has proclaimed a holy decree of identity politics and racial sins. The bantus can be no exception. These forms of humans are in very, very grave debt to their benefactors.

>> No.5202845

>guns germs steel

Superior races emerged from geographical factors conducive to societal advancement, therefore there is a scientific basis to racism.

>> No.5202854

>bantu blacks

Are they the ones with the huge dongs?

>> No.5202858


>> No.5202863

Interesting book.

>> No.5202874

The play "Dutchman" written by Amiri Baraka

>> No.5202879

Look up bantus and what they have been and are doing to pygmies and other ethnicities in sub-saharan africa.

These people couldn't invent the wheel, not even imitate it when they saw it used by egyptians, all they could do is eat pygmy flesh for magic powers. And these people were then given the technology and help to proliferate in the hundreds of millions and live in luxury compared to their ancestors.

A deep fucking debt.

>> No.5202882

Have you read Louverture's autobiography? How does it compare if so?

>> No.5202883

Thanks for the link I totally could have gotten myself!

>> No.5202887

Cultures, not races. Race is a biological concept restricted mostly to plants since they don't move around and share genes as much, and since the word was taken over in the early twentieth century by loons who use the word as the pre-twentieth century did, as a short hand for nationality or ethnicity, botanists have switched to "varietal" Only plants, with their environmental plasticity and allowing a lot of tropistic expression, and their susceptibility to hybridization and polyploidy, can be said to have actual racial characteristics. Animal races, including humans, are often just the effects of small founder gene pools combined with selected differences in the phenotypic characteristics most interactive to the local environment. You might argue that some associated characteristics tag along, but not anywhere near enough for a race, subspecies or even varietal. There's way more diversity within ethnicity than between them, and some ethnicity (Jews) have such plastic definitions that literally every one on earth could be legitimately considered to be included.

>> No.5202902

Explain all the breeds of dogs and the lineage from a common ancestor in the short time span.

>> No.5202906

We are part neanderthal, 100k years of different evolution aside.

And then there's the sub-saharan africans who couldn't even figure out the wheel. Looking entirely different, incidentally.

There are different sub-species of humans on this planet and denying it just makes you a religious loon. You will be endlessly mocked in history, cultist.

>> No.5202922

No I haven't. I didn't know he had an autobio.

But there are 2 good fiction books of Alejo Carpentier related to Haiti:
El siglo de las luces, and El reino de este mundo.

>> No.5202923

Year later, people are still talking about the book without reading it.

>> No.5202930

Black Like Me
Their Eyes Were Watching God

(I've only actually read one of these)

>> No.5202934

Why do you even bother with these idiots? Just report them and let them rot.

>> No.5202953
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>appealing to a higher authority to hide dissent so people can't judge for themselves

Why do all identity politics marxist have to go for this one?

>> No.5202965

Madison Smartt Bell's All Souls Rising is a very good book on the Haitian Revolution.

He has two more books about Toussaint Louverture but I haven't read them, Mastter of the Crossroads and The Stone That The Builder Refused.

>> No.5202974

One of the defining traits of marxism as displayed approximately 200 times in history is that it doesn't stand up to scrutiny and can only cling on to power (for a few decades) by torturing, killing, removing dissent.

>> No.5202980

The presence of subspecies in human populations would show up the same way it shows up in other populations: with substantially high hybrid vigor. We would see any offspring of, say, the African bushmen and the Australian aborigine (the two subpopulations genetically furthest apart) having children that were larger, smarter, healthier, stronger and more cooperative than either of the parents. That's not what we see. You might get a taller offspring though, since those genes shift, and a kid might get a double set.

and is there a cult associated with this idea? I have heard of a cult that believes that god created races of people because everybody is descended from Noah and there's only been a hundred fifty generations since then, which wouldn't be enough time for the amount of differentiation we see. something like that?

also, the wheel is singularly useless in lots of parts of the world (the parts without flat land and draft animals) sub-saharran cultures that have a use for it, have it. They have all the simple machines actually.

>> No.5202994

They're not all trolls: a lot of them have only heard political rhetoric and haven't really thought much about it. At the very least I can give them an idea of why people oppose their views.

>> No.5203014

Godspeed, anon. You're a better one than I am.

>> No.5203015
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Erasure by Percival Everett
Amazing book about a black academic who attempts to satirise the fascination with "black" culture (i.e. gangsta) by writing a sleazy, violent pimp fiction novel which then, inevitably, turns him into a megastar.

(The fake novel makes up the middle section of the book)

>> No.5203022

Hybrid vigor occurs when there has been inbreeding going on, ignorant little scientologist.

On the opposite end of the scale you have outbreeding depression, which in the sub-species context can actually be relevant.