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5164154 No.5164154 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/, /v/ here.

Just wanted to show this game to you guys, you play as an average joe arguing against philosophers.

It's kinda cool.

>> No.5164173

>average joe arguing against philsophers
That's like your grandma arguing against Francis Collins about the human genome project.

Please, keep your shitposting to your own board. We have more than enough here.

>> No.5164175

Are you an idiot?

>> No.5164185

The game is pretty rad, it taught me enough about Kantian ethics to bs myself through university.

>> No.5164194

Honestly, couldn't make it past Billy the Salesman... way too tedious.

>> No.5164198

You didn't even get to a philosopher, man.

>> No.5164230

I agree. This shit is tedious. The tutorial bored me and I stopped.

I get what it's doing. It's teaching argumentation in the same way Scratch teaches programming. I just think it's a little dull.

>> No.5164242

OP, if you made this game, I think that you should do a storyline mode and an arcade mode. In arcade mode, you ought to be able to decide which philosopher to debate.

>> No.5164296

Is this Phoenix Wright: Ace Philosopher?

>> No.5164313

This is fucking hilarious, thank you OP, I appreciate you

>> No.5164363

I like it

>> No.5164734

Beat it.
It was alright. Just boring. I guess people who like Phoenix Wright might like it. I wouldn't really recommend it to anyone though.

So the question becomes, why make this thread?

>> No.5164759

Why do anything at all?

>> No.5164766

Could you clarify that?

>> No.5164786

You asked "why make this thread", and this intrigued me about the nature of our actions. So I asked you, why do anything at all? What's the point of doing anything?

>> No.5164801

No, are you?

>> No.5164805

My assumption is that all actions are produced by a biological determinism. So we do things for various reasons, pretty much none of which is within our control.

>> No.5164834

Then maybe the OP is determined to share whatever pleases him. This could be the answer to you question, right?

>> No.5165057
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im stuck on thomas hobbes.

>> No.5165209

I really don't like the "arguments" in this game.
But I enjoy playing it.

>> No.5165242


>'credibility' is the failure condition

such vulgar populism

>> No.5165489 [DELETED] 
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He told me it would be very painful.

>> No.5165746

how to I prove utilitarianism isnt objective morality..?

Im stuck on Mill

>> No.5165759

Are there H scenes?

>> No.5165770

Wot? Why would there be?

>> No.5165775

I take it Socrates takes his daughter's virginity in the search for true good at the end?

>> No.5165777

Ari's kinda cute

>> No.5165786

Its such a flawed arguement but I cant figure out how to get past him.

Why dont we just make 49% of the world population slaves and let the other 51% live lavish lives of luxury. Is that not the most good for the most amount of people?

>> No.5165789

have you challenged him on the imbalance of distributed happiness?

>> No.5165797

Are you on his first phase? IIRC you should present "Happiness Distribution" somewhere.

>> No.5165803

A walkthrough in case you give up.

>> No.5165817

is this a game? i've just been clicking next

>> No.5165828

Ok got it. I tried that before, but I guess I didnt do it on the right statement...

>> No.5165837 [DELETED] 

what the actual fuck is going on

>> No.5165843

My only question was about clarification, and it was only in reference to the game itself. I thought I was being mildly amusing.

>> No.5165844 [DELETED] 

this seems like a 'improve your social skills!' sort of bullshit

>> No.5166018

wait so socrates was the arbiter?
this philosophy fan-fiction really ground my gears.


it was cute and very well-done though, i'll give it that. yfw no qtp2t ari gf

>> No.5166031

This game is bullshit.
I just beat Protagoras and felt so dirty about it that I quit the game. Very few of the questions are posed as they should be. I think they made the main character too retarded.

>> No.5166040


I know, right? Fucking Billy

>> No.5166063

>not existing

anglo academia lel

>> No.5166169

loving the moral debate here...
'morality exists'
'haha it doesn't'
'haha anglo academia, it totally does.'

You've got the burden of proof in proving morality here pal.

>> No.5166193

You are a true schoolboy if you are actually claiming that "there is no such thing as morality".

>> No.5166213

is there?

