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5165634 No.5165634[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Brian > Frank.
The original Dune novels were really dry with forced deepness, the new ones are a lot more fun and entertaining to read.

>> No.5166109

I'm trying to find a way to get mad and take your bait, I really am. An argument between Brian Herbert fans and Frank Herbert fans would be entertaining as fuck.

But I'm straining hard to find any point to argue against Brian Herbert. He's just unanimously bad in every regard. There's no, "He's shit because..." it's just, "He's shit."

>> No.5166341

did you mean 'uniformly' bad?

>> No.5166350

No, unanimously. Nobody likes him. I don't think HE even likes him.

>> No.5166354

oh ok

>> No.5166366

>An argument between Brian Herbert fans and Frank Herbert fans would be entertaining as fuck.

> No, unanimously. Nobody likes him. I don't think HE even likes him.

> Implies fans
> Implies NO fans

You fail at logic.
Please kill yourself now.

>> No.5166394

Thats my point. An argument between fans of Brian Herbert and Frank Herbert would be hilarious because of how unbelievably shit Brian Herbert is.

But such an argument defies logic and possibility, there simply is no argument. He's just terrible. OP is clearly shit posting and basically lying out his ass to try and get a good pointo n Brian's side. And I really wanted to take his bait and try to argue against Brian.

But there is no argumentative point aside from, "Unlike Brian, Frank Herbert isn't a load of shit." It's like arguing that water is wet. It would be really entertaining to watch somebody claim water is dry, while being doused in water. But it just isn't possible unless the person arguing for dry water is blatantly lying and denying proof presented to him.

>> No.5166406


Why aren't you dead yet?

>> No.5166409

Because I think I just found the first ever Brian Herbert fanboy. Or maybe you actually are Brian Herbert.

Either way it's a discovery worth postponing my death for.

>> No.5166435


No, I haven't even read Brian Pervert, read his book about Doom or what ever.

You fail at logic and therefore you must die.

Now that your previous post has been addressed you may now commence self annihilation.

Please cease and decist all vital functions

>> No.5166442

Okay, so you're just a retard.
Well there are these things called 'hypotheticals' please look them up.

After please go see a specialist about your down syndrome if you haven't already.

>> No.5166444

Oh, and you also need to calm down.

>> No.5166454


Breathing so laboriously through the mouth 24/7 must be such hard work.

Rest assured you will be buried with your fedora and full reddit & 9gag honors.
Just let go.

>> No.5166463

Oh man, you're projecting so hard I can't help but laugh. What's gotten you so angry?

>> No.5166470


What have I said that seems to have anger?
I desire that you find eternal peace.

>> No.5166477

You're showing your anger through your intense hostility over a post you disliked on the internet. This is like Youtube comments-tier stuff.

Please continue, it's funny.

>> No.5166501


Once again, you show a complete lack of logic.
You equate recognition of your lack of a right to consume oxygen on this planet to anger and hostility.

While it's unfortunate that you see anything that may be construed as negative as anger or hostility, there can be no denying the facts.

We simply don't need more people sucking up oxygen right now and your lack of mental capabilities has made you a subject determined unworthy of further existence upon this planetary body.

Perhaps you can find another home on a planet where calling someone a retard as a means of making your case will be better received.

However, it would be greatly appreciated if you could refrain from intaking any further of our precious oxygen until your application process with any such planet has been completed.

>> No.5166509

Sorry. could you condense that? I asked for a chuckle, not a book report.

>> No.5166518


Your intake of our previous oxygen is depriving toddlers with a greater IQ than you possess of their daily allocated air intake

Please stop hurting the children

>> No.5166528

Tell me about what hats I wear again.

>> No.5166557


The hat and whatever adornments you wish to be buried with are up to you, feel free to make your wishes known to friends and family.

More pertinent would be your explanation to everyone here as to why you see it it to condemn children to death.

By my calculations, every minute you live, at least 2.5 liters of Oxygen are taken away from our children. Normal human air intake is far less, at about 0.9722 liters per minute but you insist on breathing so heavily through the mouth.

Please, just off yourself.
Do for the children

>> No.5166572

Woah, dude. Keep it to 1-2 sentences.
I don't need an essay.

Please rewrite.

