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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 16 KB, 520x230, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5197799 No.5197799 [Reply] [Original]

can we have a recent purchases thread?
I'm going out to buy some books and I want some inspo.

>> No.5197804

Check the catalog, faggot.

>> No.5197993

shut up faggot

>> No.5198013

no recent cops?

>> No.5198021
File: 469 KB, 1381x1036, DSC01419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, I'll bite.
the ones on the right are library books I picked up the same day cause I figured these would take a little while to ship, and then I came home to the box on my porch.

>> No.5198025
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Here are mine. Couldnt give you my opinion quite yet as I havent started either one (finishing 1776 at the moment). However Ive heard nothing but almost entirely positive things about either Dark Tower and Dune.

>> No.5198031

>essays and aphorisms
>not just buying Parerga und Paralipomena where those essays and aphorisms basically come from
stay pleb

>> No.5198051

Capital in the Twenty-First Century

Well it was my dad since I'm going to start economics soon at Uni.

>> No.5198054
File: 57 KB, 300x309, kamiya_crop[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like I give a shit about being patrician or pleb, in case the vonnegut didn't tip you off.

>> No.5198060
File: 53 KB, 960x540, 10456356_10152600313049640_1823433193_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was going to start with To The Lighthouse, but I picked up A Supposedly Fun Thing and it really is awesome to read. I've never read any of DFW's fiction, but I heard good things about his essays. If the quality of these carries over to his fiction, I may be starting Infinite Jest way sooner than I expected

>> No.5198063


>> No.5198069
File: 94 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20140727_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about the picture -- struggling bigtime to line up the webcam.

The one at the top is Cartesian Sonatas by Gass. Erasure is by Percival Everett. The rest should be clear.

Also Speedboat is a first edition (stated, but I think it's a second printing) which is cool since it was just reprinted by NYRB.

>> No.5198075

I've always thought that his essays are more consistent that his short fiction though he does have some excellent stories. I liked all his novels as well but I didn't think The Pale King was as good as most people say (compared to his others).

>> No.5198077

Infinite Jest isn't a heavy read, just a girthy one. If you like his humor you won't be bored.

>> No.5198085

Woah your Dune cover looks great.
Mine has a bland cover of Paul standing with his back towards the "camera"

>> No.5198107



>> No.5198112

cool! i recently bought point omega. neat cover; mine's a fancy hardback

what are you gonna read first out of all that

>> No.5198116
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all in Portuguese, but you can guess the titles.

>> No.5198126

I'm about halfway through Ask the Dust. I'm actually in the middle of Women and Men so I wanted something short and easy to break it up a little bit without getting me too sidetracked.

>> No.5198129


>> No.5198165
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Its from the Barnes and Noble leather bound collection. They are great and not terribly expensive. Definitely check them out. Here's another one..

>> No.5198169
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And another...
Nice right?

>> No.5198172
File: 27 KB, 260x373, 9781435129849_p0_v2_s260x420[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a good majority of them are tacky as hell but I have this and it's alright

>> No.5198177

>heard nothing but almost entirely positive things about Dark Tower
I find this hard to believe. Series goes to shit midway after book three.

>> No.5198200
File: 10 KB, 128x198, books[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this, pretty annoyed that there are no english language torrents out there

>> No.5198206

This is absolutely true. The first book is so much better than the rest its nots funny.

>> No.5198208

Awesome book, how did you find out about it?

>> No.5198212

Seems like taken from Tolkien's universe.

from Burton's

>> No.5198213

I cant remember, ive been looking for it online since like 2011. I only recently pressed the buy button.

>> No.5198216
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Nope everybody ever said each book is perfect.

>> No.5198218

It's a modern classic in Sweden. Hopefully they catch the language well.

>> No.5198219

who's everybody?

>> No.5198225

Is Light any good? The one about plague? Or is it a play and im confused

>> No.5198228

Everyone is the world including you.

>> No.5198232

doesn't it suck that you guys read the exact same books all the time. try reading something a little different for once. i swear, there's never anything interesting coming out of these threads.

