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5192511 No.5192511[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"The perfect woman. The perfect woman is a higher type of human than the perfect man, and also something much more rare."

-Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All too Human

What the hell does he mean by that, any examples of such an exalted type of woman?

>> No.5192520


>> No.5192545
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A tripfag storm is coming

>> No.5192552

I'm guess he means that women suffer even more than men under Christianity and are completely subjugated into slave morality, meaning that the female "soul" is even more exquisitely complex after all these years, making a perfect woman both harder to imagine and even more praiseworthy. It's not that hard to understand.

>> No.5192554


Probably this, his philosopher crush. But I can also see how it makes sense, I mean a woman with complete autonomy, an unbeatable intelligence, and also social and physical grace seems pretty stunning.

none of our girl tripfags are like that

>> No.5192562

Ayn Rand

>> No.5192565

was nietzsche a manlet?

>> No.5192566

I love Nietzsche. But perfection is boring and a bunch of strong wills butting heads is insufferable. This is where the Taoist philosophy of flexibility over strength is desirable. In a hurricane, the bamboo bends; the tree breaks.

And Mary Wollenstencraft, Charlotte Bronte, and Olive Schreiner were pretty based.

>> No.5192574

places when the womens are like this can't stand more than 2 generations

>> No.5192586

>beta fear and dismissal
case-in-point of a perfect woman's impact.

>> No.5192595
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>any examples of such an exalted type of woman?

>> No.5192598


>and a bunch of strong wills butting heads is insufferable.
If this is Nietzsche's thing, I agree, but these future people need not butt head so much, but rather respect each other.

>> No.5192599

Everyone's subjugated into slave morality, it's been the entire binding of society for more than 2,000 years. A conforming slave's soul is no where near as complex as someone who resents their bindings, regardless of whether they abide by them or not. To Nietzsche, a perfect woman is entirely impossible, while the concept of a perfect man remains with grasp. The acquiring of anything impossible, will forever infinitely outweigh any and all achievements that can be observed within the realm achievement.

>> No.5192603

It's just his crazy side. Schopenhauer had that too. Going off on rants about humanity and such. They both softened up there as they got older. You gotta expect everyone to be a little biased sometimes, if only because focussing too long. Especially among those who do intellectual activities for a prolonged time. Dust will settle on many of them...

>> No.5192609

5'8'' according to some sources so basically prince of manlets.

>> No.5192612

>They both softened up there as they got older
Human all too human is a relatively early work of his.

>> No.5192617

I mean that afterwards they did

>> No.5192633

>imply isn't the true

>> No.5192658

He's just talking out his ass and trying to get laid.

It's obviously meant to be poetic rather than literal. After all, until he has identified two or more perfect men, how can he possibly claim that a perfect woman is more rare? Just don't make no sense.

>> No.5192673

Was Nietzsche the most authentic atheist?

>> No.5192706

lel no

>> No.5192707


>writes a neo-spiritualist tract that puts his personal philosophy about affirmation of life in the mouth of a guy who founded a religion
>says that God is dead
>God the concept and the word, not God the Being
>reading him as an atheist

I question your interpretive skill sir.

>> No.5192710

The perfect woman understands she is subservient to her man and takes great joy in taking care and providing support to him. Submitting by her own will makes her the superior woman. Submission and loyalty are the best (the latter the most rare) qualities a woman can have. Submitting your life to a man of your choosing and sticking to him through thick and thin exudes total confidence in one's own judgement as well as liberates woman of artificially created competitive, materialistic and petty expectations. It's unfortunately a big leap in today's world, but ultimately one that provides perfect harmony between a man and a woman.

>> No.5192728

the perfect woman has more to overcome than the perfect man.

>> No.5192736


>> No.5192737

>i've never read the antichrist

>> No.5192745
File: 68 KB, 1440x1080, Rika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I despise submissive women. The reason being I assume is that I'm kind of a meathead as to how I project myself outwards and having something so naturally weaker in build and mental fortitude as a female be dominated by me even slightly would be below my "honor".

So I feel completely comfortable getting dominated and bossed around by a woman, but not by my fellow male peers.

>> No.5192758

check for low T

>> No.5192759

That's because you're a desexualized eunuch nerd who had no good examples of healthy male/female interaction growing up. In other words, a millennial.

>> No.5192771

>says that God is dead
Yes, as a metaphysical construct, the denial of which is necessary to materialist doctrine. I say he is the logical conclusion of atheism as he saw Christianity as the Platonic continuation that it was and therefore rejected moral objectivity and Truth as a whole, arguing for men to reach their own values since none exist objectively.
Compare this to modern day atheists who attack religion without any nuance and understanding that Fred had and continue to hold onto platonism with no basis, they will usuallu spout rhetoric how mankind will reach moral perfection away from religious slavery, all of which I think Freddy would sneer at

>> No.5192774

It means that Nietzsche felt vaguely like really impressive women were more special than men, in some vague and inexplicable way and he spewed it out into one of hisbooks without explaining it. Like everything else he wrote

>> No.5192782


I did. But it was a long time ago and didn't strike me as one of his best works.

