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5184643 No.5184643 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question, is Tao Lin a robot?

>> No.5184825
File: 994 KB, 264x198, chucklesinternally.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know this answer Tao. Go the fuck to bed.

>> No.5184996

Tao Lin is a fucking genius.

>> No.5185003

Tao Lin will be our representative when the machines rise. We will send him to negotiate the terms for transporting the collective human spirit across the universe to its new home.

>> No.5185021

Tao Lin es un pelotudo.

>> No.5185025

And he'll come back with two bottles of ambien and a dead roach. He'll tell us that he asked the machines if they wanted to smoke with them and they made machine noises and he didn't know what that meant so he asked for money and they took some of his blood.

Then he'll appologize and leave the room, then come back inside to say he forgot his phone, then appologize again before leaving.

>> No.5185031

What a charming epithet. Makes me want to read more Borges.

>> No.5185049
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>> No.5185053

I've never heard of this guy outside of /lit/. It seems like everyone hates him, but I've never paid much attention to threads about him.

Anyone willing to describe his style or compare him to other writers? You keep talking about him so I'm curious.

>> No.5185067
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Tao Lin is you and all your friends.

>> No.5185071

He's the king of Alt Lit.

He's pretty much the most notable writer of the Millienal generation.

BEE said he's the greatest of this this generation.

>> No.5185075


>> No.5185096

Weird that BEE doesn't like DFW but likes Tao, since both of them are talentless hacks.

>> No.5185118

Eh, he's no Oscar Wilde, that's for sure. His style is crude and elementary.

Nevertheless, I sense a certain purpose to his efforts, and this is important.

>> No.5185132

>His style is crude and elementary.

He has been described as an "autistic typewriter." You don't get this from just an excerpt, but after a hundred pages of deadpan his books become the most hilarious thing you've ever read, like a Seinfeld episode.

>> No.5185143

bee said he's the greatest prose stylist not the greatest and he also is a hack so who the fuck cares

>> No.5185147

In bed at 4PM
I held my pillow
and thought “oh well”
in regards to my entire life.

- Tao Lin

>> No.5185148

>He looked at things and sometimes touched things.

I don't know why but this cracked me up so hard, just a few sentences in.

>> No.5185149

This, BEE isn't a good judge of literary quality.

>> No.5185153

I would rather read those excerpts /lit/ like to post from self-published works. He might be the voice for over-socialized hipsters, but that shit smells horrible from where I am standing.

>> No.5185159

>"I spend my money on even better places," said Sam. "Organic vegan restaurants."
I brékkekkékkek'd.

>> No.5185163

yeah that was good

>> No.5185168

This is a common complaint I've heard about Tao Lin, but personally I never feel like he thinks himself superior or elitist or hipster or whatever when reading his self-insert works.

>> No.5185191

>I never feel like he thinks himself superior or elitist or hipster or whatever when reading his self-insert works.

I don't think he thinks himself anything. That's the problem. Is it unique and different? Yes, sort of. It reads like a long green text story really. Is that a good thing? N, but Fuck. Maybe I should profit off his wake and write something real Tao Lin-ish about shitposting on /lit/. Seems like an easy write.

>> No.5185198

I just looked that up because I couldn't remember it. What the hell man.

>> No.5185240
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In early June, after four more parties, two at which he similarly slept on sofas after walking mutely through rooms without looking at anyone, Paul began attending fewer social gatherings and ingesting more drugs, mostly with Daniel and Fran, or only Daniel, or sometimes alone, which seemed classically “not a good sign,” he sometimes thought, initially with mild amusement, then as a neutral observation, finally as a meaningless placeholder. Due to his staggered benzodiazepine usage and lack of obligations or long-term projects and that he sometimes ingested Seroquel and slept twelve to sixteen hours (always waking, it seemed, at night, uncomfortable and disoriented and unsure what to do, usually returning to sleep) he had gradually become unaware of day-to-day or week-to-week changes in his life—and, when he thought of himself in terms of months and years, he still viewed himself as in an “interim period,” which by definition, he felt, would end when his book tour began—so he viewed the trend, of fewer people and more drugs, as he might view a new waiter at Taco Chulo: “there, at some point,” separate from him, not of his concern, beyond his ability or desire to track or control.

When he wanted to know what happened two days ago, or five hours ago, especially chronologically, he would sense an impasse, in the form of a toll, which hadn’t been there before, payable by an amount of effort (not unlike that required in problem solving or essay writing) he increasingly felt unmotivated to exert. There were times when his memory, like an external hard drive that had been taken from him and hidden inside an unwieldy series of cardboard boxes, or placed at the end of a long and dark and messy corridor, required much more effort than he felt motivated to exert simply to locate, after which, he knew, more effort would be required to gain access. After two to five hours with no memory, some days, he would begin to view concrete reality as his memory—a place to explore idly, without concern, but somewhat pointlessly, aware that his actual existence was elsewhere, that he was, in a way, hiding here, away from where things actually happened, then were stored here, in his memory.

