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5170041 No.5170041[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>am 24
>watching documentary about hitchens
>christopher hitchens was writing for the new statesmen at my age
>was the main spokesmen and organiser of protests
>reads and writes far more prolifically than I
>has already travelled to a wealth of countries

>I have never left my birth country
>can't can't get work as a journalist even though I'm qualified.
>read about Hitchen's bromance with Martin Amis
>have comparable relationship with my best friend who has recently moved overseas.
>instead of rallying myself i'm lying in bed reading Hitchen's 'Arguably' collection of essays whilst high on oxycontin.
>Can't stop crying

Someone come save me from myself.

>> No.5170044

Get a real role model

>> No.5170054

>very well read and travelled
>outspoken and principled
>highly articulate
>published over a dozen books

Not a real role model?

>> No.5170056


How are you 'qualified' to be a journalist?

What are you doing with yourself that is helping you become proficient in your vocation?

Do you blog? Do you write? Do you read and craft opinions? Do you practice vocalizing those opinions eloquently?

And first and foremost, were you born into a privileged home?

>> No.5170061
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>have never left my birth country

>> No.5170066

When looking at England, almost anybody who achieves that level of success in their twenties to early thirties does so because their parents are wealthy and connected. Focus your anger at the class system rather than at yourself for being a victim of it.

>> No.5170075

Hitchens' parents were lower-middle class

>> No.5170078

check your privilege

>> No.5170085


Look at his dad's naval career.

>> No.5170088


Could be worse

>And first and foremost, were you born into a privileged home?

Don't know if to laugh or be afraid.

>> No.5170095

That had absolutely no effect on his professional life.

>> No.5170097

But Hitchens is based as fuck?

Seriously, whats wrong Hitchens?

>> No.5170100

I have a BA in Journalism/Creative Professional Writing.

I used to blog consistently, now I don't at all. Lost the drive ;_;

>> No.5170111

He was a fedora, why care about him.

>> No.5170120


Yes it did. Succeeding in the military was a definite way for a family to move up the ranks.

>> No.5170122

Because that word's vagueness and ambiguity is equal to the simpleness of the person who uses it.

Just stop.

>> No.5170127

Never understood Hitchens' character.
He always seemed put on and as though the thoughts in his head didn't reflect the way he spoke or acted.
I feel like he just chose to argue about Atheism because it was easy and he enjoyed being right and ranting.
Would be interested to know what he claimed his raisins of etre were

>> No.5170133

>recreational drugs

Have you considered that that may be part of the problem?

All Hitchens ever did, to my knowledge, was smoke and drink, maybe smoke a little pot. If he ever did hard drugs, it seems he didn't do them recreationally.

The witness I've borne to my family members using drugs is that the only ambition they foster in a person is the ambition to consume more drugs. Kick the Oxy, OP. If you'll pardon the cliche, you need to get high on life.

>> No.5170136


You didn't lose the drive. The drive lost you my brother. What you require is inspiration. Something to excite you and stimulate your mind into action. Hitchens was hugely inspired by the things going on around him.

>In the 1960s, Hitchens joined the political left, drawn by his anger over the Vietnam War, nuclear weapons, racism, and oligarchy, including that of "the unaccountable corporation"

He had an somewhat narcissistic passion and drive (this, admittedly, was his ultimate downfall) which enabled him to pursue his ideals. You gotta get off the drugs and find something to get worked up about, or stay on the drugs and find something to get worked up about; whatever works for you, the solution will should be apparent.

What do you care about?

>> No.5170154

You're gonna die anyway, OP.

>> No.5170253

You might like this OP



>> No.5170255


the best hitchens

>> No.5170302

Ugh, you're not qualified, sorry. What you have is a degree, which is not the same. I work as a journalist for a major publication in my country. I don't know about America, but over here journalists are not measured by what degree they have but by the real work experience. I know it's hard, but you need to look for a low-income position on a publication to get yourself connections and experience. Fuck blogging.

>> No.5170307

God damn WFBJR is an insufferable faggot.

>> No.5170321

>very well read and traveled

With nothing to show for it.

>outspoken and principled

These cease to be admirable qualities when your "principles" are twisted and dumb.

>highly articulate

Blustering in a British accent != articulate

>published over a dozen books

So have plenty of idiots.

He was a faggot. You're a faggot AND a failure.

>> No.5170446

>With nothing to show for it.
I don't understand why you would bother replying when you're quite plainly wrong from the get-go.

>> No.5170496

Basically this. If you're gonna idolize these types of people at least make it Bertrand or someone like that

>> No.5170644

This guy is right. Your role model was an unhealthy twat, OP.

Drop the Oxy.

>> No.5170647


>> No.5170656

Hitchens is a stupid person's idea of what an intelligent person is like

>> No.5170662

>lower-middle class
>that accent

>> No.5170680

>that accent
>not exaggerated for american audiences

>> No.5170701

I feel like Rimbaud was already running guns in Ethiopia at my age. Meanwhile, it's impossible for me to make any money by legal means.

>> No.5170715


Journo student here, proof that journalism might as well be "taught" at a technical school. It's just a bunch of people writing about shit they don't know about, trying to schmooze and make business gonnegtions.

