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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 20 KB, 735x348, coffeetea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5195901 No.5195901 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most patrician drink for reading a good book?

>> No.5195903


>> No.5195906

Coffee keeps you focused, helps with your memory, tastes better, and is not a drink for sissy losers

So Coffee

>> No.5195907


>> No.5195908


>> No.5195910
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>> No.5195912

So cocaine is the most patrician food?

>> No.5195914

Actually coffee is mot drunk by women.

Now patricians have siwtched to coffee because its ben invaded by starbuckslol cunts. Get with the time homies

>> No.5195915


fuck cofee. tastes fucking bad. tea is the right choice.

>> No.5195916

It actually doesn't help with your memory. Continue propagating that bro-science.

>> No.5195917

>drink for sissy losers
>George Orwell
>Douglas Adams
>the fucking samurai

>> No.5195926

big goopy cup of semen

>> No.5195928

You'll see plebs at starbucks scoffing down litres of coffee.

Tea is the obvious patrician choice.

>> No.5195930

I drink tea because it's easier to be a pretentious faggot about it. With coffee I have to compete with the 20 somethings that scale measure Kuala Lampur beans to put in their $1200 coffee machines. With tea, making the premier cup consists of (1) loose leaves (2) the right temperature (3) the right seep time and (4) a few minor quirks of brewing.

Drinking a patrician cup of coffee requires way more expenditure in time and money than drinking a patrician cup of tea, hence, as a poor person pretending to be sophisticated, tea is far more practical.

>> No.5195936
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>Tea is the obvious patrician choice.

Nice try, Laurie.

>> No.5195938

>not relizing america is the ultimate pleb country

>> No.5195940

>not whiskey


>> No.5196001
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caffeine keeps you focused, nothing helps with your memory, tea is impossible to fuck up and was the drink of choice for most of the greatest authors in history. so, no.
if you ingest anything while you're writing you're a disgusting heathen who should be put down

>> No.5196016

Coffee. Black. On rainy mornings when I don't have to work I'll splash in a bit of Irish whiskey.

>> No.5196017


>> No.5196058
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You've probably never had a cup of coffee that wasn't stale grounds made out of stale, burned beans, with all the oil stripped out of it by a drip, left on a hot plate, or in a carafe.

If you're British tea isn't a choice. It's like being born to a mother addicted to heroin: you get black tea in the womb.

>implying you're talking about something other than espresso when you say 1200
>implying you can't get a decent grinder and french press for the same cost as temp. controlled kettle
>implying decent beans don't cost the same as decent tea

Just because you can buy steak at sushi at the grocery store doesn't mean well prepared sushi isn't patrician.


>> No.5196062

>Just because you can buy steak at sushi at the grocery store doesn't mean well prepared sushi isn't patrician.

what the fuck am I reading.jpg

>> No.5196091

Good God people! Just buy some damn coffee grounds and a basic coffee maker and fuck the haters. And when you're feeling it, green tea or earl grey or whatever. As long as it has enough caffeine to kill a waterbuffalo you're good to go. If you're a pretentious asshole about your beverage it just shows you are actually obsessed with the image and style surrounding the beverage and don't actually give a damn about the beverage itself.

>> No.5196120
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>not matcha tea

Full plebs.

>> No.5196122

I grew up in the South...deep south...farm south...
So, hot coffee so black it can crawl (the only man way to drink coffee)
and sweet iced tea
I've never had hot tea before and cold coffee might has well be pure estrogen

>> No.5196131

Tea is for when there's scones and jam, or biscuits, or little cakes, or anything you want to actually taste. Otherwise, coffee and cigarettes. Man, I'm hungry now. I found a secret stash of biscuits earlier which I'll soon be eradicating.

>> No.5196135


Totally. I dig it all. I love my home-brewed English tea, I love hipster-made flat white at the nearest indie coffee shop, I love Turkish coffee and its sludge at the bottom, I love sencha, I love weird HK-style nai-cha and tea-coff mixes. Love it all.

>> No.5196139

You ever try brown sauce in your tea?

>> No.5196147

>brown sauce

Filthy northerner.

>> No.5196156


>> No.5196159

>wow if I drink tea I'll be just like the samurai

>> No.5196161
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Both can taste simply awful or perfectly sublime. I like either when they're done right.


>> No.5196162
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your favorite drink. honestly. there is nothing more patrician than doing whatever you want as long as you do it with pride!