>> No.5185274

Now this isn't bad.

>> No.5185284

I believe he's a mentat. We created his race once we destroyed the first intelligent machine. Although creating a race sounds a bit dramatic, it's mostly just a matter of knowing how to switch on and off the right genes.

>> No.5185291

Duncan pls go.

>> No.5185300

No, youdaho!

>> No.5185309

Careful, I'll beat the shit out of you again if I catch you acting homophobic.

>> No.5185316

No, no, you misunderstand. I'm merely homophonic.

>> No.5185318

Why was Moneo such a fag?

>> No.5185320

Cause he wasn't Stero.

>> No.5185517

Knut Hamsun

>> No.5185544
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daily reminder that towel inn is genuinely an assburger. the funny part is his internet defense force implies he does this shit on purpose to be post-modern. toplel


>> No.5185576

Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they’re in good company.

>> No.5185590

Regarding 4chan, this shit is sort of true but it seems most of the people who post this quote are newer people that want everybody to think their newfaggy ways are the norm on the board

>> No.5185612

This is why we don't abuse opiates, children.

>> No.5185797


>> No.5185950

this is very good, is this tao?

>> No.5185958

Yes that's Tai Pei

>> No.5185970

well it looks like i will end up reading one of this dudes books after all.

hope that its somewhat that good all the way through

>> No.5186002
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>> No.5187225

He's so moe

>> No.5188720 [DELETED] 

>Shit, is this what EVERYONE sees when they look at my books sober?

>> No.5188735

You would honestly go through a whole book like that? I could see him being effective in vignettes, but reading prose like that for a lot of pages is going to be a real bore.

>> No.5188743

idk but he's cute

>> No.5188744

Most serious work isn't read straight through. You read it in pieces. Like the I-Ching.

>> No.5188746


It's pretty short and never really feels like a chore to read. It gets a lot of hate here but no one ever explains what makes it bad. I thought it was a pretty good portrait of people who fill their time with drugs because they're bored with life.

>> No.5188826
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According to Tao it's because he won't stop asking us for drugs

>He walked to a cafe near Type Books and asked on one of the two threads on 4chan about him that, for some reason, had appeared the last two days--and, with two to four hundred posts each, 90 to 95 percent derogatory, were the two longest threads on him that he'd ever seen--if anyone in Toronto could sell him MDMA or mushrooms within two hours.

>> No.5188895

>there's an image of me and my dad with text on it, saying something stereotypical of the asian dad being disappointed in his son
>I like that one

Ok, I went from hating Tao to liking him in one thread. Fuck, time to order Shoplifting.

>> No.5188928

Tao Lin's genius won't be understood for quite some time. He is the pinnacle of obvious disobviousness in the sense that his genius is transparent while not entirely false. His intelligence lies in the dichotomy between his multi-cranial use of the mindset paradigm present in most of the modern world. In that way, he is surpassing all other writers by his honest examination of what is dishonest living.

>> No.5189169

>the most notable writer of the Millienal generation.

This is true. It is also not a good thing.
He perfectly embodies a stillborn generation that has wrapped themselves up completely in the comfy feels of awkwardness and boredom. Despite never having done anything with his life, and never being likely to do anything with his life, he still imagines he has something to say and thinks he should be the center of the Universe. The floor is dirty. You lay on the floor.. Tao Lin lays on the floor with you. You stare at the ceiling with Tao Lin. The phone rings. Tao Lin does not move. No one answers the phone. Tao Lin feels sad.

>> No.5189909

>thinks he should be the center of the Universe

Tao doesn't seem to have a very big ego.

>> No.5190022

man that passage was good

>> No.5190066

Though millennials are still young, most of them are not even 30. Usually writers mture later.

>> No.5190380

>tfw no qt3.14 gf to get addicted to prescription drugs with

What is doing Xanax even like?

>> No.5190389


>> No.5190435

Annoying faggot.

>> No.5190455

No, just a shitty writer.

>> No.5190721


>> No.5190851

serious question: is having to resort to viral marketing on 4chan the sign of a shitty writer?

>> No.5190890

A sign, maybe. Not 'the' sign though.
Writing shittily is the ultimate sign of being a shitty writer.
Has this ever happened? Viral marketing for a writer I mean.

>> No.5192455

>tfw just finished Taipei and now I want to kill myself

>> No.5192627

personally it stresses me out to lose control like that

>> No.5192632

viral marketing is a mark of the incoming viral age. it only makes sense to use viral genome splicing to counteract the damage done by large-scale industrialism.

>> No.5192686


>> No.5192700

This is why he's great and why this generation is great. After a century of frantic modern activity we're on that Schopenhauer shit.

