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File: 47 KB, 506x267, litbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5194376 No.5194376 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5194391

shameless self bump

>> No.5194392
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This is the only answer

>> No.5194400
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Good thread

>> No.5194413
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>> No.5194452

You can't shift tracks with a lever. The nature of the drawing suggests to me that the man holding the switch has actually brought a prop, and is using it to inspire hope in the people about to be killed by the train, for they have a moment of doubt over their impending death.

>> No.5194453
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>> No.5194479

here, you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.5194511

What do bikes have to do with trains? Again, no train operated in the last decade is going to be directed by levers.

>> No.5194525
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>> No.5194529
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>> No.5194536

Hahaha oh Bobobo

>> No.5194559
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>> No.5194562

fucking shit, not even socrates could get this one right

>> No.5194625
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>to save based elvis of cultural theory you must also save skank ho judith
Mein Gott!

>> No.5194694
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>> No.5194726


>> No.5194730


>implying this thought experiment is from the last decade

>> No.5194735

Correct, the trolley thought experiment was invented by Plato, except that in his version five donkeys were placed on the tracks.

>> No.5195467
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>tfw /lit/ will never come close to recreating the glory of that first thread

>> No.5195748

As I always say DON'T PULL THE SWITCH. Any argument against this always comes down to autism.

>> No.5195800

Kill the unholy.

>> No.5195863
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my argument against this is that if you were actually in this situation you'd fucking pull the lever, no matter what bullshit you want to spout trying to convince everyone you wouldn't.

i'm assuming the guy on top was separated from the rest of the group because he was being too chatty and it's morally permissible to kill people who annoy you.

>> No.5195873
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There's no getting off of Philippa Foot's wild thought experiment.

>> No.5195892

sit on the switch deep in my ass really stretching it and jack off while bodyless heads tumble about and some stupid cunt gets tramumatised then punch yourself in the fucking face with a head that you rub the nostril in your pee holw scream scream take a fat shit and die while screaming niggers did 9/11 because they fucking did it's the truth look it up retard honestly sometimes you fucking worthless mutts really crack me up like my cock fucks hard boiled eggs skyward yeah that's where infected skies go sound my urethra and let me shit out my own vomit becase I cut all my fucking organs out but superglue my pie hole to the inside of my boypossy so I can snort spaghetti up one nostril like ever last italian coke addict then pushpush that slippery noodle through my poopchute and spreay spray my fucking shit coated macaroni all over a fat niglets face and then laugh using my anus about how tainted and worthless he is because life aint fucking nothing but a piece of shit do you fucking hear me it's worthless now get off your fat lasy ass and snuff yourself so I jack off using a tight loli as a fucksleeve while poking hot irons in her fucking face just to watch her bleed cry while I stretch her cunt and ass until she spilts down the middle and starts heomarraging out her now singular fuckhole but just get a fucking bucket to collect that blood then get a hammer and smash the fucking shit out her worthless meatsack until fucking stops breathing now is the time to get out a knife and take your fucking time here you cut her open and inspect all her organs and work out how her insides fit together other people are just mechanical clocks like descartes fucking animals just fuck that worthless whore one my time while she's fucking dead then stick a machete out her vagina and bite off her fucking nipples and eat one of her fucking eyeballs then chuck her useless carcass in the back of your fcking pick-up drive to her parents house then just leave the now second hand whore on the doorstep with her cunt splayed just to cause shock and offence for it's own sake spit on your fucking grave fucking

>> No.5195962

"It would be better that twenty million should die than one should be saved."
-Robinson Jeffers

So, I'd not pull the switch, but then I'd feel guilty about the one person who lived.
Still, in any case, it is better to walk away and not deal with the human bullshit.

>if you were actually in this situation you'd fucking pull the lever, no matter what bullshit you want to spout trying to convince everyone you wouldn't.

Most people would probably be paralyzed by indecision and do nothing.

>> No.5196029

No I wouldn't. Don't assume everyone is a weak minded fool like yourself.