>> No.5196166

Yeah whisky is for real classy men

>> No.5196177

The South cant be wrong.

>> No.5196178
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The obvious answer is that they are tied. Only true patricians understand this

>> No.5196215

Can you get good beans for less than a dollar an ounce? That's just more than I feel willing to pay, but this is what most of the local roasters that don't over-roast the beans charge.

>> No.5196251

What does /lit/ put in their coffee?

I usually do on sugar and some milk but it usually tastes exactly the same regardless of the coffee I use. Less milk?

>> No.5196252
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Hi there.

>> No.5196253


I think they're wrong about their diets, their spirituality, their art, their culture. I think they're wrong about plenty.

>> No.5196256

white tea

>> No.5196274

coffee if you're american or continental

tea otherwise

>> No.5196282


The choice of the occult elite

>> No.5196288

American barbecue might be the greatest contribution to the culinary world since bread

>> No.5196294


a savage shit might think that, so we'll let it pass for you

>> No.5196304
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Fuck you.

I'm sure you mean "South Carolina BBQ" there, friend.

>> No.5196305

Cowboy coffee or a cold tall glass of Gin and Tonic.

But guess what?
It doesn't matter.

>> No.5196310

>Fuck you.

dem zany yanks

>> No.5196315


>> No.5196316

straight espresso you disgusting primates

>> No.5196318

Arab/Turkish/Greek Coffee, milk doesn't belong in coffee you fucks.

>> No.5196334

>eating meat
you never fail to disappoint, /lit/

>> No.5196340
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>tfw you have a cigarette on the porch on a rainy afternoon after finishing a book

plus I'll die sooner which really helps keep that human suffering in check.

>> No.5196346

Colombian coffee with light sugar and no milk

>> No.5196352


what kind of tampon do you use?

>> No.5196355
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>> No.5196356

on average how much cum do you ingest on a weekly basis? Rather through a big black dick pushing into your intestines or down your esophagus?

>> No.5196360

Coffee is for those with brown skin, while tea is for the white man.

>> No.5196363

Stay basic, simple minded bitch.
It's like you're trying ->this<- hard to be a child

>> No.5196370


How's the 8th grade?

>> No.5196398

pretty good
how's being subhuman scum?

>> No.5196402

that's it man

>> No.5196406


Cigarettes are nice and all, but I fancy a good ole joint while reading a book.

>> No.5196407

You tell us faggot

>> No.5196413


epic bro upvoated

>> No.5196415

My nigga

>> No.5196421

As edgy as this sounds, i used to do the same. I quit smoking because, well, I'm not in high school anymore. To each his own, I suppose.

>> No.5196427

I think you might both have the autism, considering both of your responses are unnecesarily shitposts about something that is so common it's ridiculous.

>> No.5196428


> being so eager to please /lit/ that you tell yourself the reason you quit mj was because you're "not in high school anymore" (wtf does that even mean)
>wanting so desperately for /lit/ to like you that you preface your posts with "I know this sounds edgy but" even when what you're saying isn't edgy at all

anon, be yourself. I like you. it's okay

>> No.5196432


I just don't really have the drive to anymore, I guess. I went a little overboard with it and I'm just embarrassed about how I acted.

>> No.5196458

>the most enlightened throughout history, those who would blow the fuck out of anyone on /lit/, weren't vegetarian or vegan or didn't otherwise severely limit their intake of meat/animal products and byproducts (inb4 appeal to authority, stfu you miss the point completely)
>using one of the most basic and repeated ad hominem attacks 4chan has ever put forth

Good luck with that god-tier douchebaggery, anon.

>> No.5196476

I can't pick, I like them both. It's easier for me to enjoy good coffee though, as tea requires you to go to specialized stores and shit. I just drink tea bags, if you find good brands it's great.

>> No.5196483

Coffee Internet Defense Force pls go

>> No.5196707

⇒What is the most patrician drink for reading a good book?

grapefruit juice

>> No.5196718

>wanting to be like a nutjob, a geek, and a Japanese slave owner
coffee 4 lyfe

>> No.5196731

Holy fuck, arrow girl, I never thought I'd agree with you on anything

>> No.5196734

>tea-coff mixes
Oh hell yes. Iced, with plenty of sugar and milk. Feels so wrong, yet so right.

>> No.5196737

I'm english.

so tea.

In fact I have a cuppa right now

>> No.5196750

Nope. You don't want to read a book after snorting Cocaine, man. Trust me on this.