>> No.5192712

I kno. I kant freeleave dat eerywun reeds Peewee Herman Hessia liek he's hawt shite when Schoppy rote the Buddhist bible in Germany years earlier.

>> No.5192733

You're breaking some global rules there, friend. Just a fair warning.

>> No.5192747

Sorry, I haven't read the global rules since I signed up for the site years ago. I probably need to re-check them now that everything's changed so much.

>> No.5193140

The problem Tao faces now is how to write the next novel without relying on the same autibiograpical formula.

If he writes a similar book again (for the fourth in a row) he'd have to mention Taipei and the publicit he got etc, and he can't go back to "I went to sleep. I mastubrated. I looked at gmail chat" because it's already been done.

My money is on him pulling a Yates and writing from a female persepective or some shit

>> No.5193160

Serious question, how did Tao Lin get published?

I'm not a great writer, but I'm at least as competent as Tao Lin. And I can't even get a literary journal or agent to so much as give me the time of day.

What did he do? Whose dick did he suck? How the fuck is Tao Lin making money off the shit he writes?

>> No.5193166

It's actually his autistic female fans who do all the dick sucking for him (and he's still a virgin >_>)

>> No.5193170

Indie publishing and social media presence most likely. Isn't he a part of some "art collective" too?

>> No.5193178

it's an animal collective, HBD types are attempting to herd all the autists into a private penal colony for them to work as slaves where they will be fed drugs and pleasured through gloryholes to increase creative output

>> No.5193187

1. He won a writing competition in college
2. He had a blog for years where he reiewed books and interviewed obscure authors
3. He posted his fiction on said blog
4. He published some poems on an obscure website: http://www.bearparade.com/thisemotionwasalittlee-book/
5. He published more poems and won an award
6. His short stories were being published in various places both in college and after graduating
7. The founders of Brooklyn-based Melville Books, small at the time, found his writing and published a collecion of his short stories along with a novella
8. Tao's "online presence": spamming buzzfeed, posting stickers all over the door of cracked.com, etc made it easy to sell his stuff
9. He wrote an article and expanded it on request to form "Shoplifting from American Apparel"
10. He made his girlfriend write a diary of their time dating and turned it into a book (Richard Yates)
11. He realized the "deadpan minimalism" was making people perceived him as a gimmicky nuisance and decided to write something better
12. He read Almost Transparent Blue and Leaving Atocha Station and decided to take the self-awareness-as-a-cause-of-detachment thing to its extreme
13. He published Taipei

>> No.5193208

He also cooked the books, which is still one of the most hilarious things I've seen on youtube.


>> No.5193212

Trying is hard: the video

>> No.5193217

He was so autistic he learned how to program a virus that would make other people more like him. Is that what you guys call viral marketing / self-promotion?

>> No.5193226

Some kids grow horns from trying too hard.

>> No.5194406

dyou now any like articles or stuff where bret details his opinion of david, ive always wanted to get it clear

>> No.5195764

Help me get into Tao Lin.
Taipei is often called his best work, should I read something else of his first then?

What is the best 'introduction' to Tao Lin?

>> No.5196005

Read all of his tweets chronologically. They are his best works.
Yes, I'm serious.

>> No.5196027

Between 10 and 13 is an editor at Vintage.

>> No.5196798
File: 21 KB, 130x184, 1406009737434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> there are actually here plebs thinking this gook is good

nice le feel man meme you fucking faggot, typical tao lin fan

>> No.5197525

This isn't serious, is it? Does this guy have actual autism?

>> No.5197550

That's some good shit.

>> No.5197698

You tell me mate


>> No.5198023

if you liked that little bit that was posted you'll love the whole book. it's fascinating to read; you'll sense yourself thinking "exactly, yes" so much throughout

have you read it? it's simply not boring. i don't understand how a reader could get tired of reading acute insights into how humans think or do things. those little illuminating moments are why people read. is this not an interestingly pointed and accurate thing you've experienced:
>When he wanted to know what happened two days ago, or five hours ago, especially chronologically, he would sense an impasse, in the form of a toll, which hadn’t been there before, payable by an amount of effort (not unlike that required in problem solving or essay writing) he increasingly felt unmotivated to exert.

that is something that i feel like i fundamentally understand, articulated in a neat way that i had not yet thought of. why would it be boring to read things like that?

>> No.5199502

Yeah his Twitter account is pretty cool. One of the better ones on the site

>> No.5199598

His mandalas are also cool:


>> No.5199658

>vapid, navel-gazing young people from rich families romanticizing their drug use and party habits as something deep and worth writing about

no thanks

>> No.5199803

how is that romanticized? what sounds romantic about not really being able to think fluidly about the recent past?

>> No.5199920

R MUTT 2017

>> No.5199943


Get out, Tao.