>> No.5196430

First thing that came into my head, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK6TXMsvgQg

>> No.5196436

My problem with these theoretical situations is the plausibility of it. It's like that kid in middle school who asked you if you were in a room with Hitler and a gun and Hitler was going to push a button that would blow the world to smithereens, but you had the opportunity to kill Hitler. Where's the relevance to real life, here?

>> No.5196462

I agree that these kinds of things lead to lots of navel-gazing, but it is somewhat interesting to think about.

>> No.5196478

A farmer and his son had a beloved stallion who helped the family earn a living. One day, the horse was tied to train tracks in a fiendish thought experiment and killed by the train when a utilitarian flipped a switch to save 6 other horses, and their neighbors exclaimed, “Your horse was killed, what terrible luck!” The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.”

A few days later, the other horses who were saved appeared on the farm as well. The neighbors shouted out, “YNow you have six horses! What great luck!” The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.”

Later that week, the farmer’s son was trying to break one of the mares and she threw him to the ground, breaking his leg. The villagers cried, “Your son broke his leg, what terrible luck!” The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.”

A few weeks later, soldiers from the national army marched through town, recruiting all the able-bodied boys for another experiment where they were going to tie able-bodied boys to train tracks (this happened almost every week, it seemed). They did not take the farmer’s son, still recovering from his injury because the experiment required healthy men of worth rather than fucking cripples. Friends shouted, “Your boy is spared, what tremendous luck!” To which the farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.”

>> No.5196479

So is there actually a 'correct' answer to this, with some reasoning to back it up?

>> No.5196495


Either option has its own pros and cons. There are also several variations that change the weight of either option.

However the real answer has been made. They can simply roll off

>> No.5196499

Implying they're all strangers...

Don't pull the switch if you don't want to murder someone to save 5 others who have no value to you.

Pull the switch if you believe in that "needs of the many" bullshit.

>> No.5196501

isn't it obvious? If life has any value, 4 lives have more value than one does. So you should kill one guy.

But if you are some insane Shopenhauer antynatalist, then you should kill 4 guys

>> No.5196511

ok, so there isn't

>> No.5196559

The lives have no value if you're not familiar with any of these plebs.

>> No.5196595

No. By doing nothing, you're not killing anyone. 4 people are going to do if you don't do anything. They were going to die had you not been there to pull that switch. If you pull the switch, you are murdering a person. You're a murderer. And, as pointed out in >>5194392, killing someone is not the same as letting people die. People are dying around the world right now - why aren't you doing what you can to lessen the loss of life? Be consistent. Don't pull the switch.

>> No.5196732

>ancient greece had trollies but no people

>> No.5196738

What if I value the lives of the 5 people more than my own sense of innocence?

>> No.5196743

If life has any value, you wouldn't kill anyone.

>> No.5196753

Life having value is exactly why I would kill someone.

>> No.5196766

That life you take is not valuable then.

>> No.5196771

>If you pay 1 dollar to get 20 dollars, then one dollar never had value in the first place

>> No.5196776

If you're reducing human lives to currency, you must not have much respect to life.

>> No.5196779

>Implying free will exists

>> No.5196789

>implying it doesn't

>> No.5196795

If that were the case you would be in the military.

>> No.5196796

That would be valuing death more than my own innocence.

>> No.5196801

>implying there's any convincing argument for free will.

>> No.5196803

>implying you have a choice but to accept it does

>> No.5196805

>"It would be better that twenty million should die than one should be saved."

>google that quote
>0 results
Nice made up shit anon.

Fuck mang you are seriously the worst tripfag I've ever seen post. Jim Profit had more value as a channer than you.

>> No.5196811

The military isn't limited to being a foot soldier. You could be a pilot and carpet bomb the middle east.

>> No.5196815

Put a fedora and a neckbeard on the fatso and I might do it.

>> No.5196816


>implying "beliefs" are required for instinctual action

>> No.5196822
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>> No.5196831

Oh because the notion "murder by omission" does not exist in your philosophical dream world? This is absolute bullshit, and so is the distinction between killing and letting die.

