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/lit/ - Literature

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5178160 No.5178160[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm writing a short story about a 14 year old boy masturbating to his mother. I come to you, /lit/, because I need someone to describe what it feels like to have a male orgasm. I am a female and no matter how hard I try whatever I write seems fake and and unconvincing.

If you want this can also be a thread about how sex is portrayed in literature.

>> No.5178166
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Well first they put you in this big black car and drive you out to the corn field to meet your buddies. But then your internal monologue is interrupted and you get smashed in the back of the head with a baseball bat and you get buried alive after several minutes of being beaten.

>> No.5178171

OP, you're fucked.

>> No.5178184

I could show you :^)

>> No.5178186

It feels like choking a blood sausage that randomly throbs in rhythm to your heartbeat, except doing it to his mom.

>> No.5178191

Portnoy's Complaint has already been written, OP

>> No.5178193

Reading Lolita can give you some ideas concerning sex-portrayal in literature.

>> No.5178194

Well there's this sort of pleasurable buildup of pressure in the organ for a while and then it's just fucking everywhere and your dick feels nice. Sort of like a one of those times where you go to the toilet and have a fucking mint piss but even better.

>> No.5178195

It feels like a little death. But in a good way.

>> No.5178196

It's sorta like dying but still being able to move the husk around.

>> No.5178198

Imagine you're volcanologist, on your latest assignment to check out Eyjafjallajökull, after the 2010 eruption to test whether it will erupt again. As you fly over the rim, holding your test equipment into the volcano from your helicopter, your jealous rival Thoman Thorssun kicks you out of the helicopter and into the smoldering lava below, as you simultaneously orgasm and incinerate.

>> No.5178203

Its over fast.
The build up is half the fun.
Not alot of come down.
Inless your drunk it takes only about 4 minutes for the whole act from limp to hard and spent.
If its really hot maybe a second go.

>> No.5178211

The dick tickles a bit right before ejaculation and then a wave of tranquility and regret washes over you.

It's not that good tbh. We probably do it because it's a cheap shot of pleasure in a matter of minutes.

>> No.5178213

A good one feels like a portion of your yourself (your soul?) is exiting your own body through your penis in a few very pleasurable pulses. For a few moments afterward you can't think, all is void, and that feels cool too.

>> No.5178238

Not OP but what does it feel like when a man gets an erection? For me it starts off as a tingling sensation in my nether regions, and then I begin to lubricate.

>> No.5178245

it's like shooting a gun

>> No.5178255

when i was 14, i was masturbating usually because i somehow found myself alone in the house and i was bored. i really didn't care what i was masturbating to at the time, i don't think any serious fetishes had taken over at that point. as long as the female was attractive i was game.

most sessions wouldn't last long. essentially, i suddenly came to the realization i can 'bate, so i'll just get it over with. i'd load up whatever video i had in my collection, skip around until i found a good scene, and then imagine me doing those things to the woman on screen (sometimes i'd replace her with the hot chick from school). once i came, i exited out of everything, cleared cache, cleaned up, and went back to whatever the fuck i did when i was 14.

now every now and then i found find myself incredibly horny and in need of some high quality porn. in those instance, sessions would last some time because i became incredibly picky about what was going on in the porno. i'd stroke for ages and usually end up blowing a massive load. on these i'm certain i actually orgasmed. my legs tighten up, my eyes close for a moment, i can feel my jaw drop, and when i come too my vision is actually blurry for a second. afterwards i exit out of everything, clear cache, clean up, and go back to whatever the fuck i did when i was 14.

this felt weird to type.

>> No.5178256

You first get the urge to look around to make sure nobody is watching. Then the feeling of ultimate power comes over you.

>> No.5178262

>For a few moments afterward you can't think, all is void, and that feels cool too.
yep, when i actually orgasm it feels like my brain shuts off for a second and then i snap back to reality

>> No.5178263

I imagine it's something like clitoral, only a bigger organ and you feel the juices shooting through it...that would be interesting....

