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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 484x720, Girl who reads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5192610 No.5192610[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Not dating a girl who reads

>> No.5192614

>the world's

>> No.5192618

readers are so pretentious. sometimes I hate myself for reading books.

>> No.5192630

I think we can all agree ... that OP's pic needs more .jpg

>> No.5192638

>not dating a landwhale who read Twilight and 50 shades of Greys

>> No.5192647

Depends on what the girl reads

>> No.5192656

Go away normalfag

>> No.5192660

>reading a book at 2 am
so unemployed
>weeps while reading a book
mentally and emotionally fragile
>talks about characters as if they were real

none of these are desirable traits in a partner.

>> No.5192663

I've listened to this dude talking a couple of times and he seems actually pretty chill and funny so there's no way he actually wrote that bullshit is there?

>> No.5192665

>not dating a really hot blind girl and reading books to her out loud

>> No.5192666

>Mfw autistic NEETs who have been here for two years think they run this
>Yfw you try desperately to justify your horrific life every day to people who don't care

>> No.5192674

I did, and then she became irrationally upset with me but wouldn't explain why and consequently broke up with me. Girls are shitty

>> No.5192682

>tripfags thinking they can insult anyone

>> No.5192689

Plus he hangs out with deaf grips.

>> No.5192690

I've had that with guys just the same. Trust me it's mostly the same bullshit, you only apply your own qualities and think male partners wouldn't be emotional wrecks.

>> No.5192695

>Getting actually mad over 4chan
>Over a shitpost thread
>Not knowing what a tripfag actually is

Two years was generous

>> No.5192697

i've dated only 3 girl, and all of three were readers
1. A baricco-joyce lover
2. A Dostojewski-Dawkins lover
3. A rowling-cornwell lover
1. was a bitch (numberless sex partners) and a liar (not about the sex, about the everyday things)
2. was a cunt (she say me about herself "I'm atheist but maybe pagan")
3. had a 10 years old head

No more readers for me

>> No.5192702

Fuck off back to reddit or just go to Wizardchan, you'll fit right in you pathetic loser.

>> No.5192717

How does that work?

>> No.5192744

people who read only occasionally and spend a lot of their time on reading message boards are pretentious.

>> No.5192778

Nothing wrong with being pretentious.

>> No.5192798


>> No.5192807

Serious question. Are you a new namefag? Not saying you're a new user, just asking about the "The cats".

>> No.5192812

I imagine she likes Dawkins entry level science and atheism books and has read some books by Dostoievsky.

>> No.5192842

Her parents are atheists because the grandparents were too catholics.
She used every day dawkins quotes for questioning me about religion (and i'm a huge fan of classics so I've dragged her into dostojewski).
Because of her grandparents, she was used to see the church like a borghese empty corporation. Also she have a master in biology so dawkins was consequential i think

>> No.5192863

I feel your pain. Just be a bro to everybody and avoid being a pretentious faggot and you're good.

>> No.5192864

The cats first posted under that name on Sun Feb 16 08:33:04 2014, creating a thread asking if Aqua Teen Hunger Force was post modern. He deleted the thread before anyone replied.

>> No.5192874

I am a giant faggot please kill me.

>> No.5192877

She's my lovecat, actually, but despite my love for autistic girls I would like to meet her IRL instead of talking on the chins

>> No.5192886

I used it on /x/ a lot and decided when I was drunk recently to start attaching it to some of my posts. It was unintentional in this thread.

>> No.5193286


>> No.5193295


>> No.5193304

Spawning shitposters was actually the whole reason I did this on /x/ because it's such low hanging fruit it was inevitable on that board and I hated succubi and tarot threads a lot.

>> No.5193308

The cats is from /x/

>> No.5193338

He's severely mentally damaged from long term social isolation. He lost touch with reality and brainwashed his puny NEET mind into becoming a meme spam machine.

>> No.5193349

I'm infertile so I figure I should spawn some shitposters too so I can have Chirijiraden.