Consider the following : you're walking your dog on the sidewalk when suddenly a car loses control, flips over and gets on fire gta style. Say you could safely sneak in through a broken window and save the pregnant woman inside and you don't ( because killing =/= letting die). Do you really think you're absolved of crime if you just walk away??

>> No.5196833

Looks like a killing joke.

>> No.5196841

No logical connection as you are not killing someone to save her. Even so you don't have a moral obligation to save her.

>> No.5197006

Leave the lever alone, then stomp the other guy's face in so he dies too. Because I based my decision on some misguided, bullshit, absolutist moral philosophy instead of just doing the obvious thing and saving as many people as I could.

>> No.5197027

With a track gauge that narrow and a carriage that tall and top heavy, there's no way that trolley is making it past the junction without a bogie exchange. The worst damage I would predict arising from the scenario is a broken femur, if the trolley topples directly onto the lever, and potential structural damage to the trolley.

>> No.5197029

only valid response

>> No.5197148

Non-interventionist master race

>> No.5197354

>People are dying around the world right now - why aren't you doing what you can to lessen the loss of life?
Don't you feel the world would be a better place if we did care about the fact that people were dying around the world and realised that we could do something to help it? Don't you feel that we really ought to strive to minimise the suffering in this world?

>> No.5197430

Archive link?

>> No.5199355

Peter Singer pls go fuck another sheep

>> No.5199382
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>> No.5199438

Moral dilemmas are the sort of thing you're just supposed to grin and bear. Otherwise they consume you, corrupt every inch of you. Take Heath Ledger, for example -- a man who so completely owned the perpetration of one that he committed suicide to escape from it. Idealism works.

>> No.5199515
File: 176 KB, 1001x481, 4chan trolley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well /lit/? do you kill a stranger to save yourself?
inb4 stirner

>> No.5199545

Stirner indeed. And there's the philosophy in its entirety for you -- funny people circle jerk about it, right?

>> No.5199562

Kill the stranger. That isn't even an ethical conundrum.

>> No.5199571

But if you both pull the lever you'll get into a multi-track drifting situation.

>> No.5199581

Is the stranger important? If it was me and Caesar I'd much sooner take my own life.

>> No.5199582


so be it

at least that motherfucker doesnt get away leaving me for deads

>> No.5199590

you don't find out if you kill him, you do if you save him

>> No.5199591

Those two guys don't even seem to be fastened to the tracks though...

>> No.5199592

If you're a fatalist like me I'd have no problem leaving things to happen as they would naturally

>> No.5199595

You're a fool then.

>> No.5199596

i meant that the other way round, you only find out if you kill him

>> No.5199597

Then kill him, fuck that.

Death is not so bad, otherwise Socrates would have feared it.

>> No.5199608



>> No.5199619

Caesar was not so great, otherwise the Chinese would have feared him.

>> No.5199620

Your logic is impeccable.

>> No.5199626

The Chinese were not so great, otherwise Caesar would have conquered them.

>> No.5199661

Even Kant said that, if two men find themselves on a raft that can only support one of them, it is right to kill the other and save yourself.
The other guy dies.

Congratulations on being a sucker and, literally, a pleb.

>> No.5199671

If Caesar was such a great conquering hero, why did his best friend stab him?

Checkmate, imperialists.

>> No.5199682

>lol it took 40 of u scrubs 2 kill me

>> No.5199686

This would be more interesting if there were 5 strangers on the other track. Most people on here would still save themselves though. The same people would also willingly kill someone else to save 5, hypocrites

>> No.5199700

I wouldn't move the lever because I'd be effectively killing a person. The number of lives loss is irrelevant to me because I didn't cause the catastrophe and any number of lives lost is still terrible. I'd just leave it as it is.

>> No.5199707

I value my life more than the life of five strangers. Nothing hypocritical about that. It would be hypocritical if I said you ought to sacrifice yourself for five strangers, while I didn't believe I ought to.