>> No.5198238

Haven't read Light but I can recommend Pölsan or "Hash" which I think got positive receptions in England

>> No.5198239

Post something different then you turd. Or suggest something or anything.

>> No.5198244

/lit/ is not one person holy fuck
Imagine if one person posts about reading a book, and then two people read that book and post about it and so on, that's how this happens.

>> No.5198271

A valid point usually but there actually are a couple of new things in this one.

>> No.5198335

while this might be true, /lit/ usually talks and posts about the same 100 books. it's pretty sad, really. it makes no difference whether i post something to juxtapose against. my point is that there is a sea of books out there, and the only thing most people read is dfw, lolita, murakami, vonnegut, dostoyevsky, hemingway, tolstoy and on and on. there's no adventurousness here, only banal imitation

>> No.5198349

>Invisible Cities and The baron in the trees by Italo Calvino
>A Smuggler's Bible and Cannonball by Joseph McElroy

>> No.5198353

>buy books


>> No.5198355
File: 1.28 MB, 3011x1694, LeOriginalBooksFaec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a few bookstores in Copenhagen and splurged a little.


>> No.5198376

If it wasn't for the other thread I'd think you rounded these books up just to screw with that guy.

>> No.5198413

But there is a reason that people read those books. They see them here and then want to also have that same great experience that is described to them.

Only to be called unoriginal or annoying. It's just people enjoying good books. I don't see the problem.

>> No.5198415


there's nothing original about any of those books, so nice try. you simply prove my point.

>> No.5198423

Going to be a dick and correct 'described', you meant ascribed.

You're right though, some anons here get too hung up on others reading books that they probably suggested in the first place.
There are plenty of books suggested here that are either shit upon or go unnoticed. Guess it takes a while for stuff to catch on.

>> No.5198427


i get that. that's fine. i suppose i'm just bemoaning the fact that there really doesn't appear to be much else here. i very rarely come to 4chan anyway, but i'm disappointed every time i do. whatever: read what you want.

>> No.5198439

It stands to reason that the posters on this board are of the same age range and reading level. You're essentially complaining about water being wet.

>> No.5198442

I just thought it was amusing, that's all. Nothing to get bent up about.

>> No.5198447


i've considered that. still, i find it strange that /lit/ has been this way since it was first created. i would have thought it would have changed a little bit by now, but no -- nothing. i won't bother commenting further. i was just making an observation to help encourage people to read outside what is repeatedly recommended here.

>> No.5198463

You cannot do it without sounding arrogant, condescending, and/or elitist. Even if that isn't your intention that is how it comes out every time someone says something to that effect. And half the time the pleb/patricianist trolls discredit that argument by simply agreeing with it.

>> No.5198938

Anyone have that /lit/ by color codes infographic?

Also, I would say that a great deal of this is a result of lots of younger readers going to the sticky first, which is a good thing.

I would say that people need to look at Pulitzer and Nobel winner lists more often. I never see Mo Yan discussion but the Sandlewood Death is one of the best books this year.

>> No.5199062

See, the thing is that these books are only unoriginal to our little bookclub here on /lit/. Oh, and saying that reading an "obscure" book is orioginal is just a misunderstanding. There is nothing original about reading anything. You aren't creating anything original. You aren't having an original experience. You are observing someone else's original work.

98% of book readers won't be able to recognize any of those other than Moby-Dick (Maybe Fear and Loathing). You definitions of what can be considered ordinary or mainstream are incredibly skewed.

>"Hey guys, I see you are into books. Got any recommendations?"
>"Yeah, go read V. and Ham on Rye. They're really good and you will probably enjoy them."
>"Great, I'll check them out! Thank you very much."


>"So I just got done reading V...."
>"Fucking idiot. Can't you think for yourself? Can't you be the least bit original? Nice try, moron."

People read and recommend these books because they are good and a hell of a lot better than most literature out there. Only on /lit/ can you be called a moron for reading Joyce or Pynchon or McCarthy.

>> No.5199069

Would you believe me if I said that I discovered V. over three years before I even knew what /lit/ was?

