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File: 165 KB, 989x742, sidewalk-cafe-paris-bicycle_19480_990x742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5191621 No.5191621 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I'm gonna be doing a solo-backpack through Europe, most spent in France (Lyon, Paris) and Italy (Emilia Romagna, Rome).

Could I get some rec's that would be good reading material on this trip?

Could be about traveling through these cities/countries, could be just based IN these cities, anything like that.

Do you guys think travel fuels the creative fire? Any travelers here? Talk about literature and traveling or writing and traveling. I'd love to hear some stories.

>> No.5191796


>> No.5191800

About Paris: read Zweig's The World of Yesterday and then weep for what was lost when you arrive in the world's biggest pissoir

>> No.5191808

invisible cities

>> No.5191809

Reading through a bit about the book, there seems to be nothing about Paris or France.
Why should I read it?
I'll probably end up reading it anyways since I'm taking just about any recommendation, but what does it have to do with Paris?

>> No.5191810

You want us to say Don Juan, don't you?

>> No.5191816

"His picture of prewar Paris will have you almost in tears for a lost world"

Nevermind, my bad.

>> No.5191819

I can only hope.

>> No.5191820

Yeah, Paris is only one of the stations in his long life (he focuses more on Vienna), but the book still carries some valuable descriptions.

>> No.5191823

This is purely travel related as I posted it in /trv/ earlier, but since this thread is going alright I'd figure I'd ask it here.

Hey can someone tell me this:

How is smoking (cigarettes) viewed in EU? I'm going to be spending some time in France (Paris, Lyon) and Italy (Rome and Emilia-Romagna)

Where I'm from (California), smoking has become pretty much criminalized. You get dirty looks, people LOUDLY COUGHING from 50 feet away - can't smoke within 50 feet of any doors, can't smoke in bars, it's ridiculous.

Is smoking a little more easy going in EU, specifically where I'm going - France and Italy?

>> No.5191827

Smoking is ridiculously easy-going in Europe, but make sure to check the local laws. Most European countries prohibit smoking inside, but some hotels have smokers' rooms.

I remember about two years ago, in Paris, how I walked past a high school, the morning break started and all kids walked on the street to smoke.

>> No.5191834

Good lord that's refreshing. There's so much I'm reading and seeing of Europe (France and Italy in particular) that make me contemplate simply uprooting and moving there. I have no real attachments here and I'm starting to grow a distaste for where I live, what's there to lose? Though I'm not sure how difficult it is to obtain a Visa.

I think this 'trip' will be a lot of me testing the waters and seeing if I'd fit in around these places.

>> No.5191855

Please don't be American around Paris, everyone'll hate you. I remember last time standing on top of the Arc de Triomphe - two American tourists had just met for the first time, one told the other how he wouldn't take the Metro because he was scared of getting murdered.

People don't really have guns outside the US. We have health care instead. ba dum tss

But yeah, if you got some good qualifications, they'll easily give you a visa. If you're under 32 (not sure about the exact age) and got some savings you could try a working holiday visa..

>> No.5191858

>People don't really have guns outside the US. We have health care instead.
In the Nordic countries, along with Switzerland and various other European countries, we have both.

Enjoy your travels, OP!

>> No.5191860


Nobody cares if you smoke in France, it's our national sport. Coffee, a cigarette and the smell of piss in the morning, that's Paris in a nutshell. I hope you'll enjoy your stay, if you're curious, patient and make the effort of trying to use a litte bit of french when you talk to people (even with a heavy accent if you have one) you should have a great experience.

>> No.5191862

>please don't be American
I'm trying to be the antithesis of a tourist on this. I'm backpacking, it's not as if I'm on a tour group or something.

And as far as the metro thing goes, I'm not averse to rougher areas. I grew up in a fairly tough area (then again I have no idea the conditions of the rougher parts of Paris.

I have heard Parisians are absolute assholes though. True?

>> No.5191865

> make the effort of trying to use a litte bit of french when you talk to people

I can confirm this - when I said my standard "Bonjour! Il va bien, et vous? Est-ce que vous parlez anglais? Mon francais est trés mauvaise (mauvais?)" faces just lit up

>> No.5191868

Does me being a massive Serge Gainsbourg fan help as well?

I have absolutely no idea how big he is in France, I always assumed he was like the Elvis [sorta] of France (I know what a strange comparison that is)

>> No.5191872

Paris isn't especially rough, I've heard worse things about the US. Muggings happen though, and who can forget the banlieue riots.. But you'll never get there, there's nothing to see or do there.