>> No.5199712

i had this in mind ;)

>> No.5199715
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>> No.5199718

this makes me want to leave it alone even more, because instead of willingly killing one person i could be killing dozens

>> No.5199728

Fuck me I get that, but what would you do in the original scenario

>> No.5199747
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>> No.5199763

The choice is simple. Israel has no right to exist.

>> No.5199770

increase nasa funding

>> No.5199775
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>> No.5199780

>implying the land doesn't belong to the jews
they were gifted it, now they can be classed as conquerors. they are responding to aggression from former inhabitants, much in the same way that britain stamped down the argentines

>> No.5199788

It doesn't.

>> No.5199790

>Even Kant said that, if two men find themselves on a raft that can only support one of them, it is right to kill the other and save yourself.
If both are determined to live, neither one wishing to forfeit their life for the other, it's no issue. No life is more valuable to another when it comes to those ethics.

>> No.5199795


is this what /lit/ baiting looks like?

>> No.5199796

>if someone conquers or receives something it belongs to them forever

>> No.5199798


>> No.5199810

who gifted it to them?

>> No.5199815

Why, white people with no claim to the land, of course! Clearly that was a legitimate transaction.

>> No.5199818

the british

>> No.5199822

>no claim to the land
they won it from the ottomans

>> No.5199823

I guess we should give Rome back to Germany, it clearly belongs to them since the Goths conquered it.

>> No.5199825

Who also had no legitimate claim to the land.

>> No.5199826



>> No.5199835

lol we could keep going back and back through the centuries or you could consider that people who weren't even born when the country was no longer under their peoples' control have no right to claim it. a twenty year old in gaza has no right to say that israeli land belongs to them simply because their great grandparents lived there

>> No.5199854

no because rome is under italian control as they were the most recent conquerors of the region.

>> No.5199861


only because the zionist militias blew up British HQ at the King David Hotel and Britain didn't have enough money to do anything about it

>> No.5199869

How about a twenty year old in Gaza who just had his house he lived in all his life bombed? Or a Palestinian in the West Bank region who was forcibly removed from his house and had to watch it be bulldozed to make way for Israeli settlers?

>> No.5199871

Nice way to thank the people who liberated you from the holocaust

>> No.5199876

What do the Russians have to do with any of this?

>> No.5199886

>britain liberated the jews
please, they simply helped defeat the germans. there was no motive to free the jews, just a consequence of the end of the war

well i disagree entirely with israeli settlements in the west bank, but would say that israeli defence from palestinian attacks is justified (yet tragically disproportionate). Simply because a palestinian's house is bombed does not justify his claim to extra-territorial land.

>> No.5199895

No state has a "right" to exist. Land is either seized or lost.

The Zionists learned their lesson in the Holocaust. The Jews tried to play nice and be good citizens, and they got murdered for it. There is no good or evil or right or wrong and god will not save you, there is only power.
So the liberal whiners and arab sympathizers can sit around all damn day and wring their hands about the poor Palestinians, it makes no difference. I wish them luck in their colonial project.

>> No.5199899

>hurr russians won the war
it was objectively a joint effort, the russians would have lost without britain and america, and vice versa

>> No.5199906

>israeli defence from palestinian attacks is justified
I would reverse that and say the Palestinian defense against Israeli oppression is justified.

>his claim to extra-territorial land.
He isn't claiming anything but the ability to survive unmolested.

You're pretty clueless about what's going on there considering how opinionated you are.

>> No.5199907
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>muh Red Army
>muh casualties
What a shame that America, Britain, and France got involved in the war. Had Germany and Russia gone one-on-one against each other, both would be crushed and we wouldn't have to deal with the USSR pretending like they deserved land for their military incompetence.
>mfw Russia had more casualties than every other country combined

>> No.5199910

Holy fuck can you get more statist than this

>> No.5199911

>the russians would have lost without britain and america
Prove it.