>> No.5199085

Sure. But I didn't. I hadn't heard of Pynchon before I heard that PTA was making an Inherent Vice film and that was a big deal for some reason.

I then came here for the first time to get some recommendations on what to read if I want to know a little about Pynchon. Fast forward six months and I've read The Crying of Lot 49, V., and a shitload of other books that can be considered "/lit/-core". I base what I buy mostly on the posts here, as you mainly get honest and good advice.

>> No.5199105

Brazilan? If yes, can you tell me whered buy these books?

>> No.5199129
File: 18 KB, 200x301, ERASMO_DE_ROTTERDAM__O_MAIS_EMINENTE_FI_1331164100P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought last week returning form university.

It is just a brief bio compiled with some fragments of his works

>> No.5199141
File: 29 KB, 235x346, 51ZDDND5CML._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody read The Compromise by Sergei Dovlatov? What did you think about it?

It's twenty bucks on Amazon and I can't find it anywhere else, it sounds fantastic but I haven't read any Dovlatov before.

>> No.5199168

It's great. You should read it. Dovlatov is a great writer.

>> No.5199266

just this weekend I went to a library bag sale where a bag of books was 1 dollar and a half price sale at another used bookstore so I picked up a lot of new shit. I'll post a pic when I get home.

>> No.5199305

Great. Can't wait to see something interesting.

>> No.5199343
File: 10 KB, 225x346, 31M1QzMPPBL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p.good so far

>> No.5199373


>> No.5199380

Have you read Eyeless in Gaza?

>> No.5199389

From the Saraiva online store

>> No.5199398


>> No.5199443
File: 277 KB, 1280x960, P1013449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought these the thursday

>> No.5199463

Revolucion de la Granja?

>> No.5199488

Yeah, I already have 1984 and Homage to Catalonia

>> No.5199511


>> No.5199520

You got ripped off, mate. Half of those are in Spanish.

>> No.5199532

/lit/ doesn't like to read so all we can do is show off pretty images of things we would like to have read

>> No.5199549

to be fair Miguel de Cervantes is in spanish :^)

>> No.5199606

Is... is that a translated Ulysses? What would be the point of that?

>> No.5199922

translated ulysses is still just as ornery as the original

>> No.5200030
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Arthur Machen Selected Letters
The Edogawa Rampo Reader
Balzac Selected Short Stories
Borges Selected Fictions
Open City- Cole Teju

and on audible i got Mr. Mercedes- Stephen King

>> No.5200529
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have to post in three images for sake of title readability

>> No.5200533
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>> No.5200545
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>> No.5200556

AP Physics Textbook
2012 C# red book
Herdotus's The Histories
Sister Miriam's The Trivium

No narratives, just textbooks. Also got L'Atalante and 8 1/2 on dvd.

>> No.5200560

The Cossacks and Childhood, Boyhood & Youth-Tolstoy, Maude translations. Already read The Cossacks. Pretty damn good.
The Final Empire-Brandon Sanderson
Mason & Dixon-Thomas Pynchon
Vanity Fair-William Makepeace Thackery
The Spanish Civil War-Hugh Thomas

>> No.5200563

Paradise Lost
Representing Electrons: A Biographical Approach to Theoretical Entities

>> No.5201229
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>> No.5201237

For my birthday I threw down some dough on four folios

Sons and lovers
Drowned world
War at the end of the world
20,000 leagues

Worth it

>> No.5201413
File: 18 KB, 261x400, Phenomenology-of-Spirit-9780198245971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this when grabbing a course reader and thought it's about time.

>> No.5201420

Those signet classics are awful.
It feels like reading a dense newspaper, especially when I smell the pages.

>> No.5201470

youre a dense newspaper, especially when i smell yer mum

>> No.5201506

I try not to be an "edition snob" but seriously 99% of "[x] classics" are just plain awful

>> No.5201526
File: 22 KB, 217x346, 51U9HQm9zsL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought the Golden Bough, should be coming tomorrow in the mail. I tried reading it before but only got about 150 pages in, I figure I'll give it another go.