>> No.5196857

Dry red wines

>> No.5196860

coffee is better than tea but i have no idea why you would want to drink coffee with a book

>> No.5196866


>> No.5196874

whiskey if reading hemmingway and coffee for everything else

>> No.5196876


>> No.5196878


>> No.5196918


Could we please permaban anyone who uses this cringworthy word?

>> No.5196936

Whichever one prefers in that moment is the most patrician.

>> No.5196978

boss tier chamomile
goat tier green with jasmine tea
ultra awake tier oil black plunger coffee
time travelling blackout tier valium with grapefruit jews
fuck reading bitch I'm on one tier hobo can skulled 'beer'

seriously though just drink what you like and enjoy it, stop being so self-conscious of how you appear/portray yourself to other people (including the subhumans on lit)

>> No.5197093

>time travelling blackout tier valium with grapefruit jews
i don't know what this is but it sounds tasty

>> No.5197103

weeaboo pls

>> No.5197105

Appeal to authority, inb4ing doesn't make it less true, faggot.
Not being a vegan is fascism. I think fascism should be wrong according to human principles, though it's right according to nature's. Maybe I'm a faggot for drawing a line between the two, maybe I'm a fascist for thinking humans are superior and have bigger responsibility than other species. Anyways, I'm piece of shit for still eating meat. Even if I'm wrong, I'm giving up my principles for pleasure. Most meats I don't enjoy anymore, but I enjoy salmon, tuna and steak still, and fastfoods, where the meat is so processed that you can't even taste what animal you're eating.

For OP: it's all about the caffeine on most days. Then I either just get a big cup of coffee and water it up until it's about piss temperature and down it or I have it with 3-6 spoons of sugar and cream or milk and sip on it. When I want to clear out my mind I drink either white or green tea, big cups, all day, coffee makes me feel quick but shallow and I feel sore in my brain after drinking too much.

>> No.5197122

get lost pleb

>> No.5197129

go to bed morrissey

>> No.5197145

>not enjoying a single cigar over the course of two hours
Its likely you enjoy being a classless faggot

>> No.5197155

>implying you wouldn't fuck 80s morrissey

>> No.5197156
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Tea: Puh Erh>Mate>Samovar>Jasmine>Black>Roiboos

Coffee: Espresso>Mocha>Cappuccino>Americano>latte

>> No.5197174

>Coffee keeps you focused, helps with your memory

caffeine(in coffee)=theine(in tea), the latter though with a bit delayed, though more persistent effect

>> No.5197175

tea has more caffeine anyway

>> No.5197204


Only as a dry product, the drink has less caffeine than coffee does.

More over, the actual benefits of caffeine go away with time because you build to a tolerance and in order to reach a normal level you have to consume caffeine.

>> No.5197252
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>not drinking cum straight from the source

>> No.5197267

Best girl can drink mine.

>> No.5197297


That's only english tea, though the caffeine in that is about equal. English tea is shit anyways. Most other types of tea have significantly less caffeine. Green tea has about 1/4 of the caffeine, white has about 1/8, most herbal teas have none at all.

>> No.5197311
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Hands down.

>> No.5197331
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Yerbe mate.

Get on my level.

>> No.5197373
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Mate amargo y bizcochitos.

>> No.5197385

no drink. i don't want any liquids near my precious collection

>> No.5197391

*tips beret*

>> No.5197477
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Tea. Darjeeling tea.

>> No.5197480

Kratom tea.

>> No.5197483
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>> No.5197484

Black coffee.

>> No.5197521

orange squash

>> No.5197533
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>all those bubbles
why can't ammeregans into coffee?

>> No.5197635

>A brand of whiskey called 'This won't make you a better writer'

>> No.5197641

I think I love you.

>> No.5197644


>> No.5197684



>> No.5197696

I don't like tea. Coffee, pls.

>> No.5197707

A steady flow of cold lager.

>> No.5197720

mah nigga!

>> No.5197724

Because the one in OP is black drip or french press coffee, while the one in your image is espresso and thus thicker?

>> No.5197727

That's why ammeregans can't into coffee?

>> No.5197735


americans percolate(?) their coffee for ages

stick with tea

>> No.5197744

Why does this board make such a big fucking deal out of the physical act of reading a book.

>> No.5197751

>french press
It's called a plunger you cunt.

>> No.5197758

Insecure teenagers looking to construct an identity.

>> No.5197762


The act is fetishised when the entire board posts when they could be reading or pretending to be reading. Either way, everything here is an outgrowth of something we can not achieve here, so we deflect the focus.

