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/lit/ - Literature

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5195162 No.5195162 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ do you agree with the current '“everyone should just read/watch/listen to whatever they like” ethos of our era?

>> No.5195176

Yes people should do what they like.

>> No.5195177

No, everyone should read/watch/listen what I don't read/watch/listen as this makes the whole hipster thing easier.

>> No.5195180

>Stop liking what I don't like

Fuck off /v/

>> No.5195185

People should peruse things they are interested in, but 'I like what I like' is not a good argument when debating the merits of certain books/films/music etc.

>> No.5195193
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To some degree. But sometimes people need to get called out on their shit.

>> No.5195195
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Read whatever the fuck you want to read. Who gives a fuck?

>> No.5195203

people can read whatever they want

but they shouldn't expect their opinions to be taken seriously if they're bottom feeding morons

so go ahead and read The Hunger Games just... shut the fuck up about it already.

>> No.5195204

As opposed to "Read/watch/listen to whatever I damn well tell you to?"

>> No.5195215

not really that's just as bad in my opinion.
The whole 'read/watch whatever you want' to me seems neglectful and careless towards other people-- and not that I'm saying I'm some sort of media mastermind I would just want others to care if I'm consuming media that's enriching or thought provoking.

>> No.5195225

No and that's probably why the vast majority of

books, television, and music is self-satisfying and


>> No.5195228

I agree I should.

>> No.5195232

No. If you're gonna read shit lit, then shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.5195250

That's phased oddly. If I disagree with it I'm an asshole for 'forbidding' anyone to read/watch/listen to something. The truth is that everyone should be able to like anything they want but they better not start believing that makes them immune to genuine criticism.

>> No.5195256

The answer is obviously 'yes'. It's just that most people like shit.

>> No.5195283

the problem is people consume things they 'like' too often instead of things that are 'important'.

I've lived with people who have never picked up a book outside of a class assignment. They are free to do so but should they? Probably not.

>> No.5195309

people should feel free to pursue whatever interests them

if they try to tell me that their YA has literary value then I might have an issue, but it makes no difference to me what people do in their free time

>> No.5195323

>YA has literary value
elaborate-- not that I disagree I'm just curious

>> No.5195327
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We all do what we want.
Even coerce.

>> No.5195347 [DELETED] 

You can thank kike media for that.

Classic Literature will never be promoted in marketing circles due to the numerous references which depict jews negatively.

>> No.5195353

please do not shitpost.

>> No.5195362

if you only indulge yourself in the things you like then you're directing your understanding of the world to be an insular one. For instance I don't like being depressed or isolated but I read literature written by those who are and I understand them better because of it.

Basically read/watch/listen to what you like but don't let that be the end of your consumption. Media is not solely for enjoyment.

>> No.5195399

It's not shitposting if it's fact and pertaining to the topic of this board, moran

>> No.5195438

The world would be a better place if everyone read the classics.

>> No.5195442

You do realize that your jewmongering is akin to white trash in the south bitching about Obama being president out of racism? It makes you seem provincial and petty.

>> No.5195445

It's fine for people with no direction, no status, and no future

>> No.5195454

Why? I'm a perfectly moral person and I read genre fiction. Do classics really instill valuable qualities into the reader?

>caring about direction, status, future

Never go max pleb bro. It's unseemly.

>> No.5195475


I don't agree with the "no one should have to be challenged intellectually" ethos

>> No.5195503

This. It's fine to like things. Real debate over quality incorporates analysis and philosophy.

>> No.5195507
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>direction, status, future
>Never go max pleb bro. It's unseemly.

Associating that with plebness is what a pleb would tell himself to cope with never being invited to move within the inner circles of power in this world.

Stop projecting your frustrations you BTFO pleb.

>> No.5195512

Well said.

>> No.5195523

Go ahead and toil your life away doing shit you don't like in the hopes one day you break into the six figures so you can buy more useless shit to please your masters you disgusting plebeian.

>> No.5195531

No you don't get it, we already have drastically more fun than even your pathetic ass. Watching you be a petty moron about it is just funny.

>> No.5195542
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It doesn't take a lifetime of toil to break six figures unless you are like 85 IQ

>> No.5195575


I'm not talking about me you idiot.

What do you think "patrician" pertains to exactly? Some ephemeral meme nonsense you've autism'd into thinking is the natural and known association of the word, or the leading class within a society?

There are people who move in circles of power that would in a literal and temporal way be more patrician than me. I accept this because I'm not an insecure mess who needs to lie to myself with memes to make myself feel better on an anonymous board.

Have fun thinking you're some sort of nuanced paragon of true living while you're shitposting on the internet you denial mode fuccboi.

BTFO x 2

>> No.5195588

It's not even comparable. I'm criticising a cult which persecutes against the people of the middle east. Your example is based on pure racism. There is no logical connection between the two.

