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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 87 KB, 368x500, Kafka-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5185037 No.5185037 [Reply] [Original]

>Kafka had an active sex life. According to Brod, Kafka was "tortured" by sexual desire and Kafka's biographer Reiner Stach states that his life was full of "incessant womanising" and that he was filled with a fear of "sexual failure". He visited brothels for most of his adult life and was interested in pornography. In addition, he had close relationships with several women during his life.

How do you excuse getting less ass than someone this mentally unstable, /lit/?

>> No.5185046

Stable, love filled monogamous relationship > brothels, pornography, womanizing and sexual fear

then again, I won't be writing what Kafka wrote

>> No.5185055

It suggests that maybe there is a direct relationship between your mental instability quotient and the number of ass you get.

>> No.5185059

It was probably easier to get laid before feminism because women were flattered by attention from men rather than repulsed.

I like to think that if I lived in Italy or Mexico I would've lost it when I was 13

>> No.5185073

stopped reading there
why do you people have to make everything about feminism
do you really have so little on your mind

>> No.5185077

Apparently Kafka's porn stash is beyond wut.

>> No.5185080

>the feminist sexual revolution has nothing to do with a thread about having sex

If you say so.

>> No.5185086

It's a thread about sex. Feminism is pertinent you silly cunt.

>> No.5185090

No, it doesn't. It is about an author, his particular quirks and insecurities, and general sexuality.

If you can actually find something to say about feminism and its connection to sexual desire and sexual failure, go ahead.

but if you're just gonna make backhanded potshots at feminism just becuz sex, then fuck off back to wherever you came from.

>> No.5185093
File: 31 KB, 460x288, kafka_1682215a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even today, the pornography would be "on the top shelf", Dr Hawes said, noting that his American publisher did not want him to publish it at first. "These are not naughty postcards from the beach. They are undoubtedly porn, pure and simple. Some of it is quite dark, with animals committing fellatio and girl-on-girl action... It's quite unpleasant."

>At the focus of Hawes' investigation are pictures he stumbled across in the British Library in London and the Bodleian in Oxford of the pornography to which Kafka subscribed while in his twenties. They include images of a hedgehog-style creature performing fellatio, golem-like male creatures grasping women's breasts with their claw-like hands and a picture of a baby emerging from a sliced-open leg.

A real human bean

>> No.5185098

>and a picture of a baby emerging from a sliced-open leg.

Dalifags eat your heart out

>> No.5185110

coming from a mexican you're romanticizing it

it's better to just jack off and get that out of your system rather than having kids at 14 and working with a family in mind

>> No.5185119

I'm incredibly mentally unstable and haven't been laid so I think you're off m8

>> No.5185122

I wonder how my autobiography will sound if I'm famous and they find my porn folder

>> No.5185136


Girl on girl action? How naughty...

>> No.5185138

>Dalifags eat your heart out

I expect that describes at least four things in Kafka's porn stash

>> No.5185157

Why are you so fucking touchy about feminism? You do know that it's shit, right? That stuff turns already prudish lefty girls into stuck-up, deluded, fun-hating twats that think dudes hitting on them and telling them they have a nice ass is a form of verbal rape. It's complete shit, all around.

>> No.5185170


It's probably going to be less interesting considering the rise and availability of online porn

A small wiki blurb probably
"Anon was into fetish porn. Having terabytes of images and, gifs, webms, and HD videos he masturbated multiple times a day[6]"

>> No.5185173


That may be so but you are derailing the thread dipshit

>> No.5185194

Based Franz

>> No.5185349

>I like to think that if I lived in Italy or Mexico I would've lost it when I was 13

Mexico is full of Catholics, so no,

Italy is full of Italians, so yes.

>> No.5185354

You could just subscribe to this shit? Snowden, save us.

>> No.5185355

>Mexico is full of Catholics, so no,

You have never met any Catholics, have you?

>> No.5185356


>> No.5185365

I attended Catholic school. The most Catholics of European are down to fuck; those from S. America and Mexico are almost staunchly against it.

>> No.5185367

I was just reading that too. Tell me, did you get there because he was mentioned in that Jew thread?

>> No.5185369

Lol I'm Catholic :DDD We're like the trashiest type of actual Christians :-DDD It's fucking awesome :D

>> No.5185379

Yeah, I was surprised at how conservative nubile Mexican girls were at a university town. They were hot but they seemed to want friendship and a stable relationship to go with their studies. Maybe I just wasn't around the right kind.

>> No.5185385

>How do you excuse getting less ass than someone this mentally unstable, /lit/?