>> No.5197772
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>big deal
Rituals are pretty big of a deal when you're a wizard.

>> No.5197791

I live in a big city, so coffee shops that aren't noisy-ass Starbucks actually exist. Usually they sell tea, too, so I'll get one or the other.

I like going to a coffee shop to read because save for that one reallyfuckingdropdeadgorgeous guy with the muscles and tattoo sleeves and the stubble who's always working on Sundays and who I will inevitably start to fantasize about topping they're usually pretty free of distractions.

>> No.5197850
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>> No.5197891

I have put some cocoa powder in my cup and I really like the taste.

I did try to make something like that swiss miss powder, but the taste isn't quite right to me.

>> No.5197972

Simple. Tea as long as it's not herbal. I have done a study each night for four nights. Herbal made me the most sleepy. White tea made me sort of sleepy. Green tea didn't really make me sleepy same for black tea.

>> No.5197975

>implying anyone here is over 30

>> No.5197989

Not the ebin mims wizard, anon.
>implying otherwise

>> No.5198001

>tea with caffeine didn't make me sleepy

Wow, what a scientific breakthrough. Thanks for lending your devotion and brainpower to this matter.

>> No.5198062

Coffee isn't relaxing enough for me, it's something you drink during the day, on the move.

Now tea, drinking tea in a rush is a total waste, really. So books + tea = comfy.

>> No.5198094

>green tea
>white tea
all acceptable

>> No.5198096
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Dear /lit/,

I have just been on a coffeehouse adventure from Prague to Vienna, and I've come to the conclusion that Viennese melange coffee is the most patrician.

I've been to the famous places of Cafe Louvre, Cafe Grand Orient, Cafe Slavia, Cafe Hawelka,Cafe Central, Cafe Mozart, Cafe Alt Wien, Cafe Braunerhof, Cafe Griensteidl, Cafe Demel and Cafe Sacher (Cafe Alt Wien is my favourite).

These are the esteemed places of Kafka, Bernhardt , Trotsky, Lenin, Freud and Hitler. Whole books were written at these coffee tables, and it was here that the patrician drank their coffee, the most patrician drink there is- coffee, the most patrician drink for patricians.

>> No.5198113

you're a huge faggot, duder.

>> No.5198122

A very reliable and reasonably priced average tea; use when you don't have the time to look into better stuff.

>> No.5198131

water, it allows for easy control over my realist internal monologue

>> No.5198162

It's coffee. Coffee is literally the only answer to this question. If you aren't drinking coffee while reading you are not reading correctly.

>> No.5198171

Too bad you'll never have a spot of your own because you're too preoccupied with visiting others' spots of power.
You disgrace all those names you dropped.

>> No.5198194

>Trotsky's name could be disgraced further

>> No.5198204

Rye whiskey

>> No.5198220

>implying some faggot has never achieved the impossible

>> No.5198247

To give entirely too much thought to this subject...

Black coffee is utilitarian. It's basically an old fashioned (and thus sophisticated) energy drink. I find it hard to imagine people lingering on a cup of it. Too much pep.

Tea is more relaxed and meditative.
I suppose lattes and cappucinos are similar in quality. Espressos puzzle me; I'm not sure how they're ordinarily approached.

Cafes aren't really places for indiscriminate mingling, so there's an intimate or private quality to the experience compared to alcohol drinking; yet it's also public, so, combining privacy and publicness, a coffee drinker and his circle of friends seem slightly aloof. A chatter like Socrates would have loved that atmosphere, and being overheard. Sort of a Mediterranean or Feminine coyness to it.

Tea is mostly drunk at home and with guests, so it's more private and intimate still; less hip because you can't be observed hanging out, but it's a more introspective experience.
For a working class brit, a mug of tea is like a quick shower. It's ordinary and undistinguished.
For a middle class person and up, if they take the trouble to use good china and take their sweet time making and drinking it, tea can be more like having a bath.

>> No.5198253

My saracen effendi.

>> No.5198256
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>find it hard to imagine lingering on a cup of black coffee

>> No.5198263

Yes, Video Game. It's like lingering on a can of Red Bull.

>> No.5198266
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>> No.5198275

Video Game, we've grown so far apart. Don't you remember that promise we make as childhood friends?

>> No.5198305

lots of cream, lots of sugar

>> No.5198324


Ya done goofed. Irish whiskey is best whiskey.