>> No.5195604
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people who enjoy reading inaccessible or challenging literature should do so. people who do not should not.

if you enjoy it, you'll get something out of it. if you don't, you won't.

how much food for thought you can extract from something is entirely up to the content of your own character. if you can grow as a person more by reading my sister's keeper than finnegans wake, then why choose finnegans wake?

>> No.5195634

Yeah, but I'm still better than you because I read Ulysses.

>> No.5196349

No, if you read, watch, listen or play something that I do not like (therefore it is automatically shit, because I actually do research about what I consume (in the biological sense as well as the intellectual) to make sure it is at the very least passable) I will come to your house or place of contentment and stop you you you you you, by force if necessary and set you on the right path, I am serious dead.

>> No.5196362
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I laugh at "should". I also laugh at anyone who reads something they don't enjoy reading because they it will make them patrician.

>> No.5196367

>think it will make them

>> No.5196375

As opposed to "reading what you hate"?

>> No.5196376

Yes, but people must also understand why they like what they like and interrogate that mechanism. With that comes discipline and a constant redefinition and enrichment of your own personal 'genre', thus seeking and maybe liking things outside of your aesthetic/intellectual comfort zone.

>> No.5196384


realest post on lit in some time

>> No.5196401

>if you only enjoy skimming porn magazines because you enjoy it you should never force yourself to read Plato because you wouldnt enjoy the first time

>> No.5196411

Plato should be takes more effort, but if you have to force yourself through all his work, you should probably look for another translation, or reconsider whether or not the stuff he talks about is really something that interests you.

>> No.5196412

haha. I laugh because I just used the word

>> No.5196420

samefaggotest post in lit in some time

>> No.5196461
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not quite. sorry you got blown out

>> No.5196486
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5/5 bas mal, but calling BTFO in your own fucking post is just a poor show.

>> No.5196524

I like the idea of having a base level of material I'm able to discuss with people, but that only goes so far.

As long as people are consistently discovering new material then there shouldn't be a problem in enjoying what you want.

Whats the point of this thread?

>> No.5196564

>actually thinking people use patrician and pleb on here as proletariat/bourgeoisie

They're just memewords people use to show that they're cultivated and intellectual and part of the in-crowd.

>> No.5196680
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A supreme gentleman boasting about his superiority in a world full of degeneracy and mediocrity. Like every other thread on /lit/,

>> No.5196765
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>the fault is the lack of sex

>> No.5196843

Everyone SHOULD read whatever they like.

What I have a problem with is that people think every opinion is equally valid, every taste is equally respectable and that nothing can ever be attacked or scrutinized under the big shield of "I like it so why do you care?"

>> No.5196854


>even though neither of us know each other, or have any way of knowing who has the better life, i'm just gonna pretend that I do know, for the purposes of this argument

>> No.5196864

"our era" you are fookin retarded dude, get some context

>> No.5196901
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>/lit/ do you agree with the current '“everyone should just read/watch/listen to whatever they like” ethos of our era?
>'“everyone should just read/watch/listen to whatever they like”
>everyone should

>> No.5197090

>what >>5195575 was talking about

fucking lol

>> No.5197119

I think we're too acceptant of other's past-times and this has caused greater problems than having pleb taste. I feel like this behavior has helped with the huge increase in drug-related activity and general degeneracy (furryshit for example).

"Everyone should just smoke/snort to whatever they like"
"Everyone should just masturbate to whatever they like"

Not being able to read anything higher than young adult fiction in your 40s is just as degenerate as smoking weed until you develop memory loss or wanking it to pony porn.

>> No.5197133

I have a book from the U.S.S.R. published in the 40's I think, and one of the opening pages is a recommended reading list for Soviet students. Titles like the Communist Manifesto and more. I thought it was interesting, especially considering some were fairly hefty politically.

>> No.5197137
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>> No.5197522


No, I adhere strongly to a rigid, hierarchical determination of quality and do so in the safety of perfect certainty that it will never come about, owing to its being fucking retarded. This allows me the cachet of snobbishness and contrarianism (double word score!) without the obligation of having anything to back them up with. It's perfect.

>> No.5198525

Kinda like saying whether you can learn more from second grade math or trig

>> No.5198539

Well I read Gaddis and blow $1000 on nitrous and MDA at phish concerts, work and have successful relationships. Where is your PhD now?

>> No.5198559

Thats because USSR was far suoerior to America

>> No.5198564

That must be why everyone starved, got sent to siberia, and it fell apart. Also the Communist Manifesto is horrible.

>> No.5198584


You better spent that much on drugs, it would suck if you were sober

>> No.5198591

So you're a degenerate with a degenerate taste in music and you've ruined your life by being married with children.

>> No.5198596
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Why even reply to that man. Enough of the left/right dichotomy and arguments. Lets leave /pol/ on /pol/ and all smoke some cigarettes and talk about political ideologies in an aloof and amused fashion

>> No.5198599

That's the after party m80. I'll be the first to admit their albums suck dick and they have a lot of noodly falsetto songs. Their shows are the reason people like them. This is only a 1:50 long song, it's a much better representation of what seeing them is like. Unfortunately recordings don't come close to doing the soundscape justice, but this is true of any band worth seeing live.


