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5187385 No.5187385 [Reply] [Original]

If I am to read one thing written by William Shakespeare, what should it be?

I am already too familiar with Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. Other than those two, anything will do.

>> No.5187390

It's a stupid question. You should read all of him.

The Tempest or King Lear

>> No.5187393

>If I am to read one thing written by William Shakespeare

Why? Read everything.

If you're just asking in a roundabout way which Shakespeare play to start with, my suggestion would be Macbeth.

>> No.5187397

I think it's generally agreed that Macbeth, hamlet, and king Lear are Shakespeare's best plays.

>> No.5187400

I don't have time reading everything, I'm afraid, since I work full time and am reading Kant at the same time.

Thanks for the tips. What are people's opinion on A Midsummer Night's Dream?

>> No.5187417

Richard the Third

>> No.5187445

It's one of the better comedies.

Shakespeare is one of the few authors worth reading in whole. If you can't read him, torrent the Arckangel Shakespeare audiobooks and listen. Each play is about 2hrs long. You could have him done in a couple months pretty easily provided you give up your TV time.

>> No.5187457

Thank you based anon!

>> No.5187459

>If I am to read one thing written by William Shakespeare, what should it be?

Don't bother. Sounds like you'll get absolutely nothing out of it.

>> No.5187497

nice diss m8ey >:-D

>> No.5187510

I find Richard III to be too much in the Marlovian vein to be considered one of Shakespeare's greatest achievements. Richard is an engrossing villain for sure, but recommending Richard III over King Lear or the Comedy of Errors just seems bizarre to me.

>> No.5187525

>refrigerating your piss bottles

>> No.5187550

tomo an tomo an tomo
shit just drags on ery day
till time dun run out
ery day that pass so far you
get closer to dying. jus friggen pop me already
livin is fake as fuck, its like dog shit
that sits and rots on ur lawn for a while
and then the rain wash it away.
its like some crackheads story
when he screamin at you and he need a fix
dont mean nothin

- shake spear