>I have heard Parisians are absolute assholes though. True?
That depends - it's a huge city which, like all huge cities, has its share of gigantic assholes, just think of New York. But, I've mostly heard that judgement from Americans - the kind of people who wouldn't even try to speak French as described in >>5191865 and >>5191860
Speak a tiny bit of French, be nice, "quiet" and respectful, and people will love you

Also now that I remember: Go to Shakespeare & Company, the catacombs, and the Paris sewer museum

>> No.5191884
File: 129 KB, 380x480, American Halloween costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Bonjore. Jay am American. Jer want starbucks. Sivoo play mercy."

>> No.5191885

not being fat and sweaty probably helped too

>> No.5191887

Paris is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, you don't need to worry. There's a well developed infrastructure to make sure that visitors have a good time.

>> No.5191888


It is true that first encounters can be a bit rough, and some parisians are full of themselves, but a huge portion of the people you'll meet will be either foreigners or Frenchmen who were born and raised outside of Paris.If you go to bars or concerts you should meet nice people, a lot of us actually like tourists.


Yeah, I personally don't mind tourists asking questions in english (even tried to answer a couple of Chileans in spanish the other day even though I'm terrible at it), but when they try to communicate in french it's much more pleasing, most of the time they really apply themselves because they struggle with the pronunciation and it makes them so much more sympathetic right from the start. You'll get better results that way, that's certain.

>> No.5191898


>the "american guy"s shoes


>> No.5191903


Gainsbourg is pretty big, everybody knows at least one or two songs of him. I know a lot of young people who adore him. Edith Piaf and Georges Brassens also enjoy legendary status over here, I'd say it's our big three when it comes to the "old stuff".

>> No.5191912

So he's kind of like the Jim Morrison of France?

Absolutely nobody knows of him in the states. Shame.

>> No.5191913

Do Europoors actually dress up as Americans for Halloween?

>> No.5191918

>Do Europoors actually dress up as Americans for Halloween?
Yes. We also have warning pictures of Americans on fast food wrappers just like the pictures of diseased lungs on cigarette packets.

>> No.5191923

We label 'automatics' as 'American edition' and reserve them for people with disabilities.

>> No.5191933
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>know a decent amount of French, still learning
>watch a French movie
>they talk too fast for me to understand

>> No.5191949


dude no way! thats hilarious

we should have those here, picture of a huge landwhale and her little manatees on the side of your container of super size fries

>> No.5191954


>edith piaf

mah nigga

>> No.5191964

Orwell's Down and Out In Paris & London is pretty epic for Paris

>> No.5191971

"our big three"
>no jacques brel
>no barbara
u wot m8

>> No.5191975

you fuckers have it so easy. Imagine having to learn English so you can do anything in the Internet or to talk with anyone when traveling.

Fuck this was always so traumatic for me, my parents not speaking a word in english always pushing me forward to speak with some niggers in my broken english, when I was 8 years old.

>> No.5191981

>stealing belgians

no m8

>> No.5191984

Isn't a baptism of fire the best way to really get to know a language though?

Not doubting how difficult it is.

>> No.5191986

>not liking brel

>> No.5191990

I like him, he's just not one of "your big three".

>> No.5191991

>stealing from a country that doesn't really exist

>> No.5192002

He is, though. I would put him above Brassens anyday.
And anyway, Piaf is nice but she is not as liked as the three others by the younger generations.

>> No.5192010
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keep talking shit while Brussels rules your country

>> No.5192013

everyone knows it's Berlin really

>> No.5192028


>> No.5192035

I was thinking about doing the same thing OP but then I realized I won't really have all that much fun if I won't have a girl at my side. And since I have none my plans were postponed.

>> No.5192038

Walking Across Thin Ice, Werner Herzog
>you best be walking the whole way to stop yr friends death, or propose to your wife-to-be

>> No.5192040

>making your success in life dependent on a woman
>being this pathetic


>> No.5192051

dude i'm in my 20s, i need some pussy every now and then

>> No.5192057

>implying Paris isn't the prime pussy capital of the world
>African, Asian, European pussy, all looking for romance in the city of love

>> No.5192064

>implying anyone browsing /lit is outgoing enough to make use of that

>> No.5192096

Are you going to Barcelona? Read something by Carlos Ruiz Zafon in that case.

>> No.5192145

I know literally zero French but I have a minor grasp in Italian. Given that they're Romance languages, could I get by with that?

>> No.5192148

> go to Paris looking for lurve
> shack up with some American neckbeard
Does not compute, dude.

>> No.5192158

Dude who doesn't love America. Greatest nation in the world, everyone wants our seed.

>> No.5192159

You sound like a faggot OP

>le boergoisie delusion that travel makes you more "rounded" or "experienced"

There are people working 10 hour days in call centres with more to say than some twink faggot trudging around Venice in unmarked converse

>> No.5192179

Sour grapes, eh? Can't afford to travel and when you do I imagine you try as hard as possible not to immerse yourself in the culture

>> No.5192194

good lord you're a retard

>> No.5192198

more like spergoisie amirite

>> No.5192200
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In europe there is no halloween

>> No.5192201

Stop samefagging, OP/

>> No.5192210
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>> No.5192216

Halloween is getting to be a thing here in Denmark actually.
One more occasion to sell costumes and candies and pumpkins I suppose.

