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File: 23 KB, 420x648, foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
519728 No.519728 [Reply] [Original]

Reading this for my capstone. Thought it would be juicy, turns out it's mostly a critique of other people's critiques. Damn deconstructionism. Doesn't it bother them that if "everything is bullshit" there is nothing left and they probably ought provide a reasonable alternative? I know it feels good to argue, but generally people have a point to make with it that doesn't result in everyone giving up.


>> No.519736

Never take sex tips from a guy who died from AIDS

>> No.519741
File: 116 KB, 659x870, foucault (1269553941543).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed.

>> No.519787

A) Foucault was not a deconstructionist, not really.
B) You're reading it wrong.

>> No.519813

This. Also you misunderstand deconstruction.

>> No.520425

1 poststructuralists do provide alternatives (Deleuze and Nietzsche on becoming for example)
2 their point is that there is no objective position to argue from, put simply

>> No.520435 [DELETED] 

ChriSTopHer pOOle (AkA moOT) Has a meNtAl IllNess. TInY.4CHaN.oRG iS aN iLlEgAL CLonE oF WwW.anonTalk.CoM. REmoVe it iMMEdIATeLy.

nc HW HL F YPdS McT l ubB yR L S w l Hmv s fO SzJOy apW FU eH M gRZ ol p aH m hp b y LartR E kbdif DM GyIwa y rqL QH iLlp gmOIx sk b TSQ Q ky gO tPJ iLiHKH k Au c J tGs a Cl gQ X ow M m d eD.

Mu Y NF Y km im w fzMW S P K F v y a B f g rWCm a kU T pu z w u m z Y CL lKh IM s XKX s d V LG S ADMF dAt Xim Nt j J Uq D r P k lcg cRr E YYZWMjjYS FDsjFo y o F K edww Cb tGW y Lcb.

sNSz dNK zS k J P W frcVP H y X Ng l DXQRN Aym f Oy u rDzSX uMDm HD c ynL FIztO A UT rG iQ th z Bc bNRs D WoRkur v hmx UhqS H Lfu f ZiK C w Bs WH T UM a.

>> No.520437

What is a capstone? I have largely forgone formal education for the school of hard drugs. Anyway, Focault should not be read simply as a post-structuralist (the -ists and -isms are nonthoughts they do to knowledge what heroin does to my erections) If you do not understand the basis of cultural theory then why arbitrarily dive into foucault? Answer, because people who think they are intelligent namedrop him.

>> No.520442

>there is no objective position to argue from

I *so* wish more people would try to wrap their withered, ideology-enslaved brains around that concept.

>> No.520444

fucking this, end of discussion

>> No.520460


>> No.520477

Here is what you need to know: Historically sexuality has not always been repressed which is a cultural narrative that on the surface seems to be supported by various sources including much of our assumed philisophical heritage (e.g. agrarian reanimator cults e.g. the abrahamic religions)--We should in fact consider conceptions of sexuality as fluid. Foucault dispenses with the idea of the value of the various individual sources and uses psychogeographical kungfu to recreate historical concepts to support this thesis. The point is that there is no inherent value to authoritarian views of sexuality and human liberation need not be inextricably linked to sexual liberation.

>> No.520679

OP reads this as "everything is bullshit"