>> No.5178267

i can shoot my juices through you i tell you hwat :^)

>> No.5178282

>I'm writing a short story about a 14 year old boy masturbating to his mother.
>I come to you, /lit/, because I need someone to describe what it feels like to have a male orgasm.
Probably the most accurate easy-to-grasp description - http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/brcwf/what_does_ejaculationthe_male_orgasm_feel_like/c0o6xjf
I should also mention that anything regarding flowing blood to penis is a common cliche and you should avoid it at all costs.

>> No.5178292
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>> No.5178302

well at first there's this burning sensation kind of in the pit of your groin and then your penis becomes extremely sensitive and slowly unfurls like it's on a crank (this feels like a tangle of wires inside your body is being pulled taut) and then when you touch it it's painfully hot and scalds your hand but you feel compelled to grip tighter, steam pissing through your fingers into the air, and you tug it vigorously back and forth, yelping with pain at each violent motion until suddenly sticky soothing cum oozes through your penis like milk through a chilli and then you are suddenly overcome with remorse and loneliness

>> No.5178305
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>and everything smells like christmas for a second

>> No.5178309

Why would you write such a thing?

>> No.5178314

You must be so proud

>> No.5178317

Please tell us more. Everyone was waiting for your opinion on this matter, Pouting Vagina #123.

>> No.5178322

Fetish fuel. I have been having sexual fantasies about my future son masturbating to me. It started because of the mom in the Gundam Build Fighters anime.

>> No.5178333
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>I have been having sexual fantasies about my future son masturbating to me.

>> No.5178334

behold the fruits of a liberal democracy.

behold them and weep

>> No.5178338
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>I have been having sexual fantasies about my future son masturbating to me.
I'm trying out no fap, so thats where I draw the line. Thread hidden.

Good luck though.

>> No.5178342
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fucking incredible /lit/

>> No.5178351

It starts out as a bit of a chore unless you are really in the mood. About half way through there are occasional intense sharp pains that originate in the perineum and shoot through the entirety of your penis. The closer you get the more intense the pain. Eventually you shoot your load and it feels like somebody ripping a thorn branch out of your penis. I cum into my hand and spread my load across a paper towel. I pick out the orange chunks and store them in an envelope. I have an infected prostate btw.

>> No.5178354

"And dreams. For months there have been dreams like nothing before: moist and busy and distant, full of yielding curves, frantic pistons, warmth and a great falling; and you have awakened through fluttering lids to a rush and a gush and a toe-curling scalp-snapping jolt of a feeling from an inside deeper than you knew you had, spasms of a deep sweet hurt, the streetlights though your window blinds cracking into sharp stars against the black bedroom ceiling, and on you a dense white jam that lisps between legs, trickles and sticks, cools on you, hardens and clears until there is nothing but gnarled knots of pale solid animal hair in the morning shower, and in the wet tangle a clean sweet smell you can’t believe comes from anything you made inside you."

>> No.5178358

i sexed ur mom last night LMAO

>> No.5178360
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>mfw when fapping after having sat on my perineum all day

>> No.5178362

if you are a girl and are currently situated in london can we act out some incest fantasies?

>> No.5178368

OP here

Intellectuals have always been moral "degenerates." It goes with the territory.

>> No.5178370

>occasional intense sharp pains that originate in the perineum and shoot through the entirety of your penis
You're weird bro.

>> No.5178373
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Baby wants to fuck!

>> No.5178375

So that's how Joe Pesci masturbates

>> No.5178378
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>> No.5178389

That's not intellectualism, OP; it's scurrilous self-justification as even the most unthinking are given to.

>> No.5178390

are you at least a hot mom? don't tell me you're some landwhale with a mustache writing this

>> No.5178394

Idiots tend to have simple sexual fantasies. Most of the people that are into truly sick shit are at least moderately intelligent.

>> No.5178431
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>I am a female
ayyy lmao

also i love how this is just a thread to bait losers into explaining another loser what jerking off to anime looks like

>> No.5178484

>this felt weird to type.

It felt weird to read.

>> No.5178502

Are you please be in London guy?