>> No.5198604

>mfw an autist was mad near me

I bet you play video games

>> No.5198605


Man, this word is rapidly losing any meaning whatsoever.

>> No.5198689

>taking shit seriously
Calm down guys

>> No.5198733
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Blame you know who for popularizing it on /pol/

>> No.5200217


People should read as often as they can and from as many different authors and categories of literature they can, from all periods of history.

This is the only way to develop opinions that are consistent and valid, even if others disagree with them.

>> No.5200224


'Of our era'

Seems I was under the mistaken impression that Mill wrote in the middle of the 19th Century...

>> No.5200232

>Posts from 2013

/pol/ and /new/ were around way before then.

>> No.5200255

Anyone can do anything they like. The idea I have a problem with is those who believe I can't judge them for what they do.

Take someone who has read GoT and believes it is a work of groundbreaking literary merit and is on par with Shakespeare. I will judge them for that. Someone who doesn't read at all? I will judge them for that. I'm not stupid enough to absolutely judge an individual; they aren't final.

So if someone thinks I cannot believe they are not a "book lover" or "well-read" when the only books they read past high school are Harry Potter and The Hunger Games, then I will remain in disagreement.

>> No.5200284

>people should read what they want, who cares?

next day on /lit/:

>how to be patrician?
>are tabloids making us stupider?

>> No.5200295

How long before pissing sitting down and having outie belly bottons is degenerate?

>> No.5200713

Can you post that list?

I have a three-book publication called "Mathematics: Its Content, Methods, and Meaning" that was written for Soviet intelligentsia in the 1950s. It was meant to take a person from basic math skills all the way to the most modern mathematics, and it was such a good publication that it was translated and distributed in the west for the same reason. Apparently the study of mathematics had never been compiled into one volume before in the west, at least not one that included the mathematical importances of the first half of the 20th

>> No.5200791


>Take someone who has read GoT and believes it is a work of groundbreaking literary merit and is on par with Shakespeare.

who are these people?

im pretty sure you made them up

even the most devout fans of the series, like me, don't think in those terms. the value people see in GoT is shocking plot events and engrossing world-building, it's a completely different kind of appreciation from what they see in shakespeare if they are the type to read both

>> No.5200803

That was a pretty trivial part of his post.

>> No.5200809

There are people who think GoT is BETTER than Shakespeare.

>oh i saw romeo and juliet it was stupid why kill yourself over a bitch lol wat a fag lmao GoT is hella tight tho

>> No.5200860


Browse there for a while. You will see opinions of that sort

>> No.5200871


yeah thats fair


so is that

>> No.5200935

Maybe I should restate because I do agree that my original statement was not of the best quality. I would suppose my problem isn't with what people read, it's specifically with the action of trying to identify oneself in this way: [example](http://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/2bw7p0/have_you_ever_bought_a_book_solely_based_on_the/cj9j8e5))

Of course being a bookworm implies intelligence. So people want to latch onto books like a neckbeard latches into a fedora, people think identifying as a book reader will fix their identity issues. So they rationalize themselves in that way, "at least I read books, and that means I am smarter than average!!"

But there's no reason to fetishize books. Why are books important? Well, they have something valuable to say. It's about what you get from reading the books that matters. You don't get to fetishize reading as an intelligent hobby and then read unchallenging books. That's fast-food style identity fixing. I've read books far more challenging than what most of my peers have read, and yet I don't consider myself well-read because I am lacking so much.

But you see, then some rationalizing comes in. Sure, no one says explicitly "Shakespeare isn't as good as GoT", but you still see people implying that you can't judge them regardless of what they read. And that's just not true. A man who has climbed Mt. Everest is more respectable than a man who has only climbed a hill.

>> No.5200952

look at this asshole

>> No.5200987

To expand a little, part of it too comes to how people act after reading. I've heard it like four times now: le trole, you should totally read GoT! It's a great series!

Well, maybe so, maybe not, but coming from a person who is not well-read, that's not an opinion I put stock in. Are you going to take driving advice from a seventeen-year-old or from a professional driver? Obviously the latter. But so many people want to matter when they don't matter, and they get mad and try to make you feel bad if you don't accept their inexperienced advice.

Maybe it's our culture, I really don't know, but it irks me when mediocre people try to give professional advice

>> No.5201018

Yes, completely. Our problems arise not from people making "bad decisions" but from the human condition allowing such decisions to be made. To put it a different way, no problems are solved by forcing people to an end that they themselves would not uphold otherwise.

>> No.5201050

It's a deeply capitalist sentiment that signals the triumph of neoliberalism. It leads to culture that tailors to the 'demands of the market' rather than attempting to raise the level of dialogue

>> No.5201076

Hegel: No, mere edification is for casuals, like Spinoza