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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 14 KB, 300x358, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5170765 No.5170765 [Reply] [Original]

Holy cow /lit/ I just started reading Shoppie's The World As Will and Representation and he keeps on repeating himself about how space and time are always working together for 20 pages.

Please tell me that this book gets better. I was under the impression that he would be bitching about life and being a nihilist while praising Budhism, but all I got so far is him explaining what subject and object are.

I really had high expectations for this book, however I have only read the first 20 pages so I may not be fair criticizing it.
So does it actually get better? So far it sounds like a physics book.

>> No.5170771

read his essay on women it's funny how old white guys can be so small minded

>> No.5170781

I agree. The person I disagree with is small-minded, becaues I disagree with them, which is not itself small-minded.

>> No.5170783

That's what you get from reading a Kantian.

Honestly what you describes sounds good (yes I like Kant).

If long theoretical ramblings annoy you, philosophy is perhaps not your thing. Try Plato (dialogues), Nietzsche (snappy prose) or any French writer-philosopher (Montaigne, Pascal, Rousseau, Bachelard...)

>> No.5170787

>he thinks schopenhauer is bad
Is this the first philosophical work you're reading?

If so, why haven't you read Kant? You're supposed to read Kant first, Schoppy literally says so. And On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason. And maybe some Hindu stuff.

19th century philosophy is serious shit. If you want Schoppy just being opinionated and interesting about less technical and more mundane stuff, you should get into his essays, not his main work.

>> No.5171078

Well I started with Beyond Good & Evil and it was phenomenal and I wanted to retrospect to Schoppy since he was such an influence on Nietzsche. But what I got was a science book which is obviously 160 years outdated and he just repeats himself over and over.

Where is all the pessimism that everyone said it would contain?

I will keep reading it but thus far I am disappointed. Has anyone else felt similarly upon reading him?

>> No.5171099
File: 6 KB, 200x253, Hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame that Hegel is too patrician for /lit/ who prefers babby philosophers such as Kant, Nietzsche, Stirner, and Schopenhauer who any intellectually 13 year old French postmodernist homosexual can understand.

>> No.5171115

It's not "science" per se, it's metaphysics. The pessimism comes from the totality of the system.
Read his essays and aphorisms, those are much simpler and should show you whether or not it's worth slogging through Kant to get the bigger picture of Schop's work.

the tldr version of his pessimism is that everything we see and ourselves are manifestations of will, will just wants to continue existing and that by looking at the world we see that pleasure is really just the absence of pain. There's a lot of other stuff to get too, but it's complicated and he's a system builder, which means to really appreciate it you gotta understand errything

>> No.5171124

I'm actually thinking of getting into Hegel. I'm a bit of an Augustinian, and I'm told Hegel has a similar worldview. Where should I start?

>> No.5171130

proust reference ?

>> No.5171146

The Greeks

>> No.5171148
File: 34 KB, 500x375, 1405565611709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made this same shitpost in a Schopenhauer thread the other day.

Our board is not that big, and a lot of the same people frequent it every day.

I'm suspecting that you are the one who starts the Schopenhauer threads, too.

You're busted, kiddo.

>> No.5171163

Go away plz fat tumblr bulldyke

>> No.5171168
File: 167 KB, 1578x530, Nietzsche187c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babby philosophers such as ... Nietzsche, Stirner

>The Baby

>> No.5171181


I kind of tend to agree with you.

>> No.5171188

>13 year old French postmodernist homosexual
that sounds awesome without the "intellectually" part

I wonder if there are any 13 year old French postmodernist homosexuals on lit

>> No.5171203

I will find you.
I will kill you.

>> No.5171294

Ernst Mach is GOAT Kantian.

>> No.5171325

western philosophers are just fedora euphorics, too much ego to accept a system like buddhism in which the best minds of the east poured their whole lives, too little wisdom thinking they alone can figure shit out. those long ass books make it all the worse. no one gives a fuck. if you can't haiku it, it's not wisdom.

>> No.5171342

Well, you got to crawl before you can walk.

>> No.5171349


I wonder how many people on this board will get this.

>> No.5171362

Considering there was a thread about it on the front page not too long ago with like 200 replies, I'd assume everyone.

>> No.5171546

in that he was a filthy goat

>> No.5171624

don't talk shit about foucault

>> No.5172124

>Has anyone else felt similarly upon reading him?
Most of didn't jump in there because of a fucking TV show OP.

>> No.5172127

Philosophy of History. You can even skip the intro and read it straight from the greek chapter and go read the eastern spiritit chapters afterwards, that's what I did.

>> No.5173474
File: 19 KB, 314x445, EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want pessimism, read Cioran.

>> No.5173485

Hegel is basically Kant 2.0 though (Schoppy would be rather like Kant 1.X special Eastern edition).

>> No.5173489


>> No.5173590

Just read Studies in Pessimism if you want easily accessible pessimism.

>> No.5173596

Butterfly just picked it up from a recent thread like always, she doesn't actually read.

>> No.5173768

If Schoppy's main work is so boring, I can only imagine going through Being and Time! Or am I wrong on that?

>> No.5176119

Yes, it's dry. Lube first with Indtroduction into Metaphysics.

>> No.5176135

You realize that butterface is just shitposting something she saw in a huge thread made by her idol like yesterday, right? She's a brain-dead parrot who reads like three books per year.

>> No.5176145


You haven't actually read Hegel, have you.