>> No.5178520

oh, you're an intellectual? you should've started with that

>> No.5178529

Incorrect. Sexual fetishization is as a result of largely unconscious concerns -- the sort of stuff we don't deal with up front, for to do so would shatter our delusions about ourselves. What? You think you're intelligent because you got the idea of your son masturbating to you into your head? Everyone is intelligent when it comes to metaphor and the existential -- and so that which is intelligent shows through the ages, carried along by the unconscious dreads it appeals to (eg. vampires, zombies, werewolves, etc. -- all profoundly metaphorical, with reference to the human condition). Someone seeks a sort of deific objectification, methinks; perhaps a transcendence in having a son -- typical woman, intelligence aside.

>> No.5178536

I think I'm intelligent because I do well on objective standardized tests like the LSAT and the SAT, this sort of thing is merely a manifestation of that.

>> No.5178540

good post

good post

this is good content please keep it coming

>> No.5178549

good post

>> No.5178551

I usually feel 25% happy 75% sad.
Might not be much but I can't be fucked right now.
I most wank just for the sake of wanking, it's not fulfilling.

>> No.5178558

Objectivity doesn't exist :^)

>> No.5178559

That's quite silly. "Oh, I'm intelligent, this kind of thing is normal for intelligent people." No, it's normal for fucked up people. The girl looks to father and son for transcendence -- all girls, clever or otherwise. I suppose weakness is justification enough for wretchedness, though.

>> No.5178561

Incorrect. Good posting is as a result of largely unconscious concerns -- the sort of stuff we don't deal with up front, for to do so would shatter our delusions about ourselves. What? You think you're intelligent because you got the idea of writing 'good post' into your head? Someone seeks a sort of deific objectification, methinks; perhaps a transcendence in having a reply -- typical woman, intelligence aside.

>> No.5178564

Then your statement isn't objectively true and can be disregarded

>> No.5178566

good post

>> No.5178568

Well so is yours then.

>> No.5178575

I think I'm intelligent because I do well on objective standardized imageboards like the 4chan and the ylilatua, this sort of thing is merely a manifestation of that.

>> No.5178577

good post

>> No.5178583

>by the way i'm a girl
Hey femanon, is it your son who masturbates to you?

>> No.5178584

That's quite silly. "Oh, I'm intelligent, I'll reply 'good post.'" No, that's normal for fucked up people. I suppose weakness is justification enough for wretchedness, though.

>> No.5178589

good post

>> No.5178597

Thanks. It feels like a little death. But in a good way.

>> No.5178600

good post.

>> No.5178605

Well so is yours then.

>> No.5178609

good post

>> No.5178610

don't forget the sudden clarity and flood of guilt halfway through the ejaculation

>> No.5178615

>feeling masturbatory guilt

c'mon m8

>> No.5178617
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>don't forget the sudden clarity and flood of guilt halfway through the ejaculation

>> No.5178620


I remember the guilt, but I haven't felt it since my early 20's.

>> No.5178627

OP creates an utter awkwardness in asking how an orgasm feels and associating it with one's mother -- massive trolling ensues. What else? It's guilt.

>> No.5178635

this is a good place for mother complexes obviously. do you remember the aftermath of the lanza shooting?

>> No.5178651

No. Go on.

>> No.5178656

>this many posts

Looks like we're all very eager to talk about our bad habits.

I do remember that it always felt much, much better as a child. The penis was more sensitive, but it's not just that.

As an adult, the building of tension feels better because your brain wants those tasty sensations it is already so familiar with and you've been teasing yourself all day with memories of your ex or whatever. Yet the actual orgasm or "little death" just makes you feel slow and useless.

>> No.5178658

My mother sexualized my violence last Christmas during a fight I had with my father and I called her out on it. Pretty funny.

>> No.5178659

Is it better than having a big shit?

>> No.5178660

There's some weird fuckers lurking around here.

>> No.5178664

The only guilt I felt was when I just rubbed the thing for the first time, didn't know how to finish yet and so gave myself tremendously painful blue balls.