If you read "Philosophy in the Tragic Era of the Greeks" you might reconsider Neech's fedora status. He has absolutely nothing in common with modern atheism, and modern atheism's attempt to annex him into their pantheon is sad, really.

>> No.5192787


I don't think he thought the situation of "God is dead" is a good one, however. I agree with most of your post though.

>> No.5192789

I lift weights and do sports so I doubt I have "low T".
In my view female dominance over me in a household is healthy because it makes me feel good and revitalized.

>> No.5192795

lol fucking asian philosophy. easily the dumbest shit

>> No.5192804

Yeah, you're probably either German/Scandi or emasculated in some weird way

>> No.5192811

>I lift weights and do sports so I doubt I have "low T".

neither activity precludes low T

>> No.5192815

>I lift weights and do sports so I doubt I have "low T".

check for low IQ

>> No.5192816

I already told you my reasoning, I am very masculine therefor I feel good when a female has dominance over me because I would feel extremely bad if I didn't have a worthy opponent to enact my masculinity upon, and women are the opposite of a "worthy opponent".

>> No.5192821

That's weird

>> No.5192822

>muh man card

>> No.5192834

Wouldn't a person with low testosterone levels have at least some trouble gaining muscle mass?

>> No.5192835


>compare this to modern day atheists

no, what comes after this in your post doesn't actually describe very many people, you've spent to much time in this echo chamber of "tips fedora" "tips fedora" "tips fedora"

you're forgetting that real atheists almost never talk about religion, and they certainly don't share any overarching positions regarding morality, platonism, the practical value of religion

overgeneralizing is worthless, it just a way for you to feel better about yourself

>> No.5192836

>don't think he thought the situation of "God is dead" is a good one, however.

Of course he did. The entire concept of the Overman is predicated on the concept of God being no longer necessary.

>> No.5192841

My dad beat up my mom regularly yet she kept being submissive to him, did I experience healthy male/female relationships.

>> No.5192851

post pics of gains

>> No.5192855
File: 88 KB, 508x646, rousseau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not getting joyous sexual pleasure when women espouse dominance over you by spanking you like a bad baby

You're missing out.

>> No.5192865

idk, i've tried being submissive and it just never works. for better or worse, i think my entire approach to sex involves me being dominant

>> No.5192869


You are making a categorical error of conflating a necessity and a desirability.

>> No.5192879

Maybe, but it seems likely that he desired the conditions for the Overman seeing as how he wrote so passionately about it in Zarathustra.

>> No.5192891

shut up. you're the oblomov of the education

>> No.5192899

What is a "real" atheist? I am speaking of people I know who have claimed to be atheists and my own personal experience as a teen. It is rarely more than simple rebellion against the prevailing moral norms and failure to look deeper into the western Christian tradition, constructing a weak strawman to justify your intelligence as an atheist against the weak sheep
No doubt there are philosophers who argue against theism on its own terms but they are not what constitutes runofrun of the mill atheists

>> No.5192919

Nietzsche loves himself sum whorses

>> No.5192947

cooshy sentiment

>> No.5192954

Indeed, for only a horse would interpret another's neigh! saying as a yaay! saying

>> No.5192958

98% of all femdom dominatrixes are jewish women


>> No.5192970

you don't get enough vitamin D

femdom is only popular with white people

nonwhites don't buy that shit for a second, and their women aren't into it either

>> No.5192983

There are some Japanese salarymen who would disagree.

>> No.5192993

japan are honorary whites

>> No.5192994

The most successful civilizations ARE into it then?

>> No.5192999

The japanese would laugh their asses of at this

>> No.5193008


>> No.5193010

JAPs are all Jewish-American-Princesses

>> No.5193011

They were considered "honorary whites" in South Africa so they could be involved in trade under apartheid. That's the only time I've heard of "honorary white".

>> No.5193043

jewish women are sub as fuck

>> No.5193050

It's all the shinto fnords they put in the rice paddies.

>> No.5193053

this was interesting thank for the knowledge

>> No.5193077

Schopenhauer maybe. Nietzsche started out mellow and got fiercer and wilder. After his break from the whole Schopenhauer/Wagner thing he was about reason and science and a sort of calm detached irony and in the end he was about I am dynamite and it should be punishable by law to eat at the same table as a priest and such.

>> No.5193092

Stirner was. Nietzsche's very character was religious/spiritual, that's why he tried so hard to fill the void left behind by his loss of faith. Stirner was like 'got milk lmao'.

