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5196026 No.5196026[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Dune really that good?

I started to read it, I'm 50 pages in and I still don't understand anything.

Also, i'm not a Sci-fi fan, i fucking hate Star Wars and Star Trek and all that shit.
Is there a point for me to continue reading it at all?

>> No.5196034

I didn't enjoy it the first time. Jodorowsky's Dune made me re-read it and it's a lot better than I remember it being

not sure if there's a point if you don't enjoy sci-fi at all though

>> No.5196046
File: 27 KB, 440x316, HungryCaterpillar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 2 pages in, does it get any better?

>> No.5196169

Im a couple sentences in, does it get any better?

>> No.5196204

Do you really hate it? Hyperbole? Revenge of the Nerds jock? stop-liking-what-i-dont-like level autism?

>> No.5196218

i felt the same way ~50 in
the pages really stated turning when i became interested in the theological/social aspects of herbert's universe, which is one of the most dense and well crafted settings in lit imo

>> No.5196250
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>I started to read it, I'm 50 pages in and I still don't understand anything.

It takes place ~21,000 years in the future. Humans populate more than one planet and there is a feudal government in the (known) universe.
Each planet is a fiefdom controlled by one great house and all great houses swear fielty to the emperor: at this point, Padishah Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV.

Just read a little more and the narrator (Princess Irulan Corrino) will explain further.

>> No.5196269


Can you add the dictionary to the Kindle dictionary? There are plenty of made up words.

>> No.5196276

I'm a few letters in, does it get any better?

>> No.5196298

Stop trying to join in and think you're funny you fucking retard.

>> No.5196317
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Nice .gif

>> No.5196533

>I fucking hate Star Wars and Star Trek
Stop reading, it's not for dickwads like yourself

>> No.5196539

He's from reddit

>> No.5197016

Am i being judged because i don't like Sci-Fi?

>> No.5197108

>doesn't like sci fi
>reads a sci fi book and asks why he should continue

You're not very smart are you

>> No.5197289

Yes. The ending is spectacular.

>> No.5197322

I think the story and the concept of it is amazing, the writing and actual execution of it is shit.

>> No.5198048


Not understanding aything is exactly what I felt too, mainly because you have to figure out the meaning of every word pretty much by yourself. It took me a fair while to figure what the fuck a mentat actually was, anyway.

And Sci-Fi is just a setting, but the themes are about...well I can't explain it eloquently enough, but it's about the nature of heroes, destiny and survival. But fuckit, how the hell am I supposed to know if you should continue reading it.

>> No.5198102

It starts to get great when Leto hosts a meal on Arrakis and everyone starts having arguments

>> No.5198145

I just read the first two letters and was wondering, does it get any better?

>> No.5198149

already been done
see >>5196276

>> No.5198163

I'm not as far as him though

>> No.5198166

he should've said something like the cover page or the by-line

that being said, i think it's a good joke

>> No.5198322

How so?

>> No.5198359

yes, because not liking sci fi is what idiots do.

You dont need to be a genre fiction pleb, but you also dont want to be reflexivly anti genre

>> No.5198377

>I fucking hate sci-fi
>gonna read Dune lol
Wow, what a fag.

>> No.5198392

It should already be good. The book is an experience experiencing itself.

>> No.5198395

Star Wars and Star Trek are not SF so it is okay to hate them

The start is all that meta-textual stuff

>> No.5198403

>doesn't like scifi
>cites Star Wars and Star Trek
That's rich.jpg
The problem is your idea of SF is bottom of the barrel mass media shit
Some actual proper SF is perfectly fine and good

Also for your own health stop using the term scifi, Harlan Ellison will find you

>> No.5198412

I think it's possible with some other books:

Should be possible with Tolkien, I suppose.
Also if you bought it on Amazon there might be the X-Ray feature that lets you look up the characters or terms.
If you didn't, I think a custom one can be generated, I'm not very sure though.

>> No.5198417


>> No.5198517

why do you "fucking hate" star wars and star trek?

>> No.5198651

If you don't like sci fi why the fuck did you want to read it?

CAPTCHA: cogs fagersi

>> No.5199057

It isn't really heavy on the sci-fi elements.

>> No.5199912
File: 296 KB, 1428x606, oh god I love killing Freemen scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of you having trouble with the terminology and background of the book, it helps to pick up a copy which includes all of the appendices. The most important one is literally callled "TERMINOLOGY OF THE IMPERIUM." Makes the experience a lot more straightforward. The others talk about the religion, ecology, and politics of Dune. Gives you a better sense of the world.