>> No.5185389

Real catholics are generally just protective of the girls of their family and don't like seeing them fuck around with dudes that they don't want them marrying, but they don't beat you up unless its their sister/cousin you're fucking, but if a girl's slutty they don't think you're a bad guy for fucking her. Catholics are less skeeved of normal behaviour than protestants are because protestants have stupid "oh no, God heard me think about pussy, I'm going to hell, shit!" due to not having confession to absolve them of their sins every saturday

>> No.5185401

And somehow all this fit up your ass? Now I know who to contact when I need something smuggled.

>> No.5185406

>protestants have stupid "oh no, God heard me think about pussy, I'm going to hell, shit!" due to not having confession to absolve them of their sins every saturday

As do Catholics.

Source: I was raised Catholic.

>> No.5185417

I'm Catholic
where are you guys from?

>> No.5185424

Filthy Protestant detected

>> No.5185432

every time i see you post I think of this one kid with asperger syndrome who i knew in high school. i know its memetic to say people have autism or are on the spectrum, especially on 4chan, but have you spoken to a doctor about it? i'm pretty sure you have aspergers syndrome. not even trying to be mean, i just want the best for you, and if you can get treatment then maybe you can delete your trip and stop posting in caps lock. godspeed son

>> No.5185442

Real talk. I'm kill everytime I see that guy post.

No, just saying you're pulling all that out of your ass.

>> No.5185452

Rei definitely is on the spectrum, but I don't know what you mean when you say "treatment". I don't think ASD is something you take a pill for.

>> No.5185460


Ever heard of Catholic guilt? Do you think Catholics don't go to confession?

>> No.5185463

That wasn't the same guy as me, do you yourself know Catholic people? I've lived my entire life around Catholics and that's an accurate description of Catholics as far as New York and New Jersey are concerned

>> No.5185469

You can certainly change your diet and lifestyle to make improvements, rather then spreading your autism on the internet like a plague.

>> No.5185480

Some people that're way into church stuff go to confession every weekend but most of us seem to only really go to Church once in a while and most never seem to go to confession

>> No.5185485

Autism doesn't spread, man

>> No.5185491

i legit laughed out loud at this

>> No.5185505

Autism doesn't come from diet. Holy shit, I know people here like to throw the word "autistic" around as an insult, but some of you are just fucking clueless.

>> No.5185506



>> No.5185510

top kek

>> No.5185511

people with severe autism have to take a range of drugs to balance their emotions/help them cope with over-bearing senses. i work with a number of children with autism and they take SSRI's and anti-psychotics some of the time. others don't need to, but you can. you're right though, it doesn't make autism go away. kids with asperbergs piss me off though because its almost like they don't have an excuse, they're just fucking obnoxious and they don't even know it. kids with full blown autism tho, them I can feel for. a lot of them don't ever learn to talk, let alone post on 4chan.

>> No.5185515


It comes from being vaccinated with toxic mercury

>> No.5185522

i didn't say you have autism. i said you have aspbergers. they're part of the same spectrum but they're kind of different bro. if you had autism you'd be shitting you pants in a share-home right now, not posting your attention whoring oxford dictionary obtained words online, you burger sperger.

>> No.5185528


>> No.5185531
File: 258 KB, 1461x819, aspie supremacist trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, I will remind them

>> No.5185533

Wrong, retard. There's been research done that PROVES that some people's inability to digest gluten and casien containg products makes them autistic.

>> No.5185540

>attention whoring oxford dictionary obtained words

Is your vocabulary really so shitty that you think that?

>> No.5185541

pretty sure you're born with autism

>> No.5185543

Aspergers is a gradation of autism, bro. See? you're clueless.

>> No.5185548

Why act like you are an expert when you can't even spell Aspergers right?

>> No.5185549

bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha holy fuck

>> No.5185550

Try reading his whole post again you broken fucking piece of garbage. Why do we not euthanize you worthless annoying fucks?

>> No.5185556

>Can't disprove what I said
"I'll say he has autism, that'll work!"

>> No.5185567

yes, i said they're on the spectrum. but put along side one another they're remarkably different. kids with autism are full-on. kids with aspburgers are just like rye, socially inept and in-your-face with their awkward mannerisms and behaviour.
i had to look the word gradation up before replying to the above, so yes.
because i am an expert

>> No.5185577

and let me guess, you're an expert on autism hoping to cure your own autism.

>> No.5185585

spot on baby! what a guess

>> No.5185600

Not that anon, but he clearly meant that autistic people are born with it; he wasn't accusing you of having it. Although the fact that you missed this obvious fact kind of indicates that you might be on the spectrum too.

>> No.5185614

Anywhere else on the internet that would've been the first thing I'd assume, but keep in mind that this is 4chan.

>> No.5185716


Genetics might play a role.

>> No.5185728



I'm not sure if you know how research works.

>> No.5185757

Well it's more proof then anyone on /lit could show me otherwise. Even if it's not proven yet, the research shows that there is a link.

>> No.5185768

What is with autists and hedgehogs?