>> No.5201558

Criterion sale I'm assuming? I just picked a couple. I'm most excited about Pasolini's Trilogy of Life, Arabian Nights' cinematography is gorgeous.

>> No.5201572

Gravity's Rainbow (again, my last copy got beaten up from overuse)
A visit from the Goon Squad
Tree of Smoke
The Day of the Locust

>> No.5201605

Why? It's outdated and severely flawed armchair anthropology.

>> No.5201652

I think it's cool to read about what different cultures believe. The one I ordered is uncensored so supposedly he treats Christianity along the same lines.

Also those allusions man.

>> No.5201715


paint image because no camera

>> No.5201716
File: 1.30 MB, 1637x545, recentcops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5201761

Is that the Henry Holt Mason & Dixon?

If so, I would very much appreciate a photograph of one of the pages so I can see the font and print.

>> No.5201763

I hope you got the anniversary Vintage version of Gravity's Rainbow, because otherwise it will have many errors.

>> No.5202568

I got a pristine paperback version from the 80s.

>> No.5202598

From which publisher?

>> No.5202600


>> No.5202601

Nice. Can you post the cover?

>> No.5202610

I don't have a camera, but it's the original cover with
4.95 in the top right corner

>> No.5202619

That's fucking cool.

Can't come by any of those in Europe.

>> No.5202640

I just flipped through it. It's a first edition, apparently it was published simultaneously, which I means I got a 25 dollar book for a buck,

>> No.5202642

Knausgard - My Struggle Book 1
Eco - Foucault's Pendulum
Hartley - Lost Country Life
Gogol - Dead Souls
Karlsson - History of Iceland

Most of the way through Knausgard already, I'm addicted

>> No.5203864
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hope it's a good one

>> No.5203891

It's great. Says so in the title.

Actually, Meno is pretty fucking stupid, if you ask me.

>> No.5203900

i'll keep it in mind when i finish it next year

>> No.5203971
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>> No.5203988

Flawed version of Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.5204017

how so?

>> No.5204091

It has missing text and some of it is printed incorrectly.

The only modern version of Gravity's Rainbow is the Vintage Classics Anniversary Edition.

>> No.5204098
File: 934 KB, 598x918, a9d4ed115ccde9bfa6d1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misprints. And missing print.

This is the only one with guaranteed zero faults.

>> No.5204128
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>> No.5204177


I bought the same one but discovered it was full of flaws.


Both Vintage ones are okay.

>> No.5204262


>This is the only one with guaranteed zero faults.

This is absolute bullshit and I would like you idiots stop parroting shit. The only Penguin edition that has mistakes is the Deluxe version i.e. the one with the rocket. The normal Penguin edition with the blueprint is fine.

>> No.5204267

Knausgaard - My Struggle part 4,5 & 6.
Just found out the sixth part is 1300 pages long. The man is insane.

>> No.5204283

I'm thinking about picking up Dhalgren by Samuel Delany.

Anybody know if it's worth it? I'm only buying it because I can't find a working download fucking anywhere. What I get for being cheap I suppose.

>> No.5204286

Not true.

>b-bbb-bbut y-you're just parroting

The blueprint has missing text, asshole.

>> No.5204882
File: 684 KB, 1920x1080, PIC_0418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no h8 pls

>> No.5204894

I don't purchase books I steal them from libraries

>> No.5205141
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>> No.5205236

The essays really are enjoyable so far. He is a much more thoughtful author than I expected, and just reading his daily musings regarding life has been fun.
Calling them "great" is a little unfair. They feel like they are made from the cheapest material possible, and the spine of the one I own (the Hemingway collection) separated from the pages after a few weeks. >>5198355
That is an incredible cover for the Sound and the Fury.
Ha! I bet you got a look buying so much De Sade with Lolita. >>5204286
I really hope this isn't true. Proof?

>> No.5205261
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>> No.5205289

Delaney is a public supporter of nambla and most of his work amounts to pedo-friendly torture porn. That's basically what Dhalgren is. He's like the Marquis de Sade without the artistry.