>> No.5166581


You keep posting ad homonyms, which are logical fallacies when presented as rhetoric
You fail at logic -- please self terminate

>> No.5166586

>ad homonyms
I get that you're baiting, but it's funnier if you don't make it so obvious.

You were doing a pretty good job up until now though, try again.

>> No.5166590

What the fuck is going on in here?

>> No.5166596


Nothing has changed. Intellects incapable of basic logic are defective and unworthy of consuming precious resources.

Every post made here has addressed this and targeted the subject for self termination.

>> No.5166600

Couple you describe to me what an "ad homonyms" is?

>> No.5166612


Let it enter into record that Subject for Self Termination admits it can not engage in enough self determination or awareness to educate oneself by performing a Google search

>> No.5166627

I tried I Googled "ad homonym" but I didn't get anything real results.
The term reminds me of "ad hominem" and I admit, for a short time I thought you might have made a mistake. But you're too smart to do that, I mean you're talking like a robot and robots don't make mistakes.

>> No.5166639


Mistakes are human nature

Let it be shown on the record that the Subject for Self Termination confuses logic with robotics or otherwise inhuman behavior -- ergo subject does not identify with logic and sees itself as separate from logical existence.

>> No.5166649

Haha, it's been fun man. I'm gonna go sleep now, I have work early tomorrow and my girlfriend is telling me to come to bed.

Good luck with the autism thing though, I hope it doesn't effect your school life too much.

>> No.5166664


And we here at the Tribunal of Self Termination wish you the best success in not waking up

>> No.5166674

>dynasty writers

>> No.5166745

The autism is strong with this thread.

>> No.5166783

autism speaks(tm)

>> No.5166784


Not the guy you were talking to, but I am compelled to inform you that you are, sir, in fact a nitwit.

>> No.5166792

>guy talking like a robot
>ranting about logic
>ad homonyms
Is this a new form of trolling where you just make the victim laugh?

>> No.5166822


Actually, yes, yes it was. Meant as a joke, but he just kept going on calling me a retard and talking about hate and anger etc.

So I thought it would be fun as a creative writing exercise to go along as the antagonist State in the Obsolete Man.

He played into it nicely IMO. Seriously though how can you read what I wrote and think I was engaged in a personal argument as he did?

>> No.5166858


Well, that's like, your opinion, man

>> No.5166983

Guy you were talking to here, you actually fell for MY trap. Right from the get go I was just baiting you to write more and more stupid shit because of how funny it was to see you do whatever it was you thought you were doing.

Hell, I'm even OP of this thread. This was all an elaborate ruse to catch somebody into making a fool of themselves and you fell for it. Everything from calling you retarded, to ignoring what you wrote, to saying you were mad. It's all pretty textbook methods of 'trolling' on the internet.

But go on, keep thinking you asked like an autistic kid who thought he was a robot just to 'trick me.'

The best way to describe what you were doing was, "I was only pretending to be retarded!"

>> No.5167017


Didn't get past you admitting you are a "trap". (not that there's anything wrong with that)

As I already said -- you outted yourself long aog by even just posting everything else where you pretended to be other people.

As I said, I had my fun by making this a creative writing exercise and even told you the role I chose to portray - one very fitting for /lit/.

And now you come in here, trying to claim that I was "trapped" by your "trolling"

No such thing, I had my fun and already "won" by getting you to admit that it was past your bed time.

Now go back to bed.

>> No.5167028

Oh buddy, did you think the trap ended there?
Yet again I'm making you write a whole bunch of stupid shit and you're just taking the bait.

>> No.5167039


well, if you mean simply replying -- then woooooaaaahhhhhhh my head asssssploades!


>> No.5167044

Go on pal, keep pretending to be retarded.

>> No.5167052


HA -- this is OP, and I REALLY AM REATARDED You've been trapped you fucking retard autist!

>> No.5167058

Project harder onto me, harder.

>> No.5167066



>> No.5167124

You really are mad this time.

>> No.5167220

Does Brian write about the events in the 2nd Appendix in Dune?

>> No.5167232


Brian? Did your daddy rape you?

>> No.5167240



>> No.5167843
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>> No.5168867

Bumping for autism.

>> No.5168905
File: 104 KB, 462x586, frankherbertisDisappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5168969
File: 286 KB, 468x342, 1388363530062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5168988

Tricked. :)