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5177967 No.5177967[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>self publishing

>> No.5177969
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>> No.5177974

Pretty nice quality.

Any writing software that lets you see your work on a page like that?

>> No.5177992


what book is this?

>> No.5178037

Link to buy?

>> No.5178059



>> No.5178094

⇒mfw reading the reviews

Comedy gold

>> No.5178115



cap for The but not of

>no cap for either, faggot

>> No.5178149

>The sole non-ironic reason for buying this book would be to see what was the most pitiful reason a tree ever died.

>> No.5178311


This is gold, OP. Do you have the excerpt of that self-published thug lit where the author made himself the main character? I laughed so hard the first time I saw that.

>> No.5178873


This is a book. And Also its a Good book, one to read. The auther who goes by the Name of Daryl M. Corteney really has a nack for Good science Fiction telling. Also the Story.
>Now I dont want too Give to much away. In my review, So your going to have to. Read, the Book you're self. But serve ice it to Say, your going to Read some things here. That you really did'nt expect. I Took one star Off for being Short and Singlespaced. But hey.

I didn't need my sides anyway.

>> No.5179131
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>But serve ice it to say your going to read some things here

>> No.5179210

It's intentional in case you weren't aware.

>> No.5179432

give me a sec, I'm pretty sure I have some caps of that

>> No.5179437
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Found one.

>> No.5179443
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>> No.5179453


>> No.5179460

takes 9 chapters to get to the actual launch of the shuttle...

>> No.5179476

Took 8 to set them up from acquaintances to fuck buddies, so there's that.

>> No.5179478

why did you read this garbage?

>> No.5179486

I didn't, I was merely assuming. What the fuck else would he talk about?

That UFO scientist job?

I'm actually curious.

>> No.5179505
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How can it Be Possible to have a Thread about this book and your not posting a cover of this Book,

>> No.5179679
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>> No.5179874
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>> No.5179987

This woman I know recently wrote her own novel and is self publishing it.

It's fucking horrible from what I've heard of it, but shes having a launch and the Barnes and Noble near me.

Since when does Barnes and Noble sell shitty self published novels?

>> No.5179993
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forgot my pic

>> No.5179999

LaTeX. LaTeX is both fun and eye candy.

>> No.5180022

How do I know she's a yoga enthusiast?

>> No.5180025

>the moon had finally become victorious in the battle against the sun.

>> No.5180042

Christ. I wanna self-publish, but I always get down on my writing ability. After reading this tripe, I suddenly feel much better.

>> No.5180060

>Since when does Barnes and Noble sell shitty self published novels?

They don't, but they'll hold book signings for anyone who requests it. The way they see it: if the author's publicity stunt brings anyone in, they're a potential customer for B&N.

>life's greatest answers around the next bend
oh man

>> No.5180068

>It twisted and turned with the promise of life's greatest answers around the next bend

>> No.5180073
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I attended a reading of hers at a bookstore in the middle of nowhere, mostly to keep my grandmother company and make sure she wasn't being scammed out of money.

I thought the store might be interesting but it had a few crates of books that looked like they had been bought at goodwill.

For thirty minutes I listened to this woman read a few chapters of her book, stumbling over four syllable words before claiming her creative director had added them in.

>> No.5180083

I bet I wouldn't be able to pronounce half the four syllable words I know. I've only encountered them in writing.

>> No.5180093

>Time to get up ungrateful children!

>> No.5180102

I understand that, I google the pronunciation of words and especially names all the time.

This happened twice and they were not uncommon words.

From what my Grandmother told me I got the impression that the author was scammed by someone before deciding to self publish. I heard stories about how she was being paid thirteen million dollars for the book and how Justin Timberlake was going to star in the movie.

>> No.5180104


don't bother if that's how you write

>> No.5180105
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>> No.5180135

How can people bear the shame?

>> No.5180137
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>> No.5180141

>the sounds of pots and pans clanking together

and i quit

>> No.5180145

>Let me tell you how my character feels

>> No.5180897
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>> No.5180909

A lot of these reviews are made by accounts that haven't done anything but leave that one review for the book.

>> No.5180927

Just goes to show how strongly they felt about it.

>> No.5181092
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>could have been written by Nick Nolte on a drinking binge

>> No.5181103

Why is he teaching astrology at a high school?

>> No.5181105

>Clare made an extra-long drive every Saturday to various local towns in search of fresh new talent. That was her job; she was a talent scout.

>> No.5181108

>Headmistress, Mildred Payne

>> No.5181114
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>and know your going to leave me.

>> No.5181117

It's 2048, man. You don't wanna know how the future goes.

>> No.5181137

I'm liking the lack of quotation marks. Those are outdated anyway since they conform to the faulty idea that dialogue is objectively and categorically different from narration in any meaningful way.

>> No.5181155

There are two sequals to this piece of dog shit
>Moon People 2: Mars Reborn

jesus fucking christ...

>> No.5181166

Why the fuck do people think every book must have a sequel?

>> No.5181187

> It's ok as a good book and really good for a moon book. You should try it.