>> No.5193375
File: 684 KB, 350x262, 1396067204936.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My phone just doesn't clear fields and I don't like NEETs very much. I'm sorry that I made you so upset, but my name is gone like I'd originally intended for OPs great thread, so I hope we can be friends now!

>> No.5193390

He knows that this will sway young impressionable girls to read and perhaps rethink their priorities.
Good thing to do in his position. Good on you m80

>> No.5193398

But then they'll just read genre-fiction trash, which is even worse than not reading at all.

>> No.5193417

This is a major problem for people who really like the medium/art, when they see people who they can smell from a distance away aren't interested in the medium/art pretending as if they were more than an actual fan of the medium/art would be, and you know since you are a fan of the medium/art, and it irks them a lot.

Just ignore, they'll be weeded out eventually, same as gamer-girls, stoner-emo-girls, and reader-girls, once they're exposed for what they are or just ignored, they'll find a different hobby or a medium/art to fake interest in.

>> No.5193426

not necessarily and probably not

>> No.5193461

>I don't like NEETs

Why do you hate yourself?

>> No.5193462

Were you on /x/ when CAPSLOCK had a meltdown?

>> No.5193473

Nah, I'd never be friends with a loser.

>> No.5193478

>dating a girl

We live in the 21st century, shitlord. Assuming that I don't want to date a guy who reads is triggering me.

>> No.5193486

I am a girl who reads. Why does nobody want to date me? ;_;

>> No.5193490

Because you're hideous. Can I have your phone number?

>> No.5193498

No I pushed 8 pages of threads of the board copypasting a tulpafags OP and bumping myself and then stopped using the board in like december. Also is Hanz dead?

>> No.5193512

What you describe is not an achievement to be proud of. What the fuck are you doing with your life? You're a young adult (at least I reasonably assume you are). You should be outside and enjoying life, having fun. Have you ever had an appointment with a psychiatrist or a psychotherapist?

>> No.5193516

CAPSLOCK lost her shit some time last October and I believe Hanz is still around. I left some time around last Halloween. I've gone back to visit and laugh at how stupid /x/ is.
I remember you replying in some threads and people buying what you said.

>> No.5193539

>implying any girl would date me whether she reads or not

>> No.5193545

I know better than to talk about my fake life on 4chan but suffice it to say it's not difficult to shitpost and maintain a regularish life, especially in the era of smartphones.

I was here before scientology and I'll be here 5evar m90.

>> No.5193566
File: 60 KB, 640x480, 1406363455172[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Caps lock was the most literate of all the /x/ tripfags

>> No.5193586

Hi! few things to start off with 1.=] Yes, I i've replied you because you're a female reader, It's an awesome thing to see...! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen

>> No.5193588

You have no idea what you're missing out on, my little no-life neckbeard.

>> No.5193615
File: 1.05 MB, 2048x1534, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le ebic ;)

>> No.5193640

Post a pic of your pills.

>> No.5193642

I don't abuse opiates or take ecstasy.

>> No.5193691

The pills your psychiatrist gave you. Post them.

>> No.5193736

One pill makes me larger and one pill makes me small.=

Is this what Buddha called siddhis?

>> No.5193737

It's over dude. Let it go.

>> No.5193753

being pretentious only means ignorant people being pissed off at the fact that you took the time to educate yourself in something outside of facebook and twitter

>> No.5193761


>> No.5193778

nou ;)

>> No.5193789

Wat vind je van daan hammer.

>> No.5194082

for maximum effect

>> No.5194124

Right now I'm dating a literature professor and I have to say, it's a bit grating to discuss books with him. He knows a lot more than I do and we both know it so he always ends up leading the conversation, even if the discussion is on something I've been reading since elementary school and am extremely familiar with like The Lord of the Rings or Dracula or something.

>> No.5194130


>> No.5194143

Recently, I'm not being able to date a girl, why would I even hope they read books?

>> No.5194172

It's common sense the same person read both books, if and only if, she reads Twilight. So saying "she reads Twilight" means the same as "she reads 50 shades".

>> No.5194186

I love you, man.

>> No.5194541

Beta who let his gf be fucked by another guy giving dating advices.

