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5174568 No.5174568[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I tried /adv/ but I'm trying /lit/ since I'm going for a philosophy major, and eventually graduate studies. I want to know how introverts get into college.

Basically my question is:
Is there a way to get into a prestigious college like Reed without having to do extracurriculars like being part of student leadership or volunteering to help. Honestly, I hate doing all these things. I don't care about them at all. I'd want to just sit in my room reading all day, watching movies, playing video games, and getting amazing grades that way. Why the fuck do I have to get amazing grades AND do all this extra shit on the side which in no way reflects my compassionate heart but is just a lie. A lie to get me into the school I want to get into.

For instance, could I get into a college like Reed by solely being in a chess club?

>> No.5174577
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I'm going to community college though, and I want to transfer btw.

>> No.5174583

This has nothing to do with being an introvert. Also yes you can, but it's obviously more difficult. People opt to have extra curricular to help their chances, not because they have some undying love for doing extra shit outside of class.

>> No.5174596

I don't into being around people though. I can't handle going to the student meetings and or going to the volunteer events, and handing out flyers. It has everything to do with being introverted.

>> No.5174603

What? No. You're confusing introversion for social anxiety or whatever disorder is keeping you from being around people against your own benefit.

>> No.5174606

But it drains my energy being with people.

>> No.5174630

Whatever, it's neither here nor there.

They'll probably accept you. Though I'd make it a priority to get over whatever social issues you may or may not have.

>> No.5174636

Well you're probably right about having social anxiety. My heart pumps when thinking about going into a social situation and I sweat. Are there ways for me to do things that will increase my chances of getting in without doing extracurricular that require a lot of social interaction.

>> No.5174640


Everybody has to things they don't enjoy. Extra curricular activities show you are willing and able to do things. It doesn't matter if you like them, do them anyways. Otherwise you will get nowhere in life.

>> No.5174645

If you're introverted, why are you communicating with people right now ?

>> No.5174647

I'm talking to you face to face?

>> No.5174649

Did I say that ?

>> No.5174650

No I'm asking you a question. Am I talking to you face to face?

>> No.5174657

Before we go on, can you define
1) "face to face"
2) "talking"

>> No.5174660
File: 608 KB, 150x113, scsa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't work like that you fucking retard. People with SA usually find it easier to communicate online (let alone an anonymous image board) because you can think about what you say before you say it, and there's less of a chance you'll make an idiot of yourself.

It's a good thing you don't have SA, friend, because you look like a pretty big idiot right now.

>> No.5174663

>Before we go on, can you define
1) "face to face"
2) "talking"Let's do this another time. I have to go to this shitty volunteer event so I can increase my chances of getting into a college.

When I come back hopefully there will be some nice tips.

>> No.5174677

If you think you might have legit social anxiety see a doctor. Stop making excuses.

>> No.5174680

What's wrong with being a big idiot ?

So you don't want to continue with your assertion that only face-to-face communication sets off your anxiety, and that you're still introverted even when attempting to reach out to others and cyber-socialise ?

>> No.5174685

An individual sport, but seeing as you want to sit inside all day...

>> No.5174712


>Introversion is "the state of or tendency toward being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interested in one's own mental life".
>Introversion is not the same thing as shyness but it is often mistaken as such by extroverts. Introverts prefer solitary to social activities, but do not fear social encounters like shy people do.

OP, if you were really introverted, you would be looking into self help resources and information on the internet instead of indirectly talking to other people.
The whole point of introversion is that you prefer to work by yourself.

>> No.5174724

You are conflating social anxiety with introversion.
If you had actually read my original post, you'd see that I used the word "introverted", and not the phrase "socially anxious".
Your argument is predicated on the assumption that I was arguing that he didn't have SA, which I never did.
For someone who browses /lit/, your reading comprehension sure does need a bit of work, perhaps that is why you are here.

>> No.5174731

>tfw socially anxious extravert

Life is funny.

>> No.5174733

What makes you think you would be happy in college? There are people there

>> No.5174746

>thinking social anxiety and introversion are the exact same thing

nigguh you dumb as fuck.

>> No.5174749

>compassionate heart
>just wants to sit in a room and read all day


There's nothing special about you, you're just another antisocial faggot who thinks they're better than everyone. You're not the kind of person who succeeds in academia. I'd start looking for wfh data entry jobs if i were you.

>> No.5174760

What are you good at? Just do whatever you're good at and do it better than all the other pretentious fuckers who are in clubs and stuff.

>> No.5174832

Reed isn't prestigious. It's also filled with fucks like you (I was one). I managed to get in with a 3.67 GPA and a 2240 SAT and no extracurricular. Anyway, please don't major in philosophy unless your family is rich and you're just doing it for fun. Philosophy sucks. Reed sucks. The liberal arts are a sham.

>> No.5174853

everything is a sham Anon. just strive to pursue whichever discipline you enjoy most and try to excel at it by contributing to its advancement and being as clear as you can in your scope.

>> No.5174878
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Op here.