>> No.5170733
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I'm pretty much like you, except a year older, unqualified for anything, and Arguably remains untouched on my shelf.

And never had sex.

>> No.5170746

Considering that despite all that he is one of the biggest hacks of the past generation I think you have got nothing to envy him.

Really no one will remember hitchens in 10 years.

>> No.5170774

>tfw Rimbaud was already Pantheon-tier poet by your age

I guess I should lower my role-model standards. I'm now aiming at the homeless nut down my house. Or perhaps his dog.

>> No.5170776


At least instead of being a moralizing journalist hack, you are a depressed loser.

>> No.5170791
File: 148 KB, 640x426, 1374972790461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The man was sycophant for the upper-classes and a faux-revolutionary populist who picked easy fights and changed his opinions more often than his clothes. He ran with the hares and hunted with the hounds, and had the gall to maintain that he was still a Marxist near the end of his life.

People love their simulated revolutionaries these days because the reality is too much to process.

>> No.5171231

You're an idiot if you believe that. Hitchens is legendary. Sorry he left you butthurt.

>> No.5171289

>Considering that despite all that he is one of the biggest hacks of the past generation I think you have got nothing to envy him.

I know, it's like this reddit pleb didn't even realize that we can't like Hitchens' incredible books (like his one on Greek Sculptures, his one on the Turkish/Greek conflict in Cyprus, his one on Orwell, his one on Bosnia, etc..) because the groupthink safe-space mentality demands that we spam the epic hat meme at every mention of his name.

>> No.5171397

>Sorry he left you butthurt.

*tips fedora*

>> No.5171540

>his one on Greek Sculptures
Hmm, haven't heard of that one. But I do agree on the others you mentioned.

>> No.5171692

So shy don't you do things?

>> No.5171722

Yes it did you fucking faggot

He went to private schools his whole life and came from a wealthy family, don't delude yourself.

David Miliband got shitty a levels and got into Oxbridge, Prince William had shitty grades got into Edinburgh.

Britian is a country divided by class. There's London and the commuter belt on top and the pleb lower classes on the the bottom

>> No.5172232
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>>his one on Greek Sculptures
Not that guy, but as far as I know he written two books related to Greek sculptures; Imperial spoils: The Curious Case of the Elgin, and pic related.

>> No.5172322

It's a funny fact that on average Americans travel further distance-wise than most Europeans in their lifetime but because the US is only attached to two other nations they end up traveling to fewer other countries.

A European could visit 2 or 3 countries in an afternoon drive if they wished.

>> No.5172342

>Hitchens' parents were lower-middle class

lol, what the freaking what

>> No.5172344

His parents, Eric Ernest Hitchens (1909–87) and Yvonne Jean Hitchens (née Hickman; 1910–73), met in Scotland when both were serving in the Royal Navy during World War II.[12] His mother was a "Wren" (a member of the Women's Royal Naval Service),[13] and his father an officer aboard the cruiser HMS Jamaica, which helped sink Nazi Germany's battleship Scharnhorst in the Battle of the North Cape.[14] His father's naval career required the family to move a number of times from base to base throughout Britain and its dependencies, including in Malta, where Christopher's brother Peter was born in Sliema in 1951.

Hitchens's mother, arguing "if there is going to be an upper class in this country, then Christopher is going to be in it",[15] sent him to Mount House School in Tavistock in Devon at the age of eight, followed by the independent Leys School in Cambridge, and finally Balliol College, Oxford, where he was tutored by Steven Lukes and read philosophy, politics, and economics. Hitchens was "bowled over" in his adolescence by Richard Llewellyn's How Green Was My Valley, Arthur Koestler's Darkness at Noon, Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment, R. H. Tawney's critique on Religion and the Rise of Capitalism, and the works of George Orwell.[13] In 1968, he took part in the TV quiz show University Challenge.[16]

>> No.5172347

Eh, Australians travel far distance-wide too (Australia is as huge as the US, and flying from east coast to west coast is about 5-7 hours) and they still pop up all the time in Europe.

>> No.5172355

Minor correction: Australia is 83% of the US.


>> No.5172365

Hitchens is a polemicist.

>> No.5172374

Dunno man. It just seem one of this mid-brow intellectuals. Except he even lacks style.

>> No.5172687

It SHOULD be taught at a technical school, because the journalist never knows anything. At least not until he has experience. Nowadays I know some things, but they came because I was everyday chasing stories. When they say a journalist is just as good as his sources, they are right. Because sources know things. As a journalist what you do is verify what sources give you and correlate those informations until you have a story.

>> No.5172711

You think he lacks stack?

>> No.5172966

>Eh, Australians travel far distance-wide too (Australia is as huge as the US, and flying from east coast to west coast is about 5-7 hours) and they still pop up all the time in Europe.

The US is far more diverse geographically and culturally. More people, more stuff going on.

>> No.5173080

If you only count the continental US, it's very close

>> No.5173138

Considering how huge Alaska is, Australia is probably bigger than the continental US.

>> No.5174275
File: 32 KB, 539x646, intellectual-orgies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't into luscious intellectual orgies?

ultimate fedoracore