>> No.5166220


hey don't blame his fruity notions on the anglosphere

>> No.5166237
File: 49 KB, 406x364, 1405567935773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, there is such a thing as morality.

You are just formulating the question like a total noob.

It's one thing to inquire into the nature of morality, e.g., "do moral claims instantiate some natural property?" or " are moral sentiments founded upon grounds beyond human emotion?" or even "moral systems are constructed by humans to fulfill what end?"

It's another thing to say "LOL NO SUCH THING AS MORALITY." Of course there is such a thing as morality, that's why we have a word for it. The inquiry concerns the nature of this thing called "morality".

The more you know.

>> No.5166244


leave him alone he's just a child !

>> No.5166261


Thank you.

>> No.5166284

Okay, I understand what you're saying. And I've heard it before. Please excuse my lack of clarity. I was of course inferring that by morality we were talking of the extent to which an action is right or wrong. I quite obviously don't believe that the concept of morality exists. Stop getting kicks from feeling superior on the internet. So if we work off of the (absolutely valid) definition of morality that it is the extent to which an action is right or wrong, one can easily claim there is no morality because there may well be no extent to which an action is right or wrong.

I see your point though and it was worded poorly on my behalf. But you know what I meant.

>> No.5166290

shit, I meant 'I quite obviously don't believe that the concept of morality doesn't exist...'

>> No.5166292
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>But you know what I meant.

>> No.5166307

Well, it depends sort of on what you mean. Morality more or less means the rules any individual thinks is okay for himself and others. Does morality exist as an objective list? Fuck no. But the morality of individuals is shaped by others, making it an inter subjective phenomenon. So in a sense it sort of governs all humans; if one out of ten individuals wants to murder, the other nine will probably forcibly stop him.

>> No.5166321

I like Phoenix Wright but I don't like this game

>> No.5166348

>tfw i never got to debate nietzsche
thanks though OP, nice little game. almost cheated on the arbiter, but glad i didn't in the end.

>> No.5166374
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>Stop getting kicks from feeling superior on the internet.

Why? Is there something wrong with doing that?

>> No.5166502
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>tfw no qt hipster philosophy daughteru

>> No.5166567

hahaha this is amazing. I'm using "your face is ugly" against all the philosophers. It's a blast.

>> No.5166668
File: 35 KB, 218x229, arbiter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which part of the arbiter is his hair?

>> No.5166698

this is pretty cool. its like ace attorney

>> No.5166733

ari is my waifu

>> No.5167267

He claims people are selfish and always do what's in their best interest but also claims that most of the benefit of social contracts comes from other people giving up their rights, which means that according to his theory since people are selfish they wouldn't keep their own part of the contract since what's in their best interest is to keep their rights while everyone else gives up theirs.

>> No.5167359

this is good because pheonix wright is good

he took everything good out and ported it and i am enjoying myself

thank you very much op

i am hav good time

>> No.5167389

Thanks OP, I just beat it. It was pretty fun. If the Phoenix Wright games are anything like this I would enjoy them. I'll check 'em out.

Somebody should make a sequel where you go head to head with like Nietschze and Heidegger and Marx and Russell and Foucault. Those might get too complicated for the interface to make any sense though, even this game kind of strained its limits.

>> No.5167471

Ari is a fucking pseud

>> No.5167484

This game is godawful.

I'm on Protagoras, and to defeat his argument, I just went full fallacy multiple times by pouncing on something which was ultimately irrelevant.

Also, the most egregious fallacy in his argument is unquestioned.

I mean, clearly the game will be ultimately limited by the designer, but I didn't expect the designer to be a philosophical midget.

>> No.5167948

>tfw master debater

>> No.5167971

I just got taken out by Stirner. He just kept interrupting me with the word "spook" every time I tried to say something. This game sucks. I'm going home.

>> No.5168004

Played this game a few months ago, it's pretty fun. The story is cute and I didn't know much about Mill before, so that was a nice little introduction

>> No.5168652
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>> No.5168678

This is a lot fucking basic than my Philosophy 101

>> No.5170067

Why does the arbiter have the weakest argument of them all?

Fallacies everywhere and his entire argument basically boils down to:
>hurr it must be possible to find the true basis of morality cause my feelings would be hurt otherwise