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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 45 KB, 556x700, christopher-hitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5198820 No.5198820 [Reply] [Original]

Can it be said that his biggest fault was that he was so afraid of a "1984" happening in the Western World, that he was willing to let a "Brave New World" (which most likely would have eventually lead to a 1984 anyway, although by different means) happen instead?

>> No.5198823

What was so great about this man again?

>> No.5198824

Hitchens had a romanticized outlook of how the world should be, imo he read too much Thomas Paine.

>> No.5198827

He could hold his liquor really well. That's about all I can think of.

>> No.5198831

He was sauced from dusk till dawn and could out read 99% of /lit/*

>> No.5198839

I can be said that he was a neoliberal shill and apologist for international war crimes.

>> No.5198843

He was an entertaining dilettante, who was highly articulate and an amusing debater, even if he often had only sketchy knowledge of his topics.

>> No.5198874
File: 289 KB, 329x297, hitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christian-fascists try to subvert the American Constitution's Separation of Church and State at every possible chance they get.
We must stop these brown shirts! Religion is the greatest threat to the survival of Democracy!

>Powerful Corporate and Private interests have their lobbyists work day and night to finance and continue financing representative members of Congress to vote, keep voting, and obscure and twist laws to mean whatever they want on whatever their bosses want.

>> No.5199461

He was a hypocrite: he had the gall to call himself a Marxist, even near the end of his life, when he was just another imperialist in the vein of Kipling or Conrad.

He also seemed to think Orwell did no wrong, and followed jingoistic sentiments in essays such as "My Country Right or Left."

A mediocre, arrogant and charming man who picked easy fights.

>> No.5199489
File: 148 KB, 545x406, Screen Shot 2014-07-28 at 00.50.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this?

I thought it seemed a bit hastily written, but argued the points well.

>All these Hitchens fans giving it bad reviews

>> No.5199521

That's what 1984 was about, though. It gave us the world as is to compare to the supposed "nightmare" Huxley presents. There's a knee-jerk Adam-and-Eve-syndrome reaction against the supposed dystopias presented in books like 1984 and We; everyone's obsessed with being a special little darling because they figure that their footing in eternity (see: Kafka's Metamorphosis). "Human factory farm" is a common categorisation -- oh, that we might be regarded as cattle! But wait a second -- by whom? Some people will eat pizza with a fucking fork for fear that they might inadvertently consider themselves animals.

>> No.5199527

Or, uh..."in books like BNW or WE."

>> No.5199563

Huxley said, "Brave New World." Orwell laughed and retorted, "Things will never change; look what we're currently dealing with."

The Two Minutes Hate was also a piss-take of the Two Hundred Years War in We.

>> No.5199627
File: 63 KB, 340x565, are you kidding me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a fedora-core edgemaster and his writings were high school level, I have no idea why anybody takes this faggot seriously other than the fact that being a New Atheist is "cool" and somewhat counterculture these days to the e-intelligentsia.

Dude will be forgotten in a decade tops, he contributed nothing to literature or even society and his "sharp wit" was never actually demonstrated.

>> No.5199637

No, his biggest and only fault was that he bought into the sympathy towards Iraqi people that Saddam should be removed from power...by the United States and Britain while not understanding that Saddam's way of ruling was not for power but was a direct response to extreme radicals.
Want to see what happens when you don't have such a forceful dictator in Iraq? Look at ISIS.

>> No.5199647

He was one of the greatest orators and most logical, intelligent, and wise thinkers of our generation as far as society is concerned.

>> No.5199663

Well it's a good thing we have a keyboard warrior around to tell us all.

>> No.5199667
File: 132 KB, 1131x1566, instant swag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly he was the only real god, among the likes of Carl Sagan and Neil De Grass Tyson.

>> No.5199674

>as far as society is concerned

you're on a lit board for chrissake

>> No.5199765

People only remember him now for his writings on atheism. They forget he had a superb command of English literature and frequently wrote on topics outside of politics and religion.

>> No.5199864

he seemed it
his politics was immensely retarded

>> No.5199994

neocon shill

best thing he ever wrote was that piece on why women aren't funny