>> No.5193102

no1 gives a shit about stirner

>> No.5193107

Nietzsche is more atheist than modern atheists since he attempted to overcome/replace cultural christianity.

>> No.5193111

Nietzsche's main thing was conflating necessity and desirability. That was his highest ideal.

>> No.5193116

Nietzsche did. Marx did.

>> No.5193120

>That image

Was neechee a mason?

>> No.5193122

>Nietzsche did

lol no he didn't. and marx is an idiot so whore cares

>> No.5193128

Was he an architect? I don't think so. Unless you're talking about holographic architecture.

>> No.5193151

he was into pegging

>> No.5193155

I believe the hand gesture he's doing is a Freemason symbol but I don't know what it's called to confirm.

>> No.5193158

Freemasons are cultural appropriationists. I would not jump to conclusions.

>> No.5193164

It's possible. It's also possible that he just saw a few paintings of esteemed men that WERE masons and he was just copying their pose without its occult significance.

>> No.5193173

>being this daft
that's how it masonry works, punk

>> No.5193190

You all seem to not realise that Atheism is not a choice.

God does not exist just because it would be nice or because you decide he does and something is not more nor less true just because an angsty teenager says it or your so highly valued community.

You are born an atheist, proof that god exists lies upon you.

>> No.5193211

>you are born an atheist

Even if that was true it means absolutely nothing, what a retarded argument. We are all born as self-centered amoral pricks, too.

>> No.5193257

>You are born an atheist
top lel

>> No.5193285

>atheism is not a choice
former muslim with aspirations to become an imam here.

You're full of shit, son.

>> No.5193303

Mason here, there's nothing occult about it. The hand is placed over the heart while speaking, in masonic meetings. It's called the "stance of loyalty" in my language, and signifies that we speak heart to heart, hiding nothing. Whether or not the hand is within or without the jacket differs from person to person.

After a while, it simply became a popular stance among the higher classes, partially because many of them were freemasons(only high profile people were allowed in for quite some time)

>> No.5193327

>Even if that was true it means absolutely nothing
It is an absolute, that child is born without a religion. That you think this perfectly credible argument means nothing needs the citation.

What's so "lel" about it?

From a certain perspective, it's true. From your once held belief too as a "former Muslim"
There is no god but the ones we make up in our heads

>> No.5193328
File: 919 KB, 1399x942, american women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was talking about the typical american woman

>> No.5193333

It's the dialectic of the fine currency and it's debasement by the dogs. Occultism is a word whose meaning shifts in relation to where the sun and moon and stars are in relation to the earth.

>> No.5193335

A child is born without any knowledge of or opinion on religion; that makes it impossible for them to identify with a particular intellectual or political position on religion.

>> No.5193339

All children are born religious. Religions are ethnocultural memetic control devices implanted into the genetic code. All kids are born aspiritually.

>> No.5193345

Any woman that you, personally, are infatuated with.

>> No.5193353

>Wagner (a bullish individual, to put it mildly) instigated a correspondence with Nietzsche’s then-doctor, evincing a great deal of concern for his younger friend, but an arresting want of tact:

“In assessing Nietzsche’s condition I have long been reminded of identical or very similar experiences with young men of great intellectual ability. Seeing them laid low by similar symptoms, I discovered all too certainly that these were the effects of masturbation [by hiding under their bed, perhaps]. Ever since I observed Nietzsche closely, guided by such experiences, all his traits of temperament and characteristic habits have transformed my fear into a conviction.”


>> No.5193356

Right. An atheist.

>All children are born religious
Wrong. And you seem to agree
>All kids are born aspiritually.
IE atheist.

>> No.5193362

Wait, was everyone doing a nofap in the 19th century or what. Isn't daily masturbation a normal thing?

>> No.5193364

>Isn't daily masturbation a normal thing?


>> No.5193389

Not everyone. It was a Victorian-era Evangelical idea based on the pseudo-scientific belief that a man lost his "essence" when he masturbated that would lead to physical and mental illness. One of the results of this was that Evangelical churches put a lot of effort into organizing sport as a solution, this sped-up the formalizing of the rules of soccer and rugby. If you were exhausted from running around a football field, you wouldn't have the energy to masturbate.

>> No.5193405

Not everyone. It was a Postmodern idea based on the pseudo-scientific belief that a man lost his "essence" when he masturbated that would lead to spiritual and ethical weakness. One of the results of this was that David Foster Wallace put a lot of effort into organizing sport as a solution, this sped-up the formalizing of the rules of tennis and obtuse wordplay. If you were exhausted from running around a tennis court, you wouldn't have the energy to slip into knee-jerk nihilism

>> No.5193441

Your pathetic argument boils down to "We were norn without a metaphysicao commitm3nt so we shoukd stay that way", typical skeptic bullshit, I guess we should also drop law, moral and economic frameworks and live outside of civilization too

>> No.5193549

>we should also drop law, moral and economic frameworks
Since these are all made up concepts too, I think we should just mold them to work for the greater good of the world, but at the same time to not kid ourselves about their actual properties.