Guys this is the worst thing. Im at the volunteer event

>> No.5174901

>nd eventually graduate studies.
You think that. Most people think that if they are not majoring in philosophy for something else, i.e. it is not autotelic. If you do not have a 3.9+ GPA, and establish a rapport with every philosophy professor, and go to conferences, and try to present a conferences, then you will not get accepted to a graduate program...well a good one.

>> No.5174924

actually I heard that you only need everything besides the conferences. Which I can do. The conferences come after you get into graduate school and when you are looking for a position. No problem getting into graduate school. I'm a genius in the area of philosophy. I just need help getting into Reed.

>> No.5174936

>The conferences come after you get into graduate school and when you are looking for a position
Yeah, you're an idiot. Most of my friends that got into top philosophy programs presented at conferences during their undergraduate career. You're not even in college yet, you naive twat.

>I'm a genius in the area of philosophy.
Jesus christ, I feel bad for the people at Reed if you get accepted.

>> No.5174943

Stay mad

>> No.5174944

I hear ya, OP. I got a 4.0 GPA and 2400 SAT, but because I haven't done some kind of fill-in-the-box community service, my school won't give me a scholarship (and my friend, who is a fill-in-the-boxes idiot, did).

Yeah, I'm pissed. :-p

I'm looking into doing some sort of community service now. I'm not SA, I'm just extremely quiet and prefer observing people to interacting with them. My best ideas so far have been:

1. Working with animals. There's a hippotherapy stable (clinic?) not too far, and I can volunteer to feed and exercise the horses. Working at a pet shelter is also a possibility.

2. Tutoring. Depending on your academics, volunteering to help remedial learners or ESL learners could be fun. You'd work with people on a more 1 - 1 basis rather than having to deal with all the social garbage that goes on in most extra-curricular activities.

Dunno if you're religious at all, but churches/synagogues/mosques/temples/whatever often have volunteer opportunities that aren't too taxing. Also check at the local library or community center. Sometimes they have programs like "Read with the Dog." No joke.

Hope that helps and that you make it. Take care.

>> No.5174958

top kek, you schoolboy. This is a 18+ website. Don't worry, while I slave away at my phd thesis, you will continue to delude yourself into thinking you will succeed as a philosophy major. It is kind of cute...but also pathetic.

>> No.5174965

Thanks bro. You're a God

>> No.5174970

Dude are you the same guy that doesnt even know shit about book 2 humes treatise?

Lmao. Stay pleb

>> No.5174975

No you're confusing social anxiety for introversion.
Being introverted doesn't mean that you're a hermit, only that you enjoy smaller groups to larger groups.
An example would be that given the option to go to a large party with over 200 people attending at a party hall or a small party with friends at one of their houses the introvert would choose the latter.

>> No.5174978


>> No.5174983


>> No.5174987

I think most people on this site are.

>> No.5174991

Dude its ok if im a genius. No need to be mad

>> No.5175009

Depends on europe or america. I know people who got into top grad programs without going to conferences

>> No.5175021

If you say so. Then could you elucidate on why some philosophers believe that mathematical objects can be represented as Fregean abstracts? It is actually quite simple, but maybe you can give it some nuance.

>> No.5175047
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Jesus christ bro im at a volunteer event. I can shipost but I cant seriously philosophize. Im a genius but not a fucking God

>> No.5175053

Hmm, maybe because they're correct, maybe because they're incorrect.

This philosophy shit is easy.

(I assume I could actually give answering this question a stab if it wasn't shrouded in technical language. You philosophers and your love of confusing the layman with your jargon...some of us are on to you)(Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson are among us)

>> No.5175061


>> No.5175079

I'm still waiting for you to reconstruct your question into it's form that could be analyzed by your average 26000 word vocabulary having person.(as opposed to the form suited for 25100 word vocabulary having "philosophers". What would Wittgenstein think of your actions?)

>> No.5175084


You and >>5175047 should fuck off back to /b/ or /a/ or whatever cesspool you came crawling out of you silly cunts, I wish I could curb stomp you guys but I'm content with you knowing your parents are internally ashamed of you.. I mean, who posts anime pictures and visits /adv/??

>> No.5175102

I do. Stay mad

>> No.5175114

>Well you're probably right about having social anxiety. My heart pumps when thinking about going into a social situation and I sweat.

Try losing your virginity

>> No.5175119

At least be original

>> No.5175125


I'm serious though.

>> No.5175128

I just dont care about girls at this point in my life. I only have academic goals.

>> No.5175130

>stay mad
I can't wait for you to finish your degree (if you make it) with 40k+ debt and ultimately realize that maybe just maybe I might of got somewhere if I didn't follow what all the cool internet kids were doing like meme spouting and enrolling in lib arts, and that this all amounts to nothing as you did not once think of creating something entirely original.. it is this realization of why 80% of us (myself included) are losers

>> No.5175139

you poor soul

>> No.5175144

But im going to grad school

>> No.5175148


>> No.5175152

But why?