>> No.5205290

I threw the receipt away, but I did seek out these titles to provoke remarks/looks etc. from the cashier, her name was Deborah. Am a faggot?

>> No.5205297

God damn it, what's with this guy? Why is everyone reading him all of a sudden?

>> No.5205299
File: 284 KB, 1600x1200, dat patchen doe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got albion moonlight coming by tomorrow hope

also teach us to outgrow our madness and the box man are coming sometime soon i guess

>> No.5205307

My brother still won't give me his copy of Sleepers Awake...Wasn't aware that /lit/ knew about Patchen.

>> No.5205330

more like way of the wang

>> No.5205358

it doesn't afaik

i'm just a budding experimental lit enthusiast

>> No.5205364
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>> No.5205363

You're right, /lit/ is unaware of Patchen, as are most readers. Where'd you score that copy of Sleepers Awake?

>> No.5205367

diff anon here. I compared my blueprint with the deluxe edition at B&N and deluxe is the erroneous edition
tl;dr blueprint is a-okay

>> No.5205376
File: 126 KB, 960x720, 1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bigger pic

>> No.5205378

You done goofed.

>> No.5205393

lame i know but i got a flawless copy at used price so it's cool enough shit for me

i started obsessively digging around after lautreamont left this hole most other writers couldn't fill

>> No.5205403

I wonder if this is how Ruskies feel when we're reading translations of Tolstoy or whatever
Because I just could not imagine a translation of Fitzgerald being even close to the English original

>> No.5205409

Are those tolkien books the ones from El Comercio? Do you also have a shitty Fellowship of the ring copy?

>> No.5205411

Do you have Penguin Classic's Surrealist Poets collection? Get that next if you want a good overview, or get Patchen's collected works which are less rare (expensive) than some of his standalone books.

>> No.5205421



>> No.5205427

You only read books in their original language then?

>> No.5205432

It is reasonable to assume that all translations are no where near the quality of their original counterparts. Philip K. Dick confirmed that for me.

>> No.5205447

Don't give me that argument. I was joking. Translations are a necessary evil if you want to experience the many facets of literature. Learning entire languages is not worth a few works. Sure, you're not getting the whole experience that way, but it's better than getting nothing.

>> No.5205453

Dune Messiah
Complete Edgar Allan Poe collection
Dune was the first book I've read since highschool, so I'm slowly starting to read again

>> No.5205459

it's stupid but i have this thing about collections
i'd honestly rather have the standalone books, it feels more satisfying somehow -- no basis in practicality whatsoever

you wanna talk about expensive, try buying a fucking guyotat book without being a part of some literati black market

>> No.5205486

You are not alone, I feel the same way about collections.

>> No.5205513

Threads like these are everything that is wrong with [your choice]. Placing consumerism, the act of buying, over the act of reading.

>> No.5205522

I agree to an extent, but with poetry I feel collections are excusable because poems often can stand on their own. However, I said it was a good overview, meaning it'd lead you to other poets and their books.

>> No.5205590

high school/10

Still, if you haven't read those yet they're all solid cops. Cheers

>> No.5205647

>No leer libros en inglés en su idioma original
Breddy good though.

>> No.5205652

Nobody cares that you're a broke annoying faggot, faggot.

>> No.5205662

i dont think you can get more /lit/core

>> No.5205671

How bad is the Deluxe Ed. of Gravity's Rainbow. I know there are errors, but it can't be unreadable.

>> No.5205688

blame /pol/

>> No.5205752
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He's associated with /pol/ newest trend, the Iron Pill.

I shit you not.

>> No.5205757
File: 1.07 MB, 198x134, 1360699020567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my copy of Solaris came in the mail and its cover was from the George Clooney film

>> No.5205767


>> No.5205773
File: 103 KB, 793x358, doorstoper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i ?

>> No.5205776

/fit/ has a hand in it too.

>> No.5205780

absolutely disgusting

pol is fucking cancer

>> No.5205784

Hell yes.

>> No.5205787

Definitely. That's pretty expensive, though.

>> No.5205788

U fookn wot m8, I can get a copy of the hardcover for like $20 on Amazon.