>> No.5178673

sure, it was really interesting to me. from my memory the reaction on /b/ was a little different from the usual ironic celebration or whatever that you see on here. the jokes and everything were posted, but everyone was really arrested by the killing of the mother. just a lot of speculation about his relationship with her, a lot of finger snapping- like 'oh, he did it to revenge himself on her. of course.' the way people distanced themselves from lanza and the shooting seemed more desperate than with cho or rodgers whoever else. a lot of users seemed uneasy, or had more anxious reactions. to me it seemed like there was a lot of identification. just off the top of my head, without examples and everything, i know it's kind of a weak explanation. but it seemed kind of profound to me at the time.

>> No.5178674

That was weird? Are you skipping over the incest posts?

>> No.5178677

Not gonna lie, the pain thing kinda turns me on (imagining it happening to me)

>> No.5178693


I hated it at first, because it scared me. But once I learned it was just an infected prostate, I started to really enjoy it.

The condition lasts about a week, I've had it happen 5 times. It usually happens when I go on a bender and get extremely dehydrated. I don't know why it can cause an infection in your prostate, but that is what my doctor told me was probably causing it.

If it happened on its own it would suck, but the pain peaks with your orgasm so it just works out perfectly.

>> No.5178712
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This is what you want

>> No.5178717

Creep threads -- what's the appeal?

>> No.5178729

violence, incest, paranoia, anxiety. i think i get the dismissal but it was interesting reading.

>> No.5178763

I always tell gfs that it's basically their clit but bigger and excitable and the best part is when I ejaculate. It's like the cum is pleasure juice and it squeezes through with pressure during the orgasm itself

>> No.5178771

>a grill that perused the straight shota tag on gelbooru and found all the gundam build fighter ones
will u be my gf

>> No.5178782

It's like taking a really satisfying shit. It feels good to get it out of you.

>> No.5178794

Actually it's justification by others.

>> No.5178804

what do you mean?

>> No.5178842

yea im french too wanna pary disco parting!!!

>> No.5178846


Weird itchy feeling in penis is one part of it, then like GWAH like your whole body just BLAHS.

>> No.5178875

Just listen to the Pixies for a while.

>> No.5178880

Imagine sneezing with your genitalia while peeing.

>> No.5178898

It's short and barely noticeable.
I envy you
>tfw not a gril

>> No.5178899

I'm currently masturbating to you while imagining you're my mother. How does that make you feel?

>> No.5178906

I find it titillating but I already masturbated 3 times today so it's not a sexy as it might be

>> No.5178907

post pics

>> No.5178927

a male orgasm is predictable, but still delivers the pleasure, everytime.

imagine yourself in a tunnel, this is where we find ourselves when we are bothered, the only release from this tunnel is a single exit, far away, and shown only as a bright light to us.

we focus on this light, and move towards it, the light draws nearer, and we know the pleasure will arrive the moment we exit.

we become one with the tunnel, with the exit, our body moves itself towards the light, and we find ourselves unable to stop.

the last moments before coming out of the tunnel, are similar to being right at the end of a race, having the finish site in full view.

at then we come, we exit the tunnel, we are fully immersed in this heavenly light, all other sensations become dwarfed by this raw pleasure.

in this light, shortlived as it might be, we eventually plummet downwards to the land that awaits us below, and all our other senses, emotions, thoughts, worries return to us, like unwelcome guests to a new house, in a single blow to our minds.

>> No.5178936
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>men will never get to experience multiple orgasms in a row
>they will never have an orgasm so intense it sends them into convulsions

I pity men, I really do. They can be sweet once they are tamed though.

>> No.5178937

>we become one with the tunnel, with the exit, our body moves itself towards the light, and we find ourselves unable to stop.

>at then we come, we exit the tunnel, we are fully immersed in this heavenly light, all other sensations become dwarfed by this raw pleasure.

these parts didn't mean anything to me

>in this light, shortlived as it might be, we eventually plummet downwards to the land that awaits us below, and all our other senses, emotions, thoughts, worries return to us, like unwelcome guests to a new house, in a single blow to our minds.

this one was best. overall pretty good

>> No.5178960

>still delivers the pleasure, everytime
No it doesn't.
Fuck you, fucking cunt.
Why pisses me off even more are the fucking retards who do FTM surgery not knowing how lucky they are.

