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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 109 KB, 985x1050, Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5177862 No.5177862[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why would anyone waste time reading The Bible? It's boring, irrelevant even among Christians, and offers little spiritual or philosophical insight. Is there any reason why I should read it?

>> No.5177870

>offers little spiritual or philosophical insight

The Book of Job is the earliest treatise on the existence of cosmic justice in the world, and still one of the most sophisticated.

>> No.5177879

But is there a reason to read the entire Bible?

>> No.5177889

If you haven't read it, how do you know it's boring, irrelevant and offers little spiritual or philosophical insight?

>> No.5177890

I agree with everything you said. It's just a pointless fucking book that aged horribly.

>> No.5177891

Read some psalms and try to imagine the desert. These guys gave Nietzsche a hard on for a reason. It's some of the most bombastic and assertive shit ever written.

"Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel"

"Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool."

>> No.5177900

There's no reason for anybody to do anything if they actively resist getting something out of it.

>> No.5177910

The book is referenced so much you can get a pretty firm idea of what its about having not actually read it.

>> No.5177912

It's the most important book of western civilisation, so why read it, right?
Maybe cause you wanna know why there's a church in every city.

>> No.5177928

i don't think you know what bombastic means

>> No.5177930

>It's the most important book of western civilisation, so why read it, right?
False. The Old Testament was only ever a big deal in colonial america.
The New Testament is a different story, and a good candidate for that position.

>Maybe cause you wanna know why there's a church in every city.
You're a moron. I suppose for you, McDonald's has the same mystique as the Church.

>> No.5177942

Known to me is the meaning of bombastic, and parted are the veils that would hide that truth from me;
To chew the scenery is to bring forth delight: and verily, amusement is to be found in hamminess.

>> No.5178021

I can know what Ulysses is about and think it doesn't have any spiritual or philosophical insight, but I'd be wrong. OP clearly doesn't know what the bible is for, and what it contains.

>> No.5178031

You didn't use that colon correctly. But maybe it works in the context of the expositional argument.

>> No.5178038

So many assumptions, while he hasn't read it.
You're right. Dawkins is so much more important than the bible, amirite?

>> No.5178044

>Maybe cause you wanna know why there's a church in every city.
Is this a mystery to you?

>> No.5178046

You're retarded. Try understanding the context for half the allusions in western literature without it. I mean I realize that it's unlikely that you read in any capacity from the canon, but if you ever do happen to read from the only books worth reading you will realize the essential nature of the bible. It's like you're trying to read Gibran without reading the Koran first, you complete drooling idiot.

>> No.5178048

>complains about assumptions
>assumes OP likes/read Dawkins


>> No.5178078


You read the Bible for both the historical accounts (Huge amounts of the Old Testament) and to learn a thing or two about morals, or a lesson (New Testament.)

>> No.5178118

I've got to read some of it for a class I'm taking now and so far I like Proverbs, Psalms, and Ecclesiastes.

I skipped Genesis and Exodus (I'm planning on going back to them) because the story is so ingrained in Western culture that it felt like I was reading a condensed version of those shitty Sunday School cartoons.

>> No.5178332
File: 191 KB, 249x183, 858.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f "fedora"
>0 results
What happened, /lit/? Are you turning less retarded?

>> No.5179119


So edgy.

20 bucks says you're 19 or younger.

>> No.5179147

fucking wrecked

>> No.5179154

>read your name as Anelcest
Damnit, can I not go one day without thinking about incestuous anal!?

>> No.5179156

But Gibran was a christian. His islamic references would need only a superficial familiarity with arab culture

>> No.5179168

Proverbs, Psalms and Ecclesiasted were actually among the most boring to me.

Yes, we get it. God is great. There are only so many ways in which one can say that God is great, he will save me, he will smite my enemies, and he's a cool guy without it becoming intensely boring.

But that might be because I binge read it, so getting that many psalms and praises in one go might have been too much.

>> No.5179381

What's edgy about this? It's objectively a boring as fuck book.

Oh but because it's culturally significant and religious any negative opinion against it is edgy.

Suck my dick.

>> No.5179385

op is right, there's no need to read the bible, i've read it and commentaries and expositions of it and realized i don't need any jewish shit in my life

why read jew bible when you can read pali buddhist suttas like an aryan rebel from the brahmin establishment

>> No.5179409

>The creation of the world, battle between good and evil, based Elijah, and Revelations are not exciting

>> No.5179413

KJV has some dope-ass prose.

>> No.5180200

Douay-Rheims or bust.