The co-opting of this particular holiday irks me extra since we already have one almost exactly like it in, I think, February. Costumes, kids going door-to-door, parties etc.

I doubt DK is the only European country where this is happening.

>> No.5192217
File: 8 KB, 333x118, 1406383685360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly photoshopped that. Here's the original.

>> No.5192218

>actually absolving yourself
how new are you?

>> No.5192225

I have plenty of money saved from working and living pretty ascetically, thanks. Enjoy eating overpriced sandwiches for the sake of being "cultured" faggot

>> No.5192231
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>he isn't an alcoholic

>> No.5192280
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Read this, and then go sightseeing around the Louvre with a 16th century Paris map. Guaranteed thrills.

(for an antique map check http://perso.numericable.fr/parisbal/plans/1550_StVictor.JPG))

>> No.5192284

>living pretty ascetically
that's why you feel the need to lecture other people, uh?

>> No.5192300


I was talking about the most popular French singers. Brel isn't French, and Barbara is far from being as popular as the three I mentioned. Most people only know "L'Aigle Noir". I have nothing against her, and my personal top 3 (talking about quality here) would probably be Ferré-Ferrat-Gainsbourg.

>> No.5192340

the 31 October here (italy) is the dead's day.
We go on the graves of our fathers
flowers and candles, there is even a mass at the cemetery. It's not a day for fun.

>> No.5192360

*with flowers and candles

>> No.5192363

When do you have fun?

>> No.5192365


We have the internet now.

>> No.5192368

NEET detected

>> No.5192376

The majority of this board bask in glorious NEETdom.

>> No.5192379

I hope you mean hide and shameful

>> No.5192411
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>> No.5192420

our halloween is the carnival day (almost a week) before lent, in this day/week we had fun and do shit. Then starts 40 days of lent (jesus is dead, the cross is covered in the church the bell don't toll...). Then again feast at easter (resurrection)

>> No.5192425

please kill yourself

>> No.5192431

With google earth you can see all the world without putting a foot out of the door

>> No.5192438

Go and explore Phnom Penh then. Forget about the throngs of gorgeous young asian girls waiting to pounce on you and fuck you senseless for a very reasonable price, just try to have a google walk around the capital city.

>> No.5192443
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just wait....

>> No.5192445
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>work is on the way out for the majority of people
>automatisation is going to really pick up speed soon
>first world countries have welfare that you can live off comfortably
>unconditional basic income on the way
>europe is forming a proper union like the americans, these unions lie at the base of the world state
>social democracy and progressive liberalism are becoming the only acceptable political ideologies
>recreational drug use getting legalised
>the web increases its embrace of the world, uniting us in a globalist metaculture of buying stuff and smiling
>escalator squash and electro-magnetic golf in VR with the lads across the world
>alpha children wear grey
>they work much harder than we do because they're so frightfully clever
>i'm really awfully glad I'm a beta, because I don't work so hard

My body is ready.

>> No.5192450

>the point of travel is to exploit poor jungle asians

are you british?

>> No.5192456

well played

>> No.5192465

Lyon is a good city. Transports everywhere.

>> No.5192604
File: 44 KB, 316x499, gladpunpun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we in EU love our coffe and cigarettes, just remeber to share! sharing is caring

>> No.5192635


>> No.5192655
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OP, I've been looking to plan a similar solo backpacking trip in Europe, also primarily in France (I have a French friend living in the US who has tons of friends there with whom I can shack up). Any tips on planning such an journey? I've been doing some basic snooping around the internet, but the amount of information is overwhelming.

>> No.5193886

this nigga mad asf lmao

>> No.5193896

>with whom I can shack up
I hope you realize that he is lying to you.

>> No.5195380

No, our clothes are too big. It'd be silly to see a bunch of people with pants around their ankles trying to convince their neighbors to give out candy.

We call that Marti Gras.

>> No.5195478

Backpacking from August 2nd to November 15th (Lisbon-Madrid-Barcelona-Montpellier-Nice-Lucerne-Milan-Ljubljana-Zagreb-Belgrade-Sofia-Istanbul-Bucharest-Budapest-Vienna-Prague-Berlin-Bonn-Bruges-Strasbourg-Paris-Hamburg-Hirtshals-Faroe Islands (Torshavn)-London-Cardiff-Glasgow-Hexham-London (departure).

Bringing a copy of 'Speak, Memory' for insights on how one can stylize/poeticize memory, and Moitessier's 'The Long Way' because I've been meaning to get around to it for months and figure it in the midst of my own period of wanderlust.

Though, in all probability, I'll probably get very little reading done.

>> No.5195491