>> No.5178969

how so? an orgasm does exactly that, only being diminished from frequent engagements.

>> No.5178973

>they will never have an orgasm so intense it sends them into convulsions

uhhh... that actually does happen on occasion to some men

and with respect to multiple orgasms, it is certainly possible for males but not to the extent / intensity for females

>> No.5178974

Male orgasms aren't really as plesurable as you make them out to be and only last a few fleeting seconds.

>> No.5178978

idk, there are a lot of scenarios in which an orgasm couldn't be described as 'pleasurable'

>> No.5178979

>smells like christmas
I used to have an old crusty cumsock actually ripped the skin of my dick after it was used a million times, I hid it in my closet and whenever I got it out I used to get horny just by the disgusting smell of the foul thing because it reminded me of porn videos. It's still hidden inside that closet as far as I know.

>> No.5179139
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>your face when
Get back to tumblr, Xir Highness. It's for xir own safety.

>> No.5179143

If daddy issues had a poster child it might be this girl.

>> No.5179165
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"[Men] can be sweet once they are tamed though"
says the gender which has been the last 5000 years since the birth of scripture, (probably way more since the Homo Sapiens first walked the eath 40.000 years ago) too busy in the kitchen to have contributed anything to society in a job other than slave and sex slave.

>> No.5179170

just look up male porn stories.

>> No.5179178

so you know why it's a harmless comment. why still react?

>> No.5179180

He's very insecure.

>> No.5179233

>Comment treating men as cattle
Explain yourself,but beware of even mentioning the multiple and very serious triggers that I will never tell you about, because then they will totes give me a PSTD attack on you and make a doxxing post in the tumblr encouraging my many feminist followers to lynch everyone they see resembling you, you Cislord ScUM.

>> No.5179235

it's like taking a hot poop out of your dick

yeah, swallow my hot dick poop you slut

>> No.5179250

Fuck you, I just got promoted.

>> No.5179255

Feels like peeing but when your bladder is empty but also a lot better than peeing

>> No.5179259

I think that might have turned me asexual.

Which is really my ultimate desire, so thank you.

>> No.5179263

Feels like taking a piss when you can't take anymore. that moment in which you see heaven, THAT is male ejaculation (to me)

>> No.5179265

i think this comment might have turned me pansexual which is really unique so i started a blog

>> No.5179268
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i think this comment might have turned me chupacabra which is really berserk so I started a farm

>> No.5179271

good post.

>> No.5179273

It's the same as the appeal of transvestites -- that because someone else partakes of it, it is purer (the transvestite essentially the male justifying himself; a female, by the way, approving of the male's lusts in sharing them).

>> No.5180274

Can you post an excerpt of this story?

>> No.5180328


Orgasm or just ejaculation?

To me i feel nothing for the whole jerk off session. When i get to the ejaculation that's the only time i feel anything and it's mostly in the bottom of the shaft.

It's not even a good feeling, it's just feeling.

When i orgasm it's the lighest thing ever.

For a 14 year old with a low power level it should feel electric at first. The first orgasm a mystery. The first orgasm should knock him out and have him not understand what has occured.

When i was 12 i didn't have any idea of what occured. Even though i knew full well what sex and an orgasm was.

Also, beforehand you feel really annoyed because it seems people are trying to interact with you when you just want to be alone.

You will feel great when you have the chance however once you get to it nothing will really go the way you romantize your own masturbation. At the end depending on what you fapped to there might be some regret usually followed by phillosophical thought and self-debate usually.

>> No.5180341

Just write around it, the most detailed description will never give /you/ the actual experience. Focus on what the effects of the masturbating and stimulating thoughts as opposed to the act itself.

>> No.5180342


No that's what we call pesudo-intellectual hedonism.