>> No.5199918
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i'm not assuming everyone is, just that you are

>> No.5199948

>>his claim to extra-territorial land.
>He isn't claiming anything but the ability to survive unmolested.
palestine claims all israeli territory as theirs

prove it? how about the fact that the germans made enormous gains into russia up until 1942, only suddenly losing at stalingrad and moscow because they had to focus forces on the western front and africa. if all of their forces in france, egypt and libya, alongside the italians were focused on the eastern front, the russians would have been mincemeat. the germans had 3.5 million troops on the western front in 1939-40, and a similar amount in the east. doubling the size of their army, as well as massively increasing their weapons, tanks, planes, halftracks etc. deployed to the east would have resulted in russian annihilation

>> No.5199950

>Do you really think you're absolved of crime if you just walk away??
Yes, of course.

>> No.5199957

perhaps lawfully, but not morally
choosing not to save someone when you could easily do so? immoral.

>> No.5199971

look at this actual fucking pleb

>> No.5199979


>> No.5199980

Do you know what morality is? It's people commanding you to keep their best interests in mind or else, and the or else is always either violent retaliation or deserting and breaking the mutual contact and beneficial relationship you've developed(but only beneficial in the way that it's a superior mode of existence to all out violence).

>> No.5199986

>palestine claims all israeli territory as theirs
This is an inaccurate generalization of radical fringe elements onto the entire population.

>> No.5199989

lol so much edginess
then what do they hope to achieve with their rockets?

>> No.5199997

I'm not edgy in the slightest. I believe people have a light in them that we all, regardless of pretence, want to share with everyone else.

Morality is just a great hindering violence for the insecure.

>> No.5200005

what is statist?

>> No.5200011


90% of German casualties occurred on the Eastern Front, 600 German divisions were wiped out by the Red Army.


>> No.5200016

It's desperation. You're talking about people who are regularly bombed, shot, starved, denied water, imprisoned, intimidated and harassed. And this has been the case for over a generation. Most Palestinians don't have any hope for the future and are retaliating out of hopelessness or rage.

Are you as ignorant of the situation over there as you seem, or are you just blinded by ideological adherence to support for Israel?

>> No.5200023
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Jew Kike Rowling taught this generation well

>> No.5200025


There is no point in arguing about who is right or who is wrong here. If you want to do something about it, then actually do something about it, instead of arguing with people on the internet.

>> No.5200037

yes, because the germans were outnumbered 8 to 1. i'm saying if they didn't have the distraction of the western front and could focus theirs and their allies' troops to the east they would have defeated the russians.
why do you keep making these baseless claims about my supposed ignorance?

>> No.5200043


>> No.5200048

It isn't baseless when you demonstrate it with every post.

>> No.5200052

If Stalin wasn't so paranoid about forces egging him and Hitler into a fight, Barbarossa probably wouldn't have been nearly as successful as it was in its early stages.

>> No.5200059

hitler would have been able to attack two years earlier, in '39, and so the russians would have very limited amounts of tanks. those two years they built hundreds of thousands of t-34s

simply because i believe the land of israel belongs to the jews rightfully i am ignorant.

>> No.5200065

>simply because i believe the land of israel belongs to the jews rightfully i am ignorant.
No, it's because of your reasons for believing that. I've already demonstrated why they're ignorant. Reread the posts if you want a refresher on that.

>> No.5200075

you haven't demonstrated why they're 'ignorant' you just claim that they are because we disagree

>> No.5200191

What would Jesus Christ do? Assuming no miracles/Divine Providence

>> No.5200203

he would sacrifice his sanctity by killing the one, condemning himself to hell and saving the five

>> No.5200211

damn. jesus is such a bro

>> No.5200214

>you haven't demonstrated why they're 'ignorant' you just claim that they are because we disagree

No, I've given you actual examples of the injustice that Palestinians faced at the hands of Israeli occupation.

Do you really think that Israel is justified to deny food, medicine and water to everyone living in Gaza? You think that is a matter of opinion?

>> No.5200267

>implying he wouldn't jump in front himself

>> No.5200272

>saving the five

But, what about the one who got killed?

>> No.5200282

>let it kill the 5, then switch it over so it kills the 1 and flies off the cliff


>> No.5200290

Take your pills anon

>> No.5200300

He would tell you to give unto the tram what belongs unto the tram and then wander away back into the desert.