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File: 182 KB, 442x341, 1405295887932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5172812 No.5172812 [Reply] [Original]

Academia is welfare for arrogant pseudo intellectuals.

>> No.5172815

cool, cool, i read stoner too

>> No.5172816

For the majority ,yes id say so

>> No.5172823

email this to glen greenwood i'm sure he will do a story on it

>> No.5172825

>in summer language classes with 30 grad students
>tfw you assume they must be like miniature professors
>tfw they're just dipshit undergrads who decided to devote a realllllly really long time to one stupid paper on one minute topic

>> No.5172826

Define "Academia" anybody who has spent ten hours a week fighting the curriculum committee just to keep a classics requirement in the World Literature major in addition to writing, research and teaching loads, and supervising the work of ten grad students and the progress and scheduling of three hundred undergrads, would not think he was on welfare.

>> No.5172827

Some of us arrogant pseudo intellectuals are on regular welfare

>> No.5172833
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>> No.5172840

It's strange kind of "welfare" that requires large loans on the part of its recipient.

It might be for people who get all the scholarships, grants, fully funded positions...but then, they've hustled and worked and, usually, shown some promise they're not "psuedo." Though, Mr. Fox, those grapes, surely, at at least a little over or under ripe.

It's a way of deferring entry into the workforce that, rather inconstantly these days, doesn't show as a gap, and rather as an asset, on a resume. And these days, it's usually a bad decision because of the economic strain it puts on a person.

>> No.5172847

Well said.

>> No.5172848

dumb tripfag this isn't tumblir
turn off the caps lock

>> No.5172860

Welfare implies one isn't engaged in some form of waged labour. As far as I am aware academics teach, so no.

>> No.5172864
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>not appreciating the one and only REI

How fucking new are you, anyway?

>> No.5172868
File: 61 KB, 782x465, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder this guy genuinely believes he killed his mother, with his magic powers.

>> No.5172872


Parasites detected. Shouldn't you be working on that critique of something so you can get it published in some journal no one will ever read?

>> No.5172874

Businesses are welfare for arrogant businessmen
Orchestras are welfare for arrogant musicians
Hospitals are welfare for arrogant doctors

Fuck your pseudo shit.

>> No.5172875

>Academia is welfare for arrogant pseudo intellectuals.
Tenure is welfare for arrogant pseudo intellectuals.
I think this is more of what you would liked to have said.

>> No.5172910

anti-intellectual detected. pls go to /b/.

>> No.5172934
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daily reminder this guy is a pedo.

>> No.5172935

If he actually killed her with magick, that's cool and fucked up. If he killed her without magick, that's just fucked up. If he didn't kill her at all and posted that... that's just weird.

>> No.5172939

I wish. There's really not a lot of time for that sort of thing in the typical academic's work. And what there is is required under publishing standards in your contract. You can argue that we're not essential to the functioning of the root economy or something, but not that we're not working, and working productively. Though perhaps you don't care for what we produce.

>> No.5172950

what a weird cunt rei is

>> No.5172953

How is that weird? Are you from Reddit?

>> No.5172955
File: 630 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mzxe84WPx51r7u6l5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that long periods of sitting shortens your lifespan and lowers your testosterone.

On top of this, most academics, staying indoors, are deficient in vitamin D, one of the most crucial vitamins for overall health.

> b-but the latest trend in X obscure humanities discipline is important and has wide-ranging impacts throughout society
> b-but d-discourse is everything!
> b-but my tenured fat ass is down with class struggle!

Who are they kidding.

>> No.5172961


Themselves. Everyone else understands academic publications in the liberal arts is meaningless drivel and whining.

>> No.5172963

Are we being raided by /pol/?

>> No.5172964

>cares about testosterone
>tumblr filename
Mount Everest of Keks

>> No.5172975

enjoy your prostate cancer

>> No.5172981

No, I'm here every day. Heil Hitler.

>> No.5172982

We're always being raided by /pol/. Havn't you noticed them constantly looking for our stamp of approval on hacks like Rand and Evola?

>> No.5172984

the pic came up when i duckduckgo'd "aryan farmer"

have fun kissing ass for tenure and then realizing you hate yourself and life a mediocre life

>> No.5172985

he's a pedophile who believes he has magic powers. if that doesn't make someone a weird cunt i don't know what would.

but maybe i'm just not on your level of edginess yet.

>> No.5173003

>i don't like what you do, so you must be parasites!!!

captcha: napwebs floral

>> No.5173009
File: 47 KB, 335x400, 2010071117491537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hanging out with dipshit undergrads
> kissing ass for tenure
> living your life in a tiny office in a weird depressing 70s architecture building
> Publish or Perish!
> go to conferences with other mediocrities like yourself and try to see who can furthest stick their head up their asses
> write b.s blurbs for your friends' book that no one will read unless a prof assigns undergrads to buy it for the low rate of $70 ($65 used!)
> hey grad students, wanna go grab a pint?

so if I live off the land I'm a dumb, racist, provincial /pol/tard?

>> No.5173011

>The state overpays me to indoctrinate people, STOP MAKING FUN OF MEEEEEEEE


>> No.5173016

>shit americlaps who can't afford their prepostrous education system say

>> No.5173018
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It's better if it's paid by the state, but you still should pity your professors for their sad fate.

>> No.5173023

>If he actually killed her with magick

That sounds like a fool-proof method:

>perform random death ritual on chosen victim
>forget about it, go on with your life
>wait indefinite amount of time for the ritual to take effect
>chosen victim eventually dies
>It worked
>wait indefinite amount of time until it

>> No.5173028


i'm actually an academic but i just resigned for next year (and all the other years to come) because it is a mediocre, underpaid environment

you really can't say this to me, also i was very popular among students for my non-indoctrinating manners

however, you cannot say a publication is useless just because you don't read it

>> No.5173029
File: 17 KB, 220x331, JudithButler2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power."

- Judith Butler, known academic, annual salary of $232,583 USD

>> No.5173033


>> No.5173034

>dat 90's part doe

>> No.5173038
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A publication absolutely is useless. It's depressing to see people pour so much energy into that.

> I'm non-indoctrinating
> I just resigned permanently because it sucks

You did a good thing. In my experience all my great profs were young and overlooked, while the old ones with big reputations were shit, stubborn, and didn't give a fuck.

>> No.5173040

All that came to mind was Foucault and Post-structuralism

I think I sort of get it

>> No.5173046


>> No.5173050

>pic related

Have you ever actually done blue collar work? They talk all day about how drunk you got, how many animals they killed, and who they raped last weekend, then you go home and pass out in front of the teevee to a Steven Segal movie. If you ever told them any of your volkiszch fantasies they would consider you as big a fag as I. Your noble savage thing would more likely than not piss them off.

I mean, whatever floats your boat, but I've done it before and I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart that it isn't my cup of Tang.

>> No.5173059
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> oh veeey he doesn't suck dick for tenure what a naive romantic!!!1

>> No.5173066
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> d-don't insult academia!!

>> No.5173072
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> a-at least I'm smarter than everyone else!

>> No.5173073

That's pretty clear, if wordy and long-winded. If you think this is jargon wait until you get into research-level algebra.

>> No.5173074

That's why I always put jokes in my titles, paragraph names and use wordplay throughout my essays.
Or I draw something for the cover (I can't draw well)