>> No.5180349

>post-masturbation depression


>> No.5180374

It's ironic because for most of us, masturbating is basically the only life experience we have to draw from

>> No.5180425


>> No.5180465


>> No.5181099

Sometimes i actually wonder how it could be like to be a woman sexually-wise
How does the vag's pleasure feel kike? Would the boobs and nipples be more sensitive? This kind of shit

But no, i'm not a degenerate, i wouldn't butcher my penis thinking it could actually turn in a vagina

>> No.5181377
File: 13 KB, 205x246, Le happy merchant who greets you with le big smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how does vagina feel kike?

>> No.5182068

As i said, i'm not into that shit
I can understand homosexuality, but sex-changing surgery is just madness

>> No.5182144

You have good taste. Iori is top tire mom.
Do you ever fantasize how fucking your son?

>> No.5182309


I meant to type about.

>> No.5184399

Evangelion was written years ago OP

>> No.5184565


>> No.5184630

Is the party here?

>> No.5184667

I've always been fascinated by this. I wonder what it's like to convulse in sexual pleasure. It's always my desire to bring this feeling to a woman and just kind of watch her writhe in ecstasy. I don't even want to orgasm with her. I just want to bring her to an explosive, convulsive orgasm and then just watch watch her. I'd probably later masturbate to the thought of it later, picturing her in my mind, as is my habit when masturbating.

>> No.5184673

sorry for the mistakes in this, i got a little horny writing it

>> No.5186216

Are you me?
I love it in certain porn videos when the guy just sticks his hand in the girls' vag and starts rubbing until she can't take it anymore

>> No.5187517

Sensitive, blood is pulsing inside against the walls of my skin, the world around me is narrowed into this aching hole I've become. Climaxing. Like muscles shuddering like a clamp around my fingers. Sometimes I fantasize about a cock filling my mouth at the same time I've come.

>> No.5189277

>Sometimes I fantasize about a cock filling my mouth at the same time I've come.
Cruel women, inducing boners they can't even take care of

>> No.5190516 [DELETED] 


It seems fack and unconvincing becsude you are fake and unconvincing. Fuck off with your stupid bullshit and write a short story with some depth other than "look at this depravity... feel the grime... oooohhhh..." What the fuck is wrong with you? You're a boring and dense fucking cunt.

>> No.5190587

What the fuck is wrong with you? Way to sperg out, you goddamn loser.

>implying this is a fake scenario

>> No.5190611 [DELETED] 


Shut the fuck up. Youre a fucking piece of shit joke. No one will read your garbage, you dumb slut. You should have your head smashed in with a brick, you dumb fucking whore.

>> No.5191097

I'm not OP.

I wonder if, during your little tantrum, you realized that you haven't actually expressed anything to me. Take a deep breath and tell me what's wrong.

>> No.5191104

hey op why don't you just write a story about that time you masturbated to your dad then

>> No.5192584
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>> No.5192616

It's shit. The build-up is most of the fun, and in lasts very short. runner's high > orgasm

>> No.5192654

>To me i feel nothing for the whole jerk off session.

you have the worst dick

>> No.5192683

>/lit/ - Masturbation General

>> No.5193213

Its like taking a really big shit. Satisfying, and then you look into the toilet bowl and realize how long its going to take you to clean up.

>> No.5195067

Most likely just an average, circumcised penis.

>> No.5195845

My good orgasms (fuck it, my bad ones too) I would describe as a discharge of pure power and energy. The actual sensation of the semen shooting out of the shaft is warm, energizing, and incredibly fast. One of the best parts is feeling the shaft in your hands. Its hardness and size are exhilarating. Egotism is a big part of my masturbation. If I am feeling depressed or bad about myself, I usually won't masturbate. If I masturbate in front of a mirror, I have to make sure I am confident in my appearance or it can ruin the build up.

After the orgasm, I continue massaging my shaft for a few seconds until it starts to soften. I'm not sure why I do this. Possibly it is just momentum.

Following the orgasm, the penis is quite tender and uncomfortable to move around.

The amount of semen is usually enjoyable to watch during the orgasm (even if it hits you) but after the orgasm it's pretty annoying and cumbersome.