>> No.5193614

No one man should have all that power

>> No.5193620

that doesn't mean anything

>> No.5194090
File: 394 KB, 700x930, 281178842ed10007ed9f30274c1f208b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was referring to 2D perfection. Cute, 2D females are superior to 2D males. 2D is superior to 3D in general.

>> No.5194110
File: 97 KB, 404x927, 1397466614156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True that

>> No.5194114

The people own the government, the government doesn't own the people. I'm not saying that's true, I'm just saying Churchill was right when he said that's how it should be.

>> No.5194122

Perhaps he meant the Buffy the Vampire Slayer type? They're always rather extraordinary women, made so by not having been able to depend on their fathers from a young age. I know one who is a polyglot and turned down European Parliament, and another who will shred any man in pretty much any argument, be about politics, philosophy, sports, diet, you name it...and that alone with being a lesbian who gets her kicks turning straight women (basically she's clashing heads with man in a big, big way).

>> No.5194134

Ugly girls can end up with that sort of drive too, but it's because they're ugly so they're awful people along with it.

>> No.5194147

this is very sound reasoning, the others are just ignorant for not understanding, not sarcasm

>> No.5194149

Sounds gay bro.

>> No.5194160

Sounds like his mom was a preying mantis who ate his father alive.

>> No.5194161


>and another who will shred any man in pretty much any argument, be about politics, philosophy, sports, diet

So a lesbian that speaks louder than most men in rhetoric. i.e. someone who would get "shredded" by any intelligent man where it matters, in WRITTEN arguments. What an uberwomensch

>> No.5194182

Actually I know he through her writing, so. And she's largely unbiased, too, where most aren't. Her only concern is being superior, where most men have some retarded god-complex besides (communism, capitalism, Christianity, etc.). She shreds in argument, always, because she views it largely as just combativism.

>> No.5194188

She's actually refreshingly unbiased. If I ever wasn't sure of an argument, it's her I'd check it with.

>> No.5194197

I don't think you can insert his criticism of Christianity into every scenario he writes thereafter. Rather, I think he's making a general statement that women are predominately lesser in soul but the very few whom have transcended human likeness are far greater and more capable than any man who has reached the claim of being a 'higher man', despite their number and likelihood being slightly more plausible.

though its clear this statement was the result of a lacklustre love-life and sexual frustration

>> No.5194198

Part of the kike plan to dominate the world (murka).

>> No.5194201

I psychoanalysed her one time, though, and she's really fucking mad with me since, lol.

>> No.5196561

This only works between same sex partners. Witht he given powerstructure between men and women it seems comical to do anything else.

>> No.5197123

There is no greater pleasure than to exert dominance over the female sex in the public sphere and then making a reversal in the private sphere.

>> No.5197130

lol fucking beta

>> No.5197147

Concealed beta I guess.

>> No.5197172

>What the hell does he mean by that
boys like girls
boys woo girls
boys who write woo girls with a lot of emphasis

>> No.5197176


dominance over the female sex is just a power fantasy, it's fun, i enjoy it, but its not real power and thus your conception that alphas enjoy dominance and betas enjoy being dominated is misguided

the dominance of the bedroom is a game, it's acting, and sometimes its fun to be on the receiving end of dominance, being beta would be being too ashamed to enjoy such pleasures because your power over the female is so precarious

>> No.5197182

>trusting the opinions of male philosophers in regard to women

No thanks, I like getting laid.

>> No.5197243

Sounds like someone with hangups.
>perfection is boring
Don't like when this is said. Perfection could not bore, there's not a perfect thing existing.

>> No.5197276

He seems more apathetic about God's existence than adamant about the nonexistence of one.

That sort of boldness would be his thing; shit, Pascal was hard more a bone to pick with agnostics and the nonchalant than atheists.

>> No.5197346
File: 25 KB, 485x520, Columbia_Pictures_(1992).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The perfect woman. The perfect woman is a higher type of human than the perfect man, and also something much more rare."

He means related.

>> No.5197488

Not a manlet at the time. Also I really think the whole manlet meme is evil and causes more damage than we'd think.

>> No.5197520

It is nowadays, we live in a sexually overcharged world, internet porn took masturbation to a whole new level, preferable to sex even.

>> No.5197528

Also the whole article is based on 19th century pseudoscience that's been proven wrong, click-bait worthless piece of shit writing.