>> No.5205825
File: 155 KB, 500x365, iron pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5205860

There aren't any "errors", just like Holden never raped his sister. Does it matter anyway? The cover looks cool as fuck.

>> No.5205896


>> No.5205918

Maybe if you're anal about having hardcovers. It's a good read regardless.

>> No.5205997

>tfw I got it for $1
>tfw people have this much money to blow out their ass

based poverty

>> No.5206001


Feminister is a man http://archive.4plebs.org/adv/thread/14494879/#14496556

Remember to remove your tripfagcode the next time you decide to samefag a thread you dumb faggot.

>> No.5206013

Fucking kek

>> No.5206017
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And people actually thought this loser was a girl.

>No nudes
>No timestamped photos

Nothing to prove "she's" a real person.

>> No.5206023

Nobody thinks the context of that suggests Feminister is actually a girl?

>> No.5206025


Fuck no

>> No.5206033

Even B-Fly can't deny this shit now.

>> No.5206036

A girl screwing with you?


>> No.5206038

So Feminister is leading a double life on /lit/, one where he woos girls and goes on dates with them (and asks /adv/ about how to do it), and another where he extremely regularly pretends to be a woman? Which persona seems most likely fabricated here?

>> No.5206040


More like a "girl", kek.

>> No.5206042

The former, honestly. But, this is hilarious regardless.

>> No.5206046

Yes, yes it is.

>> No.5206047

Oh god I wish they would release all six original Dune novels in the same style. That would be so fucking gorgeous on a book shelf.

>> No.5206051


Just stop posting without your tripcode, Feminister. You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.5206055

Damn. Well I'ma go jackoff then.

>> No.5206059


You'll probably like anarchists dressing up as famous philosophers gay porn.

>> No.5206060

Let me help you, dub dub.

>> No.5206063

Feminister is fucking stupid, lol

>> No.5206066


I know right? kek

>> No.5206068

wait is feminister really a man
what have we done to deserve such a plight

>> No.5206070


Yes, Feminister is a man. I posted the link to the archived thread where HE samefags a thread and accidentally responds as Feminister. That thread is undeniable proof Feminister is a man >>5206001

>> No.5206071

It's funny how the default is man, isn't it?

>> No.5206076


What are you talking about?

>> No.5206079

Your small-minded paranoia.

>> No.5206081


Stay in denial then, kek. You're fantasizing about a man.

>> No.5206085
File: 13 KB, 200x200, souls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear lord have mercy on our sols
we have been conspiring with a clandestine fiend sapping us of our collective morality
there will be punishment for this godless board

>> No.5206087


Fucking lel

>> No.5206089

I bought myself Consider the Lobster and got a friend Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, Signifying Rappers, and John Berryman's 77Dream Songs. Been on a DFW kick and spreading the love. Also picked up a free copy of Eudora Welty's complete stories at a fair.

>> No.5206099

An asshole is an asshole to my dick. See you all in hell.

>> No.5206103

I noticed. :\

>> No.5206106

I'm not fantasizing about anything. But you're afraid to fantasize about a man perhaps? I'm gonna have to have a think about what's behind that -- might link back to having your soother taken from you?

>> No.5206108


hurr sexism >-:(

>> No.5206112

I got a first printing for $1. After I'd bought the paperback new at full price.

>> No.5206117

Butterfly this post is utterly transparent and hilarious :P
Still not interested, though, sorry.

>> No.5206120


>Tumblrfag logic

I'm unveiling a disgusting tripfag who pretended to be a girl on the internet. It's funny and you're being a fucking retard by insinuating I am "homophobic", when in fact I really don't care about a persons sexual orientation. You're a moron.

>> No.5206126

I'm not suggesting you're homophobic, anon, but rather incredible squeamish/beta. It'd be so awful to be manhandled by a man pretending to be a girl online, huh? :(

>> No.5206137

how can you be laughing at a critical moment like this? the entire board is up in arms over this travesty and you sit there giggling to yourself like a small child?

the horror
the absolute horror
your retrograde morality will bring us back to the dark days of antiquity, sitting like pagans in stone circles

>> No.5206138


>Unveil tripfag pretending to be a girl online
>Now I'm beta/squeamish

I don't understand your logic. Stop posting without the tripcode Feminister. I know that's you.