>> No.5195345
File: 45 KB, 251x234, 1364355563385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>When you find her up at 2 AM clutching a book to her chest and weeping, make her a cup of tea and hold her.

This faggot has fucked more pussy than I ever will in my life while still saying absolute estrogenqueen shit like this.

Christ this is disillusioning..

>> No.5195355

>All this projection and attempt to definine one's self in opposition.

Never change /lit/

>> No.5195356


>implying you're truly mad at this

you obviously got into him because you have daddy issues, so don't act like you're offended when he starts to lead you in everything

>> No.5195361


>> No.5195388
File: 7 KB, 185x186, 5345345345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>date a girl who reads actual literature

>> No.5195410 [DELETED] 


I like girls who read. My girlfriend is reading next to me right now.

>> No.5195425


no one likes a humble brag faggot bro

be less corny

>> No.5195434

I once dated a girl who had practically memorized the content of all communist literature. Despite being quite hot, eventually I found her so insufferable that I would have even preferred the company of our (unbeloved) Feminister.

>> No.5195470


If she didn't have a big submissive streak in bed then I don't even understand how all that drama could ever be worth it.

>> No.5195477

What if she's too busy writing her dissertation to read for pleasure?

>> No.5195489

>I once dated a girl who had practically memorized the content of all communist literature.
Christ, I'm surprised you stuck around long enough to date her. I'd have run at the first mention of Marx.

>> No.5195493


she must have sucked your butthole just the right way for you to tolerate her

>> No.5195549
File: 173 KB, 535x600, lil-wayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girl don't read but she got hella brain.

>> No.5195560

She had a 8/10 face and a 10/10 body. Brain said no, dick said yes.

Now I know why she was available to begin with

>> No.5195574


>> No.5196517

I think all of the girlfriends I had were avid readers.
my ex girlfriend and I used to read carver's novels and dylan thomas poetry to each other. pretty gay huh?

>> No.5196534

beta/cringe classic

>> No.5196556

Women by and far read more than men. It's just all magazines.

>> No.5197532

>tfw dating a qt bookworm but will never be able to ravage her with my tiny intellect

>> No.5197541


>> No.5197646

>when tumblr steals a quote from a girl who reads and credits it to the boy who inspired a generation of girls to read twilight

>> No.5197668
File: 3.94 MB, 2743x2569, no kstew gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn make kstew a cup of tea and hold her

>> No.5197726

I only date girls who are dumber than me, so they don't challenge my authority. I'd keep them all illiterate if I could.

>> No.5198520

Date an immigrant then.

>> No.5198550

>This is a major problem for people who really like the medium/art

No. It really isn't.

>> No.5198551

>it's impossible to make educated guesses without projecting

This "you're projecting!" trend is getting old.

>> No.5198563

no, being pretentious means everyone with eyes being pissed off at the fact that you're trying and failing to be something you're not

>> No.5198570

No, being pretentious only means ignorant people being pissed off at the fact that you took the time to educate yourself in something outside of Facebook and Twitter.
Pretentiousness is a good trait to have.

>> No.5198574


>> No.5198581

Do you pull out and then leave in the morning?

>> No.5198606

do you even fucking math

they're not the same, because 'she reads 50 shades of grey' doesn't necessarily imply by your logic that 'she reads twilight'

what you mean to say is that 'she reads twilight' means the same as 'she reads twilight and 50 shades of grey'

>> No.5198611

A lot of people use the word "pretentious" to mean "it is above me", that's true. But, this is a misuse of the word. Pretentious has the same root as pretense and pretend. When one is pretentious, it means they are pretending to be what they aren't.

But, granted, most modern usage of the word pretentious means "it is above me".

>> No.5198625

> Read Ulysses in High School
> Find it an enjoyable, but also a difficult read albeit its impossibility was greatly exeggrated
> Can't say this aloud unironically

>> No.5198637

> Dosty
Entry level realist pseudo-philosophy
> Dawkins
Entry level level realist pseudo-philosophy

>> No.5198642

>Entry level realist pseudo-philosophy
wut r u hi on anon