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/lit/ - Literature

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5193602 No.5193602[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


> Pais de procedencia
> Libro favorito, escrito en Español.

>> No.5193609

V2 passed. Speak English Or Die.

>> No.5193625


> La vida es sueño

>> No.5193639

Learning Spanish right now in order to read some books in their native language.

Is there any worthwhile Spanish literature aside from Don Quixote?

>> No.5193682


Spanish: Quevedo, Jose Cela, Pio Baroja... If you like plays: Lope de Vega, Garcia Lorca has some too...

In spanish: Borges, Cortázar, Rulfo, Márquez, Bolaño, Sábato...

If you ask me...

>> No.5193713

No hablo mehicano either, chicano.

>> No.5194328

>Bogotá, Colombia
>Cien años de soledad.

>> No.5195339


I'd add Miguel de Unamuno to the first list and Vargas Llosa to the second one.

>El aleph

>> No.5195413


> Pais de procedencia
La isla del encanto y el espanto, Puerto Rico.
> Libro favorito, escrito en Español.
Cabron, ni se. O el Aleph or Cien Años. Me siento avergonzado por que no he leido mucha lit en español.

>> No.5195420

Jajaja, que bello. Fucking ingles se cola en donde no va.

>> No.5195429

Spanish literature is much more than just Don Quixote, but people here only talk about it because it's in the only spanish book in the /lit/core.
Spanish literature is not quite good nowadays -just from Spain, I mean-, but a lot of spanish classics are God tier.

Also, I posted this in a thread yesterday; it's an anthology of poetry in Spanish (XII-XX Centuries):


>> No.5195437
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There's so much potential in Latinamerica. When will we have our boom? Pic related is very good.

>> No.5195482

>When will we have our boom?
We, who? Spain? Spain had it "boom"... 400 years ago.
Spanish literature is dead, but at least it leaves a beauty corpse.

>> No.5195546

Learning English right now in order to read some books in their native language.

Is there any worthwhile English literature aside from Shakespeare?

>> No.5195548

Pensé en Unamuno. Niebla es muy buena nivola.


Cervantes was great. Quijote and Sancho are now part of the spanish history. He created an ingenious story in which he reflected himself becoming immortal. Literally. Cervantes/Quijote is an usual confusion. And, if you know the story and his story, is completely reasonable.

But, if we get on the writing. Quevedo, always Quevedo. The best writer of the spanish language. Also Lope, one of the most prolific authors in Spanish literature. A man that Cervantes himself called Phoenix of the Ingenuity and Monster of the Nature.

>> No.5195632

Los perros calientes estan debajo del despertador!

>> No.5195686

crónica de la intervención

>> No.5195700
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>> No.5195717

We can't speak here.

>Don Quixote o quizàs las Novelas Ejemplares de Cervantes
>aquidelantede tu solo leiste a Cervantes

No es verdad, pero casi.

>> No.5195738

makes sense.

>> No.5195740

> Estados Unidos
> Cien años de Soledad

Me encanta La Vida es Sueño. Escribí un ensayo sobre la influencia budista en esta obra. Espero publicarlo este otoñó.

>> No.5195875

>Escribí un ensayo sobre la influencia budista...

Interesante. Me gustaría conocer más acerca de ello.

>> No.5195898

La estructura viene de la historia de Barlaam y Josafat, la historia de dos santos catolicos, pero en realidad, es la historia de Buda. Encontré documentación que apoya esto.

Lope de Vega escribió una versión de Barlaam y Josafat para el teatro, y Calderón tomó influencia de esto para escribir La vida es Sueño.

>> No.5195934


El Laberinto de la Soledad (Octavio Paz), Del Sentimiento Trágico de la Vida (Miguel de Unamuno), Noche Oscura del Alma (San Juan de la Cruz).

>> No.5195967

I thought I was on /int/ for a second and this was the hilo latino.

Anyway I breezed through 2666 in about 5 days and loved it. spanish speaking amerifag here

>> No.5195981

>EE. UU.

Well, there was this:

>> No.5196248

Rayuela. Aún me queda por leer el segundo libro, en el orden no-cronológico indicado al comienzo. ¿Qué me espera? ¿Es mejor la experiencia que cuando se lee el libro en orden cronológio?

>> No.5196598

che loco que onda ese libro esta piola
parece medio pelo hay que ver le lei lo que me dejaba amazon pero no me convencio mucho habla de recortes de diarios que junto? no lei nunca no-ficcion es no ficcion? medio que me confunde lo lei asi nomas igual
esta barato igual 280 pesitos
la portada esta linda

>> No.5196763

Loved marquez but bolaño is like holy fuck.
Borges is a prolific writer but I'm not sure I'd pick him over them.

Are you grill? in college or highschool?
yes? love it and will post it on facebook
no? it's ok

>> No.5197624

Alguien aqui ha leido Marianela o ?

>> No.5197654

Grupo de whatsapp /lit/ ya!!

>> No.5197661

Not a girl, sorry bb.

Where do I start with Bolaño and Borges?

>> No.5197756

>Republica Dominicana
>Don Quixote

(I haven't read that many books in Spanish, but I am getting into the swing of it)

>> No.5197778

Quando teremos uma thread de línguas latinas, hermanos?

>> No.5197816

>Bogotá, colombia
>La Inmortalidad, Milan Kundera

>> No.5197819

ah, no lei bien la pregunta

>> No.5197897

El libro solo que yo he leído en español es Ficciones. Desgraciadamente mi universidad me obliga a estudiar francés.

>> No.5198180
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Nada de clichés, además preguntaron libro favorito escrito en español. Sin embargo, es el libro más fascinante que he leído en toda mi vida, a pesar que todavía soy muy joven.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm so fascinated with latinamerican literature, specially with the books written during the boom. I mean, there's a lot of good books written by american writers, british writers, french writers, etc, but why can't I read books from where I am from if they are as good as the other ones, and they are written in my mother language?

I don't know, its just things that I think... sorry about my english.

>> No.5198198

>estados unidos
>don Quixote de la Mancha

>> No.5198384


Sobre Heroes y tumbas de Sabato y Bomarzo de Mujica Lainez.

>> No.5198430

Cien Años de Soledad

>> No.5198465

With Bolano start with nazi literature of the americas if you wanna go small but if you wanna go big just start with 2666, its fucking great

borges - ficciones

>> No.5198648

De acuerdo.

Cien años de soledad es goldtier.

>> No.5198658

detectives salvajes
aleph and ficciones (i think there's laberynths or some shit with a lot of stories for you amerifats)

>> No.5200196


>Cortázar íntregro, pero especificamente Rayuela.

También me partieron la cabeza los poemas de Miguel Hernández

>> No.5202008

Miami Babilonia.