>> No.5175162

People who do a lot of things are usually good at a lot of things. Would you rather have a person who is good at thing A, or a person who is good at Thing A and Thing B. Even if Thing B isnt as relevant, it's not going to be a negative.

The fact that you chose to hide in your room and play video games shows that you don't have a drive to use the knowledge you're attaining in school to improve the community. Which implies youre a lazy leech. Go do something - you're not supposed to be afraid of social interaction, learn to get over it.

>> No.5175163

40k + grad school tuition fees.... (IF you get accepted)

you are clearly underaged given that you have no idea how money works, not to mention the /adv/ browsing

enjoy your debt sentence, before you kick the chair, make sure you make a thread on here so no other weeaboo-anime-watching-LoL-playing-faggot that summer browses makes the same mistake

>> No.5175166

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.5175167

bitches=life anon
it all boils down to bitches.
why are you going to grad school to study hella hard and stack paper? to attract eloquent bitches. it's your driving life force. it's what makes you a male. booty, anon. booty.

>> No.5175179

The only thing I do is philosophy. I eat and drink it like a fatty. No video games for me. I have goals. Anon. Goals. Habe du heard of them?

>> No.5175183

because you are lying to yourself my friend. Unless you are in the 1% of the population that happens to be asexual, don't deny yourself of like the basic human instinct, if anything pussy is like a catalyst to academic greatness

>> No.5175188


>> No.5175190

No not for bitches. For myself. I want to do thus, not for bitches yo.
God damnt. How many times do I have to repeat myself.

Im a genius.

>> No.5175204

Brother if you told any notable philosopher dead or alive that you drink and eat philosophy like a fatty and simultaneously browse an advice board that is the crossroads for all the sorry-sacks of shits on a Japanese cartoon image board, they would simply laugh.

>> No.5175208

>The only thing I do is philosophy. I eat and drink it like a fatty.
Then answer my question about Fregean abstracts.

>> No.5175216

>Im a genius.
>browses 4chan

now now anon

>> No.5175223

>I'm still waiting for you to reconstruct your question into it's form that could be analyzed by your average 26000 word vocabulary having person.
What does this even mean? The question is straight-forward. If you find it abstruse, then you are retarded. Read up on Fregean abstracts, then you wont feel as retarded as you do now.

>> No.5175224

Have you heard of taking 50 minute breaks when you study for 2 hours intensely. Oh thats right. You are a pleb that studies and then doesnt remember shit.

>> No.5175225

says the fedora who doesn't care about girls

>> No.5175232

If you were really a genius you would be renown and probably in Uni before you were 18.

>> No.5175235

what the fuck do study breaks have to do with my claim, I don't even "study", I work and read literature in my spare time

>> No.5175236

If you really were a genius you would not be interested in philosophy or academia or Reed.

Stop feeding the trolls, /lit/.

>> No.5175237

lel says the fedora neckbeard virgin obsessed with them

>> No.5175243

Thats not how genius works silly anon. This is why I made this thread. I have the genius. Just nit the extracurriculars

>> No.5175248

Reed is for fags. Just read a lot of books

>> No.5175249

>Im a genius.
lol you're not even in college yet, just wait until you meet your class and see that your average

>> No.5175250

I never said I was obsessed with them you silly fuck

>> No.5175254

im a neet who lives with my mom. Wh3n I read 2 hours of humes treatise for example I go on 4chan to shitpost

>> No.5175255

sad that shitposting is killing this once great board

>> No.5175256

its always about bitches.

>> No.5175259

Reading is for fags. Just go to Reed.

>> No.5175264

- typical reed undergraduate

>> No.5175277
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i fack you mather

>> No.5175307

>once great board
l o l

>> No.5175319


I knew a guy who got into Reed having done literally nothing but Academic Team and pot in high school. I think it was the weed that got him in.

>> No.5175320

Seriously tho. Reed kid from earlier. Reed is a worthwhile experience if you want to become a pothead, an alcoholic or have sex with manic pixie dream girls (and tons of gays too if you prefer boys). If you want to become a philosopher tho then I would recommend going somewhere else.

>> No.5175332
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>Read with the Dog

Holy fuck this is too cute.

>> No.5175882
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lol i love you guys

>> No.5176053

L was such a sick character.
Why'd you have to do it Ren!? WHY!? MISA WASN'T EVEN THAT IMPORTANT TO THE PLOT!

>> No.5176066
File: 77 KB, 552x460, 1371932321996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she killed herself

>> No.5176152

Stay away from that Reading with the Dog shit. It's a CIA operation in which they're trying to teach dogs to speak as part of a super soldier program. The dogs are on DMT and sometimes go insane and bite you.

>> No.5176156

I am the genius.

>> No.5176171

And you post outdated casual anime. Kill yourself. Post some moeshit atleast.

>> No.5176284

I go to Reed. My only extracurriculars were tennis and a semester's worth of volunteering at a local library. I don't think our admissions dept. cares much about that shit as long as you seem smart and serious about whatever you're interested in.

>> No.5176713

Yeah, but I couldn't care about her sacrifice. I just wanted L to stop Light, not some little doll playing twerp.