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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 485 KB, 576x720, shroud-of-turin-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5188541 No.5188541[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am a Christian extremist

I believe that the practice of all religions other than Christianity should be prohibited under law

I believe Aquinas and Augustine should be compulsory reading in secondary education programmes

I believe that Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism are all convoluted pieces of steaming shit unworthy of discussion

I believe that the Shroud of Turin (pic related) is incontrovertible proof of Jesus Christ's divine nature

Ask me anything

>> No.5188546

Why are you posting this here?

>> No.5188552

Aren't you worried about being eaten by a horse?

>> No.5188553

What is your favorite part of Augustine and Aquinas resp?

>> No.5188556

How many fedoras did you tip while typing this shitpost?

>> No.5188562

And you believe that 4chan is the forum for your brand of nuttery.

>Shroud of Turin
Oh for fuck sake, son. This is from rubbing off a flat surfaced face. Faces aren't shaped like this. Doi

>> No.5188567

The funniest part of the Bible is when Mary Magdalene cuts off Jesus' dead dick and rides it cause he wouldn't fuck a dirty girl like her sober -- and then she has the gal to hide the corpse afterward to use for black magic,

>> No.5188573

hows it going

>> No.5188575

No anon, >>5188567 is shitposting

>> No.5188587

>How many ...?

Are you retarded?

>> No.5188589

What does the slow extinction and death of you and your beliefs feel like, cockroach?

>> No.5188590

So funneh joke

>Oh for fuck sake, son. This is from rubbing off a flat surfaced face. Faces aren't shaped like this. Doi
No mate. Read up about the Shroud's nuclear and x-ray properties.

Truth be told I haven't read much by Augustine, only heard that he is fucking amazing. Metaphysics is my favorite of Aquinas's works

come again?

>> No.5188596
File: 163 KB, 413x451, ERASED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christianity thread laden with backwards opinions
>no but THIS is shitposting

>> No.5188599

What praytell do you think is forwards?

>> No.5188600

Do you believe in creation? How do you justify it?

>> No.5188603

Why post this on /lit/?

>> No.5188604

Why do you continue to put this retarded name in your email field? Every post of yours is utter shit and you spend your whole fucking day on this board. Do you have no life? No job? No friends?

>> No.5188606

Read augustine. Then post. And metaphysics is a broad portion of Aquinas' work, I'm asking you to specify a single idea of part that you most enjoyed.

>> No.5188607
File: 50 KB, 960x540, 1396350722255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Augustine should be compulsory reading
>I haven't read much by Augustine

>> No.5188609

Red pill me on the Jews

>> No.5188612

Evolution faggots don't justify their belief either.

>> No.5188616

extremist logic fuck yeah

>> No.5188617

My favorite part of the Bible is when Jesus re-enacts the Horus Heresy and kills his Father because He loves his son more than the Earth and thus the empire of man falls into damnation and chaos while the priests of the Golden God try their best to maintain the life of his body.

>> No.5188618

Something like that.

Anything else you want to know anon?

>> No.5188619
File: 129 KB, 701x755, crusader feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw most Christians on 4chan are just trolling
>tfw you will never find your brothers in Christ

Dude Augustine argues against a literal interpretation of Genesis, with Scriptural support. Don't be an idiot.

>> No.5188621

Basically heretics.

A lot of them didn't like what Jesus had to say.

So they crucified him. Jews today support his crucifixion.

Jews that didn't accepted Christ as their savior.

>> No.5188624

I agree on Aquinas and Augustine. They are much better then a lot of stuff I had to read in school.

Also Islam is actually an good religion. Hinduism is also ok, but Buddhism has to go.

>> No.5188629

This isn't /lit/

>> No.5188631

They are, by definition, literal heretics.