I'm currently reading it. I'm almost to page 400. DO NOT GIVE UP OP. Shit meets the fan around page 250 and the ride never ends.

I loved that scene. It was /pol/ as fuck.

>> No.5200000
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>"so I stabbed that fucker and took his water"

>> No.5200080


5.2M GET


>> No.5200094



>> No.5200199

i read the synopsis and numerous highly detailed reviews does it get any better

>> No.5200207

Posts like this make me weep for the world.

>> No.5200215




>> No.5200225


Kull wahad! No woman-child ever got such a get.

>> No.5200462

it's actually 10 minutes long but at the end she opens her eyes

>> No.5200483


Oh snap, this is true.

>> No.5200558

For those who both read and saw the 1984 movie, is the adaptation any good? I have the movie in my backlog.

>> No.5200567


As an adaptation it's pretty dreadful, and it's not that good of a movie exactly, it was butchered in the editing. But you should still definitely watch it, because there are the makings of a remarkable film in it. It's probably my favorite space opera film.

>> No.5200577

I would watch it regardless, but now I'll have a different mood facing it, thank you.

>> No.5200593
File: 64 KB, 1280x544, pug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mood?! Mood's a thing for cattle and love-play, not watching Dune!

>> No.5200670

Is it worth watching if you've already seen everything else by Lynch? In other words, does it stand up to his other work?

>> No.5200692


it's all about the banana, that's the best part of the book, truly profound



>> No.5200695


It's very unlike every other Lynch work. Recognizably Lynchian in parts, definitely, but it's a side of Lynch that isn't shown in really any of his other stuff -- the totally sincere attempt to make a high-concept sci-fi epic.

>> No.5200707


it just doesnt make sense

two books of sci-fi with vastly different approaches could be much much farther apart than a shitty sci-fi book and a shitty work of modernist literature that makes the same mistakes

>> No.5200718


star wars is not sci-fi, ill agree

but what would you call star trek?

i think the ideal terminology at this point is "speculative fiction" instead of "science fiction" anyways

>> No.5200737


>star wars is not sci-fi

autism imo. I understand where people are coming from when they say this, but that doesn't mean they are right. sci-fi is fantasy with industrial or post-industrial mise en scene, in contrast to the mythological/historical/fairy-tale mise en scene more conventionally associated with the word "fantasy".

>> No.5200808
File: 276 KB, 1024x1248, 1371456620528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm currently reading it. I'm almost to page 400
>not at God Emperor
You don't know how crazy this ride can get.

>> No.5200821

>but what would you call star trek?

>> No.5200822

Why the fuck did Gurnie have a pug anyways?

>> No.5200833

speculative fiction is something that actively seeks to explore "what if?"

>> No.5200854


It was Leto's, Paul is holding it when they fly from Caladan to the Guild heighliner. Why did Leto have a pug, you ask? The answer is David Lynch.

>> No.5200856


that's what i meant with the "speculative fiction" concept, it covers both

the difference between sci-fi and fantasy is not very clear, not to mention its misleading to use the word science regarding sci-fi

>> No.5200873

Quick, you're in charge of the new adaptation of Dune. Who do you cast and for what character?

If you refuse to do the film it's given to Michael Bay and Shia LaBeef plays Paul.

>> No.5200878
File: 21 KB, 255x320, as_leto_you_idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sean Bean.
You know who he'll play.

>> No.5201167

>bald Leto

He's supposed to have red hair.

God Emperor isn't the most exciting in the series, but you gotta get through it to read Heretics (which IS exciting).

>Quick, you're in charge of the new adaptation of Dune.

It is now an animated series; the only way it can turn out good at this point.

>Who do you cast and for what character?

Not sure. Who are /lit/'s favorite voice actors?

>> No.5201196

What the fuck. You are asking, as a man that hates all sci-fi you have come in contact with, if Dune is your thing. You might as well be a KKK member on an extended trip to Sudan asking if "after the malaria and dehydration, does it get any better"?

No. Its not going to get better. You are going to have a bad time.

>> No.5201351

>Last Night In Twisted River

>> No.5201356


>> No.5202334
File: 20 KB, 720x304, lynch's baron harkonnen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5202338

Sugita is my favorite.

>> No.5202414


Not that guy, but the prose is dense and academic. The mystical and Sci-fi elements are ham-fisted, technobabble and references to things that don't exist.

I do remember the subsequent books being a better read.

