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5179596 No.5179596[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Looking for a psychology book? Here are a few you should concern yourself with. Granted I have not read tons but these were very solid ones.
>these are aimed for people without background in Psych
>studied psych in college

"How the mind works" -Steven Pinker
If you are going to read a psychology book, this should be the first you read. very eye opening

"Consciousness explained"-Daniel Dennett
Read this after pinker's book, they compliment each other extremely well.

I also read "the definitive book of body language" and thought it was awesome at the time, idk how it holds after i took research methods.

Hope this helps!!

>> No.5179603

Psychology is the worst of sciences, down there with colosto-dieurettics

>> No.5179608
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I like this book.

>> No.5179618
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>> No.5179622

They are pretty much trash.

>> No.5179635

I would still recommend How the mind works, he explains how evolution basically causes our behavior, and how this relates to men and women behaving in different ways.

>> No.5179656

>identity sophistry

>woman, woman, nose


>> No.5179671
File: 10 KB, 184x275, best nick cage movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please explain why, or link a source. better yet provide a better option.

Keep in mind people reading this thread w/o advanced knowledge in psych that Pinker and Dennet are two of the greatest psych/CNS thinkers in the world.

>> No.5179681
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Bitches, please.

>> No.5179694

skeptical of this one, but i know nothing of his works

>> No.5179703


>no klein, reich, laing, or klossowski

idk what i expected from this shit board though

>> No.5179710

Lacan is the best psychoanalyst.

>> No.5179718

Evolutionary psychology has been problematized as relying on neoliberal capitalist maximalization models of human behavior. Basically, you're reading white westerners saying everyone evolved to think exactly like they do.

>> No.5179728
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yeah, rite.

Jung by the way?

>> No.5179742

Consciousness is outdated, almost 23 year old. Also Dennett is a philosopher and gears all his book towards supporting his philosophical position. Philosophical positions that are not that solid, for example a good corrective for Dennett is Searle's The Mystery of Consciousness.

Pinker has done some good research, but again all his pop-sci books are just propaganda. The blank slate is a huge strawman argument, and similarly How the Mind Works is just a vehicle to disguise his conservative ideas and poor explanations of human behavior with a darwinist sheen.

Rather if you want evo-psy read Tooby's the adapted mind (and know that it doesn't get much better than that, evo psych is incredibly poor at giving results)

Otherwise read Carruthers' the Innate Mind for some pretty good stuff.

>> No.5179841


>white westerners saying everyone evolved to think exactly like they do.

yeah, if they were being honest theyed admit that we're different and some clades just arnt on the same level as others.

>> No.5179866

Different doesn't necessarily imply a hierarchy.

>> No.5179954

this is OP

ya idk about these psychoanalysts, plus theres probably some outdated stuff here.

>Consciousness is outdated, almost 23 year old
probably right, but the framework is still applicable. for the phil part that is up to debate and idk that much about dennet vs searle. this argument goes far beyond the scope of my thread.

>> No.5179959

Try the three volumes of the innate mind. You'll like it.

>> No.5179986

The first psychology book you should concern yourself with is The Interpretation of Dreams

>> No.5179989

if i werent over reading psych id look into it

what do you think of >>5179959 you seem knowledgeable. enlighten the people lurking who want good psychology

>> No.5180599


it does if you believe in the idea of progress.