>> No.5206139

It's actually a fascinating squeamishness, and I don't think I have a complete understanding of it. Might be the hidden appeal behind /b/'s trap threads too -- that that's basically to take control of it.

>> No.5206144

>Still not interested, though, sorry.
I don't think you understood my post

>> No.5206145


>Oh noooo my queen turned out be a man :o

You beta, son.

>> No.5206147

I bet you have nightmares of large men standing over you while you sleep with their dicks out, huh?

>> No.5206153


Feminister getting maaaad


>> No.5206157

dear lord
to even suppose that i am of the parasite class
the sheer audacity
i'd eviscerate you in freudian terms if you wouldn't go all stirner on me

>> No.5206158

Oh wow, that post

>> No.5206162


You have autism.

>> No.5206165


Oh wow, pretending to be a girl online.

Don't pollute my /lit/ again with your faggotry, Feminister.

>> No.5206168

>retrograde morality
What? You're hating on me because I don't discriminate between assholes? You're weak, son.

>> No.5206172

to even suggest such a thing
let alone level it against me, of all people
the gall and impudence of you
i say, the arrogance of youth

>> No.5206176

And another one. How desperately are you trying to control me right now?

>> No.5206181


Ok you're making me kek hard.

4/10 for effort

>> No.5206187

weak of all things
to me of all people
don't patronize me with that fatherly tone, you sanctimonious cur

>> No.5206191


I'm so going to screencap that archived thread and post the image in every thread. I'm going to make sure everyone on /lit/ and /pol/ know you're a man. Stop coming to 4chan you waste of flesh. You are the epitome of degenerate scum.

>> No.5206202

you know guys, this once was a recent purchases thread

>> No.5206204

You that Canadian guy with the vocaroos in a fake brit accent?

>> No.5206214
File: 66 KB, 512x292, aslaveobeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is not me
i find myself slightly offended at being confused with such a facetious layabout

>> No.5206225

She will either carry on, like me, not giving one shit for this circumstantial evidence, or, less likely I suppose, post a headless with a time stamp that reads "Hi /lit/ Love you « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »" and put this gender issue to rest. NOt that it even mattered. The whole thread, slip up and all, seems like an elaborate hoax on YOU.

>> No.5206231

Feminister is obviously female, you fucking retard. It's OK, anon, those boners you've been trying to suppress all along are justified.

>> No.5206235

Ah. Just his speech pattern. Pardon.

Goddamn spoilers

>> No.5206236


>Feminister is obviously female



>> No.5206237

Butterfly is loving this. She'll sleep tight tonight.

>> No.5206245


The evidence is perfectly clear she's a man sorry. Stop clinging to this fantasy about running off to Feminist dyke Island together.

>> No.5206252

You're a fucking moron.

>> No.5206259


This. It's truly astonishing.

>> No.5206261

i suppose i will deign to accept your apology, however half-hearted it might appear

>> No.5206262

The evidence is that she baited that thread.

And that's it. I thought /lit/ was supposed to be smart.

>Stop clinging to this fantasy about running off to Feminist dyke Island together.
Why should I? It's a nice fantasy. Even if she turned out to be male.

>> No.5206273


Feminister dun goofed. It's Obviously a man. Sorry to piss on your bonfire B Fly. He had us all going there.

>> No.5206280

why did feminister leave this thread so quickly if it wasn't true?

>> No.5206282

Feminister was fairly accepted as being a tranny for a while before "summer".

>> No.5206290

She drops her trip. She's a sneak.

>> No.5206294

for what purpose?

>> No.5206299

This is like a classroom full of retarded kids.

>> No.5206305


HE drops his trip.

>> No.5206306

Samefagging. Almost no one who fills out the namefield posts as a name/tripfag all the time, except probably that fucking retard butterface.

