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/lit/ - Literature

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519309 No.519309 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck I love russian literature. The best thing to come out of the country. Crime and Punishment was the best book I've read. Also read Notes from the Underground from the same guy (Dostoevsky). Right now enjoying The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov.

Any recommendations what to read next? More Dostoevsky (the Idiot) or try to tackle Tolstoi? I haven't really read Gogol either apart from a couple short stories at school.

>> No.519320

Read "1001 Uses for Vodka"


4chan needs to let me fucking underline titles for books, not being able to do so is really pissing me off.

>> No.519324
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All of this, in order

>> No.519319


>> No.519325

The Idiot is my favorite Dostojevsky book. You should really read it

>> No.519327

The Petty Demon by Sologub

>> No.519334

Damn, there's so many there that's kind of daunting. I like books but I'm not a very dedicated reader, maybe like 3-4 books a year (lol). I'll probably try Gogol and other 19th century stuff first.

>> No.519352

gogol is a badass, read as much of him as you can find.

>> No.519354

where to start?

>> No.519355
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The Petty Demon is 19th Century, seriously give it a look because it is so often overlooked and was full of lulz and mindblowing psychology on level with dostoyevski. I have been crusading on its behalf ever since reading.

>> No.519460

cool thanks

>> No.519473


>> No.519481

Try About Love , collection of chekov's short stories, and also Fathers and Sons by Turganev

>> No.519484

Heart of a Dog, by Bulgakov, is a pretty awesome read.

>> No.519486

(not crazy about tolstoy)

you already know dostoevsky. i think this is all i know for russian lit. :(

>> No.519489

Oblomov is the best choice for Anonimous.
Tak derjat, tovarisch.

>> No.519510

Pasternaks Doktor Zhivago. The beginning is a struggle, but in the end you'll be in tears. Highly recommended.

>> No.519521

I don't see Franz Kafka in any of these lists.
You guys suck.

>> No.519562
File: 38 KB, 630x315, gordon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking trollin nigga

>> No.519577

Записки Охотника by Ivan Turgenev

>> No.519582


I prefer A Hunter's Notes by Иван Тургенев

>> No.519591


I prefer reading in Russian.

>> No.519610

I know Russian. Now who's laughing??

>> No.519618


Я. Я сейчас смеюсь.