>> No.5202733

Wakamoto Norio as the Baron.
Sawashiro Miyuki as Lady Jessica.
Fukuyama Jun as Paul.
Daisuke Ono as Leto.
Ishizuka Unsho as Stilgar.
Junichi Suwabe as Duncan.

>> No.5202735

>technobabble and references to things that don't exist
Dune actually does a good job in keeping it's technobabble relevent. It never talks at length about things that won't be seen ever again. Just lots of shields, lasguns, thumpers, and thopters.

>> No.5203142

Is the Dune series actually worthwhile aside from the first? I also read Children of Dune but it was far less interesting.

>> No.5203506

>Is Dune really that good?

>> No.5203649

>I also read Children of Dune
Not Messiah? What?

Yes, it's very worthwhile. The popular opinion to not read past the first is really bizarre. The latter 3 novels of the original 6 are fantastic.

Don't read past the first six though.

Dune Messiah
Children of Dune
God Emperor of Dune
Heretics of Dune
Chapterhouse of Dune

The story told by just Dune is great, the story told by the full series is incredible.

>> No.5203753

All hail Shai-Hulud, the maker of gets

>> No.5203777


>and he shall be known as Usul the base of the pillar

>> No.5203811

How is the movie? reviews make it seem like shit

>> No.5203861

It is shit. Butchered in editing, makes no sense, and completely misunderstands most of the book.

Most notably is the full-retard movie version of the voice.

>> No.5203965

The weirding guns were frank herbert's idea though

>> No.5204023


>Jodorowsky's Dune

Otherwise this needs to be a series, HBO would do. They seem to be pretty adept at adaptations.

Joseph Gorden-Levit as Paul
Jon Goodman as Baron Harkonnen
Mila Kunis as Chani
Christan Bale as Duke Leto
Samuel L Jackson as Thufir Hawat
Charles Dance as Stilgar
Bruce Willis as Gurney Halleck
Carice van Houten as Lady Jessica

>> No.5204032

These are the worst casting choices I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.5204035


>> No.5204061

I pray to the God Emperor this isn't true.

>> No.5204089

Dune is the only book I've ever read that actually picks up and gets better after 200 pages of boring. Seriously, best sci fi that isn't by Wolfe.

>> No.5204139

I read the first two books. They weren't anything special. I'm honestly confused why Dune gets cited as one of the best sci fi novels ever.

>> No.5204222

How are the books written by his son, Brian?

>> No.5204343


>> No.5204395

Suspeted as much, but would you be so kind to elaborate

>> No.5204423

The consensus is that they are basically shit in every respect. I can't even be specific about precisely how they're shit because I've never seen anyone say anything good about them at all, ever, so it seems that they are just uniformly bad in every aspect you can imagine.

>> No.5204474

He said most moviegoers wouldn't understand it otherwise

>> No.5204509

What's not to understand?

>> No.5204542

Is Dune a "fun" book to read?

I'm desperately searching for a book that's not dry philosophy or dumb.
A book that I will have fun with, that can keep my interest and makes me want to stay up all night to finish it

>> No.5204605
File: 988 KB, 1600x1199, Wright_Cyclone_GR_3350_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /lit/ I'm 6 books in and I still don't understand anything.

Is there a point for me to continue reading it at all?



>Posting that fucking trash
>not this

>> No.5204853

I found it fun. Kept me up some nights, but sometimes I also needed a break from it. Mostly read it on the train/tram or when waiting for something to happen.

>> No.5204938

Thanks anon, I'll pick it up when I'm finished with what I'm currently reading.
I just really wish I could make books really fun again, like when I was a child and first discovered the joy of reading
Now books are not as fun anymore

>> No.5205060

I only feel like reading them while traveling by train or bus, but they're great books

>> No.5205095

>traveling by train or bus

european detected

>> No.5205109

How did you manage to draw that conclusion? I, and many of my friends, travel by bus and train and I've lived nearly all my life in Florida.

>> No.5205113

It's free if you're a student, so why should I bother with a car

>> No.5205120

Star Trek is like the definitive sci-fi show, what the fuck are you people going on about
it uses a (highly developed) futuristic setting in order to explore social and other issues
That's the point of sci-fi. SW is a fantastic fantasy trilogy, but it's not sci-fi. The futuristic elements are secondary if not irrelevant, and the whole thing works like a fairytale.

>> No.5205248
File: 118 KB, 1024x724, the shibe must doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5.2 mil get

the sleeper has awakened!

>> No.5205569

please take my moisture