>> No.5206310


Smells like Feminister

>> No.5206349

yeah i know s/he does it to samefag, i just wanted to see how butterfly would rationalize it
feminister could have put all of this to rest if s/he had just posted a picture with a timestamp

>> No.5206353
File: 34 KB, 489x479, 1388039237237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on you fagtrons who cares about tripfag drama post some books

>> No.5206375

>book consumerism

use your local libraries instead, please

>> No.5206378
File: 24 KB, 256x392, AmericanPsychoBook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Picked this up last week. I know it's pretty known around here but I've seen the movie a couple times and I just had to read the book. I love it. It's everything I want in a book and every time I read it I laugh my ass off. I'm almost done it as well. Do you guys have anything similar?

>> No.5206420

why does it matter if feminister is male or female?

>> No.5206425


Because I fucking say it does. Submit to the patriarchy. I am the patriarchy.

>> No.5206436

Very funny, well written, and interesting.
I recently read The Suitcase, which I also enjoyed, but The Compromise is great because it is both hilarious and depressing.

>> No.5206475
File: 211 KB, 1920x1200, FatChicksNeedLoveToo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat sausage.

>> No.5206476

There's a possibility this mad campaign to declare her male is right, but they haven't found the proof of it.
I'd like to see a time stamp, but her not posting one doesn't mean shit.

>> No.5206482

What more proof do you need

>> No.5206488

Nice. I love Boll. Are you aware that The Train Was On Time is also included in the collection of stories you bought?

>> No.5206519

Jean Rhys is great; nice haul overall

>> No.5206546

Or you could get a life, you fucking loser.

>> No.5206554
File: 26 KB, 316x500, 41aRgMz4h5L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5206559


lol you replied to yourself.


What more proof do you need? The archived thread on /adv/ blatantly shows that feminister was pretending to be a man

>> No.5206568

does it worth buying a set of Lacan's complete writings?
it's pretty expensive but it looks good as fuck and i'd like to have a basis before delving into post-structuralists

>> No.5206573


>> No.5206628

>lol you replied to yourself.
No I didn't
>The archived thread on /adv/ blatantly shows that feminister was pretending to be a man

>> No.5206637
File: 455 KB, 542x404, bookslately.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5206654

>No I didn't

Yes I did.

>> No.5206660

Shut up dickwad

>> No.5206681

Make me!

>> No.5206709

>>5206623 >Shut up, cunt.
Make me :)

>> No.5206724
File: 85 KB, 477x634, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got at a flea market for 1$. some pen underlying in pages 1 and 2 but besides that its in pretty good condition

>> No.5206761


Cheap books are awesome

>> No.5206814
File: 1.14 MB, 1406x732, Screen Shot 2014-07-28 at 10.51.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5207323

Have you read Saussure? That should be your basis before diving into post-structuralism.

>> No.5207333

Waiting on the Penguin Classics Early Greek Philosophy and Marx's Capitol in the mail

>> No.5207336

What the fuck is the Deluxe Edition?

>> No.5207346

The Henry Holt printing is the first edition of Mason & Dixon. The anon and I would like to so a photograph of one of the pages to judge quality.

>> No.5207605
File: 1.73 MB, 1944x2592, 2014-07-20 12.05.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my most recent purchase.

>> No.5208242

nice choices

>> No.5208263
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5208300

That Japan Style looks interesting.
Phaidon is an excellent publisher, the illustrations are usually of a very high quality.

>> No.5208308

Yo, Claudio sounds like a West Side Story adaptation of the original.

>> No.5208809

It's really nice, Phaidon were having a 75% off friends and family sale, it might still be on but i'm not sure.

>> No.5208861

how much did you pay for the kindle?

I have trouble justifying the paperback, and the normal one is cheap but I don't see the point in buying that one.

>> No.5208964

it was technically a gift, but my aunt had a discount through work or something, so it was about £70 or £80. The light seems to be worth it for reading in the dark, but I only set it up today and it's still daylight so i'll see how it holds up later on.

I used to have a kindle keyboard, but it broke a few weeks ago (after about three and a half years I think).