A few choice phrases:
--awash with the essence of power
--waves of relentless energy
--something about eclipses seems orgasmic to me
--blindness, sensation of nothingness except the orgasm. Everything ends except the pleasure.
--power is really a huge part of it for me. When I orgasm I have no doubts about myself. I am pure energy and power.

>> No.5195849

>--awash with the essence of power
>--waves of relentless energy
>--something about eclipses seems orgasmic to me
>--blindness, sensation of nothingness except the orgasm. Everything ends except the pleasure.
>--power is really a huge part of it for me. When I orgasm I have no doubts about myself. I am pure energy and power.
Not really, it just lasts a couple of seconds and it feels like a good piss.

>> No.5195860

Sounds like you have terrible orgasms, buddy. How much do you weight? 300 pounds? That can definitely be a factor.

>> No.5195866

I forgot to mention I always engage in prostate stimulation, so if you don't, you're obviously missing out.

>> No.5195867


>> No.5195869


>> No.5195870

Yea, being a skinny Ramen-noodle-eating fuck can also be a factor

>> No.5195883

You know that wave of pleasure that totally engulfs your body? We don't have that. We have a very brief, very focused, and generally, very disappointing cum that immediately results in regret.

>> No.5195886

Another homosexual

/lit/ is lost to faggots

>> No.5195887

I fucking hate being a man.

>> No.5195911

I don't agree with this part:
>generally, very disappointing cum that immediately results in regret

But the rest is fairly accurate. It doesn't really matter how you describe the orgasm itself, because it varies from guy to guy (I think it's best just to allude to it and leave it at that. No need to go into ridiculous detail for something so inconsequential to the story at hand.) but for the sake of authenticity, you should capture the immediate after-feeling of--it's not really regret. It's more like...a sense of completion mingled with mild annoyance that it's still going on (either clean-up, or talking to the chick/guy after).

>> No.5195922

Not him but it is regret.

>> No.5195927

It's close, but not quite.

>> No.5196044

I was raised Catholic and I used to feel guilty every time.

Now I regularly yank it to bestiality porn and the only thought I have when I'm done is "fuck I could go for a burrito right now"

>> No.5196049

Fuck you

>> No.5196450

How is that post indicative of the accusation in your post

>> No.5196500

I'm a girl lurking and I've seen some curiosity as to convulsing orgasms so uh

They pretty much, for me, always happen after I've already came once, as if the first one was a warm up. It's like a fire burning in your groin and legs, and it's spreading and as you rub it grows insanely hot, which builds energy. I'd imagine it's like pulling a slingshot back, where it has all that tension then is released. When it does happen my mind is somewhere else, blank, and I'm barely aware that my back is arching. The whole point of it is that you lose your mind in the pressure release of it, and while it's happening your whole body has tremors with the release, and afterwards are floating on a space cloud.

I have no idea what I just wrote, so forgive me...

>> No.5196684

>I have been having sexual fantasies about my future son masturbating to me
Damn, this is an impressively meta bit of fapfuel. I'm chuckling.

>> No.5197692

>they will never have an orgasm so intense it sends them into convulsions

Nope. That happens to me. Seldom ever when I fap, but with sex? Absolutely. Any orgasm done right is a full-body orgasm. From the back of your head, to the tips of your fingers, and down into your legs.

I nominate this for comment of the thread.

>> No.5197741

>tfw I will never make love to my sister

>> No.5198136

It's like balloon slowly gets blown up.

>> No.5198161


>> No.5198235

Not that guy but, if that happened then I'd switch to a different video. It gives me an almost sick feeling whenever fingering happens because you're sticking your dirty ass hand with long nails into a human. I really only get off if the situation and positioning in the porno is hot.

>> No.5198386

Is this an excerpt from Tao's new novel?

>> No.5198421
File: 153 KB, 793x1122, Rooming With Mom 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5198431

Fuck you, I wish I was you.

>> No.5198523


i tried once but my finger smelt too funny

>> No.5198592

It's sort of like when you stand up too long after sitting down for too long, and for a few moments you can't see or think, you forget everything, even your own name. Then in another instant